  public <T> void setProperty(final PropertyKey<T> key, final T value) throws FrameworkException {

    // check for read-only properties
    // if (StructrApp.getConfiguration().isReadOnlyProperty(type, key) ||
    // (StructrApp.getConfiguration().isWriteOnceProperty(type, key) && (dbRelationship != null) &&
    // dbRelationship.hasProperty(key.name()))) {
    if (key.isReadOnly()
        || (key.isWriteOnce()
            && (dbRelationship != null)
            && dbRelationship.hasProperty(key.dbName()))) {

      if (readOnlyPropertiesUnlocked || securityContext.isSuperUser()) {

        // permit write operation once and
        // lock read-only properties again
        readOnlyPropertiesUnlocked = false;

      } else {

        throw new FrameworkException(getClass().getSimpleName(), new ReadOnlyPropertyToken(key));

    key.setProperty(securityContext, this, value);
Exemplo n.º 2
  public void processMessage(final WebSocketMessage webSocketData) {

    final GraphObject obj = getGraphObject(webSocketData.getId());
    String key = (String) webSocketData.getNodeData().get("key");

    if (obj != null) {

      PropertyKey propertyKey =
          StructrApp.getConfiguration().getPropertyKeyForJSONName(obj.getClass(), key);
      PropertyConverter converter = propertyKey.inputConverter(getWebSocket().getSecurityContext());

      Object value = obj.getProperty(propertyKey);
      if (converter != null) {

        try {
          value = converter.revert(value);

        } catch (FrameworkException ex) {

              .send(MessageBuilder.status().code(400).message(ex.getMessage()).build(), true);

      webSocketData.setNodeData(key, value);

      // send only over local connection (no broadcast)
      getWebSocket().send(webSocketData, true);

    } else {

      getWebSocket().send(MessageBuilder.status().code(404).build(), true);
Exemplo n.º 3
  public Object execute(Object... parameters) throws FrameworkException {

    final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(securityContext);

    switch (parameters.length) {
      case 1:
          final Index<Node> index = getIndexFromArguments(NodeIndex.user, arguments);

          // we have only a simple user name
          if (parameters[0] instanceof String) {

            final String userName = (String) parameters[0];

            for (final Node n : index.get(AbstractNode.name.dbName(), userName)) {

              final NodeInterface s = nodeFactory.instantiate(n);

              if (s.getType().equals(Principal.class.getSimpleName())) {

                return s;

      case 3:
          final String userNickName = (String) parameters[0];
          final PropertyKey key = (PropertyKey) parameters[1];
          final NodeIndex idx = (NodeIndex) parameters[2];
          final Index<Node> index = getIndexFromArguments(idx, arguments);
          IndexHits<Node> indexHits = null;

          synchronized (index) {

            // see: http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/milestone/indexing-create-advanced.html
            indexHits = index.query(key.dbName(), "\"" + userNickName + "\"");

          try {
            for (final Node n : indexHits) {
              final Object u = nodeFactory.instantiate(n);
              if (u != null) {
                return u;
          } finally {


    return null;
  public void updateChangeLog(
      final Principal user,
      final Verb verb,
      final PropertyKey key,
      final Object previousValue,
      final Object newValue) {

    if (changeLogEnabled && changeLog != null && key != null) {

      final String name = key.jsonName();

      if (!hiddenPropertiesInAuditLog.contains(name)
          && !(key.isUnvalidated() || key.isReadOnly())) {

        final JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();

        obj.add("time", toElement(System.currentTimeMillis()));
        obj.add("userId", toElement(user.getUuid()));
        obj.add("userName", toElement(user.getName()));
        obj.add("verb", toElement(verb));
        obj.add("key", toElement(key.jsonName()));
        obj.add("prev", toElement(previousValue));
        obj.add("val", toElement(newValue));

  public <T> Comparable getComparableProperty(final PropertyKey<T> key) {

    if (key != null) {

      final T propertyValue = getProperty(key, false, null); // get "raw" property without converter

