Exemplo n.º 1
  static CommonProjections get(final HyperGraph graph) {
    CommonProjections cp = M.get(graph.getLocation());
    if (cp == null) {
      cp = new CommonProjections();
          new HGProjection() {

            public int[] getLayoutPath() {
              return null;

            public String getName() {
              return "localName";

            public HGHandle getType() {
              return graph.getTypeSystem().getTypeHandle(String.class);

            public void inject(Object atomValue, Object value) {
              ((OWLClass) atomValue).setLocalName((String) value);

            public Object project(Object atomValue) {
              return ((OWLClass) atomValue).getLocalName();
      M.put(graph.getLocation(), cp);
    return cp;
  * Adds the type to the type system for a graph.
  * @param graph The graph to which to add the type system.
 public static void initType(HyperGraph graph) {
   ValueWithUncertaintyElemFactoryType<?, ?> type = new ValueWithUncertaintyElemFactoryType();
   HGPersistentHandle typeHandle = graph.getHandleFactory().makeHandle();
       .addPredefinedType(typeHandle, type, ValueWithUncertaintyElemFactory.class);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return the one true type condition out of a conjunction of multiple conditions that constrain
  * by type in one way or another. The method returns null if no type is actually specified already
  * (this means all type conditions in the passed in set are using variables). If there is an
  * inconsistency b/w two type conditions so that the result set should be really empty, the method
  * returns and AtomTypeCondition with a null reference (i.e. "no type possible").
  * @param graph
  * @param bytype
  * @return
 public static Pair<AtomTypeCondition, TypeConditionAggregate> reduce(
     HyperGraph graph, Set<TypeCondition> bytype) {
   HGHandle typeHandle = null;
   TypeConditionAggregate taggr = new TypeConditionAggregate();
   for (TypeCondition c : bytype) {
     if (hg.isVar(c.getTypeReference())) {
       taggr.watchTypeReference(c); // ((Var<?>)c.getTypeReference());
     HGHandle th = null;
     if (c.getTypeReference().get() instanceof Class<?>) {
       th = graph.getTypeSystem().getTypeHandleIfDefined(c.getTypeReference().getClass());
       if (th == null) {
     } else th = (HGHandle) c.getTypeReference().get();
     if (typeHandle != null) {
       typeHandle = findMostSpecific(graph, typeHandle, th);
       if (typeHandle == null) // are they incompatible?
       return new Pair<AtomTypeCondition, TypeConditionAggregate>(
             new AtomTypeCondition((Ref<?>) null), taggr);
     } else typeHandle = th;
   // At this point we have possibly found one most specific type handle
   // specified as part of the
   // conjunction and possibly several conditions with variable type or
   // unresolved Java class (which
   // for all intents and purposes are like variables right now.
   if (typeHandle != null)
     return new Pair<AtomTypeCondition, TypeConditionAggregate>(
         new AtomTypeCondition(hg.constant(typeHandle)), taggr);
   else return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Adds a PEdgeView given a FEdge
  * @param edge the edge
  * @return a new PEdgeView or existing one
 public PEdgeView addEdgeView(FEdge edge) {
   if (edgeViewMap.containsKey(edge)) return edgeViewMap.get(edge);
   if (check_edge_consistency) {
     Object s = graph.get(edge.getSource().getHandle());
     if (!(s instanceof HGLink))
       System.err.println("Impossible PEdgeView - source is not HGLink: " + edge);
     if (!graph
       System.err.println("Impossible PEdgeView - target is not pointed by source: " + edge);
   PEdgeView edge_view = new PEdgeView(edge, this);
   edgeViewMap.put(edge, edge_view);
   fireGraphChanged(new GraphViewEdgesAddedEvent(this, new FEdge[] {edge}));
   return edge_view;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Constructor
  * @param comp HGViewer in which this GraphView is dispalyed
  * @param db HyperGraph to be viewed
  * @param nodes Nodes to be shown
  * @param edges Edges to be shown
 public GraphView(HGViewer comp, HyperGraph db, Collection<FNode> nodes, Collection<FEdge> edges) {
   this.graph = db;
   nodeViewMap = new HashMap<FNode, PNodeView>(nodes.size());
   edgeViewMap = new HashMap<FEdge, PEdgeView>(edges.size());
   viewComponent = comp;
   initialize(nodes, edges);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Recalculates and reapplies all of the edge appearances. The visual attributes are calculated by
  * delegating to the EdgePainter member of the current visual style.
 public void applyEdgeAppearances() {
   for (PEdgeView edgeView : edgeViewMap.values()) {
     FNode node = edgeView.getEdge().getSource();
     HGHandle h = graph.getTypeSystem().getTypeHandle(node.getHandle());
     EdgePainter p = getVisualStyle(true).getEdgePainter(h);
     if (p == null) p = def_edge_painter;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void loadAll(HyperGraph graph) {
   try {
     for (Map.Entry<String, HGPersistentHandle> e : syntacticPredicates.entrySet()) {
       if (graph.get(e.getValue()) == null)
         graph.define(e.getValue(), new SyntacticPredicate(e.getKey()));
   } catch (Throwable ex) {
     try {
     } catch (Throwable t) {
     if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) ex;
     else throw new RuntimeException(ex);
  protected void calculateCommonFriends(int id1, int id2) throws Exception {
    Set<HGHandle> friendsOf1 = getFriendsOf(id1);
    Set<HGHandle> friendsOf2 = getFriendsOf(id2);


