public void testRoutingOverMidnight() throws Exception {
    // this route only runs on weekdays
    Vertex stop_g = graph.getVertex("agency:G_depart");
    Vertex stop_h = graph.getVertex("agency:H_arrive");

    ShortestPathTree spt;
    GraphPath path;
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();

    // Friday evening
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 23, 20, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_g, stop_h);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_h, false);
    assertEquals(4, path.states.size());

    // Saturday morning
    long startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 19, 0, 5, 0);
    options.dateTime = startTime;
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_g.getLabel(), stop_h.getLabel());
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_h, false);
    assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
    long endTime = path.getEndTime();
    assertTrue(endTime < startTime + 60 * 60);
  public void testFewestTransfers() {
    Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C");
    Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.optimize = OptimizeType.QUICK;
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_c, stop_d);

    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    // when optimizing for speed, take the fast two-bus path
    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
        TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 20, 0), path.getEndTime());

    // when optimizing for fewest transfers, take the slow one-bus path
    options.transferPenalty = 1800;
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
        TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 50, 0), path.getEndTime());
  public void testRouting() throws Exception {

    Vertex stop_a = graph.getVertex("agency:A");
    Vertex stop_b = graph.getVertex("agency:B");
    Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C");
    Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");
    Vertex stop_e = graph.getVertex("agency:E");

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    // test feed is designed for instantaneous transfers
    options.transferSlack = (0);

    long startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0);
    options.dateTime = startTime;

    ShortestPathTree spt;
    GraphPath path;

    // A to B
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_b);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_b, false);
    assertEquals(6, path.states.size());

    // A to C
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_c);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);
    assertEquals(8, path.states.size());

    // A to D (change at C)
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_d);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
    // there are two paths of different lengths
    // both arrive at 40 minutes after midnight
    List<TransitStop> stops = extractStopVertices(path);
    assertEquals(stops.size(), 3);
    assertEquals(stops.get(1), stop_c);
    long endTime = startTime + 40 * 60;
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

    // A to E (change at C)
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_e);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    path = spt.getPath(stop_e, false);
    stops = extractStopVertices(path);
    assertEquals(stops.size(), 3);
    assertEquals(stops.get(1), stop_c);
    endTime = startTime + 70 * 60;
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());
  /** Make sure that stops are properly linked into the graph */
  public void testStopLinking() throws Exception {
    AddTripPattern atp = getAddTripPattern(RouteSelector.BROAD_HIGH);

    // get a graph
    Graph g = buildGraphNoTransit();
    g.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());

    // materialize the trip pattern

    // there should be five stops because one point is not a stop
    assertEquals(5, atp.temporaryStops.length);

    // they should all be linked into the graph
    for (int i = 0; i < atp.temporaryStops.length; i++) {

    // no services running: not needed for trips added on the fly.
    TimeWindow window = new TimeWindow(7 * 3600, 9 * 3600, new BitSet(), DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY);

    Scenario scenario = new Scenario(0);
    scenario.modifications = Lists.newArrayList(atp);
    ProfileRequest req = new ProfileRequest();
    req.scenario = scenario;
    req.boardingAssumption = RaptorWorkerTimetable.BoardingAssumption.WORST_CASE;

    RaptorWorkerData data = new RaptorWorkerData(g, window, req);
    assertEquals(5, data.nStops);

    // make sure we can find the stops
    AStar aStar = new AStar();
    RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK);
    rr.from = new GenericLocation(39.963417, -82.980799);
    rr.batch = true;
    rr.batch = true;

    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(rr);

    TIntIntMap stops = data.findStopsNear(spt, g);

    // we should have found stops

    // ensure that the times made it into the data
    // This assumes worst-case departure, and the first worst departure is 10:30 after the service
    // starts running (dwell + headway)
        4 * 3600 + 600 + 30,
        data.timetablesForPattern.get(0).getFrequencyDeparture(0, 0, 39 * 360, -1, null));
  public void testWheelchairAccessible() throws Exception {
    Vertex near_a = graph.getVertex("near_1_agency_entrance_a");
    Vertex near_b = graph.getVertex("near_1_agency_entrance_b");
    Vertex near_c = graph.getVertex("near_1_agency_C");
    Vertex near_e = graph.getVertex("near_1_agency_E");

    Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");
    Vertex split_d = null;
    for (StreetTransitLink e : Iterables.filter(stop_d.getOutgoing(), StreetTransitLink.class)) {
      split_d = e.getToVertex();

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.wheelchairAccessible = true;
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);

    ShortestPathTree spt;
    GraphPath path;

    // stop B is accessible, so there should be a path.
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_b);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(near_b, false);

    // stop C is not accessible, so there should be no path.
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_c);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(near_c, false);

    // stop E has no accessibility information, but we should still be able to route to it.
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, near_e);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(near_e, false);

