/** * Form to edit the main data of a KPI value definition. * * @param kpiValueDefinitionId the KPI value definition * @param valueType the value type (main, additional1, additional2) */ public Result editValue(Long kpiValueDefinitionId, String valueType) { // get the KPI value KpiValueDefinition kpiValueDefinition = KpiValueDefinition.getById(kpiValueDefinitionId); // get the KPI KpiDefinition kpiDefinition = KpiDefinition.getById(kpiValueDefinition.getKpiDefinition().id); Kpi kpi = new Kpi(kpiDefinition, getKpiService()); Form<KpiValueDefinitionFormData> form = null; if (kpiDefinition.isStandard) { form = standardKpiValueDefinitionFormTemplate.fill( new KpiValueDefinitionFormData(kpiValueDefinition, getI18nMessagesPlugin())); } else { form = customKpiValueDefinitionFormTemplate.fill( new KpiValueDefinitionFormData(kpiValueDefinition, getI18nMessagesPlugin())); } return ok( views.html.admin.kpi.editValue.render( kpiDefinition, kpi, kpiValueDefinition, valueType, form, getRenderTypesAsValueHolderCollection())); }
/** Process the edit form of the scheduler of a KPI definition. */ public Result saveScheduler() { // bind the form Form<KpiSchedulerFormData> boundForm = kpiSchedulerFormTemplate.bindFromRequest(); // get the KPI Long kpiDefinitionId = Long.valueOf(boundForm.data().get("id")); KpiDefinition kpiDefinition = KpiDefinition.getById(kpiDefinitionId); Kpi kpi = new Kpi(kpiDefinition, getKpiService()); if (boundForm.hasErrors()) { return ok(views.html.admin.kpi.editScheduler.render(kpiDefinition, kpi, boundForm)); } KpiSchedulerFormData kpiSchedulerFormData = boundForm.get(); kpiSchedulerFormData.fill(kpiDefinition); kpiDefinition.update(); reloadKpiDefinition(kpiDefinition.uid); Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("admin.kpi.editscheduler.successful")); return redirect(controllers.admin.routes.KpiManagerController.view(kpiDefinition.id)); }
/** * Returns the player profile page with the submitted info. * * @return The player profile page, which was just created/edited */ @Security.Authenticated(Secured.class) public static Result playerManageSubmit() { // adds the new player from the PlayerForm page to the database. Form<PlayerFormData> data = Form.form(PlayerFormData.class).bindFromRequest(); SearchFormData data2 = new SearchFormData(); Form<SearchFormData> dataForm = Form.form(SearchFormData.class).fill(data2); Page<Player> playerPage = Player.find("name asc", 0); User user = Secured.getUserInfo(ctx()); if (data.hasErrors()) { Map<String, Boolean> playerSkillMap = PlayerFields.getSkill(); Map<String, Boolean> playerPosition = PlayerFields.getPosition(); return badRequest( PlayerForm.render( "Bad Player Form", data, playerSkillMap, playerPosition, Secured.isLoggedIn(ctx()))); } else { PlayerFormData formData = data.get(); if (Player.getPlayer(user.getId()) == null) { // Player.addPlayer(formData); } else { Player.updatePlayer(formData, user.getId()); } return ok( PlayerList.render( playerPage, "PlayerList", dataForm, "none", "none", Secured.isLoggedIn(ctx()), Secured.getUserInfo(ctx()))); } }
public static Result detallesRecorridos() { RecorridoDAO recorridoDAO = new RecorridoDAO(); // ojo ajustar List<Recorrido> lstRecorridos = recorridoDAO.listarRecorridos(); Form<FormularioConsultaRecorrido> form = Form.form(FormularioConsultaRecorrido.class).bindFromRequest(); if (form.hasErrors()) { flash("error", "Se encontraron errores al consultar el recorrido."); return badRequest( views.html.recorridosConsulta.render( Form.form(FormularioConsultaRecorrido.class), lstRecorridos, null, null)); } else { FormularioConsultaRecorrido formularioConsultaRecorrido = form.get(); Recorrido recorrido = recorridoDAO.consultarRecorridoPorId(formularioConsultaRecorrido.idRecorrido); FormularioRecorrido formRecorrido = new FormularioRecorrido(); formRecorrido.tipoRecorrido = String.valueOf(recorrido.getTipo()); formRecorrido.nombre = recorrido.getNombre(); formRecorrido.descripcion = recorrido.getDescripcion(); formRecorrido.horaFrecuente = recorrido.getHoraFrecuente(); String diasFrecuentes = recorrido.getDiaFrecuente(); formRecorrido.diaFrecuente = new ArrayList<String>(); if (diasFrecuentes != null) { String[] arrDias = diasFrecuentes.