Exemplo n.º 1
/** @author Javier Paniza */
public abstract class ModelMapping implements java.io.Serializable {

  private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ModelMapping.class);

  private static boolean codeGenerationTime;
  private static boolean codeGenerationTimeObtained = false;
  private MetaComponent metaComponent;
  private String table;
  private Map propertyMappings = new HashMap();
  private Map referenceMappings;
  private Collection modelProperties = new ArrayList(); // of String
  private Collection tableColumns = new ArrayList(); // of String
  private Collection referenceMappingsWithConverter; // of ReferenceMapping
  private boolean databaseMetadataLoaded = false;
  private boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation = true;
  private boolean supportsYearFunction = false;
  private boolean supportsMonthFunction = false;
  private boolean supportsTranslateFunction = false;
  private boolean referencePropertyWithFormula = false;

  public abstract String getModelName() throws XavaException;

  public abstract MetaModel getMetaModel() throws XavaException;

  /** Util specially to find out the type of properties that are not in model, only in mapping. */
  public Class getType(String propertyName) throws XavaException {
    try {
      return getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(propertyName).getType();
    } catch (ElementNotFoundException ex) {
      // Try to obtain it from primary key
      if (!(getMetaModel() instanceof MetaEntity)) return java.lang.Object.class;
      throw ex;

  public String getTable() {
    // Change this if by polymorphism ?
    if (isCodeGenerationTime()) return table;
    if (XavaPreferences.getInstance().isJPAPersistence()
        && getSchema() == null
        && !Is.emptyString(XPersistence.getDefaultSchema())) {
      return XPersistence.getDefaultSchema() + "." + table;
    } else if (XavaPreferences.getInstance().isHibernatePersistence()
        && getSchema() == null
        && !Is.emptyString(XHibernate.getDefaultSchema())) {
      return XHibernate.getDefaultSchema() + "." + table;
    return table;

  private static boolean isCodeGenerationTime() {
    if (!codeGenerationTimeObtained) {
      codeGenerationTimeObtained = true;
      try {
        // Class.forName("CodeGenerator");
        ClassLoaderUtil.forName(ModelMapping.class, "CodeGenerator");
        codeGenerationTime = true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        codeGenerationTime = false;
    return codeGenerationTime;

  public void setTable(String tabla) {
    this.table = tabla;

  public String getSchema() {
    int idx = table.indexOf('.');
    if (idx < 0) return null;
    return table.substring(0, idx);

  public String getUnqualifiedTable() {
    int idx = table.indexOf('.');
    if (idx < 0) return table;
    return table.substring(idx + 1);

  public String getTableToQualifyColumn() {
    return supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() ? getTable() : getUnqualifiedTable();

  public void addPropertyMapping(PropertyMapping propertyMapping) throws XavaException {
    propertyMappings.put(propertyMapping.getProperty(), propertyMapping);
    // To keep order
    if (propertyMapping.hasFormula() && !getMetaModel().isAnnotatedEJB3()) {

  public void addReferenceMapping(ReferenceMapping referenceMapping) throws XavaException {
    if (referenceMappings == null) referenceMappings = new HashMap();
    referenceMappings.put(referenceMapping.getReference(), referenceMapping);

  /** @return Not null */
  public ReferenceMapping getReferenceMapping(String name)
      throws XavaException, ElementNotFoundException {

    ReferenceMapping r =
        referenceMappings == null ? null : (ReferenceMapping) referenceMappings.get(name);
    if (r == null) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException("reference_mapping_not_found", name, getModelName());
    return r;

  /** @return Not null */
  public PropertyMapping getPropertyMapping(String name)
      throws XavaException, ElementNotFoundException {
    int i = name.indexOf('.');
    if (i >= 0) {
      String rName = name.substring(0, i);
      String pName = name.substring(i + 1);

      if (isReferenceNameInReferenceMappings(rName)) {
        return getReferenceMapping(rName).getReferencedMapping().getPropertyMapping(pName);
      } else {
        // by embedded references: address.city -> address_city
        return getPropertyMapping(name.replace(".", "_"));

    PropertyMapping p =
        propertyMappings == null ? null : (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(name);
    if (p == null) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException("property_mapping_not_found", name, getModelName());
    return p;

  private boolean isReferenceNameInReferenceMappings(String referenceName) {
    Collection<ReferenceMapping> col = getReferenceMappings();
    for (ReferenceMapping rm : col) if (rm.getReference().equals(referenceName)) return true;
    return false;

