Exemplo n.º 1
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public LDIFImportResult importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig) throws DirectoryException {

    // If the backend already has the root container open, we must use the same
    // underlying root container
    boolean openRootContainer = rootContainer == null;

    // If the rootContainer is open, the backend is initialized by something
    // else.
    // We can't do import while the backend is online.
    if (!openRootContainer) {
      Message message = ERR_JEB_IMPORT_BACKEND_ONLINE.get();
      throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);

    try {
      EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();

      envConfig.setLockTimeout(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      envConfig.setTxnTimeout(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
          EnvironmentConfig.LOG_FILE_MAX, String.valueOf(cfg.getDBLogFileMax()));

      if (!importConfig.appendToExistingData()) {
        if (importConfig.clearBackend() || cfg.getBaseDN().size() <= 1) {
          // We have the writer lock on the environment, now delete the
          // environment and re-open it. Only do this when we are
          // importing to all the base DNs in the backend or if the backend only
          // have one base DN.
          File parentDirectory = getFileForPath(cfg.getDBDirectory());
          File backendDirectory = new File(parentDirectory, cfg.getBackendId());
          // If the backend does not exist the import will create it.
          if (backendDirectory.exists()) {

      Importer importer = new Importer(importConfig, cfg, envConfig);
      rootContainer = initializeRootContainer(envConfig);
      return importer.processImport(rootContainer);
    } catch (ExecutionException execEx) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, execEx);
      if (execEx.getCause() instanceof DirectoryException) {
        throw ((DirectoryException) execEx.getCause());
      } else {
        Message message = ERR_EXECUTION_ERROR.get(execEx.getMessage());
        throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);
    } catch (InterruptedException intEx) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, intEx);
      Message message = ERR_INTERRUPTED_ERROR.get(intEx.getMessage());
      throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);
    } catch (JebException je) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, je);
      throw new DirectoryException(
          DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), je.getMessageObject());
    } catch (InitializationException ie) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ie);
      throw new DirectoryException(
          DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ie.getMessageObject());
    } catch (ConfigException ce) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ce);
      throw new DirectoryException(
          DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ce.getMessageObject());
    } finally {
      // leave the backend in the same state.
      try {
        if (rootContainer != null) {
          long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          long closeTime = (finishTime - startTime) / 1000;
          Message msg = NOTE_JEB_IMPORT_LDIF_ROOTCONTAINER_CLOSE.get(closeTime);
          rootContainer = null;

        // Sync the environment to disk.
        if (debugEnabled()) {
          Message message = NOTE_JEB_IMPORT_CLOSING_DATABASE.get();
      } catch (DatabaseException de) {
        if (debugEnabled()) {
          TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de);
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void initializeConnectionHandler(LDAPConnectionHandlerCfg config)
      throws ConfigException, InitializationException {
    if (friendlyName == null) {
      friendlyName = config.dn().rdn().getAttributeValue(0).toString();

    // Open the selector.
    try {
      selector = Selector.open();
    } catch (Exception e) {

      LocalizableMessage message =
              config.dn(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
      throw new InitializationException(message, e);

    // Save this configuration for future reference.
    currentConfig = config;
    enabled = config.isEnabled();
    requestHandlerIndex = 0;
    allowedClients = config.getAllowedClient();
    deniedClients = config.getDeniedClient();

    // Configure SSL if needed.
    try {
      // This call may disable the connector if wrong SSL settings
    } catch (DirectoryException e) {
      throw new InitializationException(e.getMessageObject());

    // Save properties that cannot be dynamically modified.
    allowReuseAddress = config.isAllowTCPReuseAddress();
    backlog = config.getAcceptBacklog();
    listenAddresses = config.getListenAddress();
    listenPort = config.getListenPort();
    numRequestHandlers = getNumRequestHandlers(config.getNumRequestHandlers(), friendlyName);

    // Construct a unique name for this connection handler, and put
    // together the set of listeners.
    listeners = new LinkedList<>();
    StringBuilder nameBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (InetAddress a : listenAddresses) {
      listeners.add(new HostPort(a.getHostAddress(), listenPort));
      nameBuffer.append(" ");
    nameBuffer.append(" port ");
    handlerName = nameBuffer.toString();

    // Attempt to bind to the listen port on all configured addresses to
    // verify whether the connection handler will be able to start.
    LocalizableMessage errorMessage =
        checkAnyListenAddressInUse(listenAddresses, listenPort, allowReuseAddress, config.dn());
    if (errorMessage != null) {
      throw new InitializationException(errorMessage);

