Exemplo n.º 1
 /** Test of method getProjectedEnd, of class Ray. */
 public void testGetProjectedEnd() throws Exception {
   Ray instance = new Ray(new Vec3(1, 2, 3), new Vec3(4, 5, 6));
   float fExpResult = 15.f / (float) Math.sqrt(3);
   float fResult = instance.getProjectedEnd();
   assertEquals(fExpResult, fResult, 0.00001);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Test of method getLength, of class Ray. */
 public void testGetLength() throws Exception {
   Ray instance = new Ray(new Vec3(1, 2, 3), new Vec3(4, 5, 6));
   float fExpResult = (float) Math.sqrt(3 * 9);
   float fResult = instance.getLength();
   assertEquals(fExpResult, fResult, 0.00001);
  public void checkInner(ImageFloat32 image, int c_x, int c_y, int w, int h) {
    ImplDescribePointPixelRegionNCC_F32 alg = new ImplDescribePointPixelRegionNCC_F32(w, h);

    NccFeature desc = new NccFeature(alg.getDescriptorLength());
    assertTrue(alg.isInBounds(c_x, c_y));
    alg.process(c_x, c_y, desc);

    int y0 = c_y - h / 2;
    int x0 = c_x - w / 2;
    double mean = 0;
    for (int y = y0; y < y0 + h; y++) {
      for (int x = x0; x < x0 + w; x++) {
        mean += image.get(x, y);
    mean /= w * h;
    double variance = 0;
    for (int y = y0; y < y0 + h; y++) {
      for (int x = x0; x < x0 + w; x++) {
        double a = image.get(x, y) - mean;
        variance += a * a;
    variance /= w * h;
    assertEquals(desc.mean, mean, 1e-8);
    assertEquals(desc.sigma, Math.sqrt(variance), 1e-8);

    int index = 0;
    for (int y = y0; y < y0 + h; y++) {
      for (int x = x0; x < x0 + w; x++, index++) {
        assertEquals(image.get(x, y) - mean, desc.value[index], 1e-4);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /** Test of method getDir, of class Ray. */
 public void testGetDir() throws Exception {
   Ray instance = new Ray(new Vec3(1, 2, 3), new Vec3(4, 5, 6));
   Vec3 expResult = new Vec3(1.f / (float) Math.sqrt(3));
   Vec3 result = instance.getDir();
   assertEquals(expResult, result);
Exemplo n.º 5
  /** Test of runScriptlet method, of class ScriptingContainer. */
  public void testRunScriptlet_InputStream_String() throws FileNotFoundException {
    System.out.println("runScriptlet(istream, filename)");
    InputStream istream = null;
    String filename = "";
    ScriptingContainer instance = new ScriptingContainer();
    Object expResult = null;
    Object result = instance.runScriptlet(istream, filename);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    filename = "org/jruby/embed/ruby/law_of_cosines.rb";
    istream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename);
    instance.put("@a", 2.0);
    instance.put("@b", 2 * Math.sqrt(3.0));
    instance.put("@c", 2.0);
    List<Double> angles = (List<Double>) instance.runScriptlet(istream, filename);
    // this result goes to 30.00000000000004,30.00000000000004,120.0.
    // these should be 30.0, 30.0, 120.0. conversion precision error?
    System.out.println(angles.get(0) + ", " + angles.get(1) + ", " + angles.get(2));
    assertEquals(30.0, angles.get(0), 0.00001);
    assertEquals(30.0, angles.get(1), 0.00001);
    assertEquals(120.0, angles.get(2), 0.00001);

    instance = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
  public void testDistance() {
    Vector4 x = new Vector4(2, 3, 4, 5);
    Vector4 y = new Vector4(1, 2, 3, 4);
    doAssertDouble(2, x.distance(y));