   * In the order that they was added.
   * @return Collection of <tt>String</tt>.
  public Collection getModelProperties() {
    return modelProperties;

   * In the order that they was added.
   * @return Collection of <tt>String</tt>.
  public Collection getColumns() {
    return tableColumns;

  public String getKeyColumnsAsString() throws XavaException {
    StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer();
    Collection columns = new HashSet();
    for (Iterator it = getMetaModel().getAllKeyPropertiesNames().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      String pr = (String) it.next();
      String column = getColumn(pr);
      if (columns.contains(column)) continue;
      r.append(' ');
    return r.toString().trim();

  private boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() {
    return supportsSchemasInDataManipulation;

  /** Wraps the column name with the SQL function for extracting the year from a date. */
  public String yearSQLFunction(String column) {
    if (supportsYearFunction()) return "year(" + column + ")";
    return "extract (year from " + column + ")";

  /** Wraps the column name with the SQL function for extracting the month from a date. */
  public String monthSQLFunction(String column) {
    if (supportsMonthFunction()) return "month(" + column + ")";
    return "extract (month from " + column + ")";

   * To ignore accents: just to search 'cami�n' or 'camion'
   * <p>Good performance using 'translate' but is very slow when it use 'replace...'
   * @since v4m6
  public String translateSQLFunction(String column) {
    if (supportsTranslateFunction()) return "translate(" + column + ",'aeiouAEIOU','áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ')";
    return "replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace("
        + column
        + ", 'Ú', 'U'), 'ú', 'u'), 'Ó', 'O'), 'ó', 'o'), 'Í', 'I'), "
        + "'í', 'i'), 'É', 'E'), 'é', 'e'), 'Á', 'A'), 'á', 'a')";

  private boolean supportsYearFunction() {
    return supportsYearFunction;

  private boolean supportsMonthFunction() {
    return supportsMonthFunction;

  /** @since v4m6 */
  private boolean supportsTranslateFunction() {
    return supportsTranslateFunction;

  private void loadDatabaseMetadata() {
    if (!databaseMetadataLoaded) {
      String componentName = "UNKNOWN";
      Connection con = null;
      try {
        componentName = getMetaComponent().getName();

        con = DataSourceConnectionProvider.getByComponent(componentName).getConnection();
        DatabaseMetaData metaData = con.getMetaData();
        supportsSchemasInDataManipulation = metaData.supportsSchemasInDataManipulation();
        Collection timeDateFunctions =

        // another solution instead of the use of 'if' would be to use a xml with
        //	the information of the functions from each BBDD
        if ("DB2 UDB for AS/400".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "Oracle".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "PostgresSQL".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())) {
          supportsTranslateFunction = true;
        if ("Oracle".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())
            || "PostgreSQL".equals(metaData.getDatabaseProductName())) {
          supportsYearFunction = supportsMonthFunction = false;
        } else {
          supportsYearFunction = timeDateFunctions.contains("YEAR");
          supportsMonthFunction = timeDateFunctions.contains("MONTH");
        databaseMetadataLoaded = true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
      } finally {
        try {
          if (con != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

  public String getQualifiedColumn(String modelProperty) throws XavaException {
    PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty);
    if (propertyMapping != null && propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return getColumn(modelProperty);

    String tableColumn = getTableColumn(modelProperty, true);
    if (Is.emptyString(tableColumn)) return "'" + modelProperty + "'";
    if (referencePropertyWithFormula) {
      referencePropertyWithFormula = false;
      return tableColumn;
    // for calculated fields or created by multiple converter

    if (modelProperty.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
      if (tableColumn.indexOf('.') < 0) return tableColumn;
      String reference = modelProperty.substring(0, modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.'));
      if (tableColumn.startsWith(getTableToQualifyColumn() + ".")) {
        String member = modelProperty.substring(modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(reference).getMetaModelReferenced().isKey(member))
          return tableColumn;

      // The next code uses the alias of the table instead of its name. In order to
      // support multiple references to the same model
      if (reference.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(modelProperty).isKey()) {
          reference = reference.substring(0, reference.lastIndexOf('.'));
        reference = reference.replaceAll("\\.", "_");
      return "T_" + reference + tableColumn.substring(tableColumn.lastIndexOf('.'));
    } else {
      return getTableToQualifyColumn() + "." + tableColumn;

