Exemplo n.º 1
   * Converts the prefuse graph data into the jung graph data.
   * @param vg the prefuse visual graph
   * @return graph the jung graph data
  public static edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph<String, String> convertJungGraph(VisualGraph vg) {

    edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph<String, String> graph =
        new UndirectedSparseGraph<String, String>();

    if (vg != null) {
      Iterator<?> nodeIter = vg.nodes();
      while (nodeIter.hasNext()) {
        VisualItem node = (VisualItem) nodeIter.next();
        String nodeId = node.getString("id");
        // System.out.println("node id == " + nodeId);

      Iterator<?> edgeIter = vg.edges();
      while (edgeIter.hasNext()) {
        VisualItem edge = (VisualItem) edgeIter.next();
        String node1 = edge.getString("node1");
        String node2 = edge.getString("node2");
        String edgeId = node1 + node2;
        // System.out.println("edge id == " + edgeId);
        graph.addEdge(edgeId, node1, node2, EdgeType.UNDIRECTED);
    return graph;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent e) {
   DisplayComponent d = (DisplayComponent) e.getSource();
   activeItem = item;
   wasFixed = item.isFixed();
Exemplo n.º 3
    public int getColor(VisualItem item) {

      // highlight border of glyphs for which search is true
      // TODO: thicker borders? more outstanding highlighting?
      // do (inefficient) manual comparison (for now)
      Iterator itemsInGroup = m_vis.getGroup(Visualization.SEARCH_ITEMS).tuples();
      while (itemsInGroup.hasNext()) {
        Tuple itemInGroup = (Tuple) itemsInGroup.next();
        if (item.getString(DocumentGridTable.NODE_NAME)
            .equals(itemInGroup.getString(DocumentGridTable.NODE_NAME))) {
          // debug
          //                    System.out.println("debug: "+this.getClass().getName()+": item in
          // group! "+item.toString());
          return ColorLib.rgb(191, 99, 130);

      if (item.isHover()) {
        return Color.LIGHT_GRAY.getRGB();

      // default border color
      //            return ColorLib.gray(50);
      return Color.DARK_GRAY.getRGB();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void itemClicked(VisualItem item, MouseEvent e) {
   if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) return;
   if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
     String id = item.getString("id");
     BrowserLauncher.showDocument(URL + id);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void run(double frac) {
      // counters for population and urban centres
      double totalPopulation = 0;
      int urbanCentreCount = 0;

      // iterate through all the visual items that are visible
      VisualItem item = null;
      Iterator items = g_vis.visibleItems("canUrban");
      while (items.hasNext()) {
        item = (VisualItem) items.next();
        // add the population data
        totalPopulation += item.getDouble("2006 Population");
        // increment the counter

      // if there is only one urban centre being displayed, show its information
      // in the counter display; otherwise show the number of urban centres and
      // the total population
      if (urbanCentreCount == 1) {
        g_totalStr = item.getString("label");
      } else {

        g_totalStr =
                + " Cities, Total Population: "
                + NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format(totalPopulation);
      // set the text in the interface element
Exemplo n.º 6
    /** @see prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#getRawShape(prefuse.visual.VisualItem) */
    protected Shape getRawShape(VisualItem item) {
      double x1 = item.getDouble(VisualItem.X);
      double y1 = item.getDouble(VisualItem.Y);
      double x2 = item.getDouble(VisualItem.X2);
      double y2 = item.getDouble(VisualItem.Y2);
      boolean isX = item.getBoolean(DocumentGridAxisLayout.IS_X);
      double midPoint = item.getDouble(DocumentGridAxisLayout.MID_POINT);
      // horizontal or vertical coords should be manually held constant so that fisheye works
      // properly
      if (isX) {
        // vertical line
        m_line.setLine(x1, y1, x1, y2);
      } else {
        // horizontal line
        m_line.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y1);

      if (!item.canGetString(VisualItem.LABEL)) {
        return m_line;

      String label = item.getString(VisualItem.LABEL);
      if (label == null) {
        return m_line;

