private void copyData() {
   if (table.isTemporary()) {
     throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("TEMP TABLE");
   Database db = session.getDatabase();
   String baseName = table.getName();
   String tempName = db.getTempTableName(baseName, session);
   Column[] columns = table.getColumns();
   ArrayList<Column> newColumns = New.arrayList();
   Table newTable = cloneTableStructure(columns, db, tempName, newColumns);
   try {
     // check if a view would become invalid
     // (because the column to drop is referenced or so)
     checkViews(table, newTable);
   } catch (DbException e) {
     execute("DROP TABLE " + newTable.getName(), true);
     throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VIEW_IS_INVALID_2, e, getSQL(), e.getMessage());
   String tableName = table.getName();
   ArrayList<TableView> views = table.getViews();
   if (views != null) {
     views = New.arrayList(views);
     for (TableView view : views) {
   execute("DROP TABLE " + table.getSQL() + " IGNORE", true);
   db.renameSchemaObject(session, newTable, tableName);
   for (DbObject child : newTable.getChildren()) {
     if (child instanceof Sequence) {
     String name = child.getName();
     if (name == null || child.getCreateSQL() == null) {
     if (name.startsWith(tempName + "_")) {
       name = name.substring(tempName.length() + 1);
       SchemaObject so = (SchemaObject) child;
       if (so instanceof Constraint) {
         if (so.getSchema().findConstraint(session, name) != null) {
           name = so.getSchema().getUniqueConstraintName(session, newTable);
       } else if (so instanceof Index) {
         if (so.getSchema().findIndex(session, name) != null) {
           name = so.getSchema().getUniqueIndexName(session, newTable, name);
       db.renameSchemaObject(session, so, name);
   if (views != null) {
     for (TableView view : views) {
       String sql = view.getCreateSQL(true, true);
       execute(sql, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Create a temporary view out of the given query.
  * @param session the session
  * @param owner the owner of the query
  * @param name the view name
  * @param query the query
  * @param topQuery the top level query
  * @return the view table
 public static TableView createTempView(
     Session session, User owner, String name, Query query, Query topQuery) {
   Schema mainSchema = session.getDatabase().getSchema(Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN);
   String querySQL = query.getPlanSQL();
   TableView v =
       new TableView(mainSchema, 0, name, querySQL, query.getParameters(), null, session, false);
   if (v.createException != null) {
     throw v.createException;
   return v;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public double getCost(Session session, int[] masks) {
   if (recursive) {
     return 1000;
   IntArray masksArray = new IntArray(masks == null ? Utils.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : masks);
   CostElement cachedCost = costCache.get(masksArray);
   if (cachedCost != null) {
     long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
     if (time < cachedCost.evaluatedAt + Constants.VIEW_COST_CACHE_MAX_AGE) {
       return cachedCost.cost;
   Query q = (Query) session.prepare(querySQL, true);
   if (masks != null) {
     IntArray paramIndex = new IntArray();
     for (int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++) {
       int mask = masks[i];
       if (mask == 0) {
     int len = paramIndex.size();
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
       int idx = paramIndex.get(i);
       int mask = masks[idx];
       int nextParamIndex = q.getParameters().size() + view.getParameterOffset();
       if ((mask & IndexCondition.EQUALITY) != 0) {
         Parameter param = new Parameter(nextParamIndex);
         q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE);
       } else {
         if ((mask & IndexCondition.START) != 0) {
           Parameter param = new Parameter(nextParamIndex);
           q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.BIGGER_EQUAL);
         if ((mask & IndexCondition.END) != 0) {
           Parameter param = new Parameter(nextParamIndex);
           q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.SMALLER_EQUAL);
     String sql = q.getPlanSQL();
     q = (Query) session.prepare(sql, true);
   double cost = q.getCost();
   cachedCost = new CostElement();
   cachedCost.evaluatedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
   cachedCost.cost = cost;
   costCache.put(masksArray, cachedCost);
   return cost;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private Query getQuery(Session session, int[] masks) {
   Query q = (Query) session.prepare(querySQL, true);
   if (masks == null) {
     return q;
   int firstIndexParam = originalParameters == null ? 0 : originalParameters.size();
   firstIndexParam += view.getParameterOffset();
   IntArray paramIndex = new IntArray();
   for (int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++) {
     int mask = masks[i];
