   * Notifies the described extension of a proposal computation session end.
   * <p><em> Note: This method is called every time code assist is invoked and is
   * <strong>not</strong> filtered by partition type. </em>
  public void sessionEnded() {
    if (!isEnabled()) return;

    IStatus status;
    try {
      IRubyCompletionProposalComputer computer = getComputer();
      if (computer == null) // not active yet

      PerformanceStats stats = startMeter(SESSION_ENDED, computer);
      stopMeter(stats, SESSION_ENDED);

    } catch (InvalidRegistryObjectException x) {
      status = createExceptionStatus(x);
    } catch (CoreException x) {
      status = createExceptionStatus(x);
    } catch (RuntimeException x) {
      status = createExceptionStatus(x);

    fRegistry.informUser(this, status);