Exemplo n.º 1
   * @param ores
   * @param title
   * @param wControl
  public DTabImpl(
      OLATResourceable ores,
      OLATResourceable initialOres,
      String title,
      WindowControl wOrigControl) {
    this.ores = ores;
    this.initialOres = initialOres;
    this.title = title;
    // Root the JumpInPath - typically all resources are opened in tabs
    StackedBusinessControl businessControl =
        new StackedBusinessControl(null, wOrigControl.getBusinessControl());
    wControl =
            .createBusinessWindowControl(businessControl, wOrigControl);

    String typeName = ores.getResourceableTypeName();
    String shortTitle;
    if (title == null) {
      shortTitle = "???";
    } else if (!title.startsWith(I18nManager.IDENT_PREFIX)) {
      // don't truncate titles when in inline translation mode (OLAT-3811)
      shortTitle = Formatter.truncate(title, 15);
    } else {
      shortTitle = title;
    navElement =
        new DefaultNavElement(shortTitle, title, "b_resource_" + typeName.replace(".", "-"));
Exemplo n.º 2
  public GoToMeetingController(
      UserRequest ureq,
      WindowControl wControl,
      GoToMeeting meeting,
      boolean administrator,
      boolean moderator,
      boolean readOnly) {
    super(ureq, wControl);
    this.readOnly = readOnly;
    this.moderator = moderator;
    this.administrator = administrator;

    mainVC = createVelocityContainer("meeting");
    mainVC.contextPut("title", meeting.getName());
    mainVC.contextPut("description", meeting.getDescription());

    if (administrator || moderator) {
      startLink = LinkFactory.createButtonLarge("training.start", mainVC, this);
    registerLink = LinkFactory.createButtonLarge("training.register", mainVC, this);
    confirmLink = LinkFactory.createButtonLarge("training.confirm", mainVC, this);
    joinLink = LinkFactory.createButtonLarge("training.join", mainVC, this);

    openRecordingsLink = LinkFactory.createButton("recordings", mainVC, this);

    GoToError error = new GoToError();
    this.meeting = meetingMgr.getMeeting(meeting, error);
    this.registrant = meetingMgr.getRegistrant(meeting, getIdentity());
    if (error.hasError() && error.getError() != null) {
      mainVC.contextPut("errorMessage", translate(error.getError().i18nKey()));

    List<GoToRecordingsG2T> recordings = meetingMgr.getRecordings(meeting, error);
    openRecordingsLink.setVisible(recordings != null && recordings.size() > 0);

    Date start = meeting.getStartDate();
    Date end = meeting.getEndDate();
    Formatter formatter = Formatter.getInstance(getLocale());
    mainVC.contextPut("start", formatter.formatDateAndTime(start));
    mainVC.contextPut("end", formatter.formatDateAndTime(end));

Exemplo n.º 3
   * @param ureq
   * @return
  private StringBuilder createChangelogMsg(UserRequest ureq) {
     * TODO:pb:is ImsRepositoryResolver the right place for getting the change log?

    // re could be null, but if we are here it should not be null!
    Roles userRoles = ureq.getUserSession().getRoles();
    boolean showAll = userRoles.isAuthor() || userRoles.isOLATAdmin();
    // get changelog
    Formatter formatter = Formatter.getInstance(ureq.getLocale());
    ImsRepositoryResolver resolver = new ImsRepositoryResolver(referenceTestEntry);
    QTIChangeLogMessage[] qtiChangeLog = resolver.getDocumentChangeLog();
    StringBuilder qtiChangelog = new StringBuilder();