    x = new Vector4(10, 3, 6, -5);
    y = new Vector4(7, 3, -2, 1);
    doAssertDouble(Math.sqrt(109), x.distance(y));
 private double stdDev(
     Map<List<String>, Integer> histogram, double expVal, List<List<String>> input) {
   if (histogram.size() == 0) return 0.0;
   double stdDev = 0;
   for (int value : histogram.values()) {
     stdDev += (value * value) / productSize(input);
   stdDev = Math.sqrt(stdDev - expVal);
   return stdDev;
Exemplo n.º 8
  public void testDistanceEuclidienne3() throws DataFormatException {
    List<Double> variables = new LinkedList<Double>();
    for (double d : p.getVariables()) variables.add(d + 1);

    InfinitePoint Point = new InfinitePoint(variables);

        p.distanceEuclidienne(Point) - Math.sqrt(Point.getDimension())
            < InfinitePoint.getEpsilon());
  public void hessianNormalForm() {
    PlaneGeneral3D_F64 a = new PlaneGeneral3D_F64(2, -3, 4, 5);
    double n = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 4);


    assertEquals(2 / n, a.A, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL);
    assertEquals(-3 / n, a.B, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL);
    assertEquals(4 / n, a.C, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL);
    assertEquals(5 / n, a.D, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL);
Exemplo n.º 10
  public void testBruteForce() {
    /* This test creates a dataset where feature values are multiples of consecutive natural numbers
      The obtained values are compared to the theoretical mean and std dev
    double tolerancePerc = 0.01; // 0.01% of correct value
    int nSamples = 5120;
    int x = 1, y = 2, z = 3;

    INDArray featureX = Nd4j.linspace(1, nSamples, nSamples).reshape(nSamples, 1).mul(x);
    INDArray featureY = featureX.mul(y);
    INDArray featureZ = featureX.mul(z);
    INDArray featureSet = Nd4j.concat(1, featureX, featureY, featureZ);
    INDArray labelSet = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, 1);
    DataSet sampleDataSet = new DataSet(featureSet, labelSet);

    double meanNaturalNums = (nSamples + 1) / 2.0;
    INDArray theoreticalMean =
        Nd4j.create(new double[] {meanNaturalNums * x, meanNaturalNums * y, meanNaturalNums * z});
    double stdNaturalNums = Math.sqrt((nSamples * nSamples - 1) / 12.0);
    INDArray theoreticalStd =
        Nd4j.create(new double[] {stdNaturalNums * x, stdNaturalNums * y, stdNaturalNums * z});

    NormalizerStandardize myNormalizer = new NormalizerStandardize();

    INDArray meanDelta = Transforms.abs(theoreticalMean.sub(myNormalizer.getMean()));
    INDArray meanDeltaPerc = meanDelta.div(theoreticalMean).mul(100);
    double maxMeanDeltaPerc = meanDeltaPerc.max(1).getDouble(0, 0);
    assertTrue(maxMeanDeltaPerc < tolerancePerc);

    INDArray stdDelta = Transforms.abs(theoreticalMean.sub(myNormalizer.getMean()));
    INDArray stdDeltaPerc = stdDelta.div(theoreticalStd).mul(100);
    double maxStdDeltaPerc = stdDeltaPerc.max(1).getDouble(0, 0);
    assertTrue(maxStdDeltaPerc < tolerancePerc);

    int bSize = 10;
    tolerancePerc = 1; // 1% of correct value
    DataSetIterator sampleIter = new TestDataSetIterator(sampleDataSet, bSize);

    meanDelta = Transforms.abs(theoreticalMean.sub(myNormalizer.getMean()));
    meanDeltaPerc = meanDelta.div(theoreticalMean).mul(100);
    maxMeanDeltaPerc = meanDeltaPerc.max(1).getDouble(0, 0);
    assertTrue(maxMeanDeltaPerc < tolerancePerc);

    stdDelta = Transforms.abs(theoreticalMean.sub(myNormalizer.getMean()));
    stdDeltaPerc = stdDelta.div(theoreticalStd).mul(100);
    maxStdDeltaPerc = stdDeltaPerc.max(1).getDouble(0, 0);
    assertTrue(maxStdDeltaPerc < tolerancePerc);
Exemplo n.º 11
  public void testCor_double_array() {
    logger.info("\ntesting cor(double[] x, double[] y)");
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(null, null), 0.0);
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(new double[0], null), 0.0);
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(new double[] {1.0, 2.0}, null), 0.0);
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(null, new double[] {1.0, 2.0}), 0.0);
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(null, new double[0]), 0.0);

