Exemplo n.º 1
  * Updates the data set for both charts with the contents of the supplied Hashtable. The Hashtable
  * is expected to contain the following items:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>down - The number of links currently in a down state
  *   <li>up - The number of links currently in an up state
  *   <li>unknown - The number of links currently in an unknown state
  * </ul>
  * @param linkStats The hashtable containing the entries indicating current link statistics.
 public void updateData(Hashtable<String, Integer> linkStats) {
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(0, "Link Down", linkStats.get("down"));
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(1, "Link Up", linkStats.get("up"));
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(2, "Link State Unknown", linkStats.get("unknown"));
       linkStats.get("down"), "Link Down", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString());
       linkStats.get("up"), "Link Up", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString());
       "Link State Unknown",
Exemplo n.º 2
  protected void update() {
    // We have to rebuild the dataset from scratch (deleting and replacing it) because JFreeChart's
    // piechart facility doesn't have a way to move series.  Just like the histogram system: stupid
    // stupid stupid.

    SeriesAttributes[] sa = getSeriesAttributes();
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

    for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++)
      if (sa[i].isPlotVisible()) {
        PieChartSeriesAttributes attributes = (PieChartSeriesAttributes) (sa[i]);

        Object[] elements = attributes.getElements();
        double[] values = null;
        String[] labels = null;
        if (elements != null) {
          HashMap map = convertIntoAmountsAndLabels(elements);
          labels = revisedLabels(map);
          values = amounts(map, labels);
        } else {
          values = attributes.getValues();
          labels = attributes.getLabels();

        UniqueString seriesName = new UniqueString(attributes.getSeriesName());

        for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++)
          dataset.addValue(values[j], labels[j], seriesName); // ugh

Exemplo n.º 3
  * Initialises the class and internal logger. Uses the supplied arguments to receive data from the
  * application and add data to the charts dynamically.
  * @param title The title of the charts on display. Whether the displayed data is for <code>new
  *     </code> or <code>old</code> links. That is whether the data is for newly discovered links
  *     or existing (old) links already stored within the database.
  * @param parent The instance of <code>COMPortClient</code> that acts as the data source for the
  *     charts.
 public LinkChart(String title, COMPortClient parent) {
   super("Charts", true, true, true, true);
   identifier = title.toLowerCase();
   // Obtain an instance of Logger for the class
   log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(className);
   owner = parent;
   // Setup a hashtable to hold the values for up, down and unknown link states
   Hashtable<String, Integer> linkStats = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
   if (identifier.equals("old")) {
     this.setTitle("Recognised Link Status on " + owner.getPortName() + ":");
     // Get the current figures from the link table
     linkStats = ((LinkTable) owner.getLinkTable().getModel()).getInitialFigures();
   } else if (identifier.equals("new")) {
     this.setTitle("Discovered Link Status on " + owner.getPortName() + ":");
     linkStats = ((LinkTable) owner.getNewLinkTable().getModel()).getInitialFigures();
   } else {
     // If the identifier was set to something other than old or new then it's not right.
     log.warning("An instance of LinkChart has been created for an unknown purpose.");
   // Initialise the dataset for the pie chart
   dpdCurrentData = new DefaultPieDataset();
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(0, "Link Down", linkStats.get("down"));
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(1, "Link Up", linkStats.get("up"));
   dpdCurrentData.insertValue(2, "Link State Unknown", linkStats.get("unknown"));
   // Initialise the dataset for the line chart
   dcdPreviousData = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
       linkStats.get("down"), "Link Down", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString());
       linkStats.get("up"), "Link Up", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString());
       "Link State Unknown",
   // Set the variables we need for holding the charts
   JFreeChart jfcCurrentStatus; // This will be displayed as a pie chart
   JFreeChart jfcPreviousStatus; // This will be displayed as a line chart
   ChartPanel cpCurrent; // Chartpanels hold the JFreeChart
   ChartPanel cpPrevious;
   // Use the factory to create the charts
   jfcCurrentStatus =
       ChartFactory.createPieChart("Current Status", dpdCurrentData, true, true, false);
   jfcPreviousStatus =
           "Previous Status",
           "Time received",
           "Number of Links",
   // Add them to the chart panels
   cpCurrent = new ChartPanel(jfcCurrentStatus);
   cpPrevious = new ChartPanel(jfcPreviousStatus);
   // Add the chart panels to the content pane
   this.add(cpCurrent, BorderLayout.EAST);
   this.add(cpPrevious, BorderLayout.WEST);
   // Change the layout to show them next to each other
   this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
   // Add a listener to the window
   this.addInternalFrameListener(new CloseLinkChart(this));
   log.finest("Adding frame to the desktop");
   // Set the window properties and display it
   this.setSize(650, 400);
   owner.addChartWindow(title, this);