  * Create a {@link Filter} that selects features from the test table whose description contains
  * the text specified in the argument (case-insensitive).
  * @param descriptionContainsText text that description column must contain
  * @return filter to select features containing text in their description
 private Filter buildFilter(String descriptionContainsText) {
   FilterFactory filterFactory = new RegfuncFilterFactoryImpl();
   // Programmatically build a filter like this fragment from an OGC WFS 1.1.0 Query:
   // <ogc:Filter>
   // <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
   // <ogc:Function name="contains_text">
   // <ogc:PropertyName>
   // gsml:specification/gsml:GeologicUnit/gml:description
   // </ogc:PropertyName>
   // <ogc:Literal>basalt</ogc:Literal>
   // </ogc:Function>
   // <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal>
   // </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
   // </ogc:Filter>
   // Now step by step:
   // Build <ogc:PropertyName>
   Expression property = filterFactory.property(DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_NAME);
   // Build <ogc:Literal>basalt</ogc:Literal> equivalent
   Expression string = filterFactory.createLiteralExpression(descriptionContainsText);
   // Build <ogc:Function name="contains_text"> equivalent and set its arguments
   Expression function = filterFactory.function(TEST_FUNCTION_NAME, property, string);
   // Sanity check
   assertEquals(RegisteredFunction.class, function.getClass());
   // Build <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal>
   Expression one = filterFactory.createLiteralExpression(TEST_FUNCTION_RETURN_TRUE);
   // Build <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>, set its arguments, and return it
   return filterFactory.equals(function, one);