public Optional<Employee> authenticate(String accessTokenId) throws AuthenticationException { // Check input, must be a valid UUID UUID accessTokenUUID; try { accessTokenUUID = UUID.fromString(accessTokenId); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return Optional.absent(); } // Get the access token from the database Optional<AccessToken> accessToken = accessTokenDAO.findAccessTokenById(accessTokenUUID); if (accessToken == null || !accessToken.isPresent()) { return Optional.absent(); } // Check if the last access time is not too far in the past (the access token is expired) Period period = new Period(accessToken.get().getLastAccessUTC(), new DateTime()); if (period.getMinutes() > ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME_MIN) { return Optional.absent(); } // Update the access time for the token accessTokenDAO.setLastAccessTime(accessTokenUUID, new DateTime()); // Return the user's id for processing return Optional.of(accessToken.get().getEmployee()); }
public static void blockUntil(String tag, DateTime startAt, long sleepTime) { PeriodFormatter pf = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() .printZeroAlways() .appendHours() .appendLiteral("小时") .appendMinutes() .appendLiteral("分") .appendSeconds() .appendLiteral("秒") .toFormatter(); while (true) { DateTime now =; Period p = new Period(now, startAt); if (now.isAfter(startAt)) { System.out.println("时间到了, 启动!"); break; } else { System.out.println("[" + tag + "]" + " 距离开始还有 " + p.toString(pf)); } try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("执行..."); }
@Before public void setUp() { aggregator_0 = new UserActivityAggregatorImpl( Arrays.asList(UserProfileConstants.DEFAULT_CMD_TYPES), Period.parse("PT1m"), "test", 0); aggregator_1 = new UserActivityAggregatorImpl( Arrays.asList(UserProfileConstants.DEFAULT_CMD_TYPES), Period.parse("PT1m"), "test", 5000); }
private static Period withTwoMostSignificantNonZeroFieldsOnly(Period period) { int nonZeroFieldsFound = 0; for (DurationFieldType durationFieldType : period.getFieldTypes()) { if (period.get(durationFieldType) != 0) { if (nonZeroFieldsFound < 2) { nonZeroFieldsFound++; } else { period = period.withField(durationFieldType, 0); } } } return period; }
@Transient public String getWorkage() { if (this.dob != null) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); if (this.firstworktime == null) c.setTime(new Date()); else c.setTime(firstworktime); Calendar cnow = Calendar.getInstance(); cnow.setTime(new Date()); Period p = new Period(c.getTimeInMillis(), cnow.getTimeInMillis(), PeriodType.yearMonthDay()); Integer yearint = p.getYears(); Integer monthint = p.getMonths(); Integer dayint = p.getDays(); return yearint.toString() + "年" + monthint.toString() + "月" + dayint.toString() + "日"; } else return ""; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } PeriodGranularity that = (PeriodGranularity) o; if (hasOrigin != that.hasOrigin) { return false; } if (origin != that.origin) { return false; } if (!chronology.equals(that.chronology)) { return false; } if (!period.equals(that.period)) { return false; } return true; }
private void repeatUpdateStats() { TextView view = (TextView) findViewById(; view.setText(String.valueOf(clicks.getClicks())); view = (TextView) findViewById(; view.setText(periodFormat.print(period.normalizedStandard())); }
private void updateStats() { TextView view = (TextView) findViewById(; view.setText(String.valueOf(Button.getManualClicks())); period = new Period(startTime, new DateTime()); view = (TextView) findViewById(; view.setText(period.toString()); }
@JsonCreator public KafkaSupervisorIOConfig( @JsonProperty("topic") String topic, @JsonProperty("replicas") Integer replicas, @JsonProperty("taskCount") Integer taskCount, @JsonProperty("taskDuration") Period taskDuration, @JsonProperty("consumerProperties") Map<String, String> consumerProperties, @JsonProperty("startDelay") Period startDelay, @JsonProperty("period") Period period, @JsonProperty("useEarliestOffset") Boolean useEarliestOffset, @JsonProperty("completionTimeout") Period completionTimeout, @JsonProperty("lateMessageRejectionPeriod") Period lateMessageRejectionPeriod) { this.topic = Preconditions.checkNotNull(topic, "topic"); this.consumerProperties = Preconditions.checkNotNull(consumerProperties, "consumerProperties"); Preconditions.checkNotNull( consumerProperties.get(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_KEY), String.format("consumerProperties must contain entry for [%s]", BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_KEY)); this.replicas = (replicas != null ? replicas : 1); this.taskCount = (taskCount != null ? taskCount : 1); this.taskDuration = defaultDuration(taskDuration, "PT1H"); this.startDelay = defaultDuration(startDelay, "PT5S"); this.period = defaultDuration(period, "PT30S"); this.useEarliestOffset = (useEarliestOffset != null ? useEarliestOffset : false); this.completionTimeout = defaultDuration(completionTimeout, "PT30M"); this.lateMessageRejectionPeriod = (lateMessageRejectionPeriod == null ? Optional.<Duration>absent() : Optional.of(lateMessageRejectionPeriod.toStandardDuration())); }
