/** Test method for {@link edu.cecs274.BankCustomer#getTotalBalance()}. */
  public void testGetTotalBalance() {
    BankAccount oneAccount = new BankAccount(aCustomer, INITIAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, INITIAL_BALANCE);
    BankAccount twoAccount = new BankAccount(aCustomer, INITIAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER + 1);
    BankAccount threeAccount = new BankAccount(aCustomer, INITIAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER + 2);

    double expected = INITIAL_BALANCE;
    double totalBalance = aCustomer.getTotalBalance();
    assertEquals(expected, totalBalance, DELTA);

    // Adds more money to twoAccount, the change should be reflected in aCustomers totalBalance
    expected = INITIAL_BALANCE * 2;
    totalBalance = aCustomer.getTotalBalance();
    assertEquals(expected, totalBalance, DELTA);
  /** Test method for {@link edu.cecs274.BankCustomer#addAccount(edu.cecs274.BankAccount)}. */
  public void testAddAccount() {
    // Initially, aCustomer has no bank accounts
    int numberOfAccounts = aCustomer.getNumberOfAccounts();
    double totalBalance = aCustomer.getTotalBalance();

    BankAccount newAccount = new BankAccount(aCustomer, INITIAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER);

    // Now aCustomer has a newAccount with the default initial balance
    assertEquals(++numberOfAccounts, aCustomer.getNumberOfAccounts());
    assertEquals(totalBalance, aCustomer.getTotalBalance(), DELTA);

    // Add another account with a balance
    newAccount = new BankAccount(aCustomer, INITIAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER + 1, INITIAL_BALANCE);

    // Now aCustomer has two accounts, with totalBalance == INITIAL_BALANCE
    assertEquals(++numberOfAccounts, aCustomer.getNumberOfAccounts());
    assertEquals(totalBalance + INITIAL_BALANCE, aCustomer.getTotalBalance(), DELTA);
   * Test method for {@link edu.cecs274.BankCustomer#BankCustomer(java.lang.String,
   * java.lang.String)}.
  public void testBankCustomer() {
    int expected = 0;

    // aCustomer should have no accounts, so no balance
    assertEquals(expected, aCustomer.getNumberOfAccounts());
    assertEquals(expected, aCustomer.getTotalBalance(), DELTA);

    assertEquals(FIRST_NAME, aCustomer.getFirstName());
    assertEquals(LAST_NAME, aCustomer.getLastName());

    //		// id should be a value >= 1
    //		assertTrue(aCustomer >= 1);