    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(new double[] {1.0}, new double[] {1.0}), 0.0);
    assertEquals(Double.NaN, MathUtil.cor(new double[] {1, 2}, new double[] {1, 2, 3}), 0.0);

    assertEquals(1.0, MathUtil.cor(new double[] {1, 2}, new double[] {1, 2}), 0.00000001);
Exemplo n.º 12
  public void test() {
    Frame frame = null;
    try {
      Futures fs = new Futures();
      Random random = new Random();
      Vec[] vecs = new Vec[1];
      AppendableVec vec = new AppendableVec(Vec.newKey(), Vec.T_NUM);
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(vec, i);
        for (int r = 0; r < 1000; r++) chunk.addNum(random.nextInt(1000));
        chunk.close(i, fs);
      vecs[0] = vec.layout_and_close(fs);
      frame = new Frame(Key.<Frame>make(), null, vecs);

      // Make sure we test the multi-chunk case
      vecs = frame.vecs();
      assert vecs[0].nChunks() > 1;
      long rows = frame.numRows();
      Vec v = vecs[0];
      double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, mean = 0, sigma = 0;
      for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        double d = v.at(r);
        if (d < min) min = d;
        if (d > max) max = d;
        mean += d;
      mean /= rows;
      for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        double d = v.at(r);
        sigma += (d - mean) * (d - mean);
      sigma = Math.sqrt(sigma / (rows - 1));

      double epsilon = 1e-9;
      assertEquals(max, v.max(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(min, v.min(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(mean, v.mean(), epsilon);
      assertEquals(sigma, v.sigma(), epsilon);
    } finally {
      if (frame != null) frame.delete();
Exemplo n.º 13
 public genRandomDataSet(int nSamples, int nFeatures, int a, int b, long randSeed) {
   int i = 0;
   // Randomly generate scaling constants and add offsets
   // to get aA and bB
   INDArray aA = Nd4j.rand(1, nFeatures, randSeed).add(a);
   INDArray bB = Nd4j.rand(1, nFeatures, randSeed).add(b);
   // transform ndarray as X = aA + bB * X
   INDArray randomFeatures = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, nFeatures);
   while (i < nFeatures) {
     INDArray randomSlice = Nd4j.randn(nSamples, 1, randSeed);
     randomSlice.muli(aA.getScalar(0, i));
     randomSlice.addi(bB.getScalar(0, i));
     randomFeatures.putColumn(i, randomSlice);
   INDArray randomLabels = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, 1);
   this.sampleDataSet = new DataSet(randomFeatures, randomLabels);
   this.theoreticalMean = bB;
   this.theoreticalStd = aA;
   this.theoreticalSEM = this.theoreticalStd.div(Math.sqrt(nSamples));
Exemplo n.º 14
  /** Test of callMethod method, of class ScriptingContainer. */
  public void testCallMethod_3args() {
    System.out.println("callMethod(receiver, methodName, returnType)");
    Object receiver = null;
    String methodName = "";
    Class<Object> returnType = null;
    String basedir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    String[] paths = {basedir + "/lib/ruby/1.8"};
    ScriptingContainer instance = new ScriptingContainer();
    Object expResult = null;
    Object result = instance.callMethod(receiver, methodName, returnType);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    String filename = "org/jruby/embed/ruby/next_year_1.rb";
    receiver = instance.runScriptlet(PathType.CLASSPATH, filename);
    int next_year = instance.callMethod(receiver, "get_year", Integer.class);
    assertEquals(getNextYear(), next_year);