    // Create a system property to store the LDAP(S) port the server is
    // listening to. This information can be displayed with jinfo.
    System.setProperty(protocol + "_port", String.valueOf(listenPort));

    // Create and start a connection finalizer thread for this
    // connection handler.
    connectionFinalizer =
            new DirectoryThread.Factory(
                "LDAP Connection Finalizer for connection handler " + toString()));

    connectionFinalizerActiveJobQueue = new ArrayList<>();
    connectionFinalizerPendingJobQueue = new ArrayList<>();

        new ConnectionFinalizerRunnable(), 100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    // Create and start the request handlers.
    requestHandlers = new LDAPRequestHandler[numRequestHandlers];
    for (int i = 0; i < numRequestHandlers; i++) {
      requestHandlers[i] = new LDAPRequestHandler(this, i);

    for (int i = 0; i < numRequestHandlers; i++) {

    // Register the set of supported LDAP versions.
    DirectoryServer.registerSupportedLDAPVersion(3, this);
    if (config.isAllowLDAPV2()) {
      DirectoryServer.registerSupportedLDAPVersion(2, this);

    // Create and register monitors.
    statTracker = new LDAPStatistics(handlerName + " Statistics");

    connMonitor = new ClientConnectionMonitorProvider(this);

    // Register this as a change listener.
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Provides the command-line arguments to the <CODE>configMain</CODE> method for processing.
  * @param args The set of command-line arguments provided to this program.
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   int exitCode = configMain(args, System.out, System.err);
   if (exitCode != 0) {
  public List<Attribute> getMonitorData() {
    ArrayList<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<>(13);

    attrs.add(createAttribute("javaVersion", System.getProperty("java.version")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("javaVendor", System.getProperty("java.vendor")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("jvmVersion", System.getProperty("java.vm.version")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("jvmVendor", System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("javaHome", System.getProperty("java.home")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("classPath", System.getProperty("java.class.path")));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("workingDirectory", System.getProperty("user.dir")));

    String osInfo =
            + " "
            + System.getProperty("os.version")
            + " "
            + System.getProperty("os.arch");
    attrs.add(createAttribute("operatingSystem", osInfo));
    String sunOsArchDataModel = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model");
    if (sunOsArchDataModel != null) {
      String jvmArch = sunOsArchDataModel;
      if (!sunOsArchDataModel.toLowerCase().equals("unknown")) {
        jvmArch += "-bit";
      attrs.add(createAttribute("jvmArchitecture", jvmArch));
    } else {
      attrs.add(createAttribute("jvmArchitecture", "unknown"));

    try {
      attrs.add(createAttribute("systemName", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    attrs.add(createAttribute("availableCPUs", runtime.availableProcessors()));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("maxMemory", runtime.maxMemory()));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("usedMemory", runtime.totalMemory()));
    attrs.add(createAttribute("freeUsedMemory", runtime.freeMemory()));
    String installPath = DirectoryServer.getServerRoot();
    if (installPath != null) {
      attrs.add(createAttribute("installPath", installPath));
    String instancePath = DirectoryServer.getInstanceRoot();
    if (instancePath != null) {
      attrs.add(createAttribute("instancePath", instancePath));

    // Get the JVM input arguments.
    RuntimeMXBean rtBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();
    List<String> jvmArguments = rtBean.getInputArguments();
    if (jvmArguments != null && !jvmArguments.isEmpty()) {
      StringBuilder argList = new StringBuilder();
      for (String jvmArg : jvmArguments) {
        if (argList.length() > 0) {
          argList.append(" ");


      attrs.add(createAttribute("jvmArguments", argList.toString()));

    // Get the list of supported SSL protocols and ciphers.
    Collection<String> supportedTlsProtocols;
    Collection<String> supportedTlsCiphers;
    try {
      final SSLContext context = SSLContext.getDefault();
      final SSLParameters parameters = context.getSupportedSSLParameters();
      supportedTlsProtocols = Arrays.asList(parameters.getProtocols());
      supportedTlsCiphers = Arrays.asList(parameters.getCipherSuites());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // A default SSL context should always be available.
      supportedTlsProtocols = Collections.emptyList();
      supportedTlsCiphers = Collections.emptyList();

    addAttribute(attrs, ATTR_SUPPORTED_TLS_PROTOCOLS, supportedTlsProtocols);
    addAttribute(attrs, ATTR_SUPPORTED_TLS_CIPHERS, supportedTlsCiphers);

    return attrs;