Exemplo n.º 1
  public Item confluence(List inItems, List itemKeys, Term node, FlowGraph graph) {
    // if any predecessor is reachable, so is this one, and if any
    // predecessor is normal reachable, and the edge key is not an
    // exception edge key, then so is this one.

    List l = this.filterItemsNonException(inItems, itemKeys);
    for (Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      if (i.next() == DataFlowItem.REACHABLE) {
        // this term is reachable via a non-exception edge
        return DataFlowItem.REACHABLE;

    // If we fall through to here, then there were
    // no non-exception edges that were normally reachable.
    // We now need to determine if this node is
    // reachable via an exception edge key, or if
    // it is not reachable at all.
    for (Iterator i = inItems.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      if (((DataFlowItem) i.next()).reachable) {
        // this term is reachable, but only through an
        // exception edge.
        return DataFlowItem.REACHABLE_EX_ONLY;

    return DataFlowItem.NOT_REACHABLE;
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Run all pending passes on <code>job</code>. */
  public boolean runAllPasses(Job job) {
    List pending = job.pendingPasses();

    // Run until there are no more passes.
    if (!pending.isEmpty()) {
      Pass lastPass = (Pass) pending.get(pending.size() - 1);
      return runToPass(job, lastPass);

    return true;
 private Node translateSJOutwhile(SJOutwhile outwhile, QQ qq) {
   String unique = UniqueID.newID("loopCond");
   boolean isInterruptible = outwhile.isInterruptible();
   BooleanLit interruptible = new BooleanLit_c(outwhile.position(), isInterruptible);
   // RAY
   List targets = outwhile.targets();
   String translation;
   Object[] mapping;
   if (targets.size() == 1) {
     if (isInterruptible) {
       translation =
           "{ sessionj.runtime.net.LoopCondition %s = "
               + "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(%E, %s);"
               + " while (%s.call(%E)) %S }";
       mapping =
           new Object[] {
             ((Local) targets.get(0)).name(),
     } else {
       translation =
           "{ sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(%E, %s);"
               + " while (sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.outsync(%E, %s)) %S }";
       String sockName = ((Local) targets.get(0)).name();
       mapping =
           new Object[] {interruptible, sockName, outwhile.cond(), sockName, outwhile.body()};
   } else {
     Expr sockArray = buildNewArray(outwhile.position(), targets);
     translation =
         "{ sessionj.runtime.net.LoopCondition %s = "
             + "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(%E, %E);"
             + " while (%s.call(%E)) %S }";
     mapping =
         new Object[] {unique, interruptible, sockArray, unique, outwhile.cond(), outwhile.body()};
             BooleanLit interruptible = new BooleanLit_c(outwhile.position(), outwhile.isInterruptible());
             return qq.parseStmt(
     "{ sessionj.runtime.net.LoopCondition %s = " +
     "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(%E, %E);" +
     " while (%s.call(%E)) %S }",
                     interruptible, sockArray,
                     unique, outwhile.cond(), outwhile.body()
   return qq.parseStmt(translation, mapping);
   // YAR
  // FIXME: does not integrate with recursive session method calls: recursionEnter/Exit and also
  // recurse do not match the control flow of recursive calls, and hence runtime type monitoring
  // does not work.
  private Node translateSJRecursion(SJRecursion r, QQ qq)
        // recursionEnter inserted by node factory, but translation is finished here..
    SJSessionOperationExt soe = getSJSessionOperationExt(r);

    Position pos = r.position();

    Collection<Object> mapping = new LinkedList<Object>();

    String bname = getRecursionBooleanName(soe.targetNames(), r.label());


    String translation = "for (boolean %s = true; %s; ) { }";
    For f = (For) qq.parseStmt(translation, mapping.toArray());


    r = (SJRecursion) r.inits(f.inits());
    r = (SJRecursion) r.cond(f.cond());

    List stmts = new LinkedList();


    translation = "%s = %E;";
    mapping.add(((Eval) stmts.remove(0)).expr()); // Factor out constant.