      // check property converter
      PropertyConverter converter = key.databaseConverter(securityContext, this);
      if (converter != null) {

        try {
          return converter.convertForSorting(propertyValue);

        } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
              "Unable to convert property {0} of type {1}: {2}",
              new Object[] {key.dbName(), getClass().getSimpleName(), fex.getMessage()});

      // conversion failed, may the property value itself is comparable
      if (propertyValue instanceof Comparable) {
        return (Comparable) propertyValue;

      // last try: convertFromInput to String to make comparable
      if (propertyValue != null) {
        return propertyValue.toString();

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 6
  protected boolean hasPropertyValue(Node node, PropertyKey propertyKey, Object propertyValue) {

    if (node != null && node.hasProperty(propertyKey.dbName())) {

      Object value = node.getProperty(propertyKey.dbName());
      return value.equals(propertyValue);

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
  // ----- protected methods -----
  protected boolean hasPropertyValue(
      Relationship rel, PropertyKey propertyKey, Object propertyValue) {

    if (rel != null && rel.hasProperty(propertyKey.dbName())) {

      Object value = rel.getProperty(propertyKey.dbName());
      return value.equals(propertyValue);

    return false;
  public void indexPassiveProperties() {

    for (PropertyKey key :
        StructrApp.getConfiguration().getPropertySet(entityType, PropertyView.All)) {

      if (key.isPassivelyIndexed()) {

        key.index(this, this.getPropertyForIndexing(key));
  private <T> T getProperty(
      final PropertyKey<T> key,
      boolean applyConverter,
      final org.neo4j.helpers.Predicate<GraphObject> predicate) {

    // early null check, this should not happen...
    if (key == null || key.dbName() == null) {
      return null;

    return key.getProperty(securityContext, this, applyConverter, predicate);
Exemplo n.º 10
  public void removeProperty(final PropertyKey key) throws FrameworkException {


    // remove from index
   * Call validators. This must be synchronized globally
   * @param securityContext
   * @param errorBuffer
   * @return valid
  private boolean validate(SecurityContext securityContext, ErrorBuffer errorBuffer) {

    boolean valid = true;

    for (PropertyKey key : removedProperties.keySet()) {

      List<PropertyValidator> validators = key.getValidators();
      for (PropertyValidator validator : validators) {

        Object value = object.getProperty(key);

        valid &= validator.isValid(securityContext, object, key, value, errorBuffer);

    // explicitly call isValid()
    return valid && object.isValid(errorBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 12
  public void removeFromIndex(PropertyKey key) {

    for (Index<Relationship> index :
        Services.getInstance().getService(NodeService.class).getRelationshipIndices()) {

      synchronized (index) {
        index.remove(dbRelationship, key.dbName());
Exemplo n.º 13
  public JsonElement getContent() {

    JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
    JsonObject vals = new JsonObject();

    for (Entry<PropertyKey, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {

      PropertyKey key = entry.getKey();
      Object value = entry.getValue();

      if (value == null) {
        vals.add(key.jsonName(), new JsonNull());
      } else {
        vals.add(key.jsonName(), new JsonPrimitive(value.toString()));

    obj.add(getErrorToken(), vals);

    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 14
  public java.lang.Object getPropertyForIndexing(final PropertyKey key) {

    if (key.equals(Content.content)) {

      String value = getProperty(Content.content);
      if (value != null) {

        return Search.escapeForLucene(value);

    return super.getPropertyForIndexing(key);
  private synchronized <
          A extends NodeInterface, B extends NodeInterface, R extends Relation<A, B, ?, ?>>
      R createRelationship(
          final A fromNode, final B toNode, final Class<R> relType, final PropertyMap properties)
          throws FrameworkException {

    final RelationshipFactory<R> factory = new RelationshipFactory(securityContext);
    final R template = instantiate(relType);
    final Node startNode = fromNode.getNode();
    final Node endNode = toNode.getNode();
    final Relationship rel = startNode.createRelationshipTo(endNode, template);
    final R newRel = factory.instantiate(rel);
    final Date now = new Date();