    if (qtiChangeLog.length > 0) {
      // there are resource changes
      for (int i = qtiChangeLog.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // show latest change first
        if (!showAll && qtiChangeLog[i].isPublic()) {
          // logged in person is a normal user, hence public messages only
          Date msgDate = new Date(qtiChangeLog[i].getTimestmp());
              .append("\nChange date: ")
          String msg = StringHelper.escapeHtml(qtiChangeLog[i].getLogMessage());
        } else if (showAll) {
          // logged in person is an author, olat admin, owner, show all messages
          Date msgDate = new Date(qtiChangeLog[i].getTimestmp());
              .append("\nChange date: ")
          String msg = StringHelper.escapeHtml(qtiChangeLog[i].getLogMessage());
        } // else non public messages are not shown to normal user
    return qtiChangelog;
Exemplo n.º 4
  private void exposeUserTestDataToVC(UserRequest ureq) {
    // config : show score info
    Object enableScoreInfoObject = modConfig.get(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_ENABLESCOREINFO);
    if (enableScoreInfoObject != null) {
      myContent.contextPut("enableScoreInfo", enableScoreInfoObject);
    } else {
      myContent.contextPut("enableScoreInfo", Boolean.TRUE);
    // configuration data
    myContent.contextPut("attemptsConfig", modConfig.get(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_ATTEMPTS));

    // user data
    Identity identity = userCourseEnv.getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity();
    if (courseNode instanceof PersistentAssessableCourseNode) {
      PersistentAssessableCourseNode acn = (PersistentAssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
      AssessmentEntry assessmentEntry = acn.getUserAssessmentEntry(userCourseEnv);
      if (assessmentEntry == null) {
        myContent.contextPut("blockAfterSuccess", Boolean.FALSE);
        myContent.contextPut("score", null);
        myContent.contextPut("hasPassedValue", Boolean.FALSE);
        myContent.contextPut("passed", Boolean.FALSE);
        myContent.contextPut("comment", null);
        myContent.contextPut("attempts", 0);
      } else {
        // block if test passed (and config set to check it)
        Boolean blockAfterSuccess =
        Boolean blocked = Boolean.FALSE;
        if (blockAfterSuccess != null && blockAfterSuccess.booleanValue()) {
          Boolean passed = assessmentEntry.getPassed();
          if (passed != null && passed.booleanValue()) {
            blocked = Boolean.TRUE;
        myContent.contextPut("blockAfterSuccess", blocked);
        myContent.contextPut("score", AssessmentHelper.getRoundedScore(assessmentEntry.getScore()));
            "hasPassedValue", (assessmentEntry.getPassed() == null ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE));
        myContent.contextPut("passed", assessmentEntry.getPassed());
        StringBuilder comment = Formatter.stripTabsAndReturns(assessmentEntry.getComment());
        myContent.contextPut("comment", StringHelper.xssScan(comment));
        myContent.contextPut("attempts", assessmentEntry.getAttempts());

    UserNodeAuditManager am = userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment().getAuditManager();
    myContent.contextPut("log", am.getUserNodeLog(courseNode, identity));

 public Object getValueAt(final int row, final int col) {
   final MediaFileElement entry = getEntryAt(row);
   switch (col) {
     case 0:
       final String filename = entry.getFilename();
       if (filename.length() > 40) {
         if (filename.endsWith(WikiMainController.METADATA_SUFFIX)) {
           return entry.getFilename().substring(0, 40) + WikiMainController.METADATA_SUFFIX;
         return entry.getFilename().substring(0, 40) + "...";
       return entry.getFilename();
     case 1:
       final long identKey = entry.getCreatedBy();
       if (identKey == 0) {
         return "---";
       return BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(identKey).getName();
     case 2:
       return formatter.formatDateAndTime(new Date(entry.getCreationDate()));
     case 3:
       final long key = entry.getDeletedBy();
       if (key == 0) {
         return "---";
       return BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(key).getName();
     case 4:
       final long delDate = entry.getDeletionDate();
       if (delDate == 0) {
         return "---";
       return formatter.formatDateAndTime(new Date(delDate));
       return "ERROR";
Exemplo n.º 6
  private void sendFeedback(List<BulkAssessmentFeedback> feedbacks) {
    if (task == null) {
      log.error("Haven't a task to know creator and modifiers of the task", null);

    Identity creator = task.getCreator();
    String language = creator.getUser().getPreferences().getLanguage();
    Locale locale = I18nManager.getInstance().getLocaleOrDefault(language);
    Translator translator =
            Util.createPackageTranslator(AssessmentManager.class, locale));
    MailManager mailManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(MailManager.class);
    TaskExecutorManager taskManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(TaskExecutorManager.class);

    String feedbackStr = renderFeedback(feedbacks, translator);

