Exemplo n.º 1
 public void ahniEventOccurred(AHNIEvent event) {
   if (event.getType() == AHNIEvent.Type.GENERATION_END) {
     HyperNEATEvolver evolver = event.getEvolver();
     boolean finished = evolver.evolutionFinished();
     if ((logChampPerGens >= 0 && finished)
         || (logChampPerGens > 0 && evolver.getGeneration() % logChampPerGens == 0)) {
       try {
         Chromosome bestPerforming = evolver.getBestPerformingFromLastGen();
         NiceWriter outputfile =
             new NiceWriter(
                 new FileWriter(
                         + "best_performing-"
                         + (finished ? "final" : evolver.getGeneration())
                         + "-evaluation-"
                         + bestPerforming.getId()
                         + ".txt"),
         Activator substrate = generateSubstrate(bestPerforming, null);
         evaluate(bestPerforming, substrate, 0, outputfile);
       } catch (TranscriberException e) {
             "Error transcribing best performing individual: "
                 + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
       } catch (IOException e) {
         logger.info("Error opening evaluation log file: " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * stores chromosome <code>chrom<code>
  * @param chrom
 private void storeChromosome(Chromosome chrom) {
   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {
     String msg = "PersistenceEventListener: error storing chromosome " + chrom.getId();
     logger.error(msg, e);
     throw new IllegalStateException(msg + ": " + e);
Exemplo n.º 3
  private void genotypeEvaluatedEvent(Genotype genotype) {
    Collection currentGeneration = genotype.getChromosomes();

    // persist generation
    if (persistAllChroms || persistLastGen) {
      Iterator iter = currentGeneration.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) storeChromosome((Chromosome) iter.next());

    // persist champ
    Chromosome c = genotype.getFittestChromosome();
    if (persistChamps) {

    // persist run
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("PersistenceEventListener: error storing run", e);

    // delete chromosomes we don't want to persist
    if (!persistAllChroms) {
      if (persistChamps) previousGeneration.removeAll(champs);
      Iterator it = previousGeneration.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        c = (Chromosome) it.next();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.error("error storing chromosome " + c, e);

Exemplo n.º 4
   * Create a new neural network from the a genotype.
   * @param genotype chromosome to transcribe
   * @return phenotype If given this will be updated and returned, if NULL then a new network will
   *     be created.
   * @throws TranscriberException
  public GridNet newGridNet(Chromosome genotype, GridNet phenotype) throws TranscriberException {
    AnjiActivator cppnActivator = cppnTranscriber.transcribe(genotype);
    AnjiNet cppn = cppnActivator.getAnjiNet();

    int connectionRange = this.connectionRange == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE / 4 : this.connectionRange;

    // determine cppn input mapping
    // target and source coordinates
    int cppnIdxTX = -1, cppnIdxTY = -1, cppnIdxTZ = -1, cppnIdxSX = -1, cppnIdxSY = -1;
    // deltas
    int cppnIdxDX = -1, cppnIdxDY = -1, cppnIdxAn = -1;

    int cppnInputIdx = 1; // 0 is always bias
    cppnIdxTX = cppnInputIdx++;
    cppnIdxTY = cppnInputIdx++;
    cppnIdxSX = cppnInputIdx++;
    cppnIdxSY = cppnInputIdx++;
    if (depth > 2
        && layerEncodingIsInput) { // if depth == 2 network necessarily feed forward, and only one
                                   // layer of connections can exist
      cppnIdxTZ = cppnInputIdx++;
      if (!feedForward) {
        if (includeDelta) {}
    if (includeDelta) {
      cppnIdxDY = cppnInputIdx++; // y delta
      cppnIdxDX = cppnInputIdx++; // x delta
    if (includeAngle) {
      cppnIdxAn = cppnInputIdx++; // angle

