  public Collection<SavingsAccountAnnualFeeData> retrieveChargesWithDue() {
    final String sql =
        "select "
            + this.chargeDueMapper.schema()
            + " where sac.charge_due_date is not null and sac.charge_due_date <= NOW() and sac.waived = 0 and sac.is_paid_derived=0 and sac.is_active=1 and sa.status_enum = "
            + SavingsAccountStatusType.ACTIVE.getValue()
            + " order by sac.charge_due_date ";

    return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, this.chargeDueMapper, new Object[] {});
  public Collection<SavingsAccountAnnualFeeData> retrieveChargesWithAnnualFeeDue() {
    final String sql =
        "select "
            + this.chargeDueMapper.schema()
            + " where sac.charge_due_date is not null and sac.charge_time_enum = "
            + ChargeTimeType.ANNUAL_FEE.getValue()
            + " and sac.charge_due_date <= NOW() and sa.status_enum = "
            + SavingsAccountStatusType.ACTIVE.getValue();

    return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, this.chargeDueMapper, new Object[] {});