    MailBundle mail = new MailBundle();
    List<Identity> modifiers = taskManager.getModifiers(task);
    if (modifiers.size() > 0) {
      ContactList cc = new ContactList("CC");

    String businessPath = "";
    ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(courseRes);
    CourseNode node = course.getRunStructure().getNode(courseNodeIdent);
    String courseTitle = course.getCourseTitle();
    String nodeTitle = node.getShortTitle();
    String numOfAssessedIds = Integer.toString(datas == null ? 0 : datas.getRowsSize());
    String date = Formatter.getInstance(locale).formatDateAndTime(new Date());

    mail.setContext(new MailContextImpl(courseRes, courseNodeIdent, businessPath));
    String subject =
        translator.translate("confirmation.mail.subject", new String[] {courseTitle, nodeTitle});
    String body =
            new String[] {courseTitle, nodeTitle, feedbackStr, numOfAssessedIds, date});
    mail.setContent(subject, body);
   * @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#archiveNodeData(java.util.Locale,
   *     org.olat.course.ICourse, java.io.File, java.lang.String)
  public boolean archiveNodeData(
      final Locale locale, final ICourse course, final File exportDirectory, final String charset) {
    final String repoRef = (String) this.getModuleConfiguration().get("reporef");
    final OLATResourceable ores =
            .lookupRepositoryEntryBySoftkey(repoRef, true)

    if (WikiManager.getInstance().getOrLoadWiki(ores).getAllPagesWithContent().size() > 0) {
      // OK, there is somthing to archive
      final VFSContainer exportContainer = new LocalFolderImpl(exportDirectory);
      VFSContainer wikiExportContainer =
          (VFSContainer) exportContainer.resolve(WikiManager.WIKI_RESOURCE_FOLDER_NAME);
      if (wikiExportContainer == null) {
        wikiExportContainer =
      final String exportDirName =
              + "_"
              + Formatter.formatDatetimeFilesystemSave(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
      final VFSContainer destination = wikiExportContainer.createChildContainer(exportDirName);
      if (destination == null) {
            "archiveNodeData: Could not create destination directory: wikiExportContainer="
                + wikiExportContainer
                + ", exportDirName="
                + exportDirName,

      final VFSContainer container =
          WikiManager.getInstance().getWikiContainer(ores, WikiManager.WIKI_RESOURCE_FOLDER_NAME);
      if (container
          != null) { // the container could be null if the wiki is an old empty one - so nothing to
                     // archive
        final VFSContainer parent = container.getParentContainer();
        final VFSLeaf wikiZip = WikiToZipUtils.getWikiAsZip(parent);
      return true;
    // empty wiki, no need to archive
    return false;
  public AccessConfigurationController(
      UserRequest ureq,
      WindowControl wControl,
      OLATResource resource,
      String displayName,
      boolean allowPaymentMethod,
      boolean editable) {
    super(ureq, wControl, "access_configuration");

    this.resource = resource;
    this.displayName = displayName;
    this.allowPaymentMethod = allowPaymentMethod;
    embbed = false;
    this.editable = editable;
    emptyConfigGrantsFullAccess = true;
    formatter = Formatter.getInstance(getLocale());