     if (mask == 0) {
     if ((mask & IndexCondition.RANGE) == IndexCondition.RANGE) {
       // two parameters for range queries: >= x AND <= y
   int len = paramIndex.size();
   columns = new Column[len];
   for (int i = 0; i < len; ) {
     int idx = paramIndex.get(i);
     Column col = table.getColumn(idx);
     columns[i] = col;
     int mask = masks[idx];
     if ((mask & IndexCondition.EQUALITY) == IndexCondition.EQUALITY) {
       Parameter param = new Parameter(firstIndexParam + i);
       q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE);
     } else {
       if ((mask & IndexCondition.START) == IndexCondition.START) {
         Parameter param = new Parameter(firstIndexParam + i);
         q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.BIGGER_EQUAL);
       if ((mask & IndexCondition.END) == IndexCondition.END) {
         Parameter param = new Parameter(firstIndexParam + i);
         q.addGlobalCondition(param, idx, Comparison.SMALLER_EQUAL);
   String sql = q.getPlanSQL();
   q = (Query) session.prepare(sql, true);
   return q;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public int update() {
   Database db = session.getDatabase();
   TableView view = null;
   Table old = getSchema().findTableOrView(session, viewName);
   if (old != null) {
     if (ifNotExists) {
       return 0;
     if (!orReplace || !Table.VIEW.equals(old.getTableType())) {
       throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, viewName);
     view = (TableView) old;
   int id = getObjectId();
   String querySQL;
   if (select == null) {
     querySQL = selectSQL;
   } else {
     ArrayList<Parameter> params = select.getParameters();
     if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
       throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("parameters in views");
     querySQL = select.getPlanSQL();
   // The view creates a Prepared command object, which belongs to a
   // session, so we pass the system session down.
   Session sysSession = db.getSystemSession();
   synchronized (sysSession) {
     try {
       if (view == null) {
         Schema schema = session.getDatabase().getSchema(session.getCurrentSchemaName());
         Column[] columnTemplates = null;
         if (columnNames != null) {
           columnTemplates = new Column[columnNames.length];
           for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; ++i) {
             columnTemplates[i] = new Column(columnNames[i], Value.UNKNOWN);
         view =
             new TableView(
                 getSchema(), id, viewName, querySQL, null, columnTemplates, sysSession, false);
       } else {
         view.replace(querySQL, columnNames, sysSession, false, force);
     } finally {
   if (comment != null) {
   if (old == null) {
     db.addSchemaObject(session, view);
   } else {
     db.updateMeta(session, view);
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Cursor find(Session session, SearchRow first, SearchRow last) {
   if (recursive) {
     if (view.getRecursiveResult() != null) {
       ResultInterface r = view.getRecursiveResult();
       return new ViewCursor(table, r);
     if (query == null) {
       query = (Query) createSession.prepare(querySQL, true);
       planSQL = query.getPlanSQL();
     if (!(query instanceof SelectUnion)) {
       throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_2, "recursive queries without UNION ALL");
     SelectUnion union = (SelectUnion) query;
     if (union.getUnionType() != SelectUnion.UNION_ALL) {
       throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_2, "recursive queries without UNION ALL");
     Query left = union.getLeft();
     ResultInterface r = left.query(0);
     LocalResult result = union.getEmptyResult();
     while ( {
     Query right = union.getRight();
     while (true) {
       r = right.query(0);
       if (r.getRowCount() == 0) {
       while ( {
     return new ViewCursor(table, result);
   ArrayList<Parameter> paramList = query.getParameters();
   for (int i = 0; originalParameters != null && i < originalParameters.size(); i++) {
     Parameter orig = originalParameters.get(i);
     int idx = orig.getIndex();
     Value value = orig.getValue(session);
     setParameter(paramList, idx, value);
   int len;
   if (first != null) {
     len = first.getColumnCount();
   } else if (last != null) {
     len = last.getColumnCount();
   } else {
     len = 0;
   int idx = originalParameters == null ? 0 : originalParameters.size();
   idx += view.getParameterOffset();
   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
     if (first != null) {
       Value v = first.getValue(i);
       if (v != null) {
         int x = idx++;
         setParameter(paramList, x, v);
     // for equality, only one parameter is used (first == last)
     if (last != null && indexMasks[i] != IndexCondition.EQUALITY) {
       Value v = last.getValue(i);
       if (v != null) {
         int x = idx++;
         setParameter(paramList, x, v);
   ResultInterface result = query.query(0);
   return new ViewCursor(table, result);