public Element toXML() { Element result = new Element("timer"); XMLUtil.createElement("title", getTitle(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("started", started == null ? "" : started.toString(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("total", period.toString(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("speed", update_speed, result); XMLUtil.createElement("x", getX(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("y", getY(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("width", getWidth(), result); XMLUtil.createElement("height", getHeight(), result); XMLUtil.createElement( "foreground", String.format("%08x", total.getForeground().getRGB()), result); XMLUtil.createElement( "background", String.format("%08x", panel.getBackground().getRGB()), result); XMLUtil.createElement("visible", isVisible(), result); Element times = new Element("times"); for (TimeSpan ts : this.times) { times.addContent(ts.toXML()); } result.addContent(times); return result; }
private String epocToSimpleDate(long epoc) { Period diff = new Period(epoc, System.currentTimeMillis(), PeriodType.standard()); PeriodType type; if (diff.getMonths() > 0) { type = PeriodType.yearMonthDay(); } else if (diff.getWeeks() > 0) { type = PeriodType.yearWeekDay(); } else if (diff.getDays() > 0) { type = PeriodType.dayTime().withSecondsRemoved().withMillisRemoved().withMinutesRemoved(); } else if (diff.getMinutes() > 0) { type = PeriodType.time().withMillisRemoved().withSecondsRemoved(); } else { type = PeriodType.time().withMillisRemoved(); } return PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(epoc, System.currentTimeMillis(), type)); }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = period.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + chronology.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (int) (origin ^ (origin >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (hasOrigin ? 1 : 0); return result; }
private void checkAgainstTimespanRestriction(String timespan) { Duration duration = Period.parse(requestIntervalRestriction).toDurationFrom(new DateTime()); if (duration.getMillis() < Interval.parse(timespan).toDurationMillis()) { throw new BadRequestException( "Requested timespan is to long, please use a period shorter than '" + requestIntervalRestriction + "'"); } }
/** * Calculates the number of days spanned in a period assuming 365 days per year, 30 days per * month, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minute. * * @param period A period to retrieve the number of standard days for * @return The number of days spanned by the period. */ protected static int getDaysInPeriod(final Period period) { int totalDays = 0; Period temp = new Period(period); if (period.getYears() > 0) { int years = period.getYears(); totalDays += 365 * years; temp = temp.minusYears(years); } if (period.getMonths() > 0) { int months = period.getMonths(); totalDays += 30 * period.getMonths(); temp = temp.minusMonths(months); } return totalDays + temp.toStandardDays().getDays(); }
private void setHigh(PointInTime high) { if (Precision.MILLISECOND.equals(high.getPrecision())) { this.high = high.clone(); } else { this.high = high.promote().getHigh(); if (isHighClosed()) { this.high = this.high.subtract(Period.millis(1)); } } }
private FlexOffer buildFlexOffer() { FlexOffer request = new FlexOffer(); request.setTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam"); request.setPTUDuration(Period.minutes(15)); request.setCurrency("EUR"); request.setMessageMetadata(MessageMetadataBuilder.buildDefault()); request.setCongestionPoint(""); return request; }