    Eval e = (Eval) qq.parseStmt(translation, mapping.toArray());

    stmts.add(0, e);

    r = (SJRecursion) r.body(sjnf.Block(pos, stmts));

    /*// Appending the recursion-exit hook. // Disabled to support delegation from within recursion scopes (socket will be null on recursion-exit).
    List<Local> targets = new LinkedList<Local>(); // FIXME: should be SJLocalSockets.

    for (String sjname : soe.targetNames()) // Unicast optimisation for SJRecursionExit is done within the NodeFactory method - this pass comes after SJUnicastOptimiser.
    	targets.add(sjnf.Local(pos, sjnf.Id(pos, sjname))); // Would it be bad to instead alias the recursionEnter targets?

    SJRecursionExit re = sjnf.SJRecursionExit(pos, targets); // Problem: the sockets argument array is not yet filled (for other (internal) basic operations, this was done earlier by SJSessionOperationParser)...

    re = (SJRecursionExit) SJVariableParser.parseSJSessionOperation(this, re); // ...Current fix: use those routines form those earlier passes.
    re = (SJRecursionExit) SJSessionOperationParser.fixSJBasicOperationArguments(this, re);*/

    // return sjnf.Block(pos, r, sjnf.Eval(pos, re));
    return sjnf.Block(pos, r);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * The confluence operator for <code>Initializer</code>s and <code>Constructor</code>s needs to be
  * a little special, as we are only concerned with non-exceptional flows in these cases. This
  * method ensures that a slightly different confluence is performed for these <code>Term</code>s,
  * otherwise <code>confluence(List, Term)</code> is called instead.
 protected Item confluence(List items, List itemKeys, Term node, FlowGraph graph) {
   if (node instanceof Initializer || node instanceof ConstructorDecl) {
     List filtered = filterItemsNonException(items, itemKeys);
     if (filtered.isEmpty()) {
       return createInitDFI();
     } else if (filtered.size() == 1) {
       return (Item) filtered.get(0);
     } else {
       return confluence(filtered, node, graph);
   return confluence(items, node, graph);
  private Node translateSJRecurse(Node parent, SJRecurse r, QQ qq) {
    if (!(parent instanceof Eval)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperationTranslator] Shouldn't get here.");

    String translation = "";
    List<Object> mapping = new LinkedList<Object>();

    translation += "%s = %E";
    mapping.add(getRecursionBooleanName(getSJSessionOperationExt(r).targetNames(), r.label()));

    return qq.parseExpr(translation, mapping.toArray());
Exemplo n.º 7
   * Insert the list of <code>newPasses</code> into <code>passes</code> immediately after the pass
   * named <code>id</code>.
  public void afterPass(List passes, Pass.ID id, List newPasses) {
    for (ListIterator i = passes.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Pass p = (Pass) i.next();

      if (p.id() == id) {
        for (Iterator j = newPasses.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {


    throw new InternalCompilerError("Pass " + id + " not found.");
Exemplo n.º 8
   * The confluence operator is essentially the union of all of the inItems. However, if two or more
   * of the initCount maps from the inItems each have a MinMaxInitCounts entry for the same
   * VarInstance, the conflict must be resolved, by using the minimum of all mins and the maximum of
   * all maxs.
  public Item confluence(List inItems, Term node, FlowGraph graph) {
    // Resolve any conflicts pairwise.
    Iterator iter = inItems.iterator();
    Map m = null;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Item itm = (Item) iter.next();
      if (itm == BOTTOM) continue;
      if (m == null) {
        m = new HashMap(((DataFlowItem) itm).initStatus);
      } else {
        Map n = ((DataFlowItem) itm).initStatus;
        for (Iterator iter2 = n.entrySet().iterator(); iter2.hasNext(); ) {
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter2.next();
          VarInstance v = (VarInstance) entry.getKey();
          MinMaxInitCount initCount1 = (MinMaxInitCount) m.get(v);
          MinMaxInitCount initCount2 = (MinMaxInitCount) entry.getValue();
          m.put(v, MinMaxInitCount.join(initCount1, initCount2));

    if (m == null) return BOTTOM;

    return new DataFlowItem(m);
  private Expr buildNewArray(Position pos, List contents) {
    NewArray na = sjnf.makeSocketsArray(pos, contents.size());