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < arrDias.length; i++) { formRecorrido.diaFrecuente.add(arrDias[i]); } } formRecorrido.fechaInicioRuta = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getFechaInicioRuta()); formRecorrido.fechaFinRuta = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getFechaFinRuta()); formRecorrido.latitudInicio = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLatitudInicio()); formRecorrido.longitudInicio = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLongitudInicio()); formRecorrido.latitudFin = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLatitudFin()); formRecorrido.longitudFin = String.valueOf(recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLongitudFin()); formRecorrido.lugarInicio = recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLugarInicio(); formRecorrido.lugarFin = recorrido.getLstRuta().get(0).getLugarFin(); formRecorrido.lstAmigos = new ArrayList<String>(); Boolean existe = false; User usuario = Application.getLocalUser(session()); for (UsuarioXRecorrido usuarioRecorrido : recorrido.getLstUsuarioXRecorrido()) { formRecorrido.lstAmigos.add(usuarioRecorrido.getUsuario().name); if (usuario.id == usuarioRecorrido.getUsuario().id) existe = true; } formRecorrido.idRecorrido = recorrido.getIdRecorrido(); return ok(views.html.recorridosDetalle.render(formRecorrido, existe)); } }
@Test public void registerFormatter() { // #register-formatter Formatters.register( LocalTime.class, new SimpleFormatter<LocalTime>() { private Pattern timePattern = Pattern.compile("([012]?\\d)(?:[\\s:\\._\\-]+([0-5]\\d))?"); @Override public LocalTime parse(String input, Locale l) throws ParseException { Matcher m = timePattern.matcher(input); if (!m.find()) throw new ParseException("No valid Input", 0); int hour = Integer.valueOf(m.group(1)); int min = m.group(2) == null ? 0 : Integer.valueOf(m.group(2)); return new LocalTime(hour, min); } @Override public String print(LocalTime localTime, Locale l) { return localTime.toString("HH:mm"); } }); // #register-formatter Form<WithLocalTime> form = Form.form(WithLocalTime.class); WithLocalTime obj = form.bind(ImmutableMap.of("time", "23:45")).get(); assertThat(obj.time, equalTo(new LocalTime(23, 45))); assertThat(form.fill(obj).field("time").value(), equalTo("23:45")); }
/** * {@code posting}에 {@code original} 정보를 채우고 갱신한다. * * <p>when: 게시물이나 이슈를 수정할 떄 사용한다. * * @param original * @param posting * @param postingForm * @param redirectTo * @param updatePosting * @return */ protected static Result editPosting( AbstractPosting original, AbstractPosting posting, Form<? extends AbstractPosting> postingForm, Call redirectTo, Callback updatePosting) { if (postingForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(postingForm.errors().toString()); } if (!AccessControl.isAllowed(UserApp.currentUser(), original.asResource(), Operation.UPDATE)) { return forbidden(views.html.error.forbidden.render(original.project)); } posting.id = original.id; posting.createdDate = original.createdDate; posting.authorId = original.authorId; posting.authorLoginId = original.authorLoginId; posting.authorName = original.authorName; posting.project = original.project; updatePosting.run(); posting.update(); // Attach the files in the current user's temporary storage. Attachment.moveAll(UserApp.currentUser().asResource(), original.asResource()); return redirect(redirectTo); }