  /** Support the use of references with dots, this is: myreference.myproperty. */
  public String getColumn(String modelProperty) throws ElementNotFoundException, XavaException {
    return getTableColumn(modelProperty, false);

  private String getTableColumn(String modelProperty, boolean qualifyReferenceMappingColumn)
      throws XavaException {

    PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(modelProperty);
    if (propertyMapping == null) {
      int idx = modelProperty.indexOf('.');
      if (idx >= 0) {
        String referenceName = modelProperty.substring(0, idx);
        String propertyName = modelProperty.substring(idx + 1);
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(referenceName).isAggregate()
            && !Strings.firstUpper(referenceName).equals(getMetaModel().getContainerModelName())) {
          propertyMapping =
              (PropertyMapping) propertyMappings.get(referenceName + "_" + propertyName);
          if (propertyMapping == null) {
            int idx2 = propertyName.indexOf('.');
            if (idx2 >= 0) {
              String referenceName2 = propertyName.substring(0, idx2);
              String propertyName2 = propertyName.substring(idx2 + 1);
              return getTableColumn(
                  referenceName + "_" + referenceName2 + "." + propertyName2,
            } else {
              throw new ElementNotFoundException(
                  "property_mapping_not_found", referenceName + "_" + propertyName, getModelName());
          return propertyMapping.getColumn();
        ReferenceMapping referenceMapping = getReferenceMapping(referenceName);

        if (referenceMapping.hasColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName)) {
          if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn) {
            return getTableToQualifyColumn()
                + "."
                + referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName);
          } else {
            return referenceMapping.getColumnForReferencedModelProperty(propertyName);
        } else {
          ModelMapping referencedMapping = referenceMapping.getReferencedMapping();

          String tableName = referencedMapping.getTableToQualifyColumn();
          boolean secondLevel = propertyName.indexOf('.') >= 0;
          String columnName = referencedMapping.getTableColumn(propertyName, secondLevel);
          boolean hasFormula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).hasFormula();

          if (qualifyReferenceMappingColumn && !secondLevel && !hasFormula) {
            return tableName + "." + columnName;
          } else if (hasFormula) {
            String formula = referencedMapping.getPropertyMapping(propertyName).getFormula();
            referencePropertyWithFormula = true;
            return qualifyFormulaWithReferenceName(
                formula, referencedMapping.getModelName(), modelProperty);
          } else {
            return columnName;
      throw new ElementNotFoundException(
          "property_mapping_not_found", modelProperty, getModelName());
    if (propertyMapping.hasFormula()) return propertyMapping.getFormula();
    return propertyMapping.getColumn();

   * @exception ElementNotFoundException If property does not exist.
   * @exception XavaException Any problem
   * @return nulo If property exists but it does not have converter.
  public IConverter getConverter(String modelProperty)
      throws ElementNotFoundException, XavaException {
    return getPropertyMapping(modelProperty).getConverter();

   * @exception ElementNotFoundException If property does not exist.
   * @exception XavaException Any problem
   * @return nulo If property exists but it does not have converter.
  public IMultipleConverter getMultipleConverter(String modelProperty)
      throws ElementNotFoundException, XavaException {
    return getPropertyMapping(modelProperty).getMultipleConverter();

  /** If the property exists and has converter. */
  public boolean hasConverter(String propertyName) {
    try {
      return getPropertyMapping(propertyName).hasConverter();
    } catch (XavaException ex) {
      return false;

  public MetaComponent getMetaComponent() {
    return metaComponent;

  public void setMetaComponent(MetaComponent componente) throws XavaException {
    this.metaComponent = componente;

   * Change the properties inside ${ } by the database qualified(schema + table) columns. Also if
   * the property inside ${ } is a model name it changes by the table name
   * <p>For example, it would change:
   * <pre>
   * select ${number}, ${name} from ${Tercero}
   * </pre>
   * by
   * <pre>
   * </pre>
  public String changePropertiesByColumns(String source) throws XavaException {
    return changePropertiesByColumns(source, true);

