Exemplo n.º 1
   * Creates a new SimpleFeature for <code>targetType</code> that holds the common attributes from
   * <code>sourceFeature</code> and the buffered geometry.
   * @param sourceFeature the original SimpleFeature from which to extract matching attributes for
   *     the new SimpleFeature, or <code>null</code> if the new SimpleFeature has to have empty
   *     attributes other than the default geometry.
   * @param targetType
   * @param bufferedGeometry the product geometry of running {@link BufferOp} over the default
   *     geometry of <code>sourceFeature</code> with the parameters provided to this operation.
   * @return a new SimpleFeature of type <code>targetType</code> holding the common attributes with
   *     <code>sourceFeature</code> and <code>bufferedGeometry</code> as the feature's default
   *     geometry
   * @throws SOProcessException
  private SimpleFeature createBufferedFeature(
      SimpleFeature sourceFeature, SimpleFeatureType targetType, Geometry bufferedGeometry)
      throws SOProcessException {

    SimpleFeature newFeature;
    try {
      newFeature = DataUtilities.template(targetType);
      final GeometryDescriptor targetGeometryType = targetType.getDefaultGeometry();

      if (sourceFeature != null) {
        GeoToolsUtils.match(sourceFeature, newFeature);

      final String attName = targetGeometryType.getLocalName();
      final Class geomClass = targetGeometryType.getType().getBinding();
      bufferedGeometry = GeometryUtil.adapt(bufferedGeometry, geomClass);

      newFeature.setAttribute(attName, bufferedGeometry);

    } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
      throw new SOProcessException(e.getMessage(), e);
    return newFeature;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Put together a map of VPF files and their corresponding TableRows
   * @param file
   * @param row
  private Map generateFileRowMap(VPFFile file, SimpleFeature row) throws IOException {
    String tileFileName = null;
    Map rows = new HashMap();
    rows.put(file, row);
    Iterator joinIter = featureType.getFeatureClass().getJoinList().iterator();
    while (joinIter.hasNext()) {
      ColumnPair columnPair = (ColumnPair) joinIter.next();
      VPFFile primaryFile = getVPFFile(columnPair.column1);
      VPFFile joinFile = null;
      joinFile = getVPFFile(columnPair.column2);

      if (!rows.containsKey(joinFile) && rows.containsKey(primaryFile)) {
        SimpleFeature joinRow = (SimpleFeature) rows.get(primaryFile);

        try {
          int joinID =
              getVPFFile(columnPair.column2).getRowFromId(columnPair.column2.getName(), joinID));
        } catch (NullPointerException exc) {
          // Non-matching joins - just put in a NULL
          rows.put(joinFile, null);
        } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc) {
          // I really don't expect to see this one
          rows.put(joinFile, null);
    return rows;
  /** @see org.geotools.data.FeatureStore#setFeatures(org.geotools.data.FeatureReader) */
  public void setFeatures(FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> reader)
      throws IOException {
    WFSTransactionState ts = null;

    if (trans == Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {
      ts = new WFSTransactionState(ds);
    } else {
      ts = (WFSTransactionState) trans.getState(ds);

        getSchema().getTypeName(), new DeleteAction(getSchema().getTypeName(), Filter.INCLUDE));

    ReferencedEnvelope bounds = null;
    while (reader.hasNext()) {

      try {
        SimpleFeature f = reader.next();
        List<AttributeDescriptor> atrs = f.getFeatureType().getAttributeDescriptors();
        for (int i = 0; i < atrs.size(); i++) {
          if (atrs.get(i) instanceof GeometryDescriptor) {
            Geometry g = (Geometry) f.getAttribute(i);
            CoordinateReferenceSystem cs =
                ((GeometryDescriptor) atrs.get(i)).getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
            if (cs != null && !cs.getIdentifiers().isEmpty())
            if (g == null) continue;
            if (bounds == null) {
              bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope(g.getEnvelopeInternal(), cs);
            } else {
        ts.addAction(getSchema().getTypeName(), new InsertAction(f));
      } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {

    // Fire a notification.
    // JE
    if (bounds == null) {
      // if bounds are null then send an envelope to say that features were added but
      // at an unknown location.
      bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope(getSchema().getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
      ((WFS_1_0_0_DataStore) getDataStore())
              getSchema().getTypeName(), getTransaction(), bounds, false);
    } else {
      ((WFS_1_0_0_DataStore) getDataStore())
              getSchema().getTypeName(), getTransaction(), bounds, false);
    if (trans == Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {
Exemplo n.º 4
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("WFS Demo");
    try {
      //            URL url = new
      // URL("http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/cgi-bin/mswfs_gmap?version=1.0.0&request=getcapabilities&service=wfs");
      URL url = new URL("http://www.refractions.net:8080/geoserver/wfs?REQUEST=GetCapabilities");

      Map m = new HashMap();
      m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.URL.key, url);
      m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.TIMEOUT.key, new Integer(10000));
      m.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.PROTOCOL.key, Boolean.FALSE);

      DataStore wfs = (new WFSDataStoreFactory()).createNewDataStore(m);
      Query query = new DefaultQuery(wfs.getTypeNames()[1]