/** * Parses a string into a Period object according to the replacers mapping. This allows for * duplicate fields (e.g. seconds being declared twice as in "2s 3 sec") with the duplicate fields * being added together (the above example would be the same as "5 seconds"). The order of the * fields is not important. * * @param dateOffset The parameter without the operator. If the operator is passed in it will be * ignored * @return A period corresponding to the parsed input string */ private Period toPeriod(final String dateOffset) { String regexp = "(\\d+) *([a-zA-z]+)"; Period period = new Period(); if (dateOffset == null || dateOffset.isEmpty()) return period; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dateOffset); while (matcher.find()) { String svalue = matcher.toMatchResult().group(1); DurationFieldType fieldType = replacers.get(matcher.toMatchResult().group(2)); if (fieldType != null) { // Note that both these methods do not modify their objects period = period.withFieldAdded(fieldType, Integer.parseInt(svalue)); } } return period; }
private static boolean isCompoundPeriod(Period period) { int[] values = period.getValues(); boolean single = false; for (int v : values) { if (v > 0) { if (single) return true; single = true; } } return false; }
public void testSubtractDays() { // This is a test for a bug in version 1.0. The dayOfMonth range // duration field did not match the monthOfYear duration field. This // caused an exception to be thrown when subtracting days. DateTime dt = new DateTime(1112306400000L, GJChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Berlin"))); YearMonthDay ymd = dt.toYearMonthDay(); while (ymd.toDateTimeAtMidnight().getDayOfWeek() != DateTimeConstants.MONDAY) { ymd = ymd.minus(Period.days(1)); } }
public void test_zeroDateIsNotNever() throws Exception { Long at1January1970 = DateTimeOperations.convert(Period.seconds(0)); Assert.assertFalse( at1January1970, CompareType.EQ, null, DateTimeFieldType.millisOfSecond()) || at1January1970, CompareType.EQ, DateTimeOperations.never(), DateTimeFieldType.millisOfSecond())); }
@Transient public String getAge() { if (this.dob != null) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(this.dob); Calendar cnow = Calendar.getInstance(); cnow.setTime(new Date()); Period p = new Period(c.getTimeInMillis(), cnow.getTimeInMillis(), PeriodType.yearMonthDay()); Integer yearint = p.getYears(); Integer monthint = p.getMonths(); Integer dayint = p.getDays(); // Integer yearint = cnow.get(Calendar.YEAR) - c.get(Calendar.YEAR); // if(cnow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) < c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)) // yearint--; // Integer monthint = (cnow.get(Calendar.MONTH) - c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 12)%12; // Integer dayint = (cnow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)+30)%30; return yearint.toString() + "岁" + monthint.toString() + "月" + dayint.toString() + "日"; } else return ""; }
/** * Builds and returns earliest text when given a resources bundle. * * @param formats an array of strings containing formats for [no-alarm-active, < minute, xx-yy-zz, * xx-yy, xx] where xx, yy, zz can be either day, hours, minutes (non-respectively). * @param partsFormat an array of strings containing part formats for [day, month, hour]. * @param diff difference between now and ats. * @param ats an AlarmTimestamp: the information about the alarm & its timestamp. * @return the built time-to string. */ public static final String getTimeToText( String[] formats, String[] partFormats, Period diff, AlarmTimestamp ats) { String earliestText; // Not real? = we don't have any alarms active. if (ats == AlarmTimestamp.INVALID) { earliestText = formats[0]; } else { int[] diffVal = { Math.abs(diff.getDays()), Math.abs(diff.getHours()), Math.abs(diff.getMinutes()) }; // What fields are set? BitSet setFields = new BitSet(3); setFields.set(0, diffVal[0] != 0); setFields.set(1, diffVal[1] != 0); setFields.set(2, diffVal[2] != 0); int cardinality = setFields.cardinality(); earliestText = formats[cardinality + 1]; if (cardinality > 0) { List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(3); for (int i = setFields.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = setFields.nextSetBit(i + 1)) { args.add(partFormats[i]); } // Finally format everything. earliestText = String.format(earliestText, args.toArray()); earliestText = String.format(earliestText, diffVal[0], diffVal[1], diffVal[2]); } else { // only seconds remains until it goes off. earliestText = formats[1]; } } return earliestText; }
public void test_westernHemisphereTime() throws Exception { Long yesterday = DateTimeOperations.convert( (new DateTime(2009, 7, 23, 13, 18, 20, 0, DateTimeZone.forID("UTC")))); Assert.assertEquals( DateTimeOperations.print( yesterday, DateTimeFormat.shortTime(), null, DateTimeZone.forID("America/New_York")), DateTimeOperations.print( (DateTimeArithmetics.minus(yesterday, Period.hours(11))), DateTimeFormat.shortTime(), null, DateTimeZone.forID("Asia/Bangkok"))); }
