Exemplo n.º 1
   * Generates and returns the ZK specific HTML tags such as stylesheet and JavaScript.
   * <p>For each desktop, we have to generate a set of HTML tags to load ZK Client engine, style
   * sheets and so on. For ZUL pages, it is generated automatically by page.dsp. However, for ZHTML
   * pages, we have to generate these tags with special component such as org.zkoss.zhtml.Head, such
   * that the result HTML page is legal.
   * @param exec the execution (never null)
   * @return the string holding the HTML tags, or null if already generated.
   * @param wapp the Web application. If null, exec.getDesktop().getWebApp() is used. So you have to
   *     specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake execution, such as
   *     JSP/DSP).
   * @param deviceType the device type, such as ajax. If null, exec.getDesktop().getDeviceType() is
   *     used. So you have to specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake
   *     execution).
   * @see #outHeaderZkTags
  public static String outZkTags(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, String deviceType) {
    if (exec.getAttribute(ATTR_ZK_TAGS_GENERATED) != null) return null;
    exec.setAttribute(ATTR_ZK_TAGS_GENERATED, Boolean.TRUE);

    final StringBuffer sb =
        new StringBuffer(512)
            .append(outLangStyleSheets(exec, wapp, deviceType))
            .append(outLangJavaScripts(exec, wapp, deviceType));

    final Desktop desktop = exec.getDesktop();
    if (desktop != null && exec.getAttribute(ATTR_DESKTOP_JS_GENED) == null) {
      sb.append("<script class=\"z-runonce\" type=\"text/javascript\">\nzkdt('")

    return sb.toString();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public Set<? extends Component> getAvailableAtClient() {
      if (!isCropper()) return null;

      final Tree tree = getTree();
      final Component parent = getParent();
      final Execution exe = Executions.getCurrent();
      final String attrnm = VISIBLE_ITEM + tree.getUuid();
      Map<Treeitem, Boolean> map = cast((Map) exe.getAttribute(attrnm));
      if (map == null) {
        // Test very simple case first since getVisibleItems costly
        if (parent instanceof Treeitem) {
          for (Treeitem ti = (Treeitem) parent; ; ) {
            if (!ti.isOpen()) return Collections.emptySet();
            Component gp = ti.getParent().getParent();
            if (!(gp instanceof Treeitem)) break;
            ti = (Treeitem) gp;

        map = tree.getVisibleItems();
        Executions.getCurrent().setAttribute(attrnm, map);
      return map.keySet();
      // yes, we return all visible items, not just direct children
      // in other words, we consider the whole tree as a single scope
      // See also bug 2814504
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** Returns the first line to be generated to the output, or null if no special first line. */
 public static final String outFirstLine(Execution exec, Page page) {
   if (exec.getAttribute(FIRST_LINE_GENED) == null && !exec.isAsyncUpdate(null)) {
     exec.setAttribute(FIRST_LINE_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);
     return trimAndLF(((PageCtrl) page).getFirstLine());
   return "";
Exemplo n.º 4
 /** Returns the doc type, or null if not available. It is null or &lt;!DOCTYPE ...&gt;. */
 public static final String outDocType(Execution exec, Page page) {
   if (exec.getAttribute(DOCTYPE_GENED) == null && !exec.isAsyncUpdate(null)) {
     exec.setAttribute(DOCTYPE_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);
     final String docType = ((PageCtrl) page).getDocType();
     return trimAndLF(docType != null ? docType : page.getDesktop().getDevice().getDocType());
   return "";
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Returns the content of the specified condition that will be placed inside the header element of
   * the specified page, or null if it was generated before. For HTML, the header element is the
   * HEAD element.
   * <p>Notice that this method ignores the following invocations against the same page in the same
   * execution. In other words, it is safe to invoke this method multiple times.
   * @param before whether to return the headers that shall be shown before ZK's CSS/JS headers. If
   *     true, only the headers that shall be shown before (such as meta) are returned. If true,
   *     only the headers that shall be shown after (such as link) are returned.
  public static final String outHeaders(Execution exec, Page page, boolean before) {
    if (page == null) return "";