   * Change the properties inside ${ } by the database columns without table and schema as prefix.
   * Also if the property inside ${ } is a model name it changes by the table name.
   * <p>For example, it would change:
   * <pre>
   * select ${number}, ${name} from ${Tercero}
   * </pre>
   * by
   * <pre>
   * select TGRCOD, TGRDEN
   * </pre>
  public String changePropertiesByNotQualifiedColumns(String source) throws XavaException {
    return changePropertiesByColumns(source, false);

  private String changePropertiesByColumns(String source, boolean qualified) throws XavaException {
    StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(source);
    int i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
    int f = 0;
    while (i >= 0) {
      f = r.toString().indexOf("}", i + 2);
      if (f < 0) break;
      String property = r.substring(i + 2, f);
      String column = "0"; // thus it remained if it is calculated
      if (!getMetaModel().isCalculated(property)) {
        column =
                ? getTable(property)
                : qualified ? getQualifiedColumn(property) : getColumn(property);
      r.replace(i, f + 1, column);
      i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
    return r.toString();

  /** @since 4.1 */
  private String getTable(String name) {
    return MetaComponent.get(name).getEntityMapping().getTable();

  public String changePropertiesByCMPAttributes(String source) throws XavaException {
    StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(source);
    int i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
    int f = 0;
    while (i >= 0) {
      f = r.toString().indexOf("}", i + 2);
      if (f < 0) break;
      String property = r.substring(i + 2, f);
      String cmpAttribute = null;
      if (property.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        cmpAttribute = "o._" + Strings.firstUpper(Strings.change(property, ".", "_"));
      } else {
        MetaProperty metaProperty = getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(property);
        if (metaProperty.getMapping().hasConverter()) {
          cmpAttribute = "o._" + Strings.firstUpper(property);
        } else {
          cmpAttribute = "o." + property;
      r.replace(i, f + 1, cmpAttribute);
      i = r.toString().indexOf("${");
    return r.toString();

  public boolean hasPropertyMapping(String memberName) {
    return propertyMappings.containsKey(memberName);

  private void setupDefaultConverters() throws XavaException {
    Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) it.next();

  public boolean hasReferenceMapping(MetaReference metaReference) {
    if (referenceMappings == null) return false;
    return referenceMappings.containsKey(metaReference.getName());

  public boolean isReferenceOverlappingWithSomeProperty(
      String reference, String propertiesOfReference) throws XavaException {
    String column =
    return containsColumn(getColumns(), column);

  public boolean isReferenceOverlappingWithSomeProperty(String reference) throws XavaException {
    Iterator it = getReferenceMapping(reference).getDetails().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ReferenceMappingDetail d = (ReferenceMappingDetail) it.next();
      if (containsColumn(getColumns(), d.getColumn())) {
        String property = getMappingForColumn(d.getColumn()).getProperty();
        if (!property.startsWith(reference + "_")) {
          return true;
    return false;

  public boolean isReferencePropertyOverlappingWithSomeProperty(String qualifiedProperty)
      throws XavaException {
    int idx = qualifiedProperty.indexOf('.');
    if (idx < 0) return false;
    String ref = qualifiedProperty.substring(0, idx);
    String pr = qualifiedProperty.substring(idx + 1);
    return isReferenceOverlappingWithSomeProperty(ref, pr);

  /** @throws XavaException If it does not have a overlapped property, or any other problem. */
  public String getOverlappingPropertyForReference(String reference, String propertyOfReference)
      throws XavaException {
    String column =
    if (propertyMappings == null) {
      throw new XavaException("reference_property_not_overlapped", propertyOfReference, reference);
    Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      PropertyMapping mapping = (PropertyMapping) it.next();
      if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(mapping.getColumn())) return mapping.getProperty();
    throw new XavaException("reference_property_not_overlapped", propertyOfReference, reference);

  /** @return Of <tt>String</tt> and not null. */
  public Collection getOverlappingPropertiesOfReference(String reference) throws XavaException {
    Collection overlappingPropertiesOfReference = new ArrayList();
    Iterator it = getReferenceMapping(reference).getDetails().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ReferenceMappingDetail d = (ReferenceMappingDetail) it.next();
      if (containsColumn(getColumns(), d.getColumn())) {
        String property = getMappingForColumn(d.getColumn()).getProperty();
        if (!property.startsWith(reference + "_")) {
    return overlappingPropertiesOfReference;

  private boolean containsColumn(Collection columns, String column) {
    if (columns.contains(column)) return true;
    for (Iterator it = columns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      if (((String) it.next()).equalsIgnoreCase(column)) return true;
    return false;

  private PropertyMapping getMappingForColumn(String column) throws XavaException {
    if (propertyMappings == null) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException("mapping_not_found_no_property_mappings", column);
    Iterator it = propertyMappings.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      PropertyMapping propertyMapping = (PropertyMapping) it.next();
      if (propertyMapping.getColumn().equalsIgnoreCase(column)) {
        return propertyMapping;
    throw new ElementNotFoundException("mapping_for_column_not_found", column);