public void test_londonAndMoscowShortTime() throws Exception { Long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); Assert.assertEquals( DateTimeOperations.print( current, DateTimeFormat.shortTime(), new Locale("ru", "RU", ""), DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/London")), DateTimeOperations.print( (DateTimeArithmetics.minus(current, Period.hours(3))), DateTimeFormat.shortTime(), new Locale("ru", "RU", ""), DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Moscow"))); }
/** * Convenience method to obtain the patient's (maximum) age in months. * * @return The patient's age in months at the time the given observations were taken. */ protected int calculateAgeInMonths(Obs... observations) { long dateTaken = Long.MIN_VALUE; if (observations != null) { for (Obs obs : observations) { if (obs != null && obs.getObsDatetime() != null) { // determine the date the observation was taken (take the greater of the two) dateTaken = Math.max(dateTaken, obs.getObsDatetime().getTime()); } } } if (dateTaken == Long.MIN_VALUE || dateTaken < birthdate.getTime()) { // unable to calculate patient's age! return 0; } // calculate how old this person was, in months, when the observations were taken final Period period = new Interval(birthdate.getTime(), dateTaken).toPeriod(); final int ageInMonths = period.getYears() * 12 + period.getMonths(); // return the patient's age in months return ageInMonths; }
/** * Adds adjustment to the shortest set time range in period. E.g. period("5 days 3 hours", 1) -> * "5 days 4 hours". This will fall back to adjusting years if no field in the period is set. * * @param period The period to be adjusted * @param adjustment The adjustment. Note that positive values will result in larger periods and * an earlier time * @return The adjusted period */ private Period adjust(final Period period, int adjustment) { if (adjustment == 0) return period; // Order is VERY important here LinkedHashMap<Integer, DurationFieldType> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put(period.getSeconds(), DurationFieldType.seconds()); map.put(period.getMinutes(), DurationFieldType.minutes()); map.put(period.getHours(), DurationFieldType.hours()); map.put(period.getDays(), DurationFieldType.days()); map.put(period.getWeeks(), DurationFieldType.weeks()); map.put(period.getMonths(), DurationFieldType.months()); map.put(period.getYears(), DurationFieldType.years()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, DurationFieldType> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() > 0) { return period.withFieldAdded(entry.getValue(), adjustment); } } // Fall back to modifying years return period.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType.years(), adjustment); }
protected void actionToggle() { if (started == null) { miToggle.setText("Stop"); started = new DateTime(); timer.start(); } else { miToggle.setText("Start"); DateTime end = new DateTime(); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(started, end); times.add(ts); period =; started = null; timer.stop(); updateTimes(); } }
private long truncateMillisPeriod(final long t) { // toStandardDuration assumes days are always 24h, and hours are always 60 minutes, // which may not always be the case, e.g if there are daylight saving changes. if (chronology.days().isPrecise() && chronology.hours().isPrecise()) { final long millis = period.toStandardDuration().getMillis(); long offset = t % millis - origin % millis; if (offset < 0) { offset += millis; } return t - offset; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Period cannot be converted to milliseconds as some fields mays vary in length with chronology " + chronology.toString()); } }
protected void actionAdjustment() { String result = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Enter an adjustment", "0 00:00:00.000"); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { try { Period adjustment = format_short.parsePeriod(result); DateTime start = new DateTime(); DateTime end =; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(start, end); times.add(ts); period =; updateTimes(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, ex.toString(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
public void test_westernHemisphereDate() throws Exception { Long yesterday = DateTimeOperations.convert( (new DateTime(2009, 7, 23, 13, 18, 20, 0, DateTimeZone.forID("UTC")))); Assert.assertFalse( (DateTimeOperations.print( yesterday, DateTimeFormat.fullDate(), Locale.US, DateTimeZone.forID("America/New_York"))) .equals( DateTimeOperations.print( (, Period.hours(22))), DateTimeFormat.fullDate(), Locale.US, DateTimeZone.forID("Asia/Bangkok")))); }