/** * Generates views based on annotations found in a repository class. If the repository class * extends org.ektorp.support.CouchDbRepositorySupport its handled type will also examined for * annotations eligible for view generation. * * @param repository * @return a Map with generated views. */ public Map<String, DesignDocument.View> generateViews(final Object repository) { final Map<String, DesignDocument.View> views = new HashMap<String, DesignDocument.View>(); final Class<?> repositoryClass = repository.getClass(); final Class<?> handledType = repository instanceof CouchDbRepositorySupport<?> ? ((CouchDbRepositorySupport<?>) repository).getHandledType() : null; createDeclaredViews(views, repositoryClass); eachMethod( repositoryClass, new Predicate<Method>() { public boolean apply(Method input) { if (hasAnnotation(input, GenerateView.class)) { generateView(views, input, handledType); } return false; } }); if (handledType != null) { views.putAll(generateViewsFromPersistentType(handledType)); } return views; }
/** @return matching bloc B bloc -> A bloc */ public static Map<Integer, Integer> diff(FileDesc a, FileDesc b) { Map<Integer, List<IndexedHash>> blocA = new HashMap<Integer, List<IndexedHash>>(); int i = 0; for (Bloc bloc : a.blocs) { List<IndexedHash> l = blocA.get(bloc.roll); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList<IndexedHash>(); blocA.put(bloc.roll, l); } l.add(new IndexedHash(i++, bloc.hash)); } Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); loop: for (i = 0; i < b.blocs.length; i++) { Bloc blocB = b.blocs[i]; List<IndexedHash> list = blocA.get(blocB.roll); if (list != null) { for (IndexedHash bloc : list) { if (blocB.hash.equals(bloc.h)) { map.put(i, bloc.i); continue loop; } } } } return map; }
private void generateView( Map<String, DesignDocument.View> views, Method me, Class<?> handledType) { String name = me.getName(); if (!name.startsWith("findBy") && !name.equals("getAll")) { throw new ViewGenerationException( String.format( "The method: %s in %s annotated with GenerateView does not conform to the naming convention of 'findByXxxx'", name, me.getDeclaringClass())); } Class<?> type = resolveReturnType(me); if (type == null) { if (handledType != null) { type = handledType; } else { throw new ViewGenerationException( "Could not resolve return type for method: %s in %s", me.getName(), me.getDeclaringClass()); } } String typeDiscriminator = resolveTypeDiscriminator(type); if (name.equals("getAll")) { if (typeDiscriminator.length() < 1) { throw new ViewGenerationException( String.format( "Cannot generate 'all' view for %s. No type discriminator could be resolved. Try annotate unique field(s) with @TypeDiscriminator", type.getDeclaringClass())); } views.put("all", generateAllView(typeDiscriminator)); return; } String finderName = name.substring(6); String fieldName = resolveFieldName(me, finderName); Method getter = findMethod(type, "get" + fieldName); if (getter == null) { // try pluralis fieldName += "s"; getter = findMethod(type, "get" + fieldName); } if (getter == null) { throw new ViewGenerationException( "Could not generate view for method %s. No get method found for property %s in %s", name, name.substring(6), type); } fieldName = firstCharToLowerCase(fieldName); DesignDocument.View view; if (isIterable(getter.getReturnType())) { view = generateFindByIterableView(fieldName, typeDiscriminator); } else { view = generateFindByView(fieldName, typeDiscriminator); } views.put("by_" + firstCharToLowerCase(finderName), view); }
private void addView( Map<String, DesignDocument.View> views, View input, Class<?> repositoryClass) { if (input.file().length() > 0) { views.put(input.name(), loadViewFromFile(views, input, repositoryClass)); } else { views.put(input.name(), DesignDocument.View.of(input)); } }
@Override public boolean loadLibrary(String libname, boolean ignoreError, ClassLoader cl) { try { for (Entry<String, String> nativeEntry : platformNativeIndex.entrySet()) { if (nativeEntry.getKey().contains(libname)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Loading mapped entry: [{}] [{}] [{}]", libname, nativeEntry.getKey(), nativeEntry.getValue()); } File nativeLibCopy = extractJarEntry( nativeEntry.getValue(), nativeEntry.getKey(), System.getProperty(JAVA_TMP_DIR), String.format("%s.jni", libname)); System.load(nativeLibCopy.getAbsolutePath()); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load native library [{}] - {}", libname, e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No mapped library match for [{}]", libname); } return false; }
public GLBootstrap() throws Exception { System.setProperty("jogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache", "false"); log.info( "Initializing native JOGL jar dependencies for platform [{}]. Temp jar cache disabled.", PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch); String nativeJarName = String.format("%s-%s", NATIVES, PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch); String[] classpathEntries = System.getProperty(JAVA_CLASSPATH).split(System.getProperty(JAVA_SEPARATOR)); for (String jarPath : classpathEntries) { if (jarPath.contains(nativeJarName)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Applicable platform jar: [{}]", jarPath); } JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarPath); try { Enumeration<JarEntry> jarEntries = jf.entries(); while (jarEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = jarEntries.nextElement(); if (!je.isDirectory() && !je.getName().contains(JAVA_META_INF)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Mapping jar entry [{}] -> [{}]", je.getName(), jarPath); } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && platformNativeIndex.containsKey(je.getName())) { log.debug("Duplicate jar entry: [{}]", je.getName()); log.debug("Mapped at: [{}]", platformNativeIndex.get(je.getName())); log.debug("Also at: [{}]", jarPath); } platformNativeIndex.put(je.getName(), jarPath); } } } finally { closeJar(jf); } } } }
private void generateSetBasedDocRefView( Map<String, org.ektorp.support.DesignDocument.View> views, Member me, DocumentReferences referenceMetaData) { String fieldName = firstCharToLowerCase(me.getName()); String orderBy = referenceMetaData.orderBy(); String backRef = referenceMetaData.backReference(); if (backRef.length() == 0) { throw new ViewGenerationException( String.format( "The DocumentReferences annotation in %s must specify a backReference", me.getDeclaringClass())); } String viewName = NameConventions.backReferenceViewName(fieldName); String typeDiscriminator = resolveTypeDiscriminatorForBackReference(me); if (orderBy.length() > 0) { views.put( viewName, generateDocRefsAsSetWithOrderByView(backRef, fieldName, orderBy, typeDiscriminator)); } else { views.put(viewName, generateDocRefsAsSetView(backRef, fieldName, typeDiscriminator)); } }
@Override public void unpairDevice(String deviceId) { pairedDevices.remove(deviceId); }
@Override public void pairDevice(String deviceId, String deviceName) { pairedDevices.put(deviceId, deviceName); }
@Override public String getDeviceName(String deviceId) { return isReceptionFromAnyDevice() ? null : pairedDevices.get(deviceId); }
@Override public boolean isAllowedDeviceId(String deviceId) { return isReceptionFromAnyDevice() || pairedDevices.containsKey(deviceId); }
@Override public Collection<String> getPairedDeviceIds() { return pairedDevices.keySet(); }