  String getCMPAttributeForColumn(String column) throws XavaException {
    PropertyMapping mapping = getMappingForColumn(column);
    if (!mapping.hasConverter()) return Strings.change(mapping.getProperty(), ".", "_");
    return "_" + Strings.change(Strings.firstUpper(mapping.getProperty()), ".", "_");

  private Collection getPropertyMappings() {
    return propertyMappings.values();

  public Collection getPropertyMappingsNotInModel() throws XavaException {
    Collection names = new ArrayList(getModelProperties());
    if (names.isEmpty()) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    Collection result = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      String name = (String) it.next();
      if (name.indexOf('_') < 0) {
    return result;

  private Collection getReferenceMappings() {
    return referenceMappings == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : referenceMappings.values();

  public Collection getCmpFields() throws XavaException {
    Collection r = new ArrayList();
    Collection mappedColumns = new HashSet();
    for (Iterator it = getPropertyMappings().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      PropertyMapping pMapping = (PropertyMapping) it.next();
    for (Iterator it = getReferenceMappings().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      ReferenceMapping rMapping = (ReferenceMapping) it.next();
      for (Iterator itFields = rMapping.getCmpFields().iterator(); itFields.hasNext(); ) {
        CmpField field = (CmpField) itFields.next();
        if (!mappedColumns.contains(field.getColumn())) {

    return r;

  public boolean hasReferenceConverters() {
    return !getReferenceMappingsWithConverter().isEmpty();

  public Collection getReferenceMappingsWithConverter() {
    if (referenceMappingsWithConverter == null) {
      referenceMappingsWithConverter = new ArrayList();
      Iterator it = getReferenceMappings().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        ReferenceMapping referenceMapping = (ReferenceMapping) it.next();
        Collection mrd = referenceMapping.getDetails();
        Iterator itd = mrd.iterator();
        while (itd.hasNext()) {
          ReferenceMappingDetail referenceMappingDetail = (ReferenceMappingDetail) itd.next();
          if (referenceMappingDetail.hasConverter()) {
    return referenceMappingsWithConverter;

   * Find the columns name in the formula and replace its by qualify columns name: 'name' ->
   * 't_reference.name'
  private String qualifyFormulaWithReferenceName(
      String formula, String referenceName, String modelProperty) {
    EntityMapping em = MetaComponent.get(referenceName).getEntityMapping();

    Iterator<String> it = em.getColumns().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      String column = it.next();
      if (formula.contains(column)) {
        formula =
                column, getQualifyColumnName(modelProperty, referenceName + "." + column));

    return formula;

  private String getQualifyColumnName(String modelProperty, String tableColumn) {
    if (modelProperty.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
      if (tableColumn.indexOf('.') < 0) return tableColumn;
      String reference = modelProperty.substring(0, modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.'));
      if (tableColumn.startsWith(getTableToQualifyColumn() + ".")) {
        String member = modelProperty.substring(modelProperty.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaReference(reference).getMetaModelReferenced().isKey(member))
          return tableColumn;

      // The next code uses the alias of the table instead of its name. In order to
      // support multiple references to the same model
      if (reference.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        if (getMetaModel().getMetaProperty(modelProperty).isKey()) {
          reference = reference.substring(0, reference.lastIndexOf('.'));
        reference = reference.substring(reference.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
      return "T_" + reference + tableColumn.substring(tableColumn.lastIndexOf('.'));
    } else {
      return getTableToQualifyColumn() + "." + tableColumn;
 * To generate automatically reports from list mode.
 * <p>Uses JasperReports.
 * @author Javier Paniza
public class GenerateReportServlet extends HttpServlet {

  private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GenerateReportServlet.class);

  public static class TableModelDecorator implements TableModel {

    private TableModel original;
    private List metaProperties;
    private boolean withValidValues = false;
    private Locale locale;
    private boolean labelAsHeader = false;
    private HttpServletRequest request;
    private boolean format =
        false; // format or no the values. If format = true, all values to the report are String
    private Integer columnCountLimit;