    ArrayInit ai = sjnf.ArrayInit(pos, contents);
    na = na.init(ai).dims(Collections.emptyList()).additionalDims(1);
    return na;
Exemplo n.º 10
   * Inform this <code>Job</code> that pass <code>p</code> has finished. If <code>okay</code> is
   * <code>true</code>, then the pass was completed successfully; if it is <code>false</code> the
   * pass was not completed successfully.
   * <p>Pass <code>p</code> may be any pending pass.
  public void finishPass(Pass p, boolean okay) {
    List passes = passes();

    status &= okay;

    for (int i = nextPass; i < passes.size(); i++) {
      Pass pass = (Pass) passes.get(i);

      if (pass == p) {
        nextPass = i + 1;

    throw new InternalCompilerError("Pass " + p + " was not a pending " + "pass.");
Exemplo n.º 11
  /** Flatten complex expressions within the AST */
  public Node leave(Node old, Node n, NodeVisitor v) {
    if (n == noFlatten) {
      noFlatten = null;
      return n;

    if (n instanceof Block) {
      List l = (List) stack.removeFirst();
      return ((Block) n).statements(l);
    } else if (n instanceof Stmt && !(n instanceof LocalDecl)) {
      List l = (List) stack.getFirst();
      return n;
    } else if (n instanceof Expr
        && !(n instanceof Lit)
        && !(n instanceof Special)
        && !(n instanceof Local)) {

      Expr e = (Expr) n;

      if (e instanceof Assign) {
        return n;

      // create a local temp, initialized to the value of the complex
      // expression

      String name = newID();
      LocalDecl def =
              e.position(), Flags.FINAL, nf.CanonicalTypeNode(e.position(), e.type()), name, e);
      def = def.localInstance(ts.localInstance(e.position(), Flags.FINAL, e.type(), name));

      List l = (List) stack.getFirst();

      // return the local temp instead of the complex expression
      Local use = nf.Local(e.position(), name);
      use = (Local) use.type(e.type());
      use = use.localInstance(ts.localInstance(e.position(), Flags.FINAL, e.type(), name));
      return use;

    return n;
Exemplo n.º 12
  /** Write the statement to an output file. */
  public void prettyPrint(CodeWriter w, PrettyPrinter tr) {
    w.write("for (");

    if (inits != null) {
      boolean first = true;
      for (Iterator i = inits.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        ForInit s = (ForInit) i.next();
        printForInit(s, w, tr, first);
        first = false;

        if (i.hasNext()) {
          w.allowBreak(2, " ");


    if (cond != null) {
      printBlock(cond, w, tr);


    if (iters != null) {
      for (Iterator i = iters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        ForUpdate s = (ForUpdate) i.next();
        printForUpdate(s, w, tr);

        if (i.hasNext()) {
          w.allowBreak(2, " ");


    printSubStmt(body, w, tr);
Exemplo n.º 13
   * Insert the list of <code>newPasses</code> into <code>passes</code> immediately before the pass
   * named <code>id</code>.
  public void beforePass(List passes, Pass.ID id, List newPasses) {
    for (ListIterator i = passes.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Pass p = (Pass) i.next();

      if (p.id() == id) {
        // Backup one position.

        for (Iterator j = newPasses.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {


    throw new InternalCompilerError("Pass " + id + " not found.");
  private Node translateSJInwhile(SJInwhile inwhile, QQ qq) {
    List targets = inwhile.targets();

    /*return qq.parseStmt(
    "{ sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateNormalInwhile(%E);" +
    " while (sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.insync(%E)) %S }",
                    sockArray, sockArray, inwhile.body()