    String script =
        "def volume\n"
            + "  (Math::PI * (@r ** 2.0) * @h)/3.0\n"
            + "end\n"
            + "def surface_area\n"
            + "  Math::PI * @r * Math.sqrt((@r ** 2.0) + (@h ** 2.0)) + Math::PI * (@r ** 2.0)\n"
            + "end";
    receiver = instance.runScriptlet(script);
    instance.put("@r", 1.0);
    instance.put("@h", Math.sqrt(3.0));
    double volume = instance.callMethod(receiver, "volume", Double.class);
    assertEquals(1.813799, volume, 0.000001);
    double surface_area = instance.callMethod(receiver, "surface_area", Double.class);
    assertEquals(9.424778, surface_area, 0.000001);

    instance = null;
Exemplo n.º 15
  /** Test of newRuntimeAdapter method, of class ScriptingContainer. */
  public void testNewRuntimeAdapter() {
    ScriptingContainer instance = new ScriptingContainer();
    EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapter result = instance.newRuntimeAdapter();
    String script =
        "def volume\n"
            + "  (Math::PI * (@r ** 2.0) * @h)/3.0\n"
            + "end\n"
            + "def surface_area\n"
            + "  Math::PI * @r * Math.sqrt((@r ** 2.0) + (@h ** 2.0)) + Math::PI * (@r ** 2.0)\n"
            + "end\n"
            + "return volume, surface_area";
    instance.put("@r", 1.0);
    instance.put("@h", Math.sqrt(3.0));
    EmbedEvalUnit unit = result.parse(script);
    IRubyObject ret = unit.run();
    List<Double> rightCircularCone = (List<Double>) ret.toJava(List.class);
    assertEquals(1.813799, rightCircularCone.get(0), 0.000001);
    assertEquals(9.424778, rightCircularCone.get(1), 0.000001);

    instance = null;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void testLength() {
   Vector4 x = new Vector4(2, 3, 4, 5);
   doAssertDouble(Math.sqrt(54), x.length());
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void TestR() {
   Point p = new Point(1, 1);
   assertEquals(p.r(), Math.sqrt(2), DELTA);
public class VectorDefinitionTest {
  private static final double NoDifferenceAllowed = 0.0;
  private static final double TestInitX1 = 0.0;
  private static final double TestInitY1 = 0.0;
  private static final double TestInitX2 = 1.0;
  private static final double TestInitY2 = 1.0;
  private static final double TestInitLength = Math.sqrt(2.0);
  private static final double TestNewLength = 2.0 * TestInitLength;
  private static final double TestScale = 2.0;
  private static final double TestShiftedX2 = -1.0;
  private static final double TestShiftedY2 = -1.0;
  private static final double TestShiftValue = 7.8;
  private static final double TestRotation = Math.toRadians(45.0);
  private static final double TestRotatedX = 0.0;
  private static final double TestRotatedY = Math.sqrt(2.0);
  private static final double TestRotationAllowedDifference = Math.pow(10, -10);
  private static final double TestNewX1 = 3.0;
  private static final double TestNewY1 = 4.0;
  private static final double TestNewX2 = 5.0;
  private static final double TestNewY2 = 6.0;
  private VectorDefinition vectorDefinition;

  public void
      setUp() // do not catch these, successful reflection must be successful to be able to test
          throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InstantiationException,
              IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
    Constructor<VectorDefinition> constructor =
            double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class);
    vectorDefinition =
        (VectorDefinition) constructor.newInstance(TestInitX1, TestInitY1, TestInitX2, TestInitY2);

  public final void testGetLength() {
    assertEquals(TestInitLength, vectorDefinition.getLength(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testAppendLength() {
    assertEquals(TestNewLength, vectorDefinition.getLength(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testScale() {
    assertEquals(TestInitX2 * TestScale, vectorDefinition.getX2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);
    assertEquals(TestInitY2 * TestScale, vectorDefinition.getY2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testSetLength() {
    assertEquals(TestNewLength, vectorDefinition.getLength(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testShiftOrigin() {
    assertEquals(TestShiftedX2, vectorDefinition.getX2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);
    assertEquals(TestShiftedY2, vectorDefinition.getY2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testShiftOnArrow() {

