Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Test one element */
  public void test_one_element() throws SAXException {

    String cveInfo =
        "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
            + "           xmlns=\"http://cve.mitre.org/cve/downloads\" "
            + "           xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"http://cve.mitre.org/schema/cve/cve_1.0.xsd\"> "
            + "        <item type=\"CAN\" name=\"CVE-1999-0001\" seq=\"1999-0001\"> "
            + "        <status>Candidate</status> "
            + "        <phase date=\"20051217\">Modified</phase> "
            + "        <desc>ip_input.c in BSD-derived TCP/IP implementations allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash or hang) via crafted packets.</desc> "
            + "        <refs> "
            + "        <ref source=\"CERT\">CA-98-13-tcp-denial-of-service</ref> "
            + "        </refs> "
            + "        <votes> "
            + "        <modify count=\"1\">Frech</modify> "
            + "        <noop count=\"2\">Northcutt, Wall</noop> "
            + "        <reviewing count=\"1\">Christey</reviewing> "
            + "        </votes> "
            + "        <comments> "
            + "        <comment voter=\"Christey\">A Bugtraq posting indicates that the bug has to do with "
            + "        &quot;short packets with certain options set,&quot; so the description "
            + "        should be modified accordingly. "
            + "        But is this the same as CVE-1999-0052?  That one is related "
            + "        to nestea (CVE-1999-0257) and probably the one described in "
            + "        BUGTRAQ:19981023 nestea v2 against freebsd 3.0-Release "
            + "        The patch for nestea is in ip_input.c around line 750. "
            + "        The patches for CVE-1999-0001 are in lines 388&amp;446.  So,  "
            + "        CVE-1999-0001 is different from CVE-1999-0257 and CVE-1999-0052. "
            + "        The FreeBSD patch for CVE-1999-0052 is in line 750. "
            + "        So, CVE-1999-0257 and CVE-1999-0052 may be the same, though "
            + "        CVE-1999-0052 should be RECAST since this bug affects Linux "
            + "        and other OSes besides FreeBSD.</comment> "
            + "        <comment voter=\"Frech\">XF:teardrop(338) "
            + "        This assignment was based solely on references to the CERT advisory.</comment> "
            + "        <comment voter=\"Christey\">The description for BID:190, which links to CVE-1999-0052 (a "
            + "        FreeBSD advisory), notes that the patches provided by FreeBSD in "
            + "        CERT:CA-1998-13 suggest a connection between CVE-1999-0001 and "
            + "        CVE-1999-0052.  CERT:CA-1998-13 is too vague to be sure without "
            + "        further analysis.</comment> "
            + "        </comments> "
            + "        </item> "
            + "      </cve> ";

    CveExtractor cveExtractor = new CveExtractor(cveInfo);
    STIXPackage stixPackage = cveExtractor.getStixPackage();

    System.out.println("Validating CVE stixPackage");

    System.out.println("Testing one element CVE content");
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(stixPackage.toXMLString(), "", Parser.xmlParser());
    Elements elements = doc.select("stixCommon|Exploit_Target");

    System.out.println("Testing that package contains one element");
    assertTrue(elements.size() == 1);

    for (Element element : elements) {
      System.out.println("Testing CVE_ID");
      assertEquals(element.select("et|CVE_ID").text(), "CVE-1999-0001");

      System.out.println("Testing Title");
      assertEquals(element.select("et|Title").text(), "Vulnerability");

      System.out.println("Testing Source");
      assertEquals(element.select("et|Source").text(), "CVE");

      System.out.println("Testing Description");
          "ip_input.c in BSD-derived TCP/IP implementations allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash or hang) via crafted packets.");

      System.out.println("Testing ShortDescription (comments)");
      boolean equals = true;
      Elements comments = element.select("et|Short_Description");
      for (Element comment : comments) {
        if (comment
                    "A Bugtraq posting indicates that the bug has to do with \"short packets "
                        + "with certain options set,\" so the description should be modified accordingly. "
                        + "But is this the same as CVE-1999-0052? That one is related to nestea (CVE-1999-0257) "
                        + "and probably the one described in BUGTRAQ:19981023 nestea v2 against freebsd "
                        + "3.0-Release The patch for nestea is in ip_input.c around line 750. The patches for "
                        + "CVE-1999-0001 are in lines 388&446. So, CVE-1999-0001 is different from CVE-1999-0257 "
                        + "and CVE-1999-0052. The FreeBSD patch for CVE-1999-0052 is in line 750. So, CVE-1999-0257 "
                        + "and CVE-1999-0052 may be the same, though CVE-1999-0052 should be RECAST since this bug "
                        + "affects Linux and other OSes besides FreeBSD.")
            || comment
                    "The description for BID:190, which links to CVE-1999-0052 (a "
                        + "FreeBSD advisory), notes that the patches provided by FreeBSD in "
                        + "CERT:CA-1998-13 suggest a connection between CVE-1999-0001 and "
                        + "CVE-1999-0052. CERT:CA-1998-13 is too vague to be sure without "
                        + "further analysis.")
            || comment
                    "XF:teardrop(338) "
                        + "This assignment was based solely on references to the CERT advisory."))
        else {
          System.out.println("ERROR: Cannot find comment: " + comment.text());
          equals = false;