    String attr = "zkHeaderGened" + page.getUuid();
    if (before) attr += "Bf";
    if (exec.getAttribute(attr) != null) return null;

    exec.setAttribute(attr, Boolean.TRUE); // generated only once
    return before ? ((PageCtrl) page).getBeforeHeadTags() : ((PageCtrl) page).getAfterHeadTags();
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Generates the unavailable message in HTML tags, if any.
   * @param exec the execution (never null)
  public static String outUnavailable(Execution exec) {
    if (exec.getAttribute(ATTR_UNAVAILABLE_GENED) == null && !exec.isAsyncUpdate(null)) {
      exec.setAttribute(ATTR_UNAVAILABLE_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);

      final Device device = exec.getDesktop().getDevice();
      String s = device.getUnavailableMessage();
      return s != null ? "<noscript>\n" + s + "\n</noscript>" : "";
    return ""; // nothing to generate
Exemplo n.º 7
   * Returns HTML tags to include all style sheets that are defined in all languages of the
   * specified device (never null).
   * <p>In addition to style sheets defined in lang.xml and lang-addon.xml, it also include:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>The style sheet specified in the theme-uri parameter.
   * </ol>
   * <p>FUTURE CONSIDERATION: we might generate the inclusion on demand instead of all at once.
   * @param exec the execution (never null)
   * @param wapp the Web application. If null, exec.getDesktop().getWebApp() is used. So you have to
   *     specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake execution, such as
   *     JSP/DSP).
   * @param deviceType the device type, such as ajax. If null, exec.getDesktop().getDeviceType() is
   *     used. So you have to specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake
   *     execution).
  public static final String outLangStyleSheets(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, String deviceType) {
    if (exec.isAsyncUpdate(null) || exec.getAttribute(ATTR_LANG_CSS_GENED) != null)
      return ""; // nothing to generate
    exec.setAttribute(ATTR_LANG_CSS_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);

    final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(512);
    for (StyleSheet ss : getStyleSheets(exec, wapp, deviceType)) append(sb, ss, exec, null);

    if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append('\n');
    return sb.toString();
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: Utils.java Projeto: zkoss/zk
  private static Map<Component, ShadowInfo> getShadowInfos(boolean autoCreate) {
    Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
    if (exec == null) return null;

    Map<Component, ShadowInfo> result = cast((Map) exec.getAttribute(COMPONENT_INFO));
    if (result == null && autoCreate) {
      result = new HashMap<Component, ShadowInfo>();
      exec.setAttribute(COMPONENT_INFO, result);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
  public BindingAnnotationInfoChecker getAnnotationInfoChecker() {
    Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
    if (exec == null) return null;

    BindingAnnotationInfoChecker checker =
        (BindingAnnotationInfoChecker) exec.getAttribute(CHECKER_KEY);
    if (checker == null) {
      checker = createDefaultAnnotationInfoChecker();
      exec.setAttribute(CHECKER_KEY, checker);
    return checker;
Exemplo n.º 10
  public BindingExecutionInfoCollector getExecutionInfoCollector() {

    Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
    if (exec == null) return null;

    BindingExecutionInfoCollector collector =
        (BindingExecutionInfoCollector) exec.getAttribute(COLLECTOR_KEY);
    if (collector == null) {
      collector = createBindingExecutionInfoCollector();
      exec.setAttribute(COLLECTOR_KEY, collector);
    return collector;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Returns whether a component can directly generate HTML tags to the output. This flag is used by
  * components that can generate the content directly, such as {@link
  * org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlNativeComponent}
  * @see #setDirectContent
 public static boolean isDirectContent(Execution exec) {
   if (exec == null) exec = Executions.getCurrent();
   return exec != null && exec.getAttribute(ATTR_DIRECT_CONTENT) != null;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Returns if the ZK specific HTML tags are generated.
  * @since 5.0.3
 public static boolean isZkTagsGenerated(Execution exec) {
   return exec.getAttribute(ATTR_ZK_TAGS_GENERATED) != null;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Returns the render context, or null if not available. It is used to render the content that
  * will appear before the content generated by {@link ContentRenderer}, such as crawlable content.
  * @param exec the execution. If null, {@link Executions#getCurrent} is assumed.
 public static final RenderContext getRenderContext(Execution exec) {
   if (exec == null) exec = Executions.getCurrent();
   return exec != null ? (RenderContext) exec.getAttribute(ATTR_RENDER_CONTEXT) : null;
Exemplo n.º 14
   * Returns HTML tags to include all JavaScript files and codes that are required when loading a
   * ZUML page (never null).
   * <p>FUTURE CONSIDERATION: we might generate the inclusion on demand instead of all at once.
   * @param exec the execution (never null)
   * @param wapp the Web application. If null, exec.getDesktop().getWebApp() is used. So you have to
   *     specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake execution, such as
   *     JSP/DSP).
   * @param deviceType the device type, such as ajax. If null, exec.getDesktop().getDeviceType() is
   *     used. So you have to specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake
   *     execution).
  public static final String outLangJavaScripts(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, String deviceType) {
    if (exec.isAsyncUpdate(null) || exec.getAttribute(ATTR_LANG_JS_GENED) != null)
      return ""; // nothing to generate
    exec.setAttribute(ATTR_LANG_JS_GENED, Boolean.TRUE);