    // logger.log(Level.INFO, "CREATING relationship {0}-[{1}]->{2}", new Object[] {
    // fromNode.getType(), newRel.getRelType(), toNode.getType() } );

    if (newRel != null) {

      newRel.setProperty(GraphObject.type, relType.getSimpleName());

      // set UUID
      newRel.setProperty(GraphObject.id, getNextUuid());

      // set created date
      newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.createdDate, now);

      // set last modified date
      newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.lastModifiedDate, now);

      // Try to get the cascading delete flag from the domain specific relationship type
          AbstractRelationship.cascadeDelete, factory.instantiate(rel).getCascadingDeleteFlag());

      // notify transaction handler

      if (properties != null) {

        for (Entry<PropertyKey, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {

          PropertyKey key = entry.getKey();

          // on creation, writing of read-only properties should be possible
          if (key.isReadOnly() || key.isWriteOnce()) {

          newRel.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

      // notify relationship of its creation

      // iterate post creation transformations
      for (Transformation<GraphObject> transformation :
          StructrApp.getConfiguration().getEntityCreationTransformations(newRel.getClass())) {

        transformation.apply(securityContext, newRel);

    return newRel;
  public void processMessage(WebSocketMessage webSocketData) {

    final Map<String, Object> nodeData = webSocketData.getNodeData();
    final String parentId = (String) nodeData.get("parentId");
    final String childContent = (String) nodeData.get("childContent");
    final String pageId = webSocketData.getPageId();


    if (pageId != null) {

      // check for parent ID before creating any nodes
      if (parentId == null) {

                    .message("Cannot add node without parentId")

      // check if parent node with given ID exists
      final DOMNode parentNode = getDOMNode(parentId);
      if (parentNode == null) {

            .send(MessageBuilder.status().code(404).message("Parent node not found").build(), true);

      final Document document = getPage(pageId);
      if (document != null) {

        final String tagName = (String) nodeData.get("tagName");
        final App app = StructrApp.getInstance();


        try {

          DOMNode newNode;

          if (tagName != null && !tagName.isEmpty()) {

            newNode = (DOMNode) document.createElement(tagName);

          } else {

            newNode = (DOMNode) document.createTextNode("#text");

          // append new node to parent
          if (newNode != null) {


            for (Entry entry : nodeData.entrySet()) {

              String key = (String) entry.getKey();
              Object val = entry.getValue();

              PropertyKey propertyKey =
                      .getPropertyKeyForDatabaseName(newNode.getClass(), key);
              if (propertyKey != null) {

                try {
                  Object convertedValue = val;

                  PropertyConverter inputConverter =
                  if (inputConverter != null) {

                    convertedValue = inputConverter.convert(val);

                  // newNode.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce();
                  newNode.setProperty(propertyKey, convertedValue);

                } catch (FrameworkException fex) {

                      "Unable to set node property {0} of node {1} to {2}: {3}",
                      new Object[] {propertyKey, newNode.getUuid(), val, fex.getMessage()});

            // create a child text node if content is given
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(childContent)) {

              DOMNode childNode = (DOMNode) document.createTextNode(childContent);

              if (newNode != null) {


        } catch (DOMException dex) {

          // send DOM exception
              .send(MessageBuilder.status().code(422).message(dex.getMessage()).build(), true);

        } catch (FrameworkException ex) {

              .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

        } finally {


      } else {

            .send(MessageBuilder.status().code(404).message("Page not found").build(), true);

    } else {

                  .message("Cannot create node without pageId")
Exemplo n.º 17
  private void extractAndSetValue(
      final NodeInterface obj,
      final Document doc,
      final String selector,
      final String mappedType,
      final String mappedAttribute,
      final String mappedAttributeFormat,
      final SourcePage subPage)
      throws FrameworkException {

