Exemplo n.º 1
   * Returns <code>null</code> as a Tree EditPart holds no children under it.
   * @return <code>null</code>
  protected List getModelChildren() {
    NamedObj namedObjectModel = getNamedObjectModel();

    List children = new ArrayList();
    if (namedObjectModel instanceof AtomicActor) {
      AtomicActor actor = (AtomicActor) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof CompositeActor) {
      CompositeActor composite = (CompositeActor) namedObjectModel;

      Enumeration enumeration = composite.getEntities();
      while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof IOPort) {
      IOPort text = (IOPort) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof Vertex) {
      Vertex text = (Vertex) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof TextAttribute) {
      TextAttribute text = (TextAttribute) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof Director) {
      Director director = (Director) namedObjectModel;
    return children;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Generate code for the agent.
   * @param CompositeActor The agent generated code from.
   * @return The agent code.
  private String _agentCode(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
    //    System.out.println("dealing with " + actor.getFullName());
    String codeString = "agent";
    String parameterString = "";
    String inputString = "";
    String outputString = "";
    String initString = "";
    String modeString = "";
    String modeParameterString = "";
    String typedModeParameterString = "";
    String flowString = "";
    String invariantString = "";

    LinkedList parameterList = (LinkedList) actor.attributeList(Parameter.class);

    /*        Parameter invariantPara = (Parameter) actor.getAttribute("_invariant");
              if (invariantPara  != null) {
              invariantString = "inv { "
              + ((StringToken)invariantPara.getToken()).stringValue()
              + " } ";
              //get rid of _invariant parameter
              //FIXME: it seems that after getAttribute,
              //the attribute does not exist?
    ListIterator assertions = _assertions(actor).listIterator();

    while (assertions.hasNext()) {
      Assertion assertion = (Assertion) assertions.next();

      if (invariantString.length() == 0) {
        invariantString = "inv { " + assertion.assertion.getExpression();
      } else {
        invariantString += (" ; " + assertion.assertion.getExpression());

      invariantString += " } ";

    int parameterNumber = parameterList.size();
    ListIterator parameters = parameterList.listIterator();

    _inPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();

    while (_inPorts.hasNext()) {
      if (inputString == "") {
        inputString += ("read analog real " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());
      } else {
        inputString += (", " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());

    if (inputString != "") {
      inputString += ";";

    _outPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

    int outportNumber = actor.outputPortList().size();

    // since the parameters are either for mode or for outport,
    // we assume the number of the parameters for outport is the same
    // with the number of outport(s)
    boolean parameterForOutport = false;

    while (parameters.hasNext()) {
      String parameterName = ((NamedObj) parameters.next()).getName();

      if (parameterName.startsWith("_")) {

      if (parameters.nextIndex() > (parameterNumber - outportNumber)) {
        parameterForOutport = true;

      if (parameterString == "") {
        parameterString += ("real " + parameterName);
      } else {
        parameterString += (", real " + parameterName);

      if (parameterForOutport) {
        if (_outPorts.hasNext()) {
          String outportName = ((NamedObj) _outPorts.next()).getName();

          if (outputString == "") {
            outputString += ("write analog real " + outportName);
          } else {
            outputString += (", " + outportName);

          initString += (outportName + " = " + parameterName + " ;");
      } else {
        if (modeParameterString == "") {
          modeParameterString += parameterName;
          typedModeParameterString += ("real " + parameterName);
        } else {
          modeParameterString += (", " + parameterName);
          typedModeParameterString += (", real " + parameterName);

    if (outputString != "") {
      outputString += ";";

    initString = "init { " + initString + " }";

    modeString = "mode top = " + actor.getName() + "TopMode" + " ( " + modeParameterString + " ) ;";

    codeString +=
        (" "
            + actor.getName()
            + " ( "
            + parameterString
            + " )"
            + _endLine
            + "{"
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + outputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + inputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + initString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + modeString
            + _endLine
            + "}"
            + _endLine);

    if (FSMDirector.class.isInstance(actor.getDirector())) {
      // mode code generation goes here.
      _modeCode +=
          ("mode "
              + actor.getName()
              + "TopMode"
              + " ( "
              + typedModeParameterString
              + " )"
              + _endLine
              + "{"
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + outputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + inputString
              + _endLine);

      // notice the _fsmModeCode(actor) will modify the _modeCode with transitions code
      // and return the mode code for each sub mode.(refinement)
      String subModeString =
              ((FSMDirector) actor.getDirector()).getController(), inputString, outputString);
      _modeCode += ("  " + invariantString + _endLine + "}" + _endLine + subModeString);
    } else {
      flowString = _graphToText(actor);
      _modeCode +=
          ("mode "
              + actor.getName()
              + "TopMode"
              + " ( "
              + typedModeParameterString
              + " )"
              + _endLine
              + "{"
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + outputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + inputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + flowString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + invariantString
              + _endLine
              + "}"
              + _endLine);

    return codeString;
Exemplo n.º 3
  // we assume the composite agent has no mode
  // only atomic agent has mode
  private String _compositeAgentCode(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
    if (FSMDirector.class.isInstance(actor.getDirector())) {
      //            System.out.println("in FSM");
      return _agentCode(actor);

