Exemplo n.º 1
  static {
    /* Alert defaults */
    Vector v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("Alert")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("info"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Alert.class, v);

    /* Canvas defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("Canvas")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NSUPPRESSKEYS, new Thing("false"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Canvas.class, v);

    /* Command defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("back"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Command.class, v);

    /* Form defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Form.class, v);

    /* List defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("List")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("implicit"), true));
    widgetprops.put(List.class, v);

    /* TextBox defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("TextBox")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, ANYTHING, true));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXLEN, IntThing.create(256)));
    widgetprops.put(TextBox.class, v);

    /* Ticker defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Ticker.class, v);

    /* ChoiceGroup defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NLABEL, Thing.emptyThing()));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("exclusive"), true));
    widgetprops.put(ChoiceGroup.class, v);

    /* ImageItem defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(ImageItem.class, v);

    /* Spacer defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Spacer.class, v);

    /* StringItem defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(StringItem.class, v);

    /* TextField defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXLEN, IntThing.create(256)));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, ANYTHING, true));
    widgetprops.put(TextField.class, v);

    /* DateField defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing(dfmodenames[1])));
    widgetprops.put(DateField.class, v);

    /* Gauge defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NINTERACTIVE, IntThing.create(0), true));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NVALUE, new Thing("continuous-running")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXVALUE, new Thing("indefinite")));
    widgetprops.put(Gauge.class, v);
Exemplo n.º 2
public class WidgetInfo {

  public static Object asWidget(Thing thing, Class clazz, String clazzname, boolean allownull)
      throws HeclException {
    if (allownull && thing.toString().length() == 0) return null;
    RealThing rt = thing.getVal();
    if (rt instanceof ObjectThing) {
      Object x = ((ObjectThing) rt).get();
      if (allownull && x == null) return null;
      if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())) return x;
    if (clazzname != null) {
      throw HeclException.createInvalidParameter(
          thing, "parameter", clazzname + " widget required.");
    return null;

  public static Command asCommand(Thing thing, boolean allownull, boolean throwerror)
      throws HeclException {
    return (Command) asWidget(thing, Command.class, throwerror ? "Command" : null, allownull);

  public static Gauge asGauge(Thing thing, boolean allownull, boolean throwerror)
      throws HeclException {
    return (Gauge) asWidget(thing, Gauge.class, throwerror ? "Gauge" : null, allownull);

  public static Image asImage(Thing thing, boolean allownull, boolean throwerror)
      throws HeclException {
    return (Image) asWidget(thing, Image.class, throwerror ? "Image" : null, allownull);

  public static Item asItem(Thing thing, boolean allownull, boolean throwerror)
      throws HeclException {
    return (Item) asWidget(thing, Item.class, throwerror ? "Item" : null, allownull);

  public static Ticker asTicker(Thing thing, boolean allownull, boolean throwerror)
      throws HeclException {
    return (Ticker) asWidget(thing, Ticker.class, throwerror ? "Ticker" : null, allownull);

  public static AlertType toAlertType(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    String s = t.toString().toLowerCase();
    int l = alerttypenames.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) if (s.equals(alerttypenames[i])) return alerttypevals[i];
    throw new HeclException("Invalid alert type '" + s + "'!");

  public static Thing fromAlertType(AlertType t) throws HeclException {
    int l = alerttypenames.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) if (t == alerttypevals[i]) return new Thing(alerttypenames[i]);
    throw new HeclException("Invalid alert type value '" + t + "'!");

  protected static int t2int(Thing t, String nametab[], int valtab[], String emsg)
      throws HeclException {
    return s2int(t.toString().toLowerCase(), nametab, valtab, emsg);

  protected static int s2int(String s, String nametab[], int valtab[], String emsg)
      throws HeclException {
    int l = nametab.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) if (s.equals(nametab[i])) return valtab[i];
    throw new HeclException("Invalid " + emsg + " '" + s + "'.");

  protected static Thing int2t(int v, String nametab[], int valtab[], String emsg)
      throws HeclException {
    return new Thing(int2s(v, nametab, valtab, emsg));

  protected static String int2s(int v, String nametab[], int valtab[], String emsg)
      throws HeclException {
    int l = valtab.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) if (v == valtab[i]) return nametab[i];
    throw new HeclException("Invalid " + emsg + " value '" + v + "'.");

  public static int toColor(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    String s = t.toString();
    try {
      return s2int(s.toLowerCase(), colornames, colorvals, "");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return Integer.parseInt(s, 16);

  public static Thing fromColor(org.awt.Color color) throws HeclException {
    return fromColor(color.getRGB());

