Exemplo n.º 1
 public void popTemporaryModule(String moduleName) {
   synchronized (lockTemporaryModules) {
     if (temporaryModules == null) {
     FastStack<IModule> stack = temporaryModules.get(moduleName);
     if (stack == null) {
       // try to make it null when possible
       temporaryModules = null;
     try {
       if (stack.size() == 0) {
       if (temporaryModules.size() == 0) {
         // try to make it null when possible (so that we don't have to sync later on)
         temporaryModules = null;
     } catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 2
   * @param request this is the request for the completion
   * @param theList OUT - returned completions are added here. (IToken instances)
   * @param getOnlySupers whether we should only get things from super classes (in this case, we
   *     won't get things from the current class)
   * @param checkIfInCorrectScope if true, we'll first check if we're in a scope that actually has a
   *     method with 'self' or 'cls'
   * @return true if we actually tried to get the completions for self or cls.
   * @throws MisconfigurationException
  public static boolean getSelfOrClsCompletions(
      CompletionRequest request,
      List theList,
      ICompletionState state,
      boolean getOnlySupers,
      boolean checkIfInCorrectScope,
      String lookForRep)
      throws MisconfigurationException {

    SimpleNode s =
                new PyParser.ParserInfo(request.doc, true, request.nature, state.getLine()))
    if (s != null) {
      FindScopeVisitor visitor = new FindScopeVisitor(state.getLine(), 0);
      try {
        if (checkIfInCorrectScope) {
          boolean scopeCorrect = false;

          FastStack<SimpleNode> scopeStack = visitor.scope.getScopeStack();
          for (Iterator<SimpleNode> it = scopeStack.topDownIterator();
              scopeCorrect == false && it.hasNext(); ) {
            SimpleNode node = it.next();
            if (node instanceof FunctionDef) {
              FunctionDef funcDef = (FunctionDef) node;
              if (funcDef.args != null
                  && funcDef.args.args != null
                  && funcDef.args.args.length > 0) {
                // ok, we have some arg, let's check for self or cls
                String rep = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(funcDef.args.args[0]);
                if (rep != null && (rep.equals("self") || rep.equals("cls"))) {
                  scopeCorrect = true;
          if (!scopeCorrect) {
            return false;
        if (lookForRep.equals("self")) {
        } else {
        getSelfOrClsCompletions(visitor.scope, request, theList, state, getOnlySupers);
      } catch (Exception e1) {
      return true;
    return false;
   * @see
   *     org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.VisitorBase#visitClassDef(org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.ClassDef)
  public Object visitClassDef(ClassDef node) throws Exception {
    globalDeclarationsStack.push(new HashSet<String>());



    checkDeclaration(node, (NameTok) node.name);
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void pushTemporaryModule(String moduleName, IModule module) {
   synchronized (lockTemporaryModules) {
     if (temporaryModules == null) {
       temporaryModules = new HashMap<String, FastStack<IModule>>();
     FastStack<IModule> stack = temporaryModules.get(moduleName);
     if (stack == null) {
       stack = new FastStack<IModule>(3); // small initial size!
       temporaryModules.put(moduleName, stack);
   * @see
   *     org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.VisitorBase#visitFunctionDef(org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.FunctionDef)
  public Object visitFunctionDef(FunctionDef node) throws Exception {
    globalDeclarationsStack.push(new HashSet<String>());

    if (node.args != null && node.args.args != null) {
      for (exprType arg : node.args.args) {
        if (arg instanceof Name) {
          checkParam((Name) arg);


    checkDeclaration(node, (NameTok) node.name);
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 6
  public AbstractContextVisitor(
      ModuleAdapter module, AbstractNodeAdapter<? extends SimpleNode> parent) {
    assert (module != null);

    this.moduleAdapter = module;

    nodeHelper = new NodeHelper(module.getAdapterPrefs());

    stack = new FastStack<SimpleNode>();
    parents = new FastStack<AbstractScopeNode<?>>();

    nodes = new ArrayList<T>();
   * @param lastMayBeMethod if true, it gets the path and accepts a method (if it is the last in the
   *     stack) if false, null is returned if a method is found.
   * @param tempStack is a temporary stack object (which may be cleared)
   * @return a tuple, where the first element is the path where the entry is located (may return
   *     null). and the second element is a boolen that indicates if the last was actually a method
   *     or not.
  private Tuple<String, Boolean> getPathToRoot(
      ASTEntry entry, boolean lastMayBeMethod, boolean acceptAny, FastStack<SimpleNode> tempStack) {
    if (entry.parent == null) {
      return null;
    // just to be sure that it's empty

    boolean lastIsMethod = false;
    // if the last 'may be a method', in this case, we have to remember that it will actually be the
    // first one
    // to be analyzed.