      System.out.println("Testing References");
          element.select("stixCommon|Reference").text(), "CERT:CA-98-13-tcp-denial-of-service");

      System.out.println("Testing IsPubliclyAcknowledged (status)");
      assertEquals(element.select("et|Vulnerability").attr("is_publicly_acknowledged"), "false");
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Test two elements */
  public void test_two_elements() throws SAXException {

    String cveInfo =
        "      <?xml version=\"1.0\"?> "
            + "      <cve xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
            + "           xmlns=\"http://cve.mitre.org/cve/downloads\" "
            + "           xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"http://cve.mitre.org/schema/cve/cve_1.0.xsd\"> "
            + "        <item type=\"CVE\" name=\"CVE-1999-0002\" seq=\"1999-0002\"> "
            + "        <status>Entry</status> "
            + "        <desc>Buffer overflow in NFS mountd gives root access to remote attackers, mostly in Linux systems.</desc> "
            + "        <refs> "
            + "        <ref source=\"SGI\" url=\"ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/19981006-01-I\">19981006-01-I</ref> "
            + "        <ref source=\"CERT\">CA-98.12.mountd</ref> "
            + "        <ref source=\"CIAC\" url=\"http://www.ciac.org/ciac/bulletins/j-006.shtml\">J-006</ref> "
            + "        <ref source=\"BID\" url=\"http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/121\">121</ref> "
            + "        <ref source=\"XF\">linux-mountd-bo</ref> "
            + "        </refs> "
            + "        </item> "
            + "        <item type=\"CAN\" name=\"CVE-2011-0528\" seq=\"2011-0528\"> "
            + "        <status>Candidate</status> "
            + "        <phase date=\"20110120\">Assigned</phase> "
            + "        <desc>** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.</desc> "
            + "        <refs> "
            + "        </refs> "
            + "        <votes> "
            + "        </votes> "
            + "        <comments> "
            + "        </comments> "
            + "        </item> "
            + "      </cve> ";

    CveExtractor cveExtractor = new CveExtractor(cveInfo);
    STIXPackage stixPackage = cveExtractor.getStixPackage();

    System.out.println("Validating CVE stixPackage");

    System.out.println("Testing two elements CVE content");

    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(stixPackage.toXMLString(), "", Parser.xmlParser());
    Elements elements = doc.select("stixCommon|Exploit_Target");

    System.out.println("Testing that package contains two elements");
    assertTrue(elements.size() == 2);

    int count = 0;
    for (Element element : elements) {

      if (count == 0) {
        System.out.println("Testing first element:");
      } else {
        System.out.println("Testing second element:");
      if (element.attr("id").equals("stucco:cve-CVE-1999-0002")) {
        System.out.println("Testing CVE_ID");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|CVE_ID").text(), "CVE-1999-0002");

        System.out.println("Testing Title");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Title").text(), "Vulnerability");

        System.out.println("Testing Source");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Source").text(), "CVE");

        System.out.println("Testing Description");
            "Buffer overflow in NFS mountd gives root access to remote attackers, mostly in Linux systems.");

        System.out.println("Testing References");
        boolean equals = true;
        Elements references = element.select("stixCommon|Reference");
        for (Element reference : references) {
          if (reference
              || reference.text().equals("CERT:CA-98.12.mountd")
              || reference.text().equals("http://www.ciac.org/ciac/bulletins/j-006.shtml")
              || reference.text().equals("http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/121")
              || reference.text().equals("XF:linux-mountd-bo")) continue;
          else {
            System.out.println("ERROR: Cannot find: " + reference.text());
            equals = false;

        System.out.println("Testing IsPubliclyAcknowledged (status)");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Vulnerability").attr("is_publicly_acknowledged"), "true");
      if (element.attr("id").equals("stucco:cve-CVE-2011-0528")) {
        System.out.println("Testing CVE_ID");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|CVE_ID").text(), "CVE-2011-0528");

        System.out.println("Testing Title");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Title").text(), "Vulnerability");

        System.out.println("Testing Source");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Source").text(), "CVE");

        System.out.println("Testing Description");
            "** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.");

        System.out.println("Testing IsPubliclyAcknowledged (status)");
        assertEquals(element.select("et|Vulnerability").attr("is_publicly_acknowledged"), "false");