    // from stop A to stop D would normally be trip 1.1 to trip 2.1, arriving at 00:30. But trip
    // 2 is not accessible, so we'll do 1.1 to 3.1, arriving at 01:00
    GregorianCalendar time = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.toSeconds(time);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, near_a, split_d);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    time.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1);
    time.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); // for the StreetTransitLink
    path = spt.getPath(split_d, false);
    assertEquals(TestUtils.toSeconds(time), path.getEndTime());
  public void testFrequencies() {
    Vertex stop_u = graph.getVertex("agency:U_depart");
    Vertex stop_v = graph.getVertex("agency:V_arrive");

    ShortestPathTree spt;
    GraphPath path;

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.setModes(new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT"));
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);

    // U to V - original stop times - shouldn't be used
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
    assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
    long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 6, 40, 0);
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

    // U to V - first frequency
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 7, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
    assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
    endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 7, 40, 0);
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

    // U to V - second frequency
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 14, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_u, stop_v);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    path = spt.getPath(stop_v, false);
    assertEquals(4, path.states.size());
    endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 7, 14, 40, 0);
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

    // TODO more detailed testing of frequencies

  public void testTraverseMode() throws Exception {
    Vertex stop_a = graph.getVertex("agency:A_depart");
    Vertex stop_b = graph.getVertex("agency:B_arrive");

    ShortestPathTree spt;

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.setModes(new TraverseModeSet("TRAINISH"));
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_b);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    // a to b is bus only
    assertNull(spt.getPath(stop_b, false));

    options.setModes(new TraverseModeSet("TRAINISH,BUSISH"));
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    assertNotNull(spt.getPath(stop_b, false));
  public void testTimelessStops() throws Exception {
    Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");
    Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C");
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_d, stop_c);
    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);
        TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 11, 0, 0), path.getEndTime());
  public void testTripBikesAllowed() throws Exception {
    Vertex stop_a = graph.getVertex("agency:A");
    Vertex stop_b = graph.getVertex("agency:B");
    Vertex stop_c = graph.getVertex("agency:C");
    Vertex stop_d = graph.getVertex("agency:D");

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_a, stop_b);

    ShortestPathTree spt;
    GraphPath path;

    // route: bikes allowed, trip: no value
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_b, false);

    // route: bikes allowed, trip: bikes not allowed
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_d, stop_c);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_c, false);

    // route: bikes not allowed, trip: bikes allowed
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_c, stop_d);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    path = spt.getPath(stop_d, false);
  public void testPickupDropoff() throws Exception {
    Vertex stop_o = graph.getVertex("agency:O_depart");
    Vertex stop_p = graph.getVertex("agency:P");
    assertEquals(2, stop_o.getOutgoing().size());

    long startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 19, 12, 0, 0);
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.dateTime = startTime;
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_o, stop_p);
    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_p, false);
    long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 19, 12, 10, 0);
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());

    startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 19, 12, 0, 1);
    options.dateTime = startTime;
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_o, stop_p);
    spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    path = spt.getPath(stop_p, false);
    endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 19, 15, 10, 0);
    assertEquals(endTime, path.getEndTime());
  public void testPathways() throws Exception {

    Vertex entrance = graph.getVertex("agency:entrance_a");
    Vertex stop = graph.getVertex("agency:A");

    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 0);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, entrance, stop);
    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop, false);
        TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 1, 16, 0, 34), path.getEndTime());
  public void testRunForTrain() {
     * This is the notorious Byrd bug: we're going from Q to T at 8:30. There's a trip from S to T
     * at 8:50 and a second one at 9:50. To get to S by 8:50, we need to take trip 12.1 from Q to R,
     * and 13.1 from R to S. If we take the direct-but-slower 11.1, we'll miss the 8:50 and have to
     * catch the 9:50.
    Vertex destination = graph.getVertex("agency:T");
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    // test is designed such that transfers must be instantaneous
    options.transferSlack = (0);
    GregorianCalendar startTime = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 11, 2, 8, 30, 0);
    options.dateTime = TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime);
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, "agency:Q", destination.getLabel());
    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(destination, false);

    long endTime = path.getEndTime();
    Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
    c.setTimeInMillis(endTime * 1000L);
    assertTrue(endTime - TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime) < 7200);
  public void testTransfers() throws Exception {
    TransferTable transferTable = graph.getTransferTable();

    // create dummy routes and trips
    Route fromRoute = new Route();
    fromRoute.setId(new AgencyAndId("agency", "1"));
    Trip fromTrip = new Trip();
    fromTrip.setId(new AgencyAndId("agency", "1.1"));
    Route toRoute = new Route();
    toRoute.setId(new AgencyAndId("agency", "2"));
    Trip toTrip = new Trip();
    toTrip.setId(new AgencyAndId("agency", "2.1"));
    Trip toTrip2 = new Trip();
    toTrip2.setId(new AgencyAndId("agency", "2.2"));