/** * This handles the login form submission for the Web IDE. * * @return The result of rendering the page. */ @AddCSRFToken @RequireCSRFCheck @Transactional public CompletionStage<Result> login() { Form<LoginForm> userForm = myFormFactory.form(LoginForm.class).bindFromRequest(); // Perform the basic validation checks. if (userForm.hasErrors()) { // Render the page with the login form with the errors fields String token = CSRF.getToken(request()).map(t -> t.value()).orElse("no token"); return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> badRequest(index.render(userForm, token)), myHttpExecutionContext.current()); } else { LoginForm form = userForm.get(); // Check for a registered user with the same email. // Note that "connect" expects a JPA entity manager, // which is not present if we don't wrap the call using // "withTransaction()". User user = myJpaApi.withTransaction(() -> User.connect(form.getEmail(), form.getPassword())); if (user != null) { // Check to see if this account has been authenticated or not. boolean hasAuthenticated = myJpaApi.withTransaction(() -> User.hasAuthenticated(form.getEmail())); if (hasAuthenticated) { // Update the login date final User updatedUser = myJpaApi.withTransaction(() -> User.lastLogin(form.getEmail())); // Add a new user event myJpaApi.withTransaction(() -> UserEvent.addRegularEvent("login", "", updatedUser)); // Stores the email as session value session("connected", form.getEmail()); // Obtain the http context from the configuration file String context = myConfiguration.getString("play.http.context"); if (context == null) { context = ""; } // Redirect back to the home page final String finalContext = context; return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> redirect(finalContext + "/"), myHttpExecutionContext.current()); } else { // Render the not authenticated page return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> ok(notAuthenticated.render(form.getEmail())), myHttpExecutionContext.current()); } } else { // The email and/or password does not match, so we add a new validation error. userForm.reject(new ValidationError("loginError", "Could not login.")); // Render the page with the login form with the errors fields String token = CSRF.getToken(request()).map(t -> t.value()).orElse("no token"); return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> badRequest(index.render(userForm, token)), myHttpExecutionContext.current()); } } }
/** Process the form to create a new custom and external KPI. */ public Result processCreate() { // bind the form Form<CustomExternalKpiFormData> boundForm = customExternalKpiFormTemplate.bindFromRequest(); // get the object type String objectType = boundForm.data().get("objectType"); if (boundForm.hasErrors()) { return ok(views.html.admin.kpi.create.render(objectType, boundForm)); } CustomExternalKpiFormData customExternalKpiFormData = boundForm.get(); KpiDefinition kpiDefinition = customExternalKpiFormData.constructKpiDefinition(); kpiDefinition.mainKpiValueDefinition.save(); kpiDefinition.additional1KpiValueDefinition.save(); kpiDefinition.additional2KpiValueDefinition.save(); kpiDefinition.save(); customExternalKpiFormData.mainName.persist(getI18nMessagesPlugin()); customExternalKpiFormData.additional1Name.persist(getI18nMessagesPlugin()); customExternalKpiFormData.additional2Name.persist(getI18nMessagesPlugin()); reloadKpiDefinition(kpiDefinition.uid); Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("admin.kpi.create.successful")); return redirect(controllers.admin.routes.KpiManagerController.view(kpiDefinition.id)); }
/** * 로그인 처리 시스템 설정에서 가입승인 기능이 활성화 되어 있고 사용자 상태가 잠금상태(미승인?)라면 계정이 잠겼다는 메시지를 노출하고 로그인 폼으로 돌아감 시스템 설정에서 * 가입승인 기능이 활성화 되어 있지 않다면, 사용자 상태가 잠금상태라도 로그인이 가능하다 (스펙확인 필요) 요청의 정보로 사용자 인증에 성공하면 로그인쿠키를 생성하고 * 로그인유지하기가 선택되었다면, 로그인유지를 위한 쿠키를 별도로 생성한다 인증에 실패하면 관련된 메시지를 노출하고 로그인 폼으로 돌아간다 * * @return */ public static Result login() { Form<User> userForm = form(User.class).bindFromRequest(); if (userForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(login.render("title.login", userForm)); } User sourceUser = form(User.class).bindFromRequest().get(); if (isUseSignUpConfirm()) { if (User.findByLoginId(sourceUser.loginId).state == UserState.LOCKED) { flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.locked"); return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm()); } } if (User.findByLoginId(sourceUser.loginId).state == UserState.DELETED) { flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.deleted"); return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm()); } User authenticate = authenticateWithPlainPassword(sourceUser.loginId, sourceUser.password); if (authenticate != null) { addUserInfoToSession(authenticate); if (sourceUser.rememberMe) { setupRememberMe(authenticate); } return redirect(routes.Application.index()); } flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.login.failed"); return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm()); }