  public static Thing fromColor(int t) throws HeclException {
    try {
      return int2t(t, colornames, colorvals, "");
    } catch (HeclException e) {
    return new Thing(Integer.toHexString(t));

  public static int toCanvasAnchor(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, canchornames, canchorvals, "anchor");

  public static Thing fromCanvasAnchor(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, canchornames, canchorvals, "anchor");

  public static int toChoiceType(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, choicetypenames, choicetypevals, "choice type");

  public static Thing fromChoiceType(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, choicetypenames, choicetypevals, "choice type");

  public static int toListType(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    int i = toChoiceType(t);
    if (i == Choice.POPUP) {
      throw new HeclException("Invalid list type '" + t + "'!");
    return i;

  public static Thing fromListType(int t) throws HeclException {
    try {
      if (t != Choice.POPUP) {
        return fromChoiceType(t);
    } catch (HeclException e) {
    throw new HeclException("Invalid list type value'" + t + "'!");

  public static int toTextType(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, texttypenames, texttypevals, "text type");

  public static Thing fromTextType(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t & ~TextField.CONSTRAINT_MASK, texttypenames, texttypevals, "text type");

  public static int toWrap(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, wrapnames, wrapvals, "wrap type");

  public static Thing fromWrap(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, wrapnames, wrapvals, "wrap type");

  public static String commandLabel(Command c, boolean shortonly) {
    String l = shortonly ? null : c.getLongLabel();

    if (l == null || l.length() == 0) {
      l = c.getLabel();
    if (l == null && l.length() == 0) {
      // #ifdef notdef
      // unfortunately there is no way to detect the command type :-(
      int t = c.getType();
      for (int i = 0; i < cmdlabels.length; ++i) {
        if (t == cmdtypes[i]) {
          l = cmdlabels[i];
      // #endif
      l = "???";
    return l;

  public static int toCommandType(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, cmdtypenames, cmdtypevals, "command type");

  public static Thing fromCommandType(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, cmdtypenames, cmdtypevals, "command type");

  public static int toFontFace(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, fontfacenames, fontfacevals, "font face");

  public static int toFontFace(String s) throws HeclException {
    return s2int(s.toLowerCase(), fontfacenames, fontfacevals, "font face");

  public static Thing fromFontFace(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, fontfacenames, fontfacevals, "font face");

  public static int toFontSize(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, fontsizenames, fontsizevals, "font size");

  public static int toFontSize(String s) throws HeclException {
    return s2int(s.toLowerCase(), fontsizenames, fontsizevals, "font size");

  public static Thing fromFontSize(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t, fontsizenames, fontsizevals, "font size");

  public static int toItemAnchor(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, anchornames, anchorvals, "anchor");

  public static Thing fromItemAnchor(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t &= 0x33, anchornames, anchorvals, "anchor");

  public static int toItemAppearance(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, appearancenames, appearancevals, "appearance");

  public static Thing fromItemAppearance(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t &= 0x33, appearancenames, appearancevals, "appearance");

  public static int toDateFieldMode(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    return t2int(t, dfmodenames, dfmodevals, "date field mode");

  public static Thing fromDateFieldMode(int t) throws HeclException {
    return int2t(t &= 0x33, dfmodenames, dfmodevals, "date field mode");

  public static int toGaugeInitial(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    if (Character.isDigit(t.toString().charAt(0))) {
      return HeclUtils.thing2int(t, true, 0);
    return t2int(t, gaugeinitialnames, gaugeinitialvals, "gauge initval");

  public static Thing fromGaugeInitial(int t) throws HeclException {
    for (int i = 0; i < gaugeinitialvals.length; ++i) {
      if (i == gaugeinitialvals[i]) return new Thing(gaugeinitialnames[i]);
    return IntThing.create(t);

  public static int toGaugeMax(Thing t) throws HeclException {
    if (Character.isDigit(t.toString().charAt(0))) {
      return HeclUtils.thing2int(t, true, 0);
    return t2int(t, gaugemaxnames, gaugemaxvals, "gauge initval");

  public static Thing fromGaugeMax(int t) throws HeclException {
    for (int i = 0; i < gaugemaxvals.length; ++i) {
      if (i == gaugeinitialvals[i]) return new Thing(gaugemaxnames[i]);
    return IntThing.create(t);

  public static void showProps(Class c) {
    Vector v = (Vector) widgetprops.get(c);
    int n = v.size();
    System.err.println("showProps(" + c + ")=");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      String s = "<null>";

