   * Checks that at least one reason code is selected and stores the selection settings. If no
   * reason code is selected, an error message is displayed to the user.
   * @param reasonCodePickList - List of BudgetConstructionReasonCodePick objects to check
   * @return boolean - true if there was a selection and the list was saved, otherwise false
  protected boolean storedSelectedReasonCodes(
      List<BudgetConstructionReasonCodePick> reasonCodePickList) {
    boolean foundSelected = false;

    // check to see if at least one pullflag is set and store the selectFlag settings for currently
    // displayed set of reason
    // codes
    for (BudgetConstructionReasonCodePick budgetConstructionReasonCodePick : reasonCodePickList) {
      if (budgetConstructionReasonCodePick.getSelectFlag() > 0) {
        foundSelected = true;

    // if selection was found, save the reason code selections, otherwise build error message
    if (foundSelected) {
    } else {

    return foundSelected;
  /** Unselects all reason codes. */
  public ActionForward unselectAllReasonCodes(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {
    OrganizationReportSelectionForm organizationReportSelectionForm =
        (OrganizationReportSelectionForm) form;
    for (BudgetConstructionReasonCodePick budgetConstructionReasonCodePick :
        organizationReportSelectionForm.getReasonCodePickList()) {
      budgetConstructionReasonCodePick.setSelectFlag(new Integer(0));

    return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC);