Exemplo n.º 1
   * Sets the attribute name to value.
   * @param name
   * @param value
  public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) {

    if ("destinationDataHandler".equals(name)) {
      this.destDH = (Class) value.__tojava__(Class.class);
    } else if ("sourceDataHandler".equals(name)) {
      this.sourceDH = (Class) value.__tojava__(Class.class);
    } else if ("batchsize".equals(name)) {
      this.batchsize = ((Number) value.__tojava__(Number.class)).intValue();
    } else if ("queuesize".equals(name)) {
      this.queuesize = ((Number) value.__tojava__(Number.class)).intValue();
    } else {
      super.__setattr__(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Ensure that if the test runner has a {@code __del__} attribute, it is called when the thread
     * is shutdown. Normally Jython defers this to the Java garbage collector, so we might have done
     * something like
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * m_testRunner = null;
     * Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
     * </pre>
     * </blockquote>
     * instead. However this would have a number of problems:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>Some JVM's may chose not to finalise the test runner in response to {@code gc()}.
     *   <li>{@code __del__} would be called by a GC thread.
     *   <li>The standard Jython finalizer wrapping around {@code __del__} logs to {@code stderr}.
     * </ol>
     * <p>Instead, we call any {@code __del__} ourselves. After calling this method, the {@code
     * PyObject} that underlies this class is made invalid.
    public void shutdown() throws ScriptExecutionException {

      final PyObject del = m_testRunner.__findattr__("__del__");

      if (del != null) {
        try {
        } catch (final PyException e) {
          throw new JythonScriptExecutionException("deleting TestRunner instance", e);
        } finally {
          // To avoid the (pretty small) chance of the test runner being
          // finalised and __del__ being run twice, we disable it.

          // Unfortunately, Jython caches the __del__ attribute and makes
          // it impossible to turn it off at a class level. Instead we do
          // this:
          m_testRunner.__setattr__("__class__", m_dieQuietly);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Open file and return a stream. Raise IOError upon failure. This is a port to Java of the
   * CPython _io.open (Modules/_io/_iomodule.c) following the same logic, but expressed with the
   * benefits of Java syntax.
   * @param args array of arguments from Python call via Jython framework
   * @param kwds array of keywords from Python call via Jython framework
   * @return the stream object
  public static PyObject open(PyObject[] args, String[] kwds) {

    // Get the arguments to variables
    ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("open", args, kwds, openKwds, 1);
    PyObject file = ap.getPyObject(0);
    String m = ap.getString(1, "r");
    int buffering = ap.getInt(2, -1);
    final String encoding = ap.getString(3, null);
    final String errors = ap.getString(4, null);
    final String newline = ap.getString(5, null);
    boolean closefd = Py.py2boolean(ap.getPyObject(6, Py.True));

    // Decode the mode string
    OpenMode mode =
        new OpenMode(m) {

          public void validate() {
            validate(encoding, errors, newline);


     * Create the Raw file stream. Let the constructor deal with the variants and argument
     * checking.
    PyFileIO raw = new PyFileIO(file, mode, closefd);

     * From the Python documentation for io.open() buffering = 0 to switch buffering off (only
     * allowed in binary mode), 1 to select line buffering (only usable in text mode), and an
     * integer > 1 to indicate the size of a fixed-size buffer.
     * When no buffering argument is given, the default buffering policy works as follows:
     * Binary files are buffered in fixed-size chunks; "Interactive" text files (files for which
     * isatty() returns True) use line buffering. Other text files use the policy described
     * above for binary files.
     * In Java, it seems a stream never is *known* to be interactive, but we ask anyway, and
     * maybe one day we shall know.
    boolean line_buffering = false;

    if (buffering == 0) {
      if (!mode.binary) {
        throw Py.ValueError("can't have unbuffered text I/O");
      return raw;

    } else if (buffering == 1) {
      // The stream is to be read line-by-line.
      line_buffering = true;
      // Force default size for actual buffer
      buffering = -1;

    } else if (buffering < 0 && raw.isatty()) {
      // No buffering argument given but stream is inteeractive.
      line_buffering = true;

    if (buffering < 0) {
       * We are still being asked for the default buffer size. CPython establishes the default
       * buffer size using fstat(fd), but Java appears to give no clue. A useful study of
       * buffer sizes in NIO is http://www.evanjones.ca/software/java-bytebuffers.html . This
       * leads us to the fixed choice of _DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE (=8KB).
      buffering = _DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;

     * We now know just what particular class of file we are opening, and therefore what stack
     * (buffering and text encoding) we should build.
    if (buffering == 0) {
      // Not buffering, return the raw file object
      return raw;

    } else {
      // We are buffering, so wrap raw into a buffered file
      PyObject bufferType = null;
      PyObject io = imp.load("io");

      if (mode.updating) {
        bufferType = io.__getattr__("BufferedRandom");
      } else if (mode.writing || mode.appending) {
        bufferType = io.__getattr__("BufferedWriter");
      } else { // = reading
        bufferType = io.__getattr__("BufferedReader");

      PyInteger pyBuffering = new PyInteger(buffering);
      PyObject buffer = bufferType.__call__(raw, pyBuffering);

      if (mode.binary) {
        // If binary, return the just the buffered file
        return buffer;

      } else {
        // We are opening in text mode, so wrap buffered file in a TextIOWrapper.
        PyObject textType = io.__getattr__("TextIOWrapper");
        PyObject[] textArgs = {
          ap.getPyObject(3, Py.None),
          ap.getPyObject(4, Py.None),
          ap.getPyObject(5, Py.None),
        PyObject wrapper = textType.__call__(textArgs);
        wrapper.__setattr__("mode", new PyString(m));
        return wrapper;