      FontMetrics fm = DEFAULT_GRAPHICS.getFontMetrics(item.getFont());
      m_ascent = fm.getAscent();
      int h = fm.getHeight();
      int w = fm.stringWidth(label);

      double tx, ty;

      int labelOffset = 10;
      if (isX) {
        // vertical axis
        // get text x-coord, center at midPoint
        //            tx = x1 + (x2-x1)/2 - w/2;
        //            tx = midPoint + (x1+midPoint)/2 - w/2;
        //            tx = x1 + midPoint/2 - w/2;
        // simpler approach: just add a fixed distance
        tx = x1 + labelOffset;
        // get text y-coord
        ty = y2 - h;
      } else {
        // horiz axis
        // get text x-coord
        tx = x1 - w - 2;
        // get text y-coord, center at midPoint
        //            ty = y1 + (y2-y1)/2 - h/2;
        //            ty = y1 + midPoint/2 - h/2;
        // simpler approach: just add a fixed distance
        ty = y1 + labelOffset;

      m_box.setFrame(tx, ty, w, h);
      return m_box;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void itemPressed(VisualItem item, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {
      if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
        Node v = null;
        String pindex = "/";
        String parent = "/";
        int ind;
        String itemname = item.getString(LABEL);
        for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
          v = (getNode(i));
          String current = getName(v);
          if (current.compareTo(itemname) == 0) {
            ind = (int) v.get(Index);
            if (ind <= 9) itemname = itemname.substring(0, itemname.length() - 1);
            else itemname = itemname.substring(0, itemname.length() - 2);
            while (pindex != "Start") {
              Node h = v.getParent();
              pindex = getName(h);
              ind = (int) h.get(Index);

              if (pindex == "Start") break;

              if (ind <= 9) parent = "/" + pindex.substring(0, pindex.length() - 1) + parent;
              else parent = "/" + pindex.substring(0, pindex.length() - 2) + parent;

              v = h;

        System.out.println(parent.substring(1) + itemname);

        // trial2 hello2 = new
        // trial2(item.getInt(Index),(item.getString(LABEL)),parent.substring(1)+itemname,100);
        urllink mainPanel =
            new urllink(
                item.getInt(Index), (item.getString(LABEL)), parent.substring(1) + itemname, 100);

        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Click any option");
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Finds a node by node id.
  * @param vg
  * @param nodeId
  * @return VisualItem the node
 public static VisualItem findNode(VisualGraph vg, String nodeId) {
   if (vg != null) {
     Iterator<?> nodeIter = vg.nodes();
     while (nodeIter.hasNext()) {
       VisualItem node = (VisualItem) nodeIter.next();
       if (node.getString("id").equals(nodeId)) {
         return node;
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public int getColor(VisualItem item) {
      if (ENTROPY_COLOR) return entropyColor(item);
      // test
      //			if (item.getBoolean("cut")){
      //				return new Color(222,13,107).getRGB();
      //			}
      // color is fixed, what changes as a function of the value is the transparency (alpha)
      int color = sca.getColor(item);

      // lemmas and senses in the pathToRoot
      if (item.isInGroup("pathToRoot")
          && ((item.getInt("type") == 1) || (item.getInt("type") == 4)))
        color = ColorScheme.pathToRootColor;

      // count off -- just return color
      if (NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType.equals(DocuBurstActionList.NOCOUNT))
        return color;

      float total =
                      + NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType));
      float maxTotal =

      if (total < 0) color = ColorScheme.negativeColor;

      if (total == 0) {
        if (color != ColorScheme.pathToRootColor)
          // zero senses get grey, zero lemmas and words get clear
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(ColorScheme.zeroOccurrenceSenseColor, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);
          // modulate path to root color
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);

      // initial alpha for zero and one count
      int alpha = ColorScheme.zeroAlpha;

      alpha += (int) (((float) total / (float) maxTotal) * (float) (255 - alpha));

      if (total < 0)
            "total: " + total + " node: " + item.getString("label") + " alpha: " + alpha);

      // this should not occur except for rounding errors
      if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;

      return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, alpha);
Exemplo n.º 10
   * collapses nodes between a start node and a finish node when the start node is clicked expand
   * nodes between a start and finish node when the step connecting them is clicked
   * @param item
  public String collapseExpand(VisualItem item) {

    if (item instanceof TableNodeItem && item.getString(TYPE).equals(START)) {

      TableNodeItem nodeItem = (TableNodeItem) item;

      if (finishNode(nodeItem) != null && getChild(finishNode(nodeItem)) != null) {

        setNodesAndEdgesInvisible(nodeItem, finishNode(nodeItem));