    public TableModelDecorator(
        HttpServletRequest request,
        TableModel original,
        List metaProperties,
        Locale locale,
        boolean labelAsHeader,
        boolean format,
        Integer columnCountLimit)
        throws Exception {
      this.request = request;
      this.original = original;
      this.metaProperties = metaProperties;
      this.locale = locale;
      this.withValidValues = calculateWithValidValues();
      this.labelAsHeader = labelAsHeader;
      this.format = format;
      this.columnCountLimit = columnCountLimit;

    private boolean calculateWithValidValues() {
      Iterator it = metaProperties.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        MetaProperty m = (MetaProperty) it.next();
        if (m.hasValidValues()) return true;
      return false;

    private MetaProperty getMetaProperty(int i) {
      return (MetaProperty) metaProperties.get(i);

    public int getRowCount() {
      return original.getRowCount();

    public int getColumnCount() {
      return columnCountLimit == null ? original.getColumnCount() : columnCountLimit;

    public String getColumnName(int c) {
      return labelAsHeader
          ? getMetaProperty(c).getLabel(locale)
          : Strings.change(getMetaProperty(c).getQualifiedName(), ".", "_");

    public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
      return original.getColumnClass(c);

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
      return original.isCellEditable(row, column);

    public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
      if (isFormat()) return getValueWithWebEditorsFormat(row, column);
      else return getValueWithoutWebEditorsFormat(row, column);

    private Object getValueWithoutWebEditorsFormat(int row, int column) {
      Object r = original.getValueAt(row, column);

      if (r instanceof Boolean) {
        if (((Boolean) r).booleanValue()) return XavaResources.getString(locale, "yes");
        return XavaResources.getString(locale, "no");
      if (withValidValues) {
        MetaProperty p = getMetaProperty(column);
        if (p.hasValidValues()) {
          return p.getValidValueLabel(locale, original.getValueAt(row, column));

      if (r instanceof java.util.Date) {
        MetaProperty p =
            getMetaProperty(column); // In order to use the type declared by the developer
        // and not the one returned by JDBC or the JPA engine
        if (java.sql.Time.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getType())) {
          return DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(r);
        if (java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getType())) {
          DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
          return dateFormat.format(r);
        return DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(r);

      if (r instanceof BigDecimal) {
        return formatBigDecimal(r, locale);

      return r;

    private Object getValueWithWebEditorsFormat(int row, int column) {
      Object r = original.getValueAt(row, column);
      MetaProperty metaProperty = getMetaProperty(column);
      String result = WebEditors.format(this.request, metaProperty, r, null, "", true);
      if (isHtml(result)) { // this avoids that the report shows html content
        result = WebEditors.format(this.request, metaProperty, r, null, "", false);
      return result;

    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column) {
      original.setValueAt(value, row, column);

    public void addTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {

    public void removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {

    private boolean isHtml(String value) {
      return value.matches("<.*>");

    public boolean isFormat() {
      return format;

    public void setFormat(boolean format) {
      this.format = format;

  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
      if (Users.getCurrent() == null) { // for a bug in websphere portal 5.1 with Domino LDAP
        Users.setCurrent((String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava.user"));
      request.getParameter("application"); // for a bug in websphere 5.1
      request.getParameter("module"); // for a bug in websphere 5.1
      Tab tab = (Tab) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_reportTab");
      int[] selectedRowsNumber =
          (int[]) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_selectedRowsReportTab");
      Map[] selectedKeys = (Map[]) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_selectedKeysReportTab");
      int[] selectedRows = getSelectedRows(selectedRowsNumber, selectedKeys, tab);
      Integer columnCountLimit =
          (Integer) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_columnCountLimitReportTab");