    for (HGHandle hgHandle : friendsOf1) {
      printCommonFriend(id1, id2, (Long) database.get(hgHandle));
Exemplo n.º 9
   * Returns an array with the adjacent edges of a given nodes
   * @param node The node
   * @param incoming if true, includes all incoming edges
   * @param outgoing if true, includes all outgoing edges
   * @return
  public FEdge[] getAdjacentEdges(FNode node, boolean incoming, boolean outgoing) {
    if (node == null || !nodeViewMap.containsKey(node)) return new FEdge[0];
    HGHandle nH = node.getHandle();
    IncidenceSet handles = graph.getIncidenceSet(nH);
    Set<FEdge> res = new HashSet<FEdge>();
    for (HGHandle h : handles) {
      FNode incNode = new FNode(h);
      if (!nodeViewMap.containsKey(incNode)) continue;
      if (outgoing) {
        FEdge e = new FEdge(node, incNode);
        if (edgeViewMap.containsKey(e)) res.add(e);

      if (incoming) {
        FEdge e = new FEdge(incNode, node);
        if (edgeViewMap.containsKey(e)) res.add(e);
    Object o = graph.get(nH);
    if (o instanceof HGLink) {
      HGLink link = ((HGLink) o);
      for (int i = 0; i < link.getArity(); i++) {
        FNode incNode = new FNode(link.getTargetAt(i));
        if (!nodeViewMap.containsKey(incNode)) continue;
        if (outgoing) {
          FEdge e = new FEdge(incNode, node);
          if (edgeViewMap.containsKey(e)) res.add(e);
        if (incoming) {
          FEdge e = new FEdge(node, incNode);
          if (edgeViewMap.containsKey(e)) res.add(e);
    return res.toArray(new FEdge[res.size()]);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private NodePainter getPainter(HGHandle h, boolean return_default) {
   NodePainter p = getVisualStyle(true).getNodePainter(h);
   if (p == null && return_default) p = def_node_painter;
   if (p != null) return p;
   try {
     HGHandle typeH = graph.getTypeSystem().getTypeHandle(h);
     return getPainter(typeH, true);
   } catch (HGException ex) {
     // do nothing
     // the node handle pointed to some statically
     // defined HGHandleFactory.makeHandle()
     // with no value
     return def_node_painter;
Exemplo n.º 11
  public static void deleteAll(HyperGraph graph) {
    // We can't do a single transaction here, because we are potentially deleting
    // a lot of relations and BDB will run out of locks.

    List<HGHandle> all = hg.findAll(graph, hg.type(SyntacticPredicate.class));
    for (HGHandle h : all) {
      try {
      } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
 protected long getNodeName(HGHandle node) {
   return graphDB.get(node);
  * Adds the type to the type system for a graph.
  * @param graph The graph to which to add the type system.
 public static void initType(HyperGraph graph) {
   EinsteinTensorElemType<?, ?, ?> type = new EinsteinTensorElemType();
   HGPersistentHandle typeHandle = graph.getHandleFactory().makeHandle();
   graph.getTypeSystem().addPredefinedType(typeHandle, type, EinsteinTensorElem.class);
  * Adds the type to the type system for a graph.
  * @param graph The graph to which to add the type system.
 public static void initType(HyperGraph graph) {
   ComplexElemFactoryType<?, ?> type = new ComplexElemFactoryType();
   HGPersistentHandle typeHandle = graph.getHandleFactory().makeHandle();
   graph.getTypeSystem().addPredefinedType(typeHandle, type, ComplexElemFactory.class);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Object from(Json x) {
   return graph.getHandleFactory().makeHandle(x.asString());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Object from(Json x) {
   return graph.getStore().getIndex(x.asString());