    final Desktop desktop = exec.getDesktop();
    if (wapp == null) wapp = desktop.getWebApp();
    if (deviceType == null) deviceType = desktop != null ? desktop.getDeviceType() : "ajax";

    final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1536);

    final Set<JavaScript> jses = new LinkedHashSet<JavaScript>(32);
    for (LanguageDefinition langdef : LanguageDefinition.getByDeviceType(deviceType))
    for (JavaScript js : jses) append(sb, js);

    sb.append("\n<!-- ZK ").append(wapp.getVersion());
    if (WebApps.getFeature("ee")) sb.append(" EE");
    else if (WebApps.getFeature("pe")) sb.append(" PE");
    sb.append(' ').append(wapp.getBuild());
    Object o = wapp.getAttribute("org.zkoss.zk.ui.notice");
    if (o != null) sb.append(o);
    sb.append(" -->\n");

    int tmout = 0;
    final Boolean autoTimeout = getAutomaticTimeout(desktop);
    if (autoTimeout != null
        ? autoTimeout.booleanValue()
        : wapp.getConfiguration().isAutomaticTimeout(deviceType)) {
      if (desktop != null) {
        tmout = desktop.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval();
      } else {
        Object req = exec.getNativeRequest();
        if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
          final HttpSession hsess = ((HttpServletRequest) req).getSession(false);
          if (hsess != null) {
            final Session sess = SessionsCtrl.getSession(wapp, hsess);
            if (sess != null) {
              tmout = sess.getMaxInactiveInterval();
            } else {
              // try configuration first since HttpSession's timeout is set
              // when ZK Session is created (so it is not set yet)
              // Note: no need to setMaxInactiveInternval here since it will
              // be set later or not useful at the end
              tmout = wapp.getConfiguration().getSessionMaxInactiveInterval();
              if (tmout <= 0) // system default
              tmout = hsess.getMaxInactiveInterval();
          } else tmout = wapp.getConfiguration().getSessionMaxInactiveInterval();
      if (tmout > 0) { // unit: seconds
        int extra = tmout / 8;
        tmout += extra > 60 ? 60 : extra < 5 ? 5 : extra;
        // Add extra seconds to ensure it is really timeout

    final boolean
        keepDesktop =
            exec.getAttribute(Attributes.NO_CACHE) == null
                && !"page".equals(ExecutionsCtrl.getPageRedrawControl(exec)),
        groupingAllowed = isGroupingAllowed(desktop);
    final String progressboxPos =
        org.zkoss.lang.Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zul.progressbox.position", "");
    if (tmout > 0 || keepDesktop || progressboxPos.length() > 0 || !groupingAllowed) {
      sb.append("<script class=\"z-runonce\" type=\"text/javascript\">\nzkopt({");

      if (keepDesktop) sb.append("kd:1,");
      if (!groupingAllowed) sb.append("gd:1,");
      if (tmout > 0) sb.append("to:").append(tmout).append(',');
      if (progressboxPos.length() > 0) sb.append("ppos:'").append(progressboxPos).append('\'');

      if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ',') sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);

    final Device device = Devices.getDevice(deviceType);
    String s = device.getEmbedded();
    if (s != null) sb.append(s).append('\n');
    return sb.toString();