/** Displays the dialog to set login and password for proxy. */ public void optionsViewOptionsMenuLoginItemActionPerformed() { UserPassDialog proxyOptions = new UserPassDialog(mainWindow); String encodedUser = (Preferences.getPreference(Preferences.PROXY_USER_NAME)); String encodedPassword = (Preferences.getPreference(Preferences.PROXY_PASSWORD)); try { proxyOptions.userText.setText(new String(org.omegat.util.Base64.decode(encodedUser))); proxyOptions.passwordField.setText( new String(org.omegat.util.Base64.decode(encodedPassword))); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.logErrorRB("LOG_DECODING_ERROR"); Log.log(ex); } proxyOptions.setVisible(true); if (proxyOptions.getReturnStatus() == UserPassDialog.RET_OK) { encodedUser = org.omegat.util.Base64.encodeBytes(proxyOptions.userText.getText().getBytes()); encodedPassword = org.omegat.util.Base64.encodeBytes( new String(proxyOptions.passwordField.getPassword()).getBytes()); Preferences.setPreference(Preferences.PROXY_USER_NAME, encodedUser); Preferences.setPreference(Preferences.PROXY_PASSWORD, encodedPassword); } }
public static Object executeScriptFileHeadless( ScriptItem scriptItem, boolean forceFromFile, Map<String, Object> additionalBindings) { ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(ScriptingWindow.class.getClassLoader()); ScriptEngine scriptEngine = manager.getEngineByExtension(getFileExtension(scriptItem.getName())); if (scriptEngine == null) { scriptEngine = manager.getEngineByName(DEFAULT_SCRIPT); } SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings(); bindings.put(VAR_PROJECT, Core.getProject()); bindings.put(VAR_EDITOR, Core.getEditor()); bindings.put(VAR_GLOSSARY, Core.getGlossary()); bindings.put(VAR_MAINWINDOW, Core.getMainWindow()); bindings.put(VAR_RESOURCES, scriptItem.getResourceBundle()); if (additionalBindings != null) { bindings.putAll(additionalBindings); } Object eval = null; try { eval = scriptEngine.eval(scriptItem.getText(), bindings); if (eval != null) { Log.logRB("SCW_SCRIPT_RESULT"); Log.log(eval.toString()); } } catch (Throwable e) { Log.logErrorRB(e, "SCW_SCRIPT_ERROR"); } return eval; }
private static void saveIgnoreWords(Collection<String> words, File outFile) { try { File outFileTmp = new File(outFile.getPath() + ".new"); Files.write(outFileTmp.toPath(), words); outFile.delete(); FileUtil.rename(outFileTmp, outFile); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.log("Error saving ignore words"); Log.log(ex); } }
/** * XHTML Filter shows a <b>modal</b> dialog to edit its own options. * * @param currentOptions Current options to edit. * @return Updated filter options if user confirmed the changes, and current options otherwise. */ public Map<String, String> changeOptions(Dialog parent, Map<String, String> currentOptions) { try { EditXOptionsDialog dialog = new EditXOptionsDialog(parent, currentOptions); dialog.setVisible(true); if (EditXOptionsDialog.RET_OK == dialog.getReturnStatus()) return dialog.getOptions().getOptionsMap(); else return null; } catch (Exception e) { Log.logErrorRB("HTML_EXC_EDIT_OPTIONS"); Log.log(e); return null; } }
private static void processSwingWorkerException(Exception ex, String errorCode) { if (ex instanceof ExecutionException) { Log.logErrorRB(ex.getCause(), errorCode); if (ex.getCause() instanceof KnownException) { KnownException e = (KnownException) ex.getCause(); Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(e.getCause(), e.getMessage(), e.getParams()); } else { Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(ex.getCause(), errorCode); } } else { Log.logErrorRB(ex, errorCode); Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(ex, errorCode); } }
@Override public Map<String, String> changeOptions(Dialog parent, Map<String, String> config) { try { ResourceBundleOptionsDialog dialog = new ResourceBundleOptionsDialog(parent, config); dialog.setVisible(true); if (ResourceBundleOptionsDialog.RET_OK == dialog.getReturnStatus()) return dialog.getOptions(); else return null; } catch (Exception e) { Log.log(OStrings.getString("RB_FILTER_EXCEPTION")); Log.log(e); return null; } }
@Override public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) { dtde.acceptDrop(info.getDnDAction()); Transferable transferable = dtde.getTransferable(); boolean success = false; try { Object result = transferable.getTransferData(info.getDataFlavor()); success = info.handleDroppedObject(result); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) { Log.log(e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.log(e); } dtde.dropComplete(success); }
/** Loads one glossary file. It choose and calls required required reader. */ private List<GlossaryEntry> loadGlossaryFile(final File file) throws Exception { String fname_lower = file.getName().toLowerCase(); if (fname_lower.endsWith(EXT_TSV_DEF)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", new Object[] {file.getName()}); return GlossaryReaderTSV.read(file); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(EXT_TSV_UTF8) || fname_lower.endsWith(EXT_TSV_TXT)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", new Object[] {file.getName()}); return GlossaryReaderTSV.read(file); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(EXT_CSV_UTF8)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", new Object[] {file.getName()}); return GlossaryReaderCSV.read(file); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(EXT_TBX)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", new Object[] {file.getName()}); return GlossaryReaderTBX.read(file); } else { return null; } }
public void fileChanged(File file) { synchronized (this) { glossaries.remove(file.getName()); } if (file.exists()) { try { List<GlossaryEntry> entries = loadGlossaryFile(file); if (entries != null) { synchronized (this) { glossaries.put(file.getName(), entries); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logRB("CT_ERROR_ACCESS_GLOSSARY_DIR"); Log.log(ex); } } pane.refresh(); }