    // let's get the stack
    while (entry.parent != null) {
      if (entry.parent.node instanceof ClassDef) {

      } else if (entry.parent.node instanceof FunctionDef) {
        if (!acceptAny) {
          if (lastIsMethod) {
            // already found a method
            return null;

          if (!lastMayBeMethod) {
            return null;

          // ok, the last one may be a method... (in this search, it MUST be the first one...)
          if (tempStack.size() != 0) {
            return null;

        // ok, there was a class, so, let's go and set it
        lastIsMethod = true;

      } else {
        return null;
      entry = entry.parent;

    // now that we have the stack, let's make it into a path...
    FastStringBuffer buf = new FastStringBuffer();
    while (tempStack.size() > 0) {
      if (buf.length() > 0) {
    return new Tuple<String, Boolean>(buf.toString(), lastIsMethod);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected AbstractNodeAdapter<? extends SimpleNode> before(SimpleNode node) {
   AbstractNodeAdapter<? extends SimpleNode> context = createContext(node);
   return context;
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected void after() {
Exemplo n.º 10
   * This method returns the module that corresponds to the path passed as a parameter.
   * @param name the name of the module we're looking for (e.g.: mod1.mod2)
   * @param dontSearchInit is used in a negative form because initially it was isLookingForRelative,
   *     but it actually defines if we should look in __init__ modules too, so, the name matches the
   *     old signature.
   *     <p>NOTE: isLookingForRelative description was: when looking for relative imports, we don't
   *     check for __init__
   * @return the module represented by this name
  protected IModule getModule(
      boolean acceptCompiledModule, String name, IPythonNature nature, boolean dontSearchInit) {
    if (temporaryModules != null) {
      synchronized (lockTemporaryModules) {
        if (temporaryModules != null) {
          // who knows, maybe it became null at that point.
          FastStack<IModule> stack = temporaryModules.get(name);
          if (stack != null && stack.size() > 0) {
            if (DEBUG_TEMPORARY_MODULES) {
              System.out.println("Returning temporary module: " + name);
            return stack.peek();
    AbstractModule n = null;
    ModulesKey keyForCacheAccess = new ModulesKey(null, null);

    if (!dontSearchInit) {
      if (n == null) {
        keyForCacheAccess.name = new StringBuffer(name).append(".__init__").toString();
        n = cache.getObj(keyForCacheAccess, this);
        if (n != null) {
          name += ".__init__";
    if (n == null) {
      keyForCacheAccess.name = name;
      n = cache.getObj(keyForCacheAccess, this);

    if (n instanceof SourceModule) {
      // ok, module exists, let's check if it is synched with the filesystem version...
      SourceModule s = (SourceModule) n;
      if (!s.isSynched()) {
        // change it for an empty and proceed as usual.
        n = (AbstractModule) addModule(createModulesKey(s.getName(), s.getFile()));

    if (n instanceof EmptyModule) {
      EmptyModule e = (EmptyModule) n;

      boolean found = false;

      if (!found && e.f != null) {

        if (!e.f.exists()) {
          // if the file does not exist anymore, just remove it.
          keyForCacheAccess.name = name;
          keyForCacheAccess.file = e.f;
          n = null;

        } else {
          // file exists
          n = checkOverride(name, nature, n);

          if (n instanceof EmptyModule) {
            // ok, handle case where the file is actually from a zip file...
            if (e instanceof EmptyModuleForZip) {
              EmptyModuleForZip emptyModuleForZip = (EmptyModuleForZip) e;

              if (emptyModuleForZip.pathInZip.endsWith(".class") || !emptyModuleForZip.isFile) {
                // handle java class... (if it's a class or a folder in a jar)
                n = JythonModulesManagerUtils.createModuleFromJar(emptyModuleForZip);
                n = decorateModule(n, nature);

              } else if (FileTypesPreferencesPage.isValidDll(emptyModuleForZip.pathInZip)) {
                // .pyd
                n = new CompiledModule(name, IToken.TYPE_BUILTIN, nature.getAstManager());
                n = decorateModule(n, nature);

              } else if (PythonPathHelper.isValidSourceFile(emptyModuleForZip.pathInZip)) {
                // handle python file from zip... we have to create it getting the contents from the
                // zip file
                try {
                  IDocument doc =
                      REF.getDocFromZip(emptyModuleForZip.f, emptyModuleForZip.pathInZip);
                  // NOTE: The nature (and so the grammar to be used) must be defined by this
                  // modules
                  // manager (and not by the initial caller)!!
                  n =
                          name, emptyModuleForZip.f, doc, this.getNature(), -1, false);
                  SourceModule zipModule = (SourceModule) n;
                  zipModule.zipFilePath = emptyModuleForZip.pathInZip;
                  n = decorateModule(n, nature);
                } catch (Exception exc1) {
                  n = null;

            } else {
              // regular case... just go on and create it.
              try {
                // NOTE: The nature (and so the grammar to be used) must be defined by this modules
                // manager (and not by the initial caller)!!
                n = AbstractModule.createModule(name, e.f, this.getNature(), -1);
                n = decorateModule(n, nature);
              } catch (IOException exc) {
                keyForCacheAccess.name = name;
                keyForCacheAccess.file = e.f;
                n = null;
              } catch (MisconfigurationException exc) {
                n = null;

      } else { // ok, it does not have a file associated, so, we treat it as a builtin (this can
               // happen in java jars)
        n = checkOverride(name, nature, n);
        if (n instanceof EmptyModule) {
          if (acceptCompiledModule) {
            n = new CompiledModule(name, IToken.TYPE_BUILTIN, nature.getAstManager());
            n = decorateModule(n, nature);
          } else {
            return null;

      if (n != null) {
        doAddSingleModule(createModulesKey(name, e.f), n);
      } else {
        System.err.println("The module " + name + " could not be found nor created!");

    if (n instanceof EmptyModule) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should not be an empty module anymore!");
    if (n instanceof SourceModule) {
      SourceModule sourceModule = (SourceModule) n;
      // now, here's a catch... it may be a bootstrap module...
      if (sourceModule.isBootstrapModule()) {
        // if it's a bootstrap module, we must replace it for the related compiled module.
        n = new CompiledModule(name, IToken.TYPE_BUILTIN, nature.getAstManager());
        n = decorateModule(n, nature);

    return n;