    // determine cppn output mapping
    int[] cppnIdxW; // weights (either a single output for all layers or one output per layer)
    int[] cppnIdxB =
        new int[0]; // bias (either a single output for all layers or one output per layer)

    int cppnOutputIdx = 0;
    if (layerEncodingIsInput) {
      cppnIdxW = new int[1];
      cppnIdxW[0] = cppnOutputIdx++; // weight value

      if (enableBias) {
        cppnIdxB = new int[1];
        cppnIdxB[0] = cppnOutputIdx++; // bias value
    } else { // one output per layer
      cppnIdxW = new int[depth - 1];
      for (int w = 0; w < depth - 1; w++) cppnIdxW[w] = cppnOutputIdx++; // weight value

      if (enableBias) {
        cppnIdxB = new int[depth - 1];
        for (int w = 0; w < depth - 1; w++) cppnIdxB[w] = cppnOutputIdx++; // weight value

    // System.out.println("ii: " + cppnInputIdx + "   oi: " + cppnOutputIdx);

    double[][][][][][] weights;
    double[][][] bias;
    boolean createNewPhenotype = (phenotype == null);

    if (createNewPhenotype) {
      bias = new double[depth - 1][][];
      for (int l = 1; l < depth; l++) bias[l - 1] = new double[height[l]][width[l]];
      // logger.info("Creating new substrate.");
    } else {
      bias = phenotype.getBias();

    double[] cppnInput = new double[cppn.getInputDimension()];
    cppnInput[0] = 1; // bias

    double cppnTZ, cppnTY, cppnTX, cppnSZ, cppnSY, cppnSX;

    if (feedForward) {
      if (createNewPhenotype) {
        weights = new double[depth - 1][][][][][];
        for (int l = 1; l < depth; l++) weights[l - 1] = new double[height[l]][width[l]][1][][];
      } else {
        weights = phenotype.getWeights();

      // query CPPN for substrate connection weights
      for (int tz = 1; tz < depth; tz++) {
        if (depth > 2 && layerEncodingIsInput) {
          // double cppnTZ =((double) tz*2) / (depth-1) - 1;
          cppnTZ = ((double) tz) / (depth - 1);
          cppnInput[cppnIdxTZ] = cppnTZ;

        for (int ty = 0; ty < height[tz]; ty++) {
          // double cppnTY =((double) ty*2) / (height-1) - 1;
          if (height[tz] > 1) cppnTY = ((double) ty) / (height[tz] - 1);
          else cppnTY = 0.5f;
          cppnInput[cppnIdxTY] = cppnTY;

          for (int tx = 0; tx < width[tz]; tx++) {
            // double cppnTX = ((double) tx*2) / (width-1) - 1;
            if (width[tz] > 1) cppnTX = ((double) tx) / (width[tz] - 1);
            else cppnTX = 0.5f;
            cppnInput[cppnIdxTX] = cppnTX;

            // calculate dimensions of this weight target matrix
            // (bounded by grid edges)
            int dy =
                Math.min(height[tz - 1] - 1, ty + connectionRange)
                    - Math.max(0, ty - connectionRange)
                    + 1;
            int dx =
                Math.min(width[tz - 1] - 1, tx + connectionRange)
                    - Math.max(0, tx - connectionRange)
                    + 1;

            // if (createNewPhenotype)
            // System.out.println(tz + "," + ty + "," + tx + "  dy = " + dy + "  dx = " + dx);

            if (createNewPhenotype) weights[tz - 1][ty][tx][0] = new double[dy][dx];
            double[][] w = weights[tz - 1][ty][tx][0];

            // System.out.println("\tsy0 = " + Math.max(0,
            // ty-connectionRange) + ", sx0 = " + Math.max(0,
            // tx-connectionRange));

            // for each connection to zyx
            // w{y,x} is index into weight matrix
            // s{y,x} is index of source neuron
            for (int wy = 0, sy = Math.max(0, ty - connectionRange); wy < dy; wy++, sy++) {
              // double cppnSY = ((double) sy * 2) / (height-1) - 1;
              if (height[tz - 1] > 1) cppnSY = ((double) sy) / (height[tz - 1] - 1);
              else cppnSY = 0.5f;

              cppnInput[cppnIdxSY] = cppnSY;

              for (int wx = 0, sx = Math.max(0, tx - connectionRange); wx < dx; wx++, sx++) {
                // double cppnSX = ((double) sx * 2) / (width-1) - 1;
                if (width[tz - 1] > 1) cppnSX = ((double) sx) / (width[tz - 1] - 1);
                else cppnSX = 0.5f;

                cppnInput[cppnIdxSX] = cppnSX;