/** Executed on file changed. */ public void fileChanged(File file) { synchronized (dictionaries) { dictionaries.remove(file.getPath()); } if (!file.exists()) { return; } try { long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (file.getName().equals(IGNORE_FILE)) { loadIgnoreWords(file); } else if (loadDictionary(file)) { long en = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.log("Loaded dictionary from '" + file.getPath() + "': " + (en - st) + "ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Error load dictionary from '" + file.getPath() + "': " + ex.getMessage()); } pane.refresh(); }
/** Loads one glossary file. It choose and calls required required reader. */ private List<GlossaryEntry> loadGlossaryFile(final File file) throws Exception { boolean isPriority = priorityGlossary.equals(file); String fname_lower = file.getName().toLowerCase(); if (fname_lower.endsWith(OConsts.EXT_TSV_DEF)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", file.getName()); return GlossaryReaderTSV.read(file, isPriority); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(OConsts.EXT_TSV_UTF8) || fname_lower.endsWith(OConsts.EXT_TSV_TXT)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", file.getName()); return GlossaryReaderTSV.read(file, isPriority); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(OConsts.EXT_CSV_UTF8)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", file.getName()); return GlossaryReaderCSV.read(file, isPriority); } else if (fname_lower.endsWith(OConsts.EXT_TBX)) { Log.logRB("CT_LOADING_GLOSSARY", file.getName()); return GlossaryReaderTBX.read(file, isPriority); } else { return null; } }
private static void addListener(JComponent comp, DropTargetListener listener) { DropTarget target = comp.getDropTarget(); if (target == null) { comp.setDropTarget(new DropTarget(comp, listener)); } else { try { target.addDropTargetListener(listener); } catch (TooManyListenersException e) { Log.log(e); } } }
public GlossaryManager(final GlossaryTextArea pane) { this.pane = pane; List<IGlossary> gl = new ArrayList<IGlossary>(); for (Class<?> glc : PluginUtils.getGlossaryClasses()) { try { gl.add((IGlossary) glc.newInstance()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log(ex); } } externalGlossaries = gl.toArray(new IGlossary[gl.size()]); }
private void addExternalGlossaryEntries(List<GlossaryEntry> result, String src) { Language source = Core.getProject().getProjectProperties().getSourceLanguage(); Language target = Core.getProject().getProjectProperties().getTargetLanguage(); for (IGlossary gl : externalGlossaries) { try { result.addAll(gl.search(source, target, src)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log(ex); } } }
private void openFile(File path) { try { path = path.getCanonicalFile(); // Normalize file name in case it is displayed } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore } if (!path.exists()) { Core.getMainWindow().showStatusMessageRB("LFC_ERROR_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST", path); return; } try { Desktop.getDesktop().open(path); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logErrorRB(ex, "RPF_ERROR"); Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(ex, "RPF_ERROR"); } }
public static void projectRemote(String url) { String dir = url.replace("/", "_").replace(':', '_'); File projectDir = new File(StaticUtils.getConfigDir() + "/remoteProjects/" + dir); File projectFile = new File(projectDir, OConsts.FILE_PROJECT); byte[] data; try { projectDir.mkdirs(); data = WikiGet.getURLasByteArray(url); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(projectFile, data); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logErrorRB(ex, "TEAM_REMOTE_RETRIEVE_ERROR", url); Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(ex, "TEAM_REMOTE_RETRIEVE_ERROR", url); return; } projectOpen(projectDir); }
/** Checking whether it is a valid XHTML file. */ public boolean isFileSupported(File inFile, Map<String, String> config, FilterContext context) { boolean result = super.isFileSupported(inFile, config, context); if (result) { try { do_not_send_to_core = true; // Defining the actual dialect, because at this step // we have the options XHTMLDialect dialect = (XHTMLDialect) this.getDialect(); dialect.defineDialect(new XHTMLOptions(config)); super.processFile(inFile, null, context); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("XHTML file " + inFile.getName() + " is not valid."); result = false; } finally { do_not_send_to_core = false; } } return result; }
/** Does wikiread */ public static void doWikiImport() { String remote_url = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( Core.getMainWindow().getApplicationFrame(), OStrings.getString("TF_WIKI_IMPORT_PROMPT"), OStrings.getString("TF_WIKI_IMPORT_TITLE"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); String projectsource = Core.getProject().getProjectProperties().getSourceRoot(); if (remote_url == null || remote_url.trim().isEmpty()) { // [1762625] Only try to get MediaWiki page if a string has been entered return; } try { WikiGet.doWikiGet(remote_url, projectsource); projectReload(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log(ex); Core.getMainWindow().displayErrorRB(ex, "TF_WIKI_IMPORT_FAILED"); } }
private List<DictionaryEntry> doLookUp(IDictionary dict, String word) { String[] stemmed = tokenizer.tokenizeWordsToStrings(word, StemmingMode.MATCHING); if (stemmed.length == 0) { // Stop word. Skip. return Collections.<DictionaryEntry>emptyList(); } try { List<DictionaryEntry> result = dict.readArticles(word); if (!result.isEmpty()) { return result; } // The verbatim word didn't get any hits; try the stem. if (stemmed.length > 1 && doFuzzyMatching()) { return dict.readArticlesPredictive(stemmed[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log(ex); } return Collections.<DictionaryEntry>emptyList(); }