    // RAY
    String translation;
    Object[] mapping;
    String target = ((SJInwhile_c) inwhile).arguments().get(0).toString(); // <By MQ>
    if (targets.size() == 1) {
      translation =
          "{ sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateNormalInwhile("
              + target
              + ", %s);" // <By MQ>
              + " while (sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.insync("
              + target
              + ", %s)) %S }"; // <By MQ>
      // + "\n" + "%s.flush();"; //<By MQ> to flush sends after inwhile
      String sockName = ((Local) targets.get(0)).name();
      return qq.parseStmt(
          translation, new Object[] {sockName, sockName, inwhile.body() /*, sockName*/}); // <By MQ>
    } else {
      Expr sockArray = buildNewArray(inwhile.position(), targets);
      String tmpVarName = SJConstants.SJ_TMP_LOCAL + INWHILE_VAR + (inwhileCounter++);
      translation =
          "{ sessionj.runtime.net.SJSocket[] %s = %E;"
              + " sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateNormalInwhile("
              + target
              + ", %s);" // <By MQ>
              + " while (sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.insync("
              + target
              + ", %s)) %S }"; // <By MQ>
      mapping = new Object[] {tmpVarName, sockArray, tmpVarName, tmpVarName, inwhile.body()};
    return qq.parseStmt(translation, mapping);
    // YAR
Exemplo n.º 15
   * Replace the pass named <code>id</code> in <code>passes</code> with the list of <code>newPasses
   * </code>.
  public void replacePass(List passes, Pass.ID id, List newPasses) {
    for (ListIterator i = passes.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Pass p = (Pass) i.next();

      if (p.id() == id) {
        if (p instanceof BarrierPass) {
          throw new InternalCompilerError("Cannot replace a barrier pass.");


        for (Iterator j = newPasses.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {


    throw new InternalCompilerError("Pass " + id + " not found.");
Exemplo n.º 16
   * Get the sub-list of passes for the job between passes <code>begin</code> and <code>end</code>,
   * inclusive.
  public List passes(Job job, Pass.ID begin, Pass.ID end) {
    List l = passes(job);
    Pass p = null;

    Iterator i = l.iterator();

    while (i.hasNext()) {
      p = (Pass) i.next();
      if (begin == p.id()) break;
      if (!(p instanceof BarrierPass)) i.remove();

    while (p.id() != end && i.hasNext()) {
      p = (Pass) i.next();

    while (i.hasNext()) {
      p = (Pass) i.next();

    return l;
Exemplo n.º 17
  /** Type check the statement. */
  public Node typeCheck(TypeChecker tc) throws SemanticException {
    TypeSystem ts = tc.typeSystem();

    // Check that all initializers have the same type.
    // This should be enforced by the parser, but check again here,
    // just to be sure.
    Type t = null;

    for (Iterator i = inits.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      ForInit s = (ForInit) i.next();

      if (s instanceof LocalDecl) {
        LocalDecl d = (LocalDecl) s;
        Type dt = d.type().type();
        if (t == null) {
          t = dt;
        } else if (!t.equals(dt)) {
          throw new InternalCompilerError(
              "Local variable "
                  + "declarations in a for loop initializer must all "
                  + "be the same type, in this case "
                  + t
                  + ", not "
                  + dt
                  + ".",

    if (cond != null && !ts.isImplicitCastValid(cond.type(), ts.Boolean())) {
      throw new SemanticException(
          "The condition of a for statement must have boolean type.", cond.position());

    return this;
  private Node translateSJOutinwhile(SJOutInwhile outinwhile, QQ qq) {
    List sources = outinwhile.insyncSources();
    List targets = outinwhile.outsyncTargets();

    String loopCond = UniqueID.newID("loopCond");
    String peerInterruptible = UniqueID.newID("peerInterruptible");

    List<Object> subst = new LinkedList<Object>();
    String code;

    // FIXME: this should be better factored. here, should treat sources and targets separately. but
    // also should integrate better with the same "optimisations" in the translation of in/outwhile
    if (sources.size() == 1 && targets.size() == 1) {
      String sourceName = ((Local) sources.get(0)).name();
      String targetName = ((Local) targets.get(0)).name();

      code = "{ sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(false, %s); ";
      if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) {
        /*code += "boolean %s = ";
        throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO.");
      code += "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.";
      if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) {
        // code += "negotiateInterruptingInwhile"
        throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO.");
      } else {
        code += "negotiateNormalInwhile";
      code += "(%s); while(sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.outsync(";