                // System.out.println(tx + "," + ty + " - " + sx + "," + sy + "  (" + cppnTX + "," +
                // cppnTY + " - " + cppnSX + "," + cppnSY +
                // ")");

                // delta
                if (includeDelta) {
                  cppnInput[cppnIdxDY] = cppnSY - cppnTY;
                  cppnInput[cppnIdxDX] = cppnSX - cppnTX;
                if (includeAngle) {
                  double angle = (double) Math.atan2(cppnSY - cppnTY, cppnSX - cppnTX);
                  angle /= 2 * (double) Math.PI;
                  if (angle < 0) angle += 1;
                  cppnInput[cppnIdxAn] = angle;
                  // System.out.println(tx + "," + ty + " - " + sx + "," + sy + " : " +
                  // Math.toDegrees(angle*Math.PI*2));

                double[] cppnOutput = cppnActivator.next(cppnInput);

                // weights
                double weightVal;
                if (layerEncodingIsInput)
                  weightVal =
                          Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[cppnIdxW[0]]));
                  weightVal =
                          Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[cppnIdxW[tz - 1]]));
                if (Math.abs(weightVal) > connectionExprThresh) {
                  if (weightVal > 0)
                    weightVal =
                        (weightVal - connectionExprThresh)
                            * (connectionWeightMax / (connectionWeightMax - connectionExprThresh));
                    weightVal =
                        (weightVal + connectionExprThresh)
                            * (connectionWeightMin / (connectionWeightMin + connectionExprThresh));

                  w[wy][wx] = weightVal;
                } else {
                  w[wy][wx] = 0;

                // bias
                if (enableBias && sy == ty && sx == tx) {
                  double biasVal;
                  if (layerEncodingIsInput)
                    biasVal =
                            Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[cppnIdxB[0]]));
                    biasVal =
                            Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[cppnIdxB[tz - 1]]));
                  if (Math.abs(biasVal) > connectionExprThresh) {
                    if (biasVal > 0)
                      biasVal =
                          (biasVal - connectionExprThresh)
                              * (connectionWeightMax
                                  / (connectionWeightMax - connectionExprThresh));
                      biasVal =
                          (biasVal + connectionExprThresh)
                              * (connectionWeightMin
                                  / (connectionWeightMin + connectionExprThresh));

                    bias[tz - 1][ty][tx] = biasVal;
                  } else {
                    bias[tz - 1][ty][tx] = 0;
                // System.out.print("\t" + w[wy][wx]);
              // System.out.println();
            // System.out.println();

        // System.out.println();
      // System.out.println();
      // System.out.println();

      int[][][] connectionMaxRanges = new int[depth - 1][3][2];
      for (int l = 0; l < depth - 1; l++) {
        connectionMaxRanges[l][0][0] = -1; // no connections to previous or own layer
        connectionMaxRanges[l][0][1] = 1;
        connectionMaxRanges[l][1][0] = connectionRange;
        connectionMaxRanges[l][1][1] = connectionRange;
        connectionMaxRanges[l][2][0] = connectionRange;
        connectionMaxRanges[l][2][1] = connectionRange;
      int[][] layerDimensions = new int[2][depth];
      for (int l = 0; l < depth; l++) {
        layerDimensions[0][l] = width[l];
        layerDimensions[1][l] = height[l];

      if (createNewPhenotype) {
        phenotype =
            new GridNet(
                "network " + genotype.getId());
            "Substrate has input size "
                + width[0]
                + "x"
                + height[0]
                + " and "
                + phenotype.getConnectionCount(true)
                + " connections.");
      } else {
        phenotype.setName("network " + genotype.getId());
    } else { // RECURRENT
      if (createNewPhenotype) {
        weights = new double[depth - 1][][][][][];
        for (int l = 1; l < depth; l++) weights[l - 1] = new double[height[l]][width[l]][][][];
      } else {
        weights = phenotype.getWeights();

      // query CPPN for substrate connection weights
      for (int tz = 1; tz < depth; tz++) {
        cppnTZ = ((double) tz) / (depth - 1);
        cppnInput[1] = cppnTZ;

        for (int ty = 0; ty < height[tz]; ty++) {
          if (height[tz] > 1) cppnTY = ((double) ty) / (height[tz] - 1);
          else cppnTY = 0.5f;
          cppnInput[2] = cppnTY;

          for (int tx = 0; tx < width[tz]; tx++) {
            if (width[tz] > 1) cppnTX = ((double) tx) / (width[tz] - 1);
            else cppnTX = 0.5f;
            cppnInput[3] = cppnTX;