@Authenticated(value = {LoggedIn.class, HasRole.class}) @Authorized(value = "admin") @Transactional @RequireCSRFCheck public Result postCreateArchive() { Form<ArchiveUpsertForm> archiveUpsertForm = Form.form(ArchiveUpsertForm.class).bindFromRequest(); if (formHasErrors(archiveUpsertForm)) { return showCreateArchive(0, archiveUpsertForm); } ArchiveUpsertForm archiveUpsertData = archiveUpsertForm.get(); if (!archiveUpsertData.parentJid.isEmpty() && !archiveService.archiveExistsByJid(archiveUpsertData.parentJid)) { archiveUpsertForm.reject(Messages.get("error.archive.notExist")); return showCreateArchive(0, archiveUpsertForm); } long archiveId = archiveService.createArchive( archiveUpsertData.parentJid, archiveUpsertData.name, archiveUpsertData.description, IdentityUtils.getUserJid(), IdentityUtils.getIpAddress()); return redirect(routes.ArchiveController.viewArchives(archiveId)); }
/** * Responds to a request to add an issue label category for the specified project. * * <p>Adds an issue label category created with values taken from {@link * Form#bindFromRequest(java.util.Map, String...)} in the project specified by the {@code * ownerName} and {@code projectName}. But if there has already been the same issue label category * in name, then this method returns an empty 204 No Content response. * * <p>When a new category is added, this method encodes the category's fields: {@link * IssueLabelCategory#id}, {@link IssueLabelCategory#name}, {@link * IssueLabelCategory#isExclusive}, and includes them in the body of the 201 Created response. But * if the client cannot accept {@code application/json}, it returns the 201 Created with no * response body. * * @param ownerName the name of a project owner * @param projectName the name of a project * @return the response to the request to add a new issue label category */ @IsCreatable(ResourceType.ISSUE_LABEL_CATEGORY) public static Result newCategory(String ownerName, String projectName) { Form<IssueLabelCategory> form = new Form<>(IssueLabelCategory.class).bindFromRequest(); if (form.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(); } IssueLabelCategory category = form.get(); category.project = Project.findByOwnerAndProjectName(ownerName, projectName); if (category.exists()) { return noContent(); } category.save(); if (!request().accepts("application/json")) { return created(); } Map<String, String> categoryPropertyMap = new HashMap<>(); categoryPropertyMap.put("id", "" + category.id); categoryPropertyMap.put("name", category.name); categoryPropertyMap.put("isExclusive", "" + category.isExclusive); return created(toJson(categoryPropertyMap)).as("application/json"); }
@AccessLevel(level = 2) public Result create() { Form<ActivityChoice> choiceForm = Form.form(ActivityChoice.class).bindFromRequest(); if (choiceForm.hasErrors()) { return status( ErrDefinition.E_ACTIVITY_CHOICE_FORM_HASERROR, Messages.get("activitychoice.failure")); } try { ActivityChoice choice = choiceForm.get(); choice.id = CodeGenerator.GenerateUUId(); choice.content = new ActivityContent(); choice.content.id = choice.id; Ebean.save(choice); return ok(Json.toJson(choice)); } catch (Throwable e) { return status( ErrDefinition.E_ACTIVITY_CHOICE_CREATE_FAILED, Messages.get("activitychoice.failure")); } }