      String user = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_user");
      String uri = request.getRequestURI();
      if (uri.endsWith(".pdf")) {
        InputStream is;
        JRDataSource ds;
        Map parameters = new HashMap();
        synchronized (tab) {
          parameters.put("Title", tab.getTitle());
          parameters.put("Organization", getOrganization());
          parameters.put("Date", getCurrentDate());
          for (String totalProperty : tab.getTotalPropertiesNames()) {
            parameters.put(totalProperty + "__TOTAL__", getTotal(request, tab, totalProperty));
          TableModel tableModel = getTableModel(request, tab, selectedRows, false, true, null);
          tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0);
          if (tableModel.getRowCount() == 0) {
          is = getReport(request, response, tab, tableModel, columnCountLimit);
          ds = new JRTableModelDataSource(tableModel);
        JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(is, parameters, ds);
            "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + getFileName(tab) + ".pdf\"");
        JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jprint, response.getOutputStream());
      } else if (uri.endsWith(".csv")) {
        String csvEncoding = XavaPreferences.getInstance().getCSVEncoding();
        if (!Is.emptyString(csvEncoding)) {
            "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + getFileName(tab) + ".csv\"");
        synchronized (tab) {
                      getTableModel(request, tab, selectedRows, true, false, columnCountLimit)));
      } else {
        throw new ServletException(
            XavaResources.getString("report_type_not_supported", "", ".pdf .csv"));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      throw new ServletException(XavaResources.getString("report_error"));
    } finally {

  private void generateNoRowsPage(HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
            "</title></head><body style='font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;'>");
    response.getWriter().println("<h1 style='font-size:22px;'>");
    response.getWriter().println("<p style='font-size:16px;'>");

  private String getCurrentDate() {
    return java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, Locales.getCurrent())
        .format(new java.util.Date());

  private String getFileName(Tab tab) {
    String now = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmm").format(new Date());
    return tab.getTitle() + " " + now;

  private Object getTotal(HttpServletRequest request, Tab tab, String totalProperty) {
    Object total = tab.getTotal(totalProperty);
    return WebEditors.format(
        request, tab.getMetaProperty(totalProperty), total, new Messages(), null, true);

  private void setDefaultSchema(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String hibernateDefaultSchemaTab =
        (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_hibernateDefaultSchemaTab");
    if (hibernateDefaultSchemaTab != null) {
    String jpaDefaultSchemaTab =
        (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_jpaDefaultSchemaTab");
    if (jpaDefaultSchemaTab != null) {

  protected String getOrganization() throws MissingResourceException, XavaException {
    return ReportParametersProviderFactory.getInstance().getOrganization();

  private InputStream getReport(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      Tab tab,
      TableModel tableModel,
      Integer columnCountLimit)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    StringBuffer suri = new StringBuffer();
    if (columnCountLimit != null) {
    return Servlets.getURIAsStream(request, response, suri.toString());

  private int[] getWidths(TableModel tableModel) {
    int[] widths = new int[tableModel.getColumnCount()];
    for (int r = 0;
        r < Math.min(tableModel.getRowCount(), 500);
        r++) { // 500 is not for performance, but for using only a sample of data with huge table
      for (int c = 0; c < tableModel.getColumnCount(); c++) {
        Object o = tableModel.getValueAt(r, c);
        if (o instanceof String) {
          String s = ((String) o).trim();
          if (s.length() > widths[c]) widths[c] = s.length();
    return widths;

  private TableModel getTableModel(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      Tab tab,
      int[] selectedRows,
      boolean labelAsHeader,
      boolean format,
      Integer columnCountLimit)
      throws Exception {
    TableModel data = null;
    if (selectedRows != null && selectedRows.length > 0) {
      data = new SelectedRowsXTableModel(tab.getTableModel(), selectedRows);
    } else {
      data = tab.getAllDataTableModel();
    return new TableModelDecorator(

  private static Object formatBigDecimal(Object number, Locale locale) {
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
    return nf.format(number);

  private int[] getSelectedRows(int[] selectedRowsNumber, Map[] selectedRowsKeys, Tab tab) {
    if (selectedRowsKeys == null || selectedRowsKeys.length == 0) return new int[0];
    // selectedRowsNumber is the most performant so we use it when possible
    else if (selectedRowsNumber.length == selectedRowsKeys.length) return selectedRowsNumber;
    else {
      // find the rows from the selectedKeys

      // This has a poor performance, but it covers the case when the selected
      // rows are not loaded for the tab, something that can occurs if the user
      // select rows and afterwards reorder the list.
      try {
        int[] s = new int[selectedRowsKeys.length];
        List selectedKeys = Arrays.asList(selectedRowsKeys);
        int end = tab.getTableModel().getTotalSize();
        int x = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
          Map key = (Map) tab.getTableModel().getObjectAt(i);
          if (selectedKeys.contains(key)) {
            s[x] = i;
        return s;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.warn(XavaResources.getString("fails_selected"), ex);
        throw new XavaException("fails_selected");