    LinkedList subAgents = _agents(actor);

    if (subAgents.size() == 0) {
      return _agentCode(actor);

    String compositeCodeString = "";
    String subAgentCode = "";
    String privateVariables = "";

    ListIterator subAgentsIterator = subAgents.listIterator();

    // the output ports of composite agent
    // In fact, there is always at most one output
    List outputPorts = actor.outputPortList();
    ListIterator outputPortsIterator = actor.outputPortList().listIterator();

    if (outputPorts.size() > 1) {
      throw new IllegalActionException(" The agent has more than one output!");

    // get the source subAgent name
    String outputAgentName = "";
    String outputPortName = "";
    String sourceForOutputName = "";

    while (outputPortsIterator.hasNext()) {
      TypedIOPort output = (TypedIOPort) outputPortsIterator.next();
      outputPortName = output.getName();

      ListIterator sourcePorts = output.insidePortList().listIterator();

      TypedIOPort sourcePort = new TypedIOPort();

      while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort port = (TypedIOPort) sourcePorts.next();

        if (port.isOutput()) {
          if (sourcePort == null) {
            throw new IllegalActionException(" The output has more than one source!");
          } else {
            sourcePort = port;
            sourceForOutputName = sourcePort.getName();

            Nameable sourceContainer = sourcePort.getContainer();
            outputAgentName = sourceContainer.getName();

    while (subAgentsIterator.hasNext()) {
      String subAgentConnectionInputs = "";
      String subAgentConnectionOutputs = "";

      CompositeActor subAgent = (CompositeActor) subAgentsIterator.next();

      if (outputAgentName.equals(subAgent.getName())) {
        // the inside output actually is input to outside environment
        subAgentConnectionOutputs += sourceForOutputName;
        subAgentConnectionInputs += outputPortName;

      subAgentCode +=
          ("  agent " + subAgent.getName().toLowerCase() + " = " + subAgent.getName() + " ( ");

      if (actor.depthInHierarchy() == 0) {
        subAgentCode += _agentParameterTokens((NamedObj) subAgent);
      } else {
        subAgentCode += _agentParameters((NamedObj) subAgent, false);

      subAgentCode += (" );" + _endLine);

      ListIterator subAgentInputs = subAgent.inputPortList().listIterator();

      while (subAgentInputs.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort input = (TypedIOPort) subAgentInputs.next();
        LinkedList sourceList = _shallowSourcePortList(input);
        ListIterator sources = sourceList.listIterator();
        boolean privateVariable = true;

        while (sources.hasNext()) {
          TypedIOPort source = (TypedIOPort) sources.next();

          if (source.depthInHierarchy() != input.depthInHierarchy()) {
            privateVariable = false;

          if (!(source.getName().equals(input.getName()))) {
            if (subAgentConnectionOutputs == "") {
              subAgentConnectionOutputs += source.getName();
              subAgentConnectionInputs += input.getName();
            } else {
              subAgentConnectionOutputs += (", " + source.getName());
              subAgentConnectionInputs += (", " + input.getName());

        if (privateVariable) {
          if (privateVariables == "") {
            privateVariables += ("private analog real " + input.getName());
          } else {
            privateVariables += (", " + input.getName());

      if (subAgentConnectionInputs.length() != 0) {
        subAgentCode +=
            ("       [ "
                + subAgentConnectionInputs
                + " := "
                + subAgentConnectionOutputs
                + " ] ;"
                + _endLine);

      compositeCodeString += _compositeAgentCode(subAgent);

    compositeCodeString += "agent";

    String parameterString = "";
    String inputString = "";
    String outputString = "";
    String initString = "";
    String modeString = "";
    String modeParameterString = "";

    LinkedList parameterList = (LinkedList) actor.attributeList(Parameter.class);
    int parameterNumber = parameterList.size();
    ListIterator parameters = parameterList.listIterator();

    _inPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();

    while (_inPorts.hasNext()) {
      if (inputString == "") {
        inputString += ("read analog real " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());
      } else {
        inputString += (", " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());

    if (inputString != "") {
      inputString += ";";

    _outPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

    if (_outPorts.hasNext()) {
      String outportName = ((NamedObj) _outPorts.next()).getName();

      if (outputString == "") {
        outputString += ("write analog real " + outportName);
      } else {
        outputString += (", " + outportName);

    if (outputString != "") {
      outputString += ";";

    if (privateVariables.length() != 0) {
      privateVariables += ";";

    compositeCodeString += (" " + actor.getName() + " ( ");

    if (actor.depthInHierarchy() != 0) {
      compositeCodeString += _agentParameters((NamedObj) actor, true);

    compositeCodeString +=
        (" )"
            + _endLine
            + "{"
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + outputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + inputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + privateVariables
            + _endLine
            + subAgentCode
            + _endLine
            + "}"
            + _endLine);

    return compositeCodeString;