@SubjectPresent public Result doMerge() { com.feth.play.module.pa.controllers.Authenticate.noCache(response()); // this is the currently logged in user final AuthUser aUser = PlayAuthenticate.getUser(session()); // this is the user that was selected for a login final AuthUser bUser = PlayAuthenticate.getMergeUser(session()); if (bUser == null) { // user to merge with could not be found, silently redirect to login return redirect(routes.Application.index()); } final Form<Accept> filledForm = ACCEPT_FORM.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { // User did not select whether to merge or not merge return badRequest((Content) ask_merge.render("Merge Form")); } else { // User made a choice :) final boolean merge = filledForm.get().accept; if (merge) { flash( Application.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.accounts.merge.success")); } return PlayAuthenticate.merge(ctx(), merge); } }
@Test public void testReservedWords() { Form<Model> form = new Form<>(Model.class); Model model = form.bind(newMap("name10")).get(); assertThat(model.name).isEqualTo("name10"); }
/** * 이메일 추가 * * @return */ @Transactional public static Result addEmail() { Form<Email> emailForm = form(Email.class).bindFromRequest(); String newEmail = emailForm.data().get("email"); if (emailForm.hasErrors()) { flash(Constants.WARNING, emailForm.error("email").message()); return redirect(routes.UserApp.editUserInfoForm()); } User currentUser = currentUser(); if (currentUser == null || currentUser.isAnonymous()) { return forbidden(ErrorViews.NotFound.render()); } if (User.isEmailExist(newEmail) || Email.exists(newEmail, true) || currentUser.has(newEmail)) { flash(Constants.WARNING, Messages.get("user.email.duplicate")); return redirect(routes.UserApp.editUserInfoForm()); } Email email = new Email(); User user = currentUser(); email.user = user; email.email = newEmail; email.valid = false; user.addEmail(email); return redirect(routes.UserApp.editUserInfoForm()); }
/* * 사용자 가입 입력 폼 유효성 체크 */ private static void validate(Form<User> newUserForm) { // loginId가 빈 값이 들어오면 안된다. if (newUserForm.field("loginId").value().trim().isEmpty()) { newUserForm.reject("loginId", "user.wrongloginId.alert"); } if (newUserForm.field("loginId").value().contains(" ")) { newUserForm.reject("loginId", "user.wrongloginId.alert"); } // password가 빈 값이 들어오면 안된다. if (newUserForm.field("password").value().trim().isEmpty()) { newUserForm.reject("password", "user.wrongPassword.alert"); } // 중복된 loginId로 가입할 수 없다. if (User.isLoginIdExist(newUserForm.field("loginId").value())) { newUserForm.reject("loginId", "user.loginId.duplicate"); } // 중복된 email로 가입할 수 없다. if (User.isEmailExist(newUserForm.field("email").value())) { newUserForm.reject("email", "user.email.duplicate"); } }
/** * 사용자 비밀번호 변경 비밀번호 변경에 성공하면 로그인 화면으로 이동 비밀번호 변경에 실패하면 수정화면으로 돌아간다 * * @return */ @Transactional public static Result resetUserPassword() { Form<User> userForm = form(User.class).bindFromRequest(); if (userForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(ErrorViews.BadRequest.render("error.badrequest")); } User currentUser = currentUser(); User user = userForm.get(); if (!isValidPassword(currentUser, user.oldPassword)) { Form<User> currentUserForm = new Form<>(User.class); currentUserForm = currentUserForm.fill(currentUser); flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.wrongPassword.alert"); return badRequest(edit.render(currentUserForm, currentUser)); } resetPassword(currentUser, user.password); // go to login page processLogout(); flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.loginWithNewPassword"); return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm()); }
/** * 사용자 정보 수정 폼으로 이동 현재 로그인된 사용자 기준 * * @return */ @With(AnonymousCheckAction.class) public static Result editUserInfoForm() { User user = UserApp.currentUser(); Form<User> userForm = new Form<>(User.class); userForm = userForm.fill(user); return ok(edit.render(userForm, user)); }
/** Handle the 'new quantity form' submission */ public static Result save() { Form<Quantity> form = form(Quantity.class).bindFromRequest(); form.get().save(); flash("success", "quantity has been created"); return list(0, "name", "asc", "", form.get().getProfileId()); }
