/** * Shows the welcome page in the borderlayouts CENTER area.<br> * * @throws InterruptedException */ public void showWelcomePage() throws InterruptedException { // get an instance of the borderlayout defined in the zul-file Borderlayout bl = (Borderlayout) Path.getComponent("/outerIndexWindow/borderlayoutMain"); // get an instance of the searched CENTER layout area Center center = bl.getCenter(); // clear the center child comps center.getChildren().clear(); // call the zul-file and put it in the center layout area Executions.createComponents("/WEB-INF/xhtml/pages/default.zul", center, null); }
@Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { try { /* get an instance of the borderlayout defined in the zul-file */ Borderlayout bl = (Borderlayout) Path.getComponent("/outerIndexWindow/borderlayoutMain"); /* get an instance of the searched CENTER layout area */ Center center = bl.getCenter(); /* clear the center child comps */ center.getChildren().clear(); /* * create the page and put it in the center layout area */ if (getZulNavigation().contains("?")) { String newZul = getZulNavigation().replace("?", ","); HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(newZul.split(",")[1].split("=")[0], newZul.split(",")[1].split("=")[1]); Executions.createComponents(newZul.split(",")[0], center, map); } else Executions.createComponents(getZulNavigation(), center, null); } catch (Exception e) { Messagebox.show(e.toString()); } }
/** * Static Setup - add fields to parameterPanel. * * <pre> * ResourceType Resource DateTimeFrom DateTimeTo New * </pre> */ private void statInit() { fieldFrom.setWidth("180px"); fieldTo.setWidth("180px"); bNew.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); Grid grid = GridFactory.newGridLayout(); Rows rows = new Rows(); grid.appendChild(rows); Row row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(fieldResourceType.getLabel().rightAlign()); row.appendChild(fieldResource.getLabel().rightAlign()); row.appendChild(labelFrom.rightAlign()); row.appendChild(labelTo.rightAlign()); row.appendChild(new Label()); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(fieldResourceType.getComponent()); row.appendChild(fieldResource.getComponent()); Div div = new Div(); div.setStyle("text-align: right;"); div.appendChild(fieldFrom); row.appendChild(div); div = new Div(); div.setStyle("text-align: right;"); div.appendChild(fieldTo); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(bNew); layout = new Borderlayout(); layout.setWidth("100%"); layout.setHeight("100%"); if (!isLookup()) { layout.setStyle("position: absolute"); } this.appendChild(layout); North north = new North(); layout.appendChild(north); north.appendChild(grid); Center center = new Center(); layout.appendChild(center); div = new Div(); div.appendChild(contentPanel); if (isLookup()) contentPanel.setWidth("99%"); else contentPanel.setStyle("width: 99%; margin: 0px auto;"); contentPanel.setVflex(true); div.setStyle("width :100%; height: 100%"); center.appendChild(div); div.setVflex("1"); div.setHflex("1"); South south = new South(); layout.appendChild(south); southBody = new Vbox(); southBody.setWidth("100%"); south.appendChild(southBody); southBody.appendChild(confirmPanel); southBody.appendChild(new Separator()); southBody.appendChild(statusBar); }
/** Creates the components..<br> */ private void createComponents() { /** * !! Windows as NameSpaceContainer to prevent not unique id's error from other dashboard module * buttons or other used components. */ Window win = new Window(); win.setBorder("none"); win.setParent(this); Groupbox gb = new Groupbox(); gb.setMold("3d"); gb.setClosable(false); gb.setParent(win); Caption cap = new Caption(); cap.setImage("/images/icons/new_icons_10.gif"); cap.setLabel(Labels.getLabel("common.Application.History")); cap.setStyle("padding: 0px;"); cap.setParent(gb); // Buttons Toolbar/Timer Div div = new Div(); div.setSclass("z-toolbar"); div.setStyle("padding: 0px"); div.setParent(cap); Hbox hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.setPack("stretch"); hbox.setSclass("hboxRemoveWhiteStrips"); hbox.setWidth("100%"); hbox.setParent(div); Toolbar toolbarRight = new Toolbar(); toolbarRight.setAlign("end"); toolbarRight.setStyle("float:right; border-style: none;"); toolbarRight.setParent(hbox); Hbox hboxBtn = new Hbox(); hboxBtn.setSclass("hboxRemoveWhiteStrips"); hboxBtn.setWidth("100%"); hboxBtn.setParent(toolbarRight); // Paging paging = new Paging(); // paging.setParent(hboxBtn); // paging.setDetailed(true); if (isTimerControl()) { Button btnTimer = new Button(); btnTimer.setId("btnTimer"); btnTimer.setHeight("22px"); btnTimer.setImage("/images/icons/clock1_16x16.gif"); // convert to seconds int seconds = (int) Math.round(getDelay() / 1000); if (seconds > 60) { // convert to minutes and set localization to minutes int minutes = (int) Math.round((getDelay() / 1000) / 60); btnTimer.setTooltiptext( Labels.getLabel("btnTimer.tooltiptext") + " " + minutes + " " + Labels.getLabel("common.Minutes")); } else // set localization to seconds btnTimer.setTooltiptext( Labels.getLabel("btnTimer.tooltiptext") + " " + seconds + " " + Labels.getLabel("common.Seconds")); btnTimer.addEventListener("onClick", new BtnClickListener()); btnTimer.setParent(hboxBtn); } Button btnRefresh = new Button(); btnRefresh.setId("btnRefresh"); btnRefresh.setHeight("22px"); btnRefresh.setLabel("!"); btnRefresh.setTooltiptext(Labels.getLabel("btnRefresh.tooltiptext")); btnRefresh.addEventListener("onClick", new