        Visualization vis = item.getVisualization();

      return START;

    if (item instanceof TableNodeItem && item.getString(TYPE).equals(STEP)) {

      TableNodeItem nodeItem = (TableNodeItem) item;
      TableNodeItem startNode = getStepParent(nodeItem);
      startId = (getChild(startNode)).getInt(ID);
      TableNodeItem finishNode = getStepChild(nodeItem);

      setNodesAndEdgesVisible(startNode, finishNode, true);

      Visualization vis = item.getVisualization();

      return STEP;

    return "Other";
Exemplo n.º 11
    public int entropyColor(VisualItem item) {
      // color is fixed, what changes as a function of the value is the transparency (alpha)
      int color = sca.getColor(item);

      // lemmas and senses in the pathToRoot
      if (item.isInGroup("pathToRoot")
          && ((item.getInt("type") == 1) || (item.getInt("type") == 4)))
        color = ColorScheme.pathToRootColor;

      // count off -- just return color
      if (NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType.equals(DocuBurstActionList.NOCOUNT))
        return color;

      // float total = item.getFloat(DocuBurstActionList.CONDENTROPY);
      float total = item.getFloat(DocuBurstActionList.CONDENTROPY);
      float maxTotal =

      if (total < 0) color = ColorScheme.negativeColor;

      if (total == 0) {
        if (color != ColorScheme.pathToRootColor)
          // zero senses get grey, zero lemmas and words get clear
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, 255);
          // modulate path to root color
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);

      // initial alpha for zero and one count
      int alpha = 10;

      float condEntropyMin = NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.getCondEntropyMinTotal();

      // alpha += (int) ( (1 - Math.log(total/maxTotal)/Math.log(condEntropyMin)) * (float) (255 -
      // alpha));
      alpha +=
          (int) ((Math.log(total / maxTotal) / Math.log(condEntropyMin)) * (float) (255 - alpha));

      if (total < 0)
            "total: " + total + " node: " + item.getString("label") + " alpha: " + alpha);

      // this should not occur except for rounding errors
      if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;

      return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, alpha);
Exemplo n.º 12
    public int getColor(VisualItem item) {

      // get value for target attr in item
      if (item.canGetString(colorAttrName)) {
        String attrVal = item.getString(colorAttrName);
        Color attrValColor = catToColorMap.get(attrVal);
        if (attrValColor == null) {
          return Color.CYAN.getRGB();
        return attrValColor.getRGB();

      Color white = Color.WHITE;
      return white.getRGB();
Exemplo n.º 13
    /** @see prefuse.render.Renderer#render(java.awt.Graphics2D, prefuse.visual.VisualItem) */
    public void render(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item) {
      Shape s = getShape(item);
      GraphicsLib.paint(g, item, m_line, getStroke(item), getRenderType(item));

      // check if we have a text label, if so, render it
      String str;
      if (item.canGetString(VisualItem.LABEL)) {
        str = (String) item.getString(VisualItem.LABEL);
        if (str != null && !str.equals("")) {
          float x = (float) m_box.getMinX();
          float y = (float) m_box.getMinY() + m_ascent;

          // draw label background
          GraphicsLib.paint(g, item, s, null, RENDER_TYPE_FILL);

          AffineTransform origTransform = g.getTransform();
          AffineTransform transform = this.getTransform(item);
          if (transform != null) {


          if (!(str.length() > 5
              && str.substring(str.length() - 5, str.length()).equals("_last"))) {

            // TODO properly hunt down source of null str! for now, triage
            if (str != null) {
              // bump y down by appropriate amount
              FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(item.getFont());
              int strHeight = fm.getAscent();
              //                        g.drawString(str, x, y);
              g.drawString(str, x, y + strHeight);

            if (transform != null) {
    public Font getFont(VisualItem item) {
      int nc = item.getInt(NODECOUNT);
      // if (nc==1)
      //  return defaultTreeFont;

      // int cc = item.getInt(ROWCOUNT);