 private void init(UserRequest ureq) {
   String artFulltextContent = ePFMgr.getArtefactFullTextContent(artefact);
   if (!readOnlyMode) {
     // prepare an edit link
     String fulltext = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagAndDescapingFilter().filter(artFulltextContent);
     fulltext = StringHelper.xssScan(fulltext);
     fulltext = Formatter.truncate(fulltext, 50);
     editBtn =
             "text.edit.link", "edit", fulltext, Link.NONTRANSLATED, vC, this);
     editBtn.setIconRightCSS("o_icon o_icon_inline_editable");
   } else {
     // register a mapper to deliver uploaded media files
     final VFSContainer artefactFolder = ePFMgr.getArtefactContainer(artefact);
     String mapperBase = registerMapper(ureq, new VFSContainerMapper(artefactFolder));
     Filter urlFilter = FilterFactory.getBaseURLToMediaRelativeURLFilter(mapperBase);
     String wrappedText = urlFilter.filter(artFulltextContent);
     vC.contextPut("text", wrappedText);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Search in given text fragment for URL's and surround them with clickable HTML link objects.
  * @param textFragment
  * @return text with clickable links
 public static String formatURLsAsLinks(String textFragment) {
   return Formatter.formatURLsAsLinks(textFragment);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Wrapp given html code with a wrapper an add code to transform latex formulas to nice visual
  * characters on the client side. The latex formulas must be within an HTML element that has the
  * class 'math' attached.
  * @param htmlFragment A html element that might contain an element that has a class 'math' with
  *     latex formulas
  * @return
 public static String formatLatexFormulas(String htmlFragment) {
   return Formatter.formatLatexFormulas(htmlFragment);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public String formatBytes(long bytes) {
   return Formatter.formatBytes(bytes);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public String formatDateAndTime(Date date) {
   Formatter f = Formatter.getInstance(renderer.getTranslator().getLocale());
   return f.formatDateAndTime(date);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * escapes " entities in \"
  * @param in the string to convert
  * @deprecated please use escapeHtml.
  * @return the escaped string
 public String escapeDoubleQuotes(String in) {
   return Formatter.escapeDoubleQuotes(in).toString();
 public MediaFilesTableModel(final List objects, final Translator trans) {
   formatter = Formatter.getInstance(trans.getLocale());
 public Object getValueAt(BGTableItem wrapped, int col) {
   switch (Cols.values()[col]) {
     case name:
       return wrapped;
     case description:
       String description = wrapped.getBusinessGroupDescription();
       description = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagsFilter().filter(description);
       description = Formatter.truncate(description, 256);
       return description;
     case allowLeave:
         Boolean allowed = wrapped.getAllowLeave();
         if (allowed != null && allowed.booleanValue()) {
           // check managed groups
           if (BusinessGroupManagedFlag.isManaged(
               wrapped.getManagedFlags(), BusinessGroupManagedFlag.membersmanagement)) {
             return Boolean.FALSE;
         return allowed;
     case allowDelete:
         Boolean allowed = wrapped.getAllowDelete();
         if (allowed != null && allowed.booleanValue()) {
           // check managed groups
           if (BusinessGroupManagedFlag.isManaged(
               wrapped.getManagedFlags(), BusinessGroupManagedFlag.delete)) {
             return Boolean.FALSE;
         return allowed;
     case resources:
       return wrapped;
     case accessControl:
       return new Boolean(wrapped.isAccessControl());
     case accessControlLaunch:
       return wrapped.getAccessLink();
     case accessTypes:
       return wrapped.getAccessTypes();
     case mark:
       return wrapped.getMarkLink();
     case lastUsage:
       return wrapped.getBusinessGroupLastUsage();
     case role:
       return wrapped.getMembership();
     case firstTime:
         BusinessGroupMembership membership = wrapped.getMembership();
         return membership == null ? null : membership.getCreationDate();
     case lastTime:
         BusinessGroupMembership membership = wrapped.getMembership();
         return membership == null ? null : membership.getLastModified();
     case key:
       return wrapped.getBusinessGroupKey();
     case freePlaces:
         Integer maxParticipants = wrapped.getMaxParticipants();
         if (maxParticipants != null && maxParticipants.intValue() >= 0) {
           long free =
               maxParticipants - (wrapped.getNumOfParticipants() + wrapped.getNumOfPendings());
           return new GroupNumber(free);
         return GroupNumber.INFINITE;
     case participantsCount:
         long count = wrapped.getNumOfParticipants() + wrapped.getNumOfPendings();
         return count < 0 ? GroupNumber.ZERO : new GroupNumber(count);
     case tutorsCount:
         long count = wrapped.getNumOfOwners();
         return count < 0 ? GroupNumber.ZERO : new GroupNumber(count);
     case waitingListCount:
         if (wrapped.isWaitingListEnabled()) {
           long count = wrapped.getNumWaiting();
           return count < 0 ? GroupNumber.ZERO : new GroupNumber(count);
         return GroupNumber.NONE;
     case wrapper:
       return wrapped;
     case externalId:
       return wrapped.getBusinessGroupExternalId();
     case unlink:
         boolean managed =
                 wrapped.getManagedFlags(), BusinessGroupManagedFlag.resources);
         return managed ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE;
       return "ERROR";