  * We are ignoring by default these tests as they require to have an internet access To activate
  * the test, use -Dtests.network=true We test regular form: groupId/artifactId/version It should
  * find it in maven central service
 public void testInstallPluginWithMavenCentral() throws IOException {
   assumeTrue(isDownloadServiceWorking("search.maven.org", 80, "/"));
   singlePluginInstallAndRemove("org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-transport-thrift/2.4.0", null);
  * We are ignoring by default these tests as they require to have an internet access To activate
  * the test, use -Dtests.network=true We test regular form: username/reponame/version It should
  * find it in download.elasticsearch.org service
 public void testInstallPluginWithElasticsearchDownloadService() throws IOException {
       isDownloadServiceWorking("download.elasticsearch.org", 80, "/elasticsearch/ci-test.txt"));
   singlePluginInstallAndRemove("elasticsearch/elasticsearch-transport-thrift/2.4.0", null);
  * We are ignoring by default these tests as they require to have an internet access To activate
  * the test, use -Dtests.network=true We test site plugins from github: userName/repoName It
  * should find it on github
 public void testInstallPluginWithGithub() throws IOException {
   assumeTrue(isDownloadServiceWorking("github.com", 443, "/"));
   singlePluginInstallAndRemove("elasticsearch/kibana", null);