      WidgetProp wp = (WidgetProp) v.elementAt(i);
      try {
        s = wp.defaultvalue.toString();
      } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      System.err.println("\t" + wp.name + ": " + s);

  public static Properties defaultProps(Class c) {
    Properties p = new Properties();
    Vector v = (Vector) widgetprops.get(c);
    int n = v.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      WidgetProp wp = (WidgetProp) v.elementAt(i);
      p.setProp(wp.name, wp.defaultvalue);
    return p;

   * Some command names (in alphabetical order)
  public static final String NADDCOMMAND = "addcommand";
  public static final String NAPPEND = "append";
  public static final String NCGET = "cget";
  public static final String NCONF = "conf";
  public static final String NCONFIGURE = "configure";
  public static final String NCREATE = "create";
  public static final String NDELETE = "delete";
  public static final String NITEM = "item";
  public static final String NITEMCGET = "itemcget";
  public static final String NITEMCONF = "itemconf";
  public static final String NITEMCONFIGURE = "itemconfigure";
  public static final String NREMOVECOMMAND = "removecommand";
  public static final String NREPAINT = "repaint";
  public static final String NSETCURRENT = "setcurrent";
  public static final String NSIZE = "size";

   * Some property names (in alphabetical order)
  public static final String NAPPEARANCE = "-appearance";
  public static final String NCLIPHEIGHT = "-clipheight";
  public static final String NCLIPWIDTH = "-clipwidth";
  public static final String NCLIPX = "-clipx";
  public static final String NCLIPY = "-clipy";
  public static final String NCODE = "-code";
  public static final String NCOLOR = "-color";
  public static final String NCOMMAND = "-command";
  public static final String NCOMMANDACTION = "-commandaction";
  public static final String NEXPAND = "-expand";
  public static final String NFIT = "-fit";
  public static final String NFONT = "-font";
  public static final String NHEIGHT = "-height";
  public static final String NIMAGE = "-image";
  public static final String NINTERACTIVE = "-interactive";
  public static final String NLABEL = "-label";
  public static final String NLINETYPE = "-linetype";
  public static final String NLONGLABEL = "-longlabel";
  public static final String NMAXLEN = "-maxlength";
  public static final String NMAXVALUE = "-maxvalue";
  public static final String NMINHEIGHT = "-minheight";
  public static final String NMINWIDTH = "-minwidth";
  public static final String NPRIO = "-priority";
  public static final String NPREFERREDWIDTH = "-preferredwidth";
  public static final String NPREFERREDHEIGHT = "-preferredheight";
  public static final String NSELECTMODE = "-selectmode";
  public static final String NSELECTION = "-selection";
  public static final String NSUPPRESSKEYS = "-suppresskeys";
  public static final String NTEXT = "-text";
  public static final String NTICKER = "-ticker";
  public static final String NTITLE = "-title";
  public static final String NTYPE = "-type";
  public static final String NVALUE = "-value";
  public static final String NVEXPAND = "-vexpand";
  public static final String NWIDTH = "-width";

  static final Thing DEFAULTTHING = new Thing("default");
  static final Thing ANYTHING = new Thing("any");
  static final Thing ZERO = IntThing.create(0);
  static final Thing ONE = IntThing.create(1);

   * Common Widget properties and default values.
  public static final WidgetProp codeprop = new WidgetProp(NCODE, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp textprop = new WidgetProp(NTEXT, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp labelprop = new WidgetProp(NLABEL, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp longlabelprop = new WidgetProp(NLONGLABEL, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp titleprop = new WidgetProp(NTITLE, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp fitprop = new WidgetProp(NFIT, DEFAULTTHING);
  public static final WidgetProp selectprop = new WidgetProp(NSELECTMODE, new Thing("exclusive"));
  public static final WidgetProp tickerprop = new WidgetProp(NTICKER, Thing.emptyThing());
  public static final WidgetProp prioprop = new WidgetProp(NPRIO, ONE);
  public static final WidgetProp appearanceprop = new WidgetProp(NAPPEARANCE, new Thing("plain"));
  public static final WidgetProp minwidthprop = new WidgetProp(NMINWIDTH, ZERO);
  public static final WidgetProp minheightprop = new WidgetProp(NMINHEIGHT, ZERO);

   * WIDGET attribute conversion tables (parallel arrays
  static final String colornames[] = {
    "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "cyan", "magenta", "white", "black"
  static final int colorvals[] = {
    0x0ff0000, 0x0ff00, 0x0ff, 0x0ffff00, 0x0ffff, 0x0ff00ff, 0x0ffffff, 0

  // Alert type
  static final String alerttypenames[] = {
    "none", "info", "warning", "error", "alarm", "confirmation", ""
  static final AlertType alerttypevals[] = {