            // calculate dimensions of this weight matrix (bounded by grid edges)
            int dz =
                Math.min(depth - 1, tz + connectionRange)
                    - Math.max(1, tz - connectionRange)
                    + 1; // no connections to input layer
            int dy =
                Math.min(height[tz] - 1, ty + connectionRange)
                    - Math.max(0, ty - connectionRange)
                    + 1;
            int dx =
                Math.min(width[tz] - 1, tx + connectionRange)
                    - Math.max(0, tx - connectionRange)
                    + 1;

            // System.out.println(z + "," + y + "," + x + "  dz = "
            // + dz + "  dy = " + dy + "  dx = " + dx);

            weights[tz - 1][ty][tx] = new double[dz][dy][dx];
            double[][][] w = weights[tz - 1][ty][tx];

            // for each connection to t{zyx}
            // w{z,y,x} is index into weight matrix
            // s{z,y,x} is index of source neuron
            for (int wz = 0, sz = Math.max(1, tz - connectionRange); wz < dz; wz++, sz++) {
              cppnSZ = ((double) sz) / (depth - 1);
              cppnInput[4] = cppnSZ;

              for (int wy = 0, sy = Math.max(0, ty - connectionRange); wy < dy; wy++, sy++) {
                if (height[tz] > 1) cppnSY = ((double) sy) / (height[tz] - 1);
                else cppnSY = 0.5f;
                cppnInput[5] = cppnSY;

                for (int wx = 0, sx = Math.max(0, tx - connectionRange); wx < dx; wx++, sx++) {
                  if (width[tz] > 1) cppnSX = ((double) sx) / (width[tz] - 1);
                  else cppnSX = 0.5f;
                  cppnInput[6] = cppnSX;

                  // delta
                  if (includeDelta) {
                    cppnInput[7] = cppnSZ - cppnTZ;
                    cppnInput[8] = cppnSY - cppnTY;
                    cppnInput[9] = cppnSX - cppnTX;

                  double[] cppnOutput = cppnActivator.next(cppnInput);

                  // weight
                  double weightVal =
                      Math.min(connectionWeightMax, Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[0]));
                  if (Math.abs(weightVal) > connectionExprThresh) {
                    if (weightVal > 0)
                      weightVal =
                          (weightVal - connectionExprThresh)
                              * (connectionWeightMax
                                  / (connectionWeightMax - connectionExprThresh));
                      weightVal =
                          (weightVal + connectionExprThresh)
                              * (connectionWeightMin
                                  / (connectionWeightMin + connectionExprThresh));

                    w[wz][wy][wx] = weightVal;
                  } else {
                    w[wz][wy][wx] = 0;

                  // bias
                  if (enableBias && wz == 0 && wy == 0 && wx == 0) {
                    double biasVal =
                        Math.min(connectionWeightMax, Math.max(connectionWeightMin, cppnOutput[1]));
                    if (Math.abs(biasVal) > connectionExprThresh) {
                      if (biasVal > 0)
                        biasVal =
                            (biasVal - connectionExprThresh)
                                * (connectionWeightMax
                                    / (connectionWeightMax - connectionExprThresh));
                        biasVal =
                            (biasVal + connectionExprThresh)
                                * (connectionWeightMin
                                    / (connectionWeightMin + connectionExprThresh));

                      bias[tz - 1][ty][tx] = biasVal;
                    } else {
                      bias[tz - 1][ty][tx] = 0;
                // System.out.println();
            // System.out.println();

      if (createNewPhenotype) {
        int[][] layerDimensions = new int[2][depth];
        for (int l = 0; l < depth; l++) {
          layerDimensions[0][l] = width[l];
          layerDimensions[1][l] = height[l];

        phenotype =
            new GridNet(
                "network " + genotype.getId());
        logger.info("Substrate has " + phenotype.getConnectionCount(true) + " connections.");
      } else {
        phenotype.setName("network " + genotype.getId());

    return phenotype;