        TestInitX2 - TestInitX1,
        vectorDefinition.getX2() - vectorDefinition.getX1(),
        TestInitY2 - TestInitY1,
        vectorDefinition.getY2() - vectorDefinition.getY1(),

  public final void testRotate() {
    assertEquals(TestRotatedX, vectorDefinition.getX2(), TestRotationAllowedDifference);
    assertEquals(TestRotatedY, vectorDefinition.getY2(), TestRotationAllowedDifference);

  public final void testGetX1() {
    assertEquals(TestInitX1, vectorDefinition.getX1(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testSetX1() {
    assertEquals(TestNewX1, vectorDefinition.getX1(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testGetY1() {
    assertEquals(TestInitY1, vectorDefinition.getY1(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testSetY1() {
    assertEquals(TestNewY1, vectorDefinition.getY1(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testGetX2() {
    assertEquals(TestInitX2, vectorDefinition.getX2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testSetX2() {
    assertEquals(TestNewX2, vectorDefinition.getX2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testGetY2() {
    assertEquals(TestInitY2, vectorDefinition.getY2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testSetY2() {
    assertEquals(TestNewY2, vectorDefinition.getY2(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testGetPointStart() {
    I2DPoint resultPoint = vectorDefinition.getPointStart();
    assertEquals(TestInitX1, resultPoint.getX(), NoDifferenceAllowed);
    assertEquals(TestInitY1, resultPoint.getY(), NoDifferenceAllowed);

  public final void testGetPointEnd() {
    I2DPoint resultPoint = vectorDefinition.getPointEnd();
    assertEquals(TestInitX2, resultPoint.getX(), NoDifferenceAllowed);
    assertEquals(TestInitY2, resultPoint.getY(), NoDifferenceAllowed);
  /** Test of moverPunto method, of class OperacionesGeométricas. */
  public void testMoverPunto() {

    // Mover distancia y ángulo 0
    Point2D.Double punto = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    double ángulo = 0.0F;
    double distancia = 0.0F;
    Point2D.Double expResult = punto;
    Point2D.Double result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    // Puntos Cardinales

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(0);
    distancia = 1;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(4, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(90);
    distancia = 1;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 4);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(180);
    distancia = 1;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(2, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(-90);
    distancia = 1;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 2);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    // Mover distancia 0
    ángulo = Math.toRadians(0);
    distancia = 0;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(90);
    distancia = 0;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(180);
    distancia = 0;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(270);
    distancia = 0;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(33);
    distancia = 0;
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(3, 3);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    // Mover en diagonal
    double delta = 0.000001;

    distancia = Math.sqrt(2);

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(45);
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(4, 4);
    // assertEquals(expResult, result);
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getX(), expResult.getX(), delta));
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getY(), expResult.getY(), delta));

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(135);
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(2, 4);
    // assertEquals(expResult, result);
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getX(), expResult.getX(), delta));
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getY(), expResult.getY(), delta));

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(225);
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(2, 2);
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getX(), expResult.getX(), delta));
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getY(), expResult.getY(), delta));

    ángulo = Math.toRadians(315);
    result = OperacionesGeométricas.moverPunto(punto, ángulo, distancia);
    expResult = new Point2D.Double(4, 2);
    // assertEquals(expResult, result);
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getX(), expResult.getX(), delta));
    assertTrue(estáEnRango(result.getY(), expResult.getY(), delta));

    // assertEquals(expResult, result);
