Exemplo n.º 1
   * Recovers the desktop if possible. It is called if {@link #getDesktop} returns null.
   * <p>The default implementation will look for any failover manager ({@link FailoverManager}) is
   * registered, and forward the invocation to it if found.
   * @return the recovered desktop, or null if failed to recover
   * @since 5.0.3
  protected Desktop recoverDesktop(
      Session sess,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      WebAppCtrl wappc,
      String dtid) {
    final FailoverManager failover = wappc.getFailoverManager();
    if (failover != null) {
      Desktop desktop = null;
      final ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
      try {
        if (failover.isRecoverable(sess, dtid)) {
          desktop = WebManager.getWebManager(ctx).getDesktop(sess, request, response, null, true);
          if (desktop == null) // forward or redirect
          throw new IllegalStateException("sendRediect or forward not allowed in recovering");

              .execRecover(new ExecutionImpl(ctx, request, response, desktop, null), failover);
          return desktop; // success
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        log.error("Unable to recover " + dtid, ex);
        if (desktop != null) ((DesktopCtrl) desktop).recoverDidFail(ex);
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Outputs the HTML tags of the given component to the given writer.
   * @param path the request path. If null, the servlet path is assumed.
   * @param out the output (never null).
   * @param richlet the richlet to run. If you have only one component to show and no need process
   *     it under an execution, you could use {@link #render(javax.servlet.ServletContext,
   *     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse,
   *     org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, String, java.io.Writer)} instead.
   * @since 5.0.5
  public static final void render(
      ServletContext ctx,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      Richlet richlet,
      String path,
      Writer out)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    if (path == null) path = Https.getThisServletPath(request);

    WebManager webman = WebManager.getWebManagerIfAny(ctx);
    if (webman == null) {
      final String ATTR = "org.zkoss.zkplus.embed.updateURI";
      String updateURI = Library.getProperty(ATTR);
      if (updateURI == null) updateURI = "/zkau";
      else updateURI = Utils.checkUpdateURI(updateURI, ATTR);
      webman = new WebManager(ctx, updateURI);

    final Session sess = WebManager.getSession(ctx, request);
    final WebApp wapp = sess.getWebApp();
    final WebAppCtrl wappc = (WebAppCtrl) wapp;
    final Object old =
        I18Ns.setup(sess, request, response, wapp.getConfiguration().getResponseCharset());
    Execution exec = null;
    try {
      final Desktop desktop = webman.getDesktop(sess, request, response, path, true);
      if (desktop == null) // forward or redirect

      final RequestInfo ri =
          new RequestInfoImpl(wapp, sess, desktop, request, PageDefinitions.getLocator(wapp, path));
      sess.setAttribute(Attributes.GAE_FIX, new Integer(0));
      ((SessionCtrl) sess).notifyClientRequest(true);

      final UiFactory uf = wappc.getUiFactory();
      final Page page = WebManager.newPage(uf, ri, richlet, response, path);
      exec = new ExecutionImpl(ctx, request, response, desktop, page);
      exec.setAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_REDRAW_CONTROL, "page");
      exec.setAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_RENDERER, new PageRenderer(exec));

      wappc.getUiEngine().execNewPage(exec, richlet, page, out);
      // no need to set device type here, since UiEngine will do it later
    } finally {
      I18Ns.cleanup(request, old);
      if (exec != null) {
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Process asynchronous update requests from the client.
   * @since 3.0.0
  protected void process(Session sess, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    final String errClient = request.getHeader("ZK-Error-Report");
    if (errClient != null)
      if (log.debugable())
        log.debug("Error found at client: " + errClient + "\n" + Servlets.getDetail(request));

    // parse desktop ID
    final WebApp wapp = sess.getWebApp();
    final WebAppCtrl wappc = (WebAppCtrl) wapp;
    final AuDecoder audec = getAuDecoder(wapp);
    final String dtid = audec.getDesktopId(request);
    if (dtid == null) {
      // Bug 1929139: incomplete request (IE only)
      if (log.debugable()) {
        final String msg = "Incomplete request\n" + Servlets.getDetail(request);

      response.sendError(467, "Incomplete request");

    Desktop desktop = getDesktop(sess, dtid);
    if (desktop == null) {
      final String cmdId = audec.getFirstCommand(request);
      if (!"rmDesktop".equals(cmdId))
        desktop = recoverDesktop(sess, request, response, wappc, dtid);

      if (desktop == null) {
        response.setIntHeader("ZK-Error", response.SC_GONE); // denote timeout
        sessionTimeout(request, response, wapp, dtid);
    WebManager.setDesktop(request, desktop);
    // reason: a new page might be created (such as include)

    final String sid = request.getHeader("ZK-SID");
    if (sid != null) // Some client might not have ZK-SID
    response.setHeader("ZK-SID", sid);

    // parse commands
    final Configuration config = wapp.getConfiguration();
    final List aureqs;
    boolean keepAlive = false;
    try {
      final boolean timerKeepAlive = config.isTimerKeepAlive();
      aureqs = audec.decode(request, desktop);
      for (Iterator it = aureqs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final String cmdId = ((AuRequest) it.next()).getCommand();
        keepAlive = !(!timerKeepAlive && Events.ON_TIMER.equals(cmdId)) && !"dummy".equals(cmdId);
        // dummy is used for PollingServerPush for piggyback
        if (keepAlive) break; // done
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      responseError(request, response, Exceptions.getMessage(ex));

    if (aureqs.isEmpty()) {
      final String errmsg = "Illegal request: cmd required";
      responseError(request, response, errmsg);

    ((SessionCtrl) sess).notifyClientRequest(keepAlive);

    //		if (log.debugable()) log.debug("AU request: "+aureqs);
    final DesktopCtrl desktopCtrl = (DesktopCtrl) desktop;
    final Execution exec = new ExecutionImpl(getServletContext(), request, response, desktop, null);
    if (sid != null) ((ExecutionCtrl) exec).setRequestId(sid);

    final AuWriter out = AuWriters.newInstance();
            ? getProcessTimeout(config.getResendDelay())
            : 0);
    // Note: getResendDelay() might return nonpositive
    try {
      wappc.getUiEngine().execUpdate(exec, aureqs, out);
    } catch (RequestOutOfSequenceException ex) {
      response.setHeader("ZK-SID", sid);
      response.setIntHeader("ZK-Error", AuResponse.SC_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE);
    out.close(request, response);