BtnClickListener()); btnRefresh.setParent(hboxBtn); // END Buttons Toolbar/Timer // body Borderlayout bl = new Borderlayout(); bl.setHeight(getModulHeight() + "px"); bl.setParent(gb); Center ct = new Center(); ct.setSclass("FDCenterNoBorder"); ct.setStyle("background-color: white"); ct.setFlex(true); ct.setParent(bl); // Listbox listbox = new Listbox(); listbox.setStyle("border: none;"); listbox.setHeight("100%"); listbox.setVisible(true); listbox.setParent(ct); listbox.setItemRenderer(new ItemRenderer()); Listhead listhead = new Listhead(); listhead.setParent(listbox); Listheader listheader1 = new Listheader(); listheader1.setWidth("100px"); listheader1.setHeight("0px"); listheader1.setParent(listhead); Listheader listheader2 = new Listheader(); listheader2.setWidth("100%"); listheader1.setHeight("0px"); listheader2.setParent(listhead); doReadData(); }
/** Ststic Init */ void jbInit() throws Exception { label.setText("Label"); Tabs tabs = new Tabs(); tabbox.appendChild(tabs); Tabpanels tabpanels = new Tabpanels(); tabbox.appendChild(tabpanels); tabs.appendChild(new Tab(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "PriceHistory"))); tabs.appendChild(new Tab(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "QtyReserved"))); tabs.appendChild(new Tab(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "QtyOrdered"))); tabs.appendChild(new Tab(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "QtyUnconfirmed"))); if (m_M_Product_ID != 0) tabs.appendChild(new Tab(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "ATP"))); pricePane.setHeight("100%"); pricePane.appendChild(m_tablePrice); tabpanels.appendChild(pricePane); reservedPane.setHeight("100%"); reservedPane.appendChild(m_tableReserved); tabpanels.appendChild(reservedPane); orderedPane.setHeight("100%"); orderedPane.appendChild(m_tableOrdered); tabpanels.appendChild(orderedPane); unconfirmedPane.setHeight("100%"); unconfirmedPane.appendChild(m_tableUnconfirmed); tabpanels.appendChild(unconfirmedPane); if (m_M_Product_ID != 0) { atpPane.setHeight("100%"); atpPane.appendChild(m_tableAtp); tabpanels.appendChild(atpPane); } tabbox.setSelectedIndex(0); tabbox.addEventListener(Events.ON_SELECT, this); confirmPanel.addActionListener(this); Borderlayout borderlayout = new Borderlayout(); this.setWidth("700px"); this.setHeight("400px"); borderlayout.setStyle("border: none; position: relative"); this.appendChild(borderlayout); this.setClosable(true); North north = new North(); north.setStyle("border: none"); borderlayout.appendChild(north); north.appendChild(label); Center center = new Center(); center.setSclass("dialog-content"); center.setAutoscroll(true); borderlayout.appendChild(center); center.appendChild(tabbox); tabbox.setVflex("1"); tabbox.setHflex("1"); South south = new South(); south.setSclass("dialog-footer"); borderlayout.appendChild(south); south.appendChild(confirmPanel); } // jbInit
/** * Creates a page from a zul-file in a tab in the center area of the borderlayout. Checks if the * tab is opened before. If yes than it selects this tab. * * @param zulFilePathName The ZulFile Name with path. * @param tabName The tab name. * @throws InterruptedException */ private void showPage(String zulFilePathName, String tabName) throws InterruptedException { try { // TODO get the parameter for working with tabs from the application // params final int workWithTabs = 1; if (workWithTabs == 1) { /* get an instance of the borderlayout defined in the zul-file */ Borderlayout bl = (Borderlayout) Path.getComponent("/outerIndexWindow/borderlayoutMain"); /* get an instance of the searched CENTER layout area */ Center center = bl.getCenter(); // get the tabs component Tabs tabs = (Tabs) center .getFellow("divCenter") .getFellow("tabBoxIndexCenter") .getFellow("tabsIndexCenter"); /** * Check if the tab is already opened than select them and<br> * go out of here. If not than create them.<br> */ Tab checkTab = null; try { // checkTab = (Tab) tabs.getFellow(tabName); checkTab = (Tab) tabs.getFellow("tab_" + tabName.trim()); checkTab.setSelected(true); } catch (final ComponentNotFoundException ex) { // Ignore if can not get tab. } if (checkTab == null) { Tab tab = new Tab(); tab.setId("tab_" + tabName.trim()); tab.setLabel(tabName.trim()); tab.setClosable(true); tab.setParent(tabs); Tabpanels tabpanels = (Tabpanels) center .getFellow("divCenter") .getFellow("tabBoxIndexCenter") .getFellow("tabsIndexCenter") .getFellow("tabpanelsBoxIndexCenter"); Tabpanel tabpanel = new Tabpanel(); tabpanel.setHeight("100%"); tabpanel.setStyle("padding: 0px;"); tabpanel.setParent(tabpanels); /** * Create the page and put it in the tabs area. If zul-file is not found, detach the * created tab */ try { Executions.createComponents(zulFilePathName, tabpanel, null); tab.setSelected(true); } catch (final Exception e) { tab.detach(); } } } else { /* get an instance of the borderlayout defined in the zul-file */ Borderlayout bl = (Borderlayout) Path.getComponent("/outerIndexWindow/borderlayoutMain"); /* get an instance of the searched CENTER layout area */ Center center = bl.getCenter(); /* clear the center child comps */ center.getChildren().clear(); /** create the page and put it in the center layout area */ Executions.createComponents(zulFilePathName, center, null); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("--> calling zul-file: " + zulFilePathName); } } catch (final Exception e) { Messagebox.show(e.toString()); } }