    // find stops
    Stop stopK = ((TransitStopArrive) graph.getVertex("agency:K_arrive")).getStop();
    Stop stopN = ((TransitStopDepart) graph.getVertex("agency:N_depart")).getStop();
    Stop stopM = ((TransitStopDepart) graph.getVertex("agency:M_depart")).getStop();

        transferTable.getTransferTime(stopN, stopM, fromTrip, toTrip, true));
        transferTable.getTransferTime(stopK, stopM, fromTrip, toTrip, true));
        transferTable.getTransferTime(stopN, stopK, toTrip, toTrip2, true));
        transferTable.getTransferTime(stopN, stopK, fromTrip, toTrip, true));
    assertEquals(15, transferTable.getTransferTime(stopN, stopK, fromTrip, toTrip2, true));

    TransitStop e_arrive = (TransitStop) graph.getVertex("agency:E");
    TransitStop f_depart = (TransitStop) graph.getVertex("agency:F");
    Edge edge = new TransferEdge(e_arrive, f_depart, 10000, 10000);

    long startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/New_York", 2009, 8, 18, 0, 50, 0);
    Vertex stop_b = graph.getVertex("agency:B_depart");
    Vertex stop_g = graph.getVertex("agency:G_arrive");
    RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
    options.dateTime = startTime;
    options.setRoutingContext(graph, stop_b, stop_g);
    ShortestPathTree spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);

    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(stop_g, false);

        "expected to use much later trip due to min transfer time",
        path.getEndTime() - startTime > 4.5 * 60 * 60);

    /* cleanup */
Exemplo n.º 14
  public void testHalfEdges() {
    // the shortest half-edge from the start vertex takes you down, but the shortest total path
    // is up and over

    TraverseOptions options = new TraverseOptions();

    HashSet<Edge> turns = new HashSet<Edge>(graph.getOutgoing(left));

    StreetLocation start =
            cast(turns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.4).getCoordinate(left.getGeometry()));

    HashSet<Edge> endTurns = new HashSet<Edge>(graph.getOutgoing(right));

    StreetLocation end =
            cast(endTurns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.8).getCoordinate(right.getGeometry()));

    assertTrue(start.getX() < end.getX());
    assertTrue(start.getY() < end.getY());

    List<DirectEdge> extra = end.getExtra();

    assertEquals(12, extra.size());

    GregorianCalendar startTime = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 11, 1, 12, 34, 25);

    ShortestPathTree spt1 =
        AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, brOut, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    GraphPath pathBr = spt1.getPath(end, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from br to end", pathBr);

    ShortestPathTree spt2 =
        AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, trOut, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    GraphPath pathTr = spt2.getPath(end, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from tr to end", pathTr);
        "path from bottom to end must be longer than path from top to end",
        pathBr.getWeight() > pathTr.getWeight());

    ShortestPathTree spt =
        AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, start, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    GraphPath path = spt.getPath(end, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from start to end", path);

    // the bottom is not part of the shortest path
    for (State s : path.states) {
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("bottom"));
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("bottomBack"));

    startTime = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 11, 1, 12, 34, 25);

    spt = AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, start, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    path = spt.getPath(start, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from start to end (looking back)", path);

    // the bottom edge is not part of the shortest path
    for (State s : path.states) {
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("bottom"));
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("bottomBack"));

    /* Now, the right edge is not bikeable.  But the user can walk their bike.  So here are some tests
     * that prove (a) that walking bikes works, but that (b) it is not preferred to riding a tiny bit longer.

    options = new TraverseOptions(new TraverseModeSet(TraverseMode.BICYCLE));
    start =
            cast(turns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.95).getCoordinate(top.getGeometry()));
    end =
            cast(turns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.95).getCoordinate(bottom.getGeometry()));
    spt = AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, start, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    path = spt.getPath(start, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from top to bottom along the right", path);

    // the left edge is not part of the shortest path (even though the bike must be walked along the
    // right)
    for (State s : path.states) {
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("left"));
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("leftBack"));

    start =
            cast(turns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.55).getCoordinate(top.getGeometry()));
    end =
            cast(turns, StreetEdge.class),
            new LinearLocation(0, 0.55).getCoordinate(bottom.getGeometry()));
    spt = AStar.getShortestPathTree(graph, start, end, TestUtils.toSeconds(startTime), options);

    path = spt.getPath(start, false);
    assertNotNull("There must be a path from top to bottom", path);

    // the right edge is not part of the shortest path, e
    for (State s : path.states) {
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("right"));
      assertNotSame(s.getVertex(), graph.getVertex("rightBack"));