    // If the sub pattern has a mapped attribute, set the extracted value
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mappedAttribute)) {

      // Extract the value for this sub pattern's selector
      final String ex = doc.select(selector).text();

      final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
      final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType), mappedAttribute);

      if (key != null) {

        Object convertedValue = ex;

        final PropertyConverter inputConverter = key.inputConverter(securityContext);

        if (inputConverter != null) {

          final String locale = getProperty(mappedAttributeLocaleProperty);
          DecimalFormat decimalFormat = null;

          if (key instanceof DoubleProperty) {

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(locale)) {

              decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale(locale));

            } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mappedAttributeFormat)) {

              decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(mappedAttributeFormat);

            if (decimalFormat != null) {

              convertedValue = decimalFormat.format(convertedValue);

          } else {

            convertedValue = inputConverter.convert(ex);

        obj.setProperty(key, convertedValue);

      // If the sub pattern has no mapped attribute but a sub page defined, query the patterns of
      // the sub page
    } else if (subPage != null) {

      final String pageUrl = subPage.getProperty(SourcePage.url);
      final URI uri;

      try {
        uri = new URI(pageUrl);
      } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        throw new FrameworkException(422, "Unable to parse sub page url: " + pageUrl);

      // This is the URL of the linked page derived from the enclosing selector
      final String subUrl =
          uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getAuthority() + doc.select(selector).attr("href");

      // Extract the content of the linked page
      final String subContent = getContent(subUrl);

      // Parse the content into a document
      final Document subDoc = Jsoup.parse(subContent);

      final List<SourcePattern> subPagePatterns = subPage.getProperty(SourcePage.patterns);

      // Loop through all patterns of the sub page
      for (final SourcePattern subPagePattern : subPagePatterns) {

        final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("document", subDoc);
        params.put("object", obj);


        //				final String subPagePatternSelector =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.selectorProperty);
        //				// Extract
        //				final String subEx = subDoc.select(subPagePatternSelector).text();
        //				final String subPagePatternType =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.mappedTypeProperty);
        //				if (subPagePatternType != null) {
        //					final Elements subParts = subDoc.select(subPagePatternSelector);
        //					final Long j = 1L;
        //					for (final Element subPart : subParts) {
        //						final NodeInterface subObj = create(subPagePatternType);
        //						final List<SourcePattern> subPagePatternPatterns =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.subPatternsProperty);
        //						for (final SourcePattern subPageSubPattern : subPagePatternPatterns) {
        //							final String subPagePatternSelector =
        // subPageSubPattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.selectorProperty);
        //							final String subPageSubPatternSelector = subPagePatternSelector + ":nth-child(" + j
        // + ") > " + subPagePatternSelector;
        //							extractAndSetValue(subObj, subDoc, subSelector, mappedType,
        // subPatternMappedAttribute);
        //							final String subSubEx = subDoc.select(subPageSubPatternSelector).text();
        //							if (subSubEx != null && subSubEx != = '' && subPageSubPattern.mappedAttribute !=
        // null) {
        //							final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType),
        // subPatternMappedAttribute);
        //							if (key != null) {
        //								subObj.setProperty(key, subSubEx);
        //							}
        //						}
        //						final String subPagePatternMappedAttribute =
        // subPagePattern.getProperty(SourcePattern.mappedAttributeProperty);
        //						final PropertyKey key = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(type(mappedType),
        // subPagePatternMappedAttribute);
        //						if (key != null) {
        //							obj.setProperty(key, subSubEx);
        //						}
        //					}
        //				} else {
        //					if (subEx != null && subEx != = '' && subPagePattern.mappedAttribute != null) {
        //						obj[subPagePattern.mappedAttribute] = subEx;
        //					}