@Then("^the personal details social security number, gender and birthdate are given$")
 public void the_personal_details_social_security_number_gender_and_birthdate_are_given()
     throws Throwable {
   assertEquals(this.socialSecurityNumber, detailsRetrieved.getSocialSecurityNumber());
   assertEquals(this.gender, detailsRetrieved.getGender());
   assertTrue(differNoMoreThanFewSeconds(this.birthDate, detailsRetrieved.getBirthdate()));
     "^on (\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+) the patient had a length of (\\d+) cm and a weight of (\\d+) gr$")
 public void on_the_patient_had_a_length_of_cm_and_a_weight_of_gr(
     int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) throws Throwable {
   this.examinationDate = DATE_FORMATTER.parse(arg1 + "-" + arg2 + "-" + arg3);
   this.length = arg4;
   this.weight = arg5;
   patient.setExaminationDetail(new ExaminationDetail(length, weight, this.examinationDate));
 @Then("^the calculated bmi (\\d+)\\.(\\d+) is given$")
 public void the_calculated_bmi_is_given(int arg1, int arg2) throws Throwable {
   assertEquals(Double.parseDouble("" + arg1 + "." + arg2 + ""), detailsRetrieved.getBmi(), 0.0);