public static Result guardar() { Form<Economia> formREconomia = form(Economia.class).bindFromRequest(); formREconomia.get().save(); flash("exito", "Solicitud registrada exitosamente!"); return Inicio; }
// src: 1 = viewAdvertisements // src: 2 = viewMyOwnAdvertisements @Security.Authenticated(Secured.class) public static Result changeStudAdvertisementForm(Long adId, Long src) { Form<StudentAdvertisementForm> adForm = Form.form(StudentAdvertisementForm.class).bindFromRequest(); String description = adForm.get().description; String studies = adForm.get().studies; boolean testAd = adForm.get().test; StudentAdvertisement.create( Student.find.byId(request().username()), studies, description, adId, testAd); if (adForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest( changeStudentAdvertisement.render( Student.find.byId(request().username()), adForm, null, src)); } else { if (src == 1) { return ok( viewAdvertisements.render( Student.find.byId(request().username()), StudentAdvertisement.find.all(), TutorAdvertisement.find.all())); } else { return ok( viewOwnAdvertisements.render( Student.find.byId(request().username()), StudentAdvertisement.find.all(), TutorAdvertisement.find.all())); } } }
/** Send a notification message. */ public Result sendMessage() { try { Form<NotificationMessage> boundForm = notificationMessageForm.bindFromRequest(); if (boundForm.hasErrors()) { String loggedUser = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx()); List<MessageListView> messageListViewRows = new ArrayList<>(); List<Notification> notifications = getNotificationManagerPlugin().getMessagesForUid(loggedUser); for (Notification notification : notifications) { messageListViewRows.add( new MessageListView(this.getAccountManagerPlugin(), notification)); } Table<MessageListView> messagesTables = this.getTableProvider().get().message.templateTable.fill(messageListViewRows); return ok(views.html.messaging.index.render(messagesTables, boundForm)); } NotificationMessage notificationMessage = boundForm.get(); getNotificationManagerPlugin() .sendMessage( getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx()), notificationMessage.principalUids, notificationMessage.title, notificationMessage.message); Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage( getI18nMessagesPlugin().get("messaging.send.success", notificationMessage.title)); return redirect(routes.MessagingController.index()); } catch (Exception e) { return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError( e, log, getConfiguration(), getI18nMessagesPlugin()); } }
public static Result submit() { District dis = District.find.byId(1L); if (dis == null) { return redirect("/setup"); } Form<LoginForm> mForm = Form.form(LoginForm.class).bindFromRequest(); if (mForm.hasErrors()) return badRequest( views.html.login.render( "Please enter the username and password provided by your school", dis, mForm)); LoginForm lForm = mForm.get(); // TODO: Hash passwords List<LoginUser> lookingFor = LoginUser.finder .where() .eq("USER_NAME", lForm.username) .eq("PASS_HASH", lForm.password) .findList(); if (lookingFor.size() != 1) return badRequest( views.html.login.render( "Please enter the username and password provided by your school", dis, mForm)); return ok(views.html.login.render("Logged in!", dis, Form.form(LoginForm.class))); }
public Result create() { Form<Profit> form = Form.form(Profit.class).bindFromRequest(); if (form.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.errorsAsJson()); } Profit profit = form.get(); if (Profit.existsProfitWithId(profit.getIdProfit())) { return Results.status(409, "already exists"); } Integer idAdvisedUser = RequestUtils.getIntegerFromBody(request(), "idAdvisedUser"); if (idAdvisedUser == null) { return badRequest("You need to add the id of the adviseduser"); } AdvisedUser advisedUser = AdvisedUser.findAdvisedUserWithId(idAdvisedUser); if (advisedUser == null) { return Results.status(409, "there is no adviseduser with this id"); } profit.setUser(advisedUser); profit.save(); return created(); }