      // float smin = 1f/cc;

      float s = (float) nc / rowCount;
      float fs = defaultTreeFont.getSize();
      if (s > 1) fs = fs * 2f;
      if (s > minFreqRatio * 60) fs = fs * 3f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 40) fs = fs * 3f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 20) fs = fs * 2.8f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 15) fs = fs * 2.5f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 10) fs = fs * 2f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 6) fs = fs * 1.8f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 3) fs = fs * 1.6f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 2) fs = fs * 1.4f;
      else if (s > minFreqRatio * 1.4) fs = fs * 1.2f;
      else if (s <= minFreqRatio) fs = fs * 0.5f;

      Font font = defaultTreeFont.deriveFont(fs);
              + item.getString(NAME)
              + " fs="
              + fs
              + " rc="
              + rowCount
              + " s="
              + s
              + " minFreqRatio="
              + minFreqRatio
              + " fn="
              + font);
      return font;
      // }
      // return defaultFont;
    public void run(double frac) {
      double total = 0;
      int count = 0;
      VisualItem item = null;
      Iterator items = m_vis.visibleItems(m_group);
      while (items.hasNext()) {
        item = (VisualItem) items.next();
        total += item.getDouble("Total Receipts");
      m_totalMoney = total;
      m_totalPeople = count;

      if (count == 1) {
        m_totalStr = item.getString("label");
      } else {
        m_totalStr =
            count + " Candidates receiving " + NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(total);
Exemplo n.º 16
   * expands one level at a time when step node is clicked
   * @param item
  public void expandOneLevel(VisualItem item) {

    Visualization vis = item.getVisualization();
    TableNodeItem stepItem = (TableNodeItem) item;
    TableNodeItem stepParent = getStepParent(stepItem);
    TableNodeItem stepChild = getStepChild(stepItem);

    int finishNodeId = 0;
    Iterator visualItems = vis.visibleItems();
    VisualItem node;

    while (visualItems.hasNext()) {
      node = (VisualItem) visualItems.next();
      if (node instanceof TableNodeItem
          && node.getInt(ID) > (stepParent.getInt(ID) + 1)
          && node.getInt(ID) < stepChild.getInt(ID)
          && node.getString(TYPE).equals(START)
          && node.getInt(ID) > finishNodeId) {
        finishNodeId = finishNode((TableNodeItem) node).getInt(ID);
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void render(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item) {

      if (item.isVisible()) {
        RectangularShape shape = (RectangularShape) getShape(item);
        if (shape != null) {

                  (double) item.get(VisualItem.X),
                  (double) item.get(VisualItem.Y),

          // draw basic glyph
          Color strokeColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getStrokeColor());
          Color fillColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getFillColor());

          //                    int size = (int)item.getSize();
          int x = (int) item.getX() + bufferPx;
          int y = (int) item.getY() + bufferPx;
          int w = (int) item.getDouble(WIDTH) - 2 * bufferPx;
          int h = (int) item.getDouble(HEIGHT) - 2 * bufferPx;
          g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);

          // draw string on-top of glyph, filling the glyph's area

          //                    String s = "doc=" + item.getString(NODE_NAME) + "\n";
          String s = "";

          // set text: full document if no search term, else excerpts containing the search term
          String queryStr = searchQ.getSearchSet().getQuery();
          String focusText = item.getString(DocumentGridTable.NODE_FOCUS_TEXT);
          if (queryStr != null
              && !queryStr.isEmpty()
              && focusText != null
              && !focusText.equals("null")
              && !focusText.equals("")) {
            // if search query and terms present in document, use term-containing spans
            s += focusText;
          } else if (queryStr != null
              && !queryStr.isEmpty()
              && focusText.equals(FOCUS_SENT_SPLITTER)) {
            // if search query but no terms present in document, use blank
            s += "";
          } else if ((queryStr == null || queryStr.isEmpty()) && item.canGetInt(NODE_ID)) {
            // if no search query, build feature-oriented summary based on color attribute
            s = controller.getDocumentSummary(item.getInt(NODE_ID), colorAttrName);

          // TODO : idea: set font size dynamically based on number of active nodes? based on size
          // of rect?
          int fontSize = 10;

          item.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, fontSize));

          Font f = item.getFont();

          // compute width, height for the given text
          // NOTE: this logic has been moved into drawStringMultiline
          //                    int[] textDims = getTextDims(g, f, s);

          // debug
          //                    System.out.println("debug: "+this.getClass().getName()+":
          // drawStringMultiline at x="+x1+", y="+y1+", w="+w+", h="+h);
          drawStringMultiline(g, f, s, x, y, w, h);