      if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) {
        /*code += "interruptingInsync(%E, %s, %E)";
        throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO.");
      } else {
        code += "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.insync(%s)";
      code += ", %s)) %S  }";
      code += "\n" + "%s.flush();"; // <By MQ> to flush sends after outwhile
      subst.add(targetName); // <By MQ>
    } else {
      Expr sourcesArray = buildNewArray(outinwhile.position(), sources); // inwhile sockets
      Expr targetsArray = buildNewArray(outinwhile.position(), targets); // outwhile sockets

      subst = new LinkedList<Object>(Arrays.asList(loopCond, targetsArray));
      code =
          "{ sessionj.runtime.net.LoopCondition %s = "
              + "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.negotiateOutsync(false, %E); ";
      if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) {
        code += "boolean %s = ";
      code += "sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.";
      code += outinwhile.hasCondition() ? "negotiateInterruptingInwhile" : "negotiateNormalInwhile";
      code += "(%E); while(%s.call(sessionj.runtime.net.SJRuntime.";


      if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) {
        code += "interruptingInsync(%E, %s, %E)";
      } else {
        code += "insync(%E)";
      code += ")) %S  }";

    return qq.parseStmt(code, subst);
Exemplo n.º 19
   * Before running <code>Pass pass</code> on <code>SourceJob job</code> make sure that all
   * appropriate scheduling invariants are satisfied, to ensure that all passes of other jobs that
   * <code>job</code> depends on will have already been done.
  protected void enforceInvariants(Job job, Pass pass) throws CyclicDependencyException {
    SourceJob srcJob = job.sourceJob();
    if (srcJob == null) {

    BarrierPass lastBarrier = srcJob.lastBarrier();
    if (lastBarrier != null) {
      // make sure that _all_ dependent jobs have completed at least up to
      // the last barrier (not just children).
      // Ideally the invariant should be that only the source jobs that
      // job _depends on_ should be brought up to the last barrier.
      // This is work to be done in the future...
      List allDependentSrcs = new ArrayList(srcJob.dependencies());
      Iterator i = allDependentSrcs.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        Source s = (Source) i.next();
        Object o = jobs.get(s);
        if (o == COMPLETED_JOB) continue;
        if (o == null) {
          throw new InternalCompilerError("Unknown source " + s);
        SourceJob sj = (SourceJob) o;
        if (sj.pending(lastBarrier.id())) {
          // Make the job run up to the last barrier.
          // We ignore the return result, since even if the job
          // fails, we will keep on going and see
          // how far we get...
          if (Report.should_report(Report.frontend, 3)) {
            Report.report(3, "Running " + sj + " to " + lastBarrier.id() + " for " + srcJob);
          runToPass(sj, lastBarrier.id());

    if (pass instanceof GlobalBarrierPass) {
      // need to make sure that _all_ jobs have completed just up to
      // this global barrier.

      // If we hit a cyclic dependency, ignore it and run the other
      // jobs up to that pass.  Then try again to run the cyclic
      // pass.  If we hit the cycle again for the same job, stop.
      LinkedList barrierWorklist = new LinkedList(jobs.values());

      while (!barrierWorklist.isEmpty()) {
        Object o = barrierWorklist.removeFirst();
        if (o == COMPLETED_JOB) continue;
        SourceJob sj = (SourceJob) o;
        if (sj.completed(pass.id()) || sj.nextPass() == sj.passByID(pass.id())) {
          // the source job has either done this global pass
          // (which is possible if the job was loaded late in the
          // game), or is right up to the global barrier.

        // Make the job run up to just before the global barrier.
        // We ignore the return result, since even if the job
        // fails, we will keep on going and see
        // how far we get...
        Pass beforeGlobal = sj.getPreviousTo(pass.id());
        if (Report.should_report(Report.frontend, 3)) {
          Report.report(3, "Running " + sj + " to " + beforeGlobal.id() + " for " + srcJob);

        // Don't use runToPass, since that catches the
        // CyclicDependencyException that we should report
        // back to the caller.
        while (!sj.pendingPasses().isEmpty()) {
          Pass p = (Pass) sj.pendingPasses().get(0);

          runPass(sj, p);

          if (p == beforeGlobal) {