  public void launchBenchmark() throws Exception {
    Options opt =
        new OptionsBuilder()
            // Specify which benchmarks to run.
            // You can be more specific if you'd like to run only one
            // benchmark per test.
            .include(this.getClass().getName() + ".*")
            // Set the following options as needed
            // .jvmArgs("-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions",
            // "-XX:+PrintInlining")
            // .addProfiler(WinPerfAsmProfiler.class)

    new Runner(opt).run();
  public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
    Options opt =
        new OptionsBuilder()
            .include(".*" + JmhMapBenchmarks.class.getSimpleName() + ".(timeInsert)")
            // .warmupMode(WarmupMode.INDI)
            .param("dataType", "MAP")
            .param("run", "0")
            //				.param("run", "1")
            //				.param("run", "2")
            //				.param("run", "3")
            // .addProfiler(CountingIntegerProfiler.class)
            // .param("producer", "SLEEPING_INTEGER")
            .param("producer", "COUNTING_INTEGER")
            .param("sampleDataSelection", "MATCH")
            .param("size", "1024") // 1048576
            // .param("valueFactoryFactory", "VF_PDB_PERSISTENT_SPECIALIZED")
            .param("valueFactoryFactory", "VF_PDB_PERSISTENT_CURRENT")
            // .param("valueFactoryFactory", "VF_SCALA")
            // .param("valueFactoryFactory", "VF_CLOJURE")

    new Runner(opt).run();
Exemplo n.º 3
  public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
    Options opt =
        new OptionsBuilder()
            .include(".*" + Class.class.getSimpleName() + ".*") // CLASS
            .warmupTime(TimeValue.milliseconds(1)) // ALLOWED TIME
            .measurementTime(TimeValue.milliseconds(1)) // ALLOWED TIME
            .forks(1) // FORKS
            .verbosity(VerboseMode.SILENT) // GRAPH
            .threads(1) // THREADS

    Benchmarks.chart(Benchmarks.parse(new Runner(opt).run()), "Reflection+methods"); // TITLE
  public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException, IOException {
    long time = 2;
    Options opt =
        new OptionsBuilder()

    new Runner(opt).run();