public boolean contains(OWLDataProperty prop) {
   if (prop.equals(owlOntologyManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing())) {
     return true;
   } else if (prop.equals(owlOntologyManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNothing())) {
     return true;
   return owlDataProperty2DataPropertyPointerMap.containsKey(prop);
 public boolean contains(OWLClass cls) {
   if (cls.equals(owlOntologyManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing())) {
     return true;
   } else if (cls.equals(owlOntologyManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNothing())) {
     return true;
   return owlClass2ClassPointerMap.containsKey(cls);
Exemplo n.º 3
  private OWLDescription createIncludeCoffeeDescription(Set<OWLClass> includeExtras) {
    OWLObjectProperty prop =
        this.getNamedObjectProperty(PREFERENCES.getExtrasPropertyName()); // has_extras

    Set<OWLDescription> classes = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
    classes.add(getCoffeeClass()); // get OWL class for Coffee

    for (OWLClass extra : includeExtras) {
      classes.add(manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectSomeRestriction(prop, extra));

    return manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(classes);
Exemplo n.º 4
  private OWLDescription createExcludeCoffeeDescription(Set<OWLClass> excludeExtras) {
    OWLObjectProperty prop =
        this.getNamedObjectProperty(PREFERENCES.getExtrasPropertyName()); // has_extras

    Set<OWLDescription> classes = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
    // Everything must be a coffee

    for (OWLClass extra : excludeExtras) {
      classes.add(manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectSomeRestriction(prop, extra));

    // are looking for.
    return manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectUnionOf(classes);
Exemplo n.º 5
  protected boolean isEntailed(
      OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLOntology premise, OWLOntology conclusion)
      throws OWLReasonerException {

    OWLReasoner reasoner = JcelReasonerManager.getInstance().getJcelReasoner(manager);
    this.reasoner = reasoner;


    JcelEntailmentChecker checker =
        new JcelEntailmentChecker(reasoner, manager.getOWLDataFactory());

    boolean ret = true;
    for (Iterator<OWLLogicalAxiom> it = conclusion.getLogicalAxioms().iterator();
        ret && it.hasNext(); ) {
      OWLLogicalAxiom axiom =;

      if (!checker.isEntailed(axiom)) {
        ret = false;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Creates OWLDescription (query) by given included extras and excluded extras
   * @param includeExtras
   * @param excludeExtras
   * @return
  private OWLDescription createCoffeeDescription(
      Set<OWLClass> includeExtras, Set<OWLClass> excludeExtras) {

    // Include means existential restrictions
    // Exclude means negated existential restrictions
    OWLObjectProperty prop =
        this.getNamedObjectProperty(PREFERENCES.getExtrasPropertyName()); // has_extras

    // Create a hash set to store the components (existential restrictions)
    // of our description
    Set<OWLDescription> classes = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
    // Everything must be a coffee
    classes.add(getCoffeeClass()); // get OWL class for Coffee

    // Create the existential restrictions that represent the extras
    // that we want to include.
    for (OWLClass extra : includeExtras) {
      // e.g. hasExtras some ex_A , hasExtras some ex_B
      classes.add(manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectSomeRestriction(prop, extra));

    // Create the negated existential restrictions of the extras that we
    // want to exclude
    for (OWLClass excludeExtra : excludeExtras) {
      // has_topping some topping_A
      OWLDescription restriction =
          manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectSomeRestriction(prop, excludeExtra);
      // not (has_topping some topping_A)
      OWLObjectComplementOf neg = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectComplementOf(restriction);

    // Bind the whole thing up in an intersection class
    // to create a concept description of the coffee we
    // are looking for.
    return manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(classes);
 public void visit(OWLUntypedConstant node) {
   try {
     lastDataValuePointer = owlConstant2DataValuePointerMap.get(node);
     if (lastDataValuePointer == null) {
           .accept((OWLDataVisitor) this);
       lastDataValuePointer =
           faCTPlusPlus.getDataValue(node.getLiteral(), getLastDataTypePointer());
       owlConstant2DataValuePointerMap.put(node, lastDataValuePointer);
       dataValuePointerMap.put(lastDataValuePointer, node);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new FaCTPlusPlusRuntimeException(e);
 public void visit(OWLDataType dataType) {
   try {
     lastDataTypeExpressionPointer = null;
     lastDataTypePointer =
         (DataTypePointer) owlDataRange2DataTypeExpressionPointerMap.get(dataType);
     if (lastDataTypePointer == null) {
       if (owlOntologyManager.getOWLDataFactory().getTopDataType().equals(dataType)) {
         lastDataTypePointer = faCTPlusPlus.getDataTop();
       } else {
         lastDataTypePointer = faCTPlusPlus.getBuiltInDataType(dataType.getURI().toString());
       owlDataRange2DataTypeExpressionPointerMap.put(dataType, lastDataTypePointer);
       dataTypeExpressionPointerMap.put(lastDataTypePointer, dataType);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new FaCTPlusPlusRuntimeException(e);
Exemplo n.º 9
   * Gets the property by given name, e.g. has_topping
   * @param propName
   * @return
  public OWLObjectProperty getNamedObjectProperty(String propName) {

    if (objPropNameCache == null) {
      objPropNameCache = new HashMap<String, URI>();
      for (OWLOntology ont : reasoner.getLoadedOntologies()) {
        for (OWLObjectProperty prop : ont.getReferencedObjectProperties()) {
          objPropNameCache.put(prop.toString(), prop.getURI());