@Dynamic("editor") public static Result publish() { Form<utils.Forms.PublicationBinder> bindedForm = form(utils.Forms.PublicationBinder.class).bindFromRequest(); Long l = bindedForm.get().location; Long i = bindedForm.get().interest; if (i != null && l != null) { final User u = Mupi.getLocalUser(session()); final models.Profile p = u.profile; String safeBody = Jsoup.clean( bindedForm.get().body, Whitelist.basicWithImages() .addEnforcedAttribute("a", "target", "_blank") .addTags("h1", "h2")); Publication.create( p, models.Location.find.byId(l), models.Interest.find.byId(i), PubType.get(bindedForm.get().pub_typ), safeBody); } return selectFeed(getLocalInterest(), getLocalLocation()); }
@Dynamic("editor") public static Result hostMeetUp() { final Form<utils.Forms.MeetUpHosting> filledForm = HOST_MEETUP_FORM.bindFromRequest(); final User u = Mupi.getLocalUser(session()); final models.Profile p = u.getProfile(); String lastName = p.getLastName(); if (lastName == null) lastName = ""; String interest = "--desconhecido--"; String location = "--desconhecida--"; if (getLocalInterest() != null && getLocalInterest() != -1) interest = models.Interest.find.byId(getLocalInterest()).getName(); if (getLocalLocation() != null && getLocalLocation() != -1) location = models.Location.find.byId(getLocalLocation()).getName(); final String subject = "[EventoMupi][Local] " + p.getFirstName() + " " + lastName + " quer receber encontros amiguinhos! Yayyy!!"; final String body = "O usuário " + p.getFirstName() + " " + lastName + " (" + u.email + ") " + "quer receber encontros da seguinte comunidade:\n" + "\n Localidade - " + location + "\n Interesse - " + interest + "\n\n Ele redigiu a seguinte descrição:\n" + filledForm.get().description; final String from = "*****@*****.**"; final String to = MupiParams.HOST_MEETUP_EMAIL; final String replyTo = "*****@*****.**"; new AssyncEmailSender(subject, body, from, replyTo, to).send(); final String userSubject = "Receber Evento Mupi"; final String userBody = "Olá " + p.getFirstName() + ",\n\n" + "Recebemos sua mensagem sobre o interesse em receber Eventos Mupi. Em breve entraremos em contato para os próximos passos.\n\n\n" + "Atenciosamente,\n" + "Equipe Mupi"; final String userFrom = "*****@*****.**"; final String userTo = u.email; final String userReplyTo = "*****@*****.**"; new AssyncEmailSender(userSubject, userBody, userFrom, userReplyTo, userTo).send(); return redirect(routes.Feed.feed()); }
public Result sendMail() { final Form<MailMe> filledForm = FORM.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(index.render(filledForm)); } else { final String email = filledForm.get().email; final Body body = new Body( views.txt.email.body.render().toString(), views.html.email.body.render().toString()); { // simple usage defaultMailer.sendMail("play-easymail | it works!", body, email); } { // advanced usage final Mail customMail = new Mail("play-easymail | advanced", body, new String[] {email}); customMail.addHeader("Reply-To", email); customMail.addAttachment("attachment.pdf", env.getFile("conf/sample.pdf")); byte[] data = "data".getBytes(); customMail.addAttachment( "data.txt", data, "text/plain", "A simple file", EmailAttachment.INLINE); defaultMailer.sendMail(customMail); } flash("message", "2 mails to '" + email + "' have been sent successfully!"); return redirect(routes.HomeController.index()); } }
public static Result edit() { Form<User> userForm = new Form(User.class) .fill(User.findById.byId(Long.valueOf(session(Application.USER_KEY_ID)))); // clean the sha1 password userForm.get().password = null; return ok(myAccount.render(userForm)); }
public static Result registerNewUser() { Form<Register> regForm = Form.form(Register.class).bindFromRequest(); if (regForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(register.render(regForm)); } else { return redirect(routes.Application.login()); } }
public static Result salvar() { Form<Pedido> form = form(Pedido.class).bindFromRequest(); Pedido pedido = form.get(); pedido.save(); flash("sucesso", "Salvo com sucesso"); return ok(index.render()); }