Exemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see
  *     org.modeshape.jcr.query.parse.BasicSqlQueryParser#parseLiteralValue(org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream,
  *     org.modeshape.jcr.query.model.TypeSystem)
 protected Object parseLiteralValue(TokenStream tokens, TypeSystem typeSystem) {
   if (tokens.canConsume("TIMESTAMP")) {
     Position pos = tokens.previousPosition();
     // This should be a timestamp represented as a single-quoted string ...
     String value = removeBracketsAndQuotes(tokens.consume());
     TypeFactory<?> dateTimeFactory = typeSystem.getDateTimeFactory();
     try {
       // Convert to a date and then back to a string to get canonical form ...
       Object dateTime = dateTimeFactory.create(value);
       return dateTime;
       // return dateTimeFactory.asString(dateTime);
     } catch (ValueFormatException e) {
       String msg =
               value, pos.getLine(), pos.getColumn());
       throw new ParsingException(pos, msg);
   return super.parseLiteralValue(tokens, typeSystem);
Exemplo n.º 2
  protected ConstraintChecker createChecker(
      final TypeSystem types,
      Schemata schemata,
      Columns columns,
      final DynamicOperation dynamicOperation,
      Operator operator,
      StaticOperand staticOperand) {
    final String expectedType = dynamicOperation.getExpectedType();

    // Determine the literal value ...
    Object literalValue = null;
    if (staticOperand instanceof BindVariableName) {
      BindVariableName bindVariable = (BindVariableName) staticOperand;
      String variableName = bindVariable.getBindVariableName();
      literalValue = variables.get(variableName); // may be null
    } else {
      Literal literal = (Literal) staticOperand;
      literalValue = literal.value();
    // Create the correct comparator ...
    final TypeFactory<?> typeFactory = types.getTypeFactory(expectedType);
    assert typeFactory != null;
    final Comparator<Object> comparator = (Comparator<Object>) typeFactory.getComparator();
    assert comparator != null;
    // Create the correct operation ...
    final TypeFactory<?> literalFactory = types.getTypeFactory(expectedType);
    final Object rhs = literalFactory.create(literalValue);
    switch (operator) {
      case EQUAL_TO:
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) == 0;
      case GREATER_THAN:
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) > 0;
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) >= 0;
      case LESS_THAN:
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) < 0;
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) <= 0;
      case NOT_EQUAL_TO:
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            return comparator.compare(dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples), rhs) != 0;
      case LIKE:
        // Convert the LIKE expression to a regular expression
        String regex = CompareStringQuery.toRegularExpression(types.asString(rhs));
        final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
        return new ConstraintChecker() {
          public boolean satisfiesConstraints(Object[] tuples) {
            Object tupleValue = dynamicOperation.evaluate(tuples);
            if (tupleValue == null) return false;
            String value = types.asString(tupleValue);
            return pattern.matcher(value).matches();
    assert false;
    return null;