    // search the HashMap
    OWLObjectProperty namedProp = null;
    URI uri = objPropNameCache.get(propName);
    if (uri != null) {
      namedProp = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectProperty(uri);
    } else {
      System.err.println("Cannot find object property: " + propName + " in loaded ontologies");
    return namedProp;
Exemplo n.º 10
   * Gets OWL class by given name
   * @param className
   * @return
   * @throws OWLReasonerException
  public OWLClass getNamedClass(String className) {

    if (classnameCache == null) {
      classnameCache = new HashMap<String, URI>();
      for (OWLOntology ont : reasoner.getLoadedOntologies()) {
        for (OWLClass cls : ont.getReferencedClasses()) {
          classnameCache.put(cls.toString(), cls.getURI());

    OWLClass namedCls = null;
    URI uri = classnameCache.get(className);
    if (uri != null) {
      namedCls = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(uri);
    } else {
      System.err.println("Cannot find class: " + className + " in loaded ontologies");

    return namedCls;
Exemplo n.º 11
  private void _createNewOntology() throws Exception {

    assert namespace.matches(".*(/|#)");

    String baseUri = namespace.replaceAll("(/|#)+$", ""); // removing any trailing slash/hash

    manager = new SKOSManager();

    if (namespace.endsWith("#")) {
      // Ok, OWLAPI v2 works fine with hash separator:
      dataset = manager.createSKOSDataset(URI.create(baseUri));
    } else {
      // TODO NOTE: workaround for bug in OWLAPI v2:
      // Instead of using a baseUri without separator,
      // use the namespace itself (ie, w/ fragment separator):
      dataset = manager.createSKOSDataset(URI.create(namespace));
      // In this way, the resulting ontology looks OK except that the xml:base is
      // written with the separator:
      //		<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
      //		     xml:base=""    <<<--- WITH trailing slash
      //		     xmlns:owl2xml=""
      //		     xmlns:xsd=""
      //		     xmlns:owl2=""
      //		     xmlns:rdfs=""
      //		     xmlns:rdf=""
      //		     xmlns:owl=""
      //		     xmlns:skos="">
      //		    <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/>
      //		...
      //	    <!-- -->
      //	        <skos:ConceptScheme rdf:about="CfStdName"/>
      //	        <!-- -->
      //	        <skos:Concept rdf:about="age_of_stratospheric_air">
      //	            <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="CfStdName"/>
      //	        </skos:Concept>
      //	        <!-- -->
      //	        <skos:Concept rdf:about="air_density">
      //	            <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="CfStdName"/>
      //	        </skos:Concept>
      //		...

    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    Document document = StringReader(inputContents));

    standard_name_table = document.getRootElement();

    _getProperty(standard_name_table, "version_number");
    _getProperty(standard_name_table, "last_modified");
    _getProperty(standard_name_table, "institution");
    _getProperty(standard_name_table, "contact");

    // TODO assign version_number, last_modified as some properties to the ontology itself.

    dataFactory = manager.getSKOSDataFactory();

    allEntities = new ArrayList<SKOSEntity>();
    conceptScheme = dataFactory.getSKOSConceptScheme(URI.create(namespace + CONCEPT_SCHEME));
    concepts = new HashSet<SKOSConcept>();

    URI topConceptUri = URI.create(namespace + TOP_CONCEPT);
    topConcept = dataFactory.getSKOSConcept(topConceptUri);

    objectRelationAssertions = new ArrayList<SKOSObjectRelationAssertion>();
    dataRelationAssertions = new ArrayList<SKOSDataRelationAssertion>();

    // skos:hasTopConcept
            conceptScheme, dataFactory.getSKOSHasTopConceptProperty(), topConcept));

    // OWL API stuff
    owlManager = manager.getOWLManger();
    owlOntology = owlManager.getOntology(URI.create(namespace));
    owlDataFactory = owlManager.getOWLDataFactory();

    canonicalUnitsProp =
        owlDataFactory.getOWLDataProperty(URI.create(namespace + "canonical_units"));
    gribProp = owlDataFactory.getOWLDataProperty(URI.create(namespace + "grib"));
    amipProp = owlDataFactory.getOWLDataProperty(URI.create(namespace + "amip"));

    rdfsLabel =
    rdfsComment =

    owlChanges = new ArrayList<AddAxiom>();

    _addOwlChange(topConceptUri, TOP_CONCEPT.replace('_', ' '), "", null, null, null);