  // Canvas stuff
  // Linetype
  static String clinetypenames[] = {"solid", "dotted", "default"};
  static int clinetypevals[] = {Graphics.SOLID, Graphics.DOTTED, Graphics.SOLID};
  // Anchor points
  static String canchornames[] = {
    "n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", "center", "default", "bl", "bc", "br"
  static int canchorvals[] = {
    Graphics.TOP | Graphics.HCENTER,
    Graphics.TOP | Graphics.RIGHT,
    Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.RIGHT,
    Graphics.BOTTOM | Graphics.RIGHT,
    Graphics.BOTTOM | Graphics.HCENTER,
    Graphics.BOTTOM | Graphics.LEFT,
    Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.LEFT,
    Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT,
    Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER,
    Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT,
    Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.BASELINE,
    Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.BASELINE,
    Graphics.RIGHT | Graphics.BASELINE,

  // Choice types
  static final String choicetypenames[] = {"exclusive", "multiple", "implicit", "popup"};
  static final int choicetypevals[] = {
    Choice.EXCLUSIVE, Choice.MULTIPLE, Choice.IMPLICIT, Choice.POPUP

  // Textfield type
  static final String texttypenames[] = {"any", "emailaddr", "numeric", "phonenumber", "decimal"};

  static final int texttypevals[] = {
    TextField.ANY, TextField.EMAILADDR, TextField.NUMERIC, TextField.PHONENUMBER, TextField.DECIMAL

  // Choice wrap specification
  static final String wrapnames[] = {"default", "on", "off"};
  static final int wrapvals[] = {

  // Command types
  static final String cmdtypenames[] = {
    "screen", "back", "cancel", "ok", "help", "stop", "exit", "item"
  static final String cmdlabels[] = {
    "Screen", "Back", "Cancel", "OK", "Help", "Stop", "Exit", "Item"
  static final int cmdtypevals[] = {

  // Font face names
  static final String fontfacenames[] = {"system", "proportional", "monospace"};
  static final int fontfacevals[] = {Font.FACE_SYSTEM, Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.FACE_MONOSPACE};

  // Font sizes
  static final String fontsizenames[] = {"small", "medium", "large"};
  static final int fontsizevals[] = {Font.SIZE_SMALL, Font.SIZE_MEDIUM, Font.SIZE_LARGE};

  // Item anchor position (part of item layout).
  static String anchornames[] = {"n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", "center", "default"};
  static int anchorvals[] = {

  // Item appearance
  static String appearancenames[] = {"plain", "button", "hyperlink"};
  static int appearancevals[] = {Item.PLAIN, Item.BUTTON, Item.HYPERLINK};

  // DateField modes
  static String dfmodenames[] = {"date", "date_time", "time"};
  static int dfmodevals[] = {DateField.DATE, DateField.DATE_TIME, DateField.TIME};

  static String gaugeinitialnames[] = {
    "continuous-idle", "continuous-running", "incremental-idle", "incremental-updating"
  static int gaugeinitialvals[] = {

  static String gaugemaxnames[] = {"indefinite"};
  static int gaugemaxvals[] = {Gauge.INDEFINITE};

  // A table holding widget property descriptions
  public static final Hashtable widgetprops = new Hashtable();

  static {
    /* Alert defaults */
    Vector v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("Alert")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("info"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Alert.class, v);

    /* Canvas defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("Canvas")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NSUPPRESSKEYS, new Thing("false"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Canvas.class, v);

    /* Command defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("back"), true));
    widgetprops.put(Command.class, v);

    /* Form defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Form.class, v);

    /* List defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("List")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("implicit"), true));
    widgetprops.put(List.class, v);

    /* TextBox defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTITLE, new Thing("TextBox")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, ANYTHING, true));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXLEN, IntThing.create(256)));
    widgetprops.put(TextBox.class, v);

    /* Ticker defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Ticker.class, v);

    /* ChoiceGroup defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NLABEL, Thing.emptyThing()));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing("exclusive"), true));
    widgetprops.put(ChoiceGroup.class, v);

    /* ImageItem defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(ImageItem.class, v);

    /* Spacer defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(Spacer.class, v);

    /* StringItem defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    widgetprops.put(StringItem.class, v);

    /* TextField defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXLEN, IntThing.create(256)));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, ANYTHING, true));
    widgetprops.put(TextField.class, v);

    /* DateField defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NTYPE, new Thing(dfmodenames[1])));
    widgetprops.put(DateField.class, v);

    /* Gauge defaults */
    v = new Vector();
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NINTERACTIVE, IntThing.create(0), true));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NVALUE, new Thing("continuous-running")));
    v.addElement(new WidgetProp(NMAXVALUE, new Thing("indefinite")));
    widgetprops.put(Gauge.class, v);