Exemplo n.º 1
  public static void collectPredicates(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException {

    for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {

      Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement();
Exemplo n.º 2
  public static void collectLiterals(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException {

    for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {

      Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement();
      if (st.object() instanceof Literal) target.add(st.object());
Exemplo n.º 3
  public static Hashtable getNodes(Model m) throws ModelException {

    Hashtable t = new Hashtable();
    for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      Statement s = (Statement) en.nextElement();
      t.put(s.subject(), s.subject());
      t.put(s.object(), s.object());
    return t;
Exemplo n.º 4
  // FIXME: use digest instead of size
  static void getReachable(Resource r, Model m, Model result) throws ModelException {

    int oldSize = result.size();
    Model directlyReachable = m.find(r, null, null);
    SetOperations.unite(result, directlyReachable);
    if (result.size() == oldSize) return;
    for (Enumeration en = directlyReachable.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement();
      if (t.object() instanceof Resource) getReachable((Resource) t.object(), m, result);
Exemplo n.º 5
  // returns list of statements
  public static void replaceMult(Statement st, NodeFactory f, Map o2n, Collection result)
      throws ModelException {

    List l1 = new ArrayList();
    replaceMultSPO(st, f, o2n, l1, st.subject(), 0);

    List l2 = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < l1.size(); i++)
      replaceMultSPO((Statement) l1.get(i), f, o2n, l2, st.predicate(), 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < l2.size(); i++)
      replaceMultSPO((Statement) l2.get(i), f, o2n, result, st.object(), 2);
Exemplo n.º 6
  /** returns true if old triples from r were removed */
  public static boolean setUniqueObject(
      Model r, Resource subject, Resource predicate, RDFNode object) throws ModelException {

    Model old = r.find(subject, predicate, null);
    SetOperations.subtract(r, old);
    Statement stmt = get1(old);

    if (subject == null && stmt != null) subject = stmt.subject();
    if (predicate == null && stmt != null) predicate = stmt.predicate();

    r.add(r.getNodeFactory().createStatement(subject, predicate, object));
    return !old.isEmpty();
Exemplo n.º 7
  public static List getObjects(Model m, Resource subject, Resource predicate)
      throws ModelException {

    List result = new ArrayList();

    if (m == null || m.size() == 0) return result;

    for (Enumeration en = m.find(subject, predicate, null).elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {

      Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement();
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
  /** Removes all triples which have something to do with the given namespace */
  public static Model removeNamespace(String ns, Model m) throws ModelException {

    Model res = m.duplicate();
    for (Enumeration en = m.duplicate().elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {

      Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement();
      if (t.subject().toString().startsWith(ns)
          || t.predicate().toString().startsWith(ns)
          || t.object().toString().startsWith(ns)) {
        //      System.err.println("REMOVING TRIPLE: " + t);
    return res;
Exemplo n.º 9
  // FIXME: what if reification is an endless loop?
  public static void collectNamespaces(Statement st, Collection target) throws ModelException {

    if (st.subject() instanceof Statement) collectNamespaces((Statement) st.subject(), target);
    else collectNamespaces(st.subject(), target);

    collectNamespaces(st.predicate(), target);

    if (st.object() instanceof Statement) collectNamespaces((Statement) st.object(), target);
    else if (st.object() instanceof Resource) collectNamespaces((Resource) st.object(), target);
Exemplo n.º 10
  public static Statement replaceNamespace(
      Statement st, String o, String n, NodeFactory f, Map o2n, Set resourcesToIgnore)
      throws ModelException {

    boolean replaced = false;
    Resource subj = st.subject();
    Resource pred = st.predicate();
    RDFNode obj = st.object();

    if (obj instanceof Resource
        && !(obj instanceof Statement)
        && o.equals(((Resource) obj).getNamespace())
        && (resourcesToIgnore == null || !resourcesToIgnore.contains(obj))) {

      replaced = true;
      Resource r = f.createResource(n, ((Resource) obj).getLocalName());
      if (o2n != null) o2n.put(obj, r);
      obj = r;

    if (o.equals(subj.getNamespace())
        && (resourcesToIgnore == null || !resourcesToIgnore.contains(subj))) {

      replaced = true;
      Resource r = f.createResource(n, subj.getLocalName());
      if (o2n != null) o2n.put(subj, r);
      subj = r;

    if (o.equals(pred.getNamespace())
        && (resourcesToIgnore == null || !resourcesToIgnore.contains(pred))) {

      replaced = true;
      Resource r = f.createResource(n, pred.getLocalName());
      if (o2n != null) o2n.put(pred, r);
      pred = r;
    return replaced ? f.createStatement(subj, pred, obj) : st;
Exemplo n.º 11
  public static Statement replaceResources(Statement st, NodeFactory f, Map o2n)
      throws ModelException {

    boolean replaced = false;
    Resource subj = st.subject();
    Resource pred = st.predicate();
    RDFNode obj = st.object();

    Object n = null;

    if (obj instanceof Statement) {

      n = obj;
      obj = replaceResources((Statement) obj, f, o2n);
      replaced = n != obj;

    } else if ((n = o2n.get(obj)) != null) {
      replaced = true;
      obj = (RDFNode) n;

    if (subj instanceof Statement) {

      n = subj;
      subj = replaceResources((Statement) subj, f, o2n);
      replaced = n != subj;
    if ((n = o2n.get(subj)) != null) {
      replaced = true;
      subj = (Resource) n;

    if ((n = o2n.get(pred)) != null) {
      replaced = true;
      pred = (Resource) n;
    return replaced ? f.createStatement(subj, pred, obj) : st;
Exemplo n.º 12
  public static void collectResources(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException {

    for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {

      Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement();
      if (!(st.object() instanceof Literal) && !(st.object() instanceof Statement))
Exemplo n.º 13
  // returns list of statements
  protected static void replaceMultSPO(
      Statement st, NodeFactory f, Map o2n, Collection result, RDFNode toReplace, int position)
      throws ModelException {

    Collection replacements;

    if (toReplace instanceof Statement) {

      List l = new ArrayList();
      replaceMult((Statement) toReplace, f, o2n, l);

      if (l.size() == 1 && toReplace == l.get(0)) {
        return; // keep the same
      } else replacements = l;

    } else {

      Object ro = o2n.get(toReplace);

      if (ro instanceof Collection) replacements = (Collection) ro;
      else if (ro != null) {

        replacements = new ArrayList();

      } else { // no replacement needed

        result.add(st); // keep the same statement

    for (Iterator it = replacements.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

      Statement rs = null;
      Object rr = it.next();

      switch (position) {
        case 0:
          rs = f.createStatement((Resource) rr, st.predicate(), st.object());
        case 1:
          rs = f.createStatement(st.subject(), (Resource) rr, st.object());
        case 2:
          rs = f.createStatement(st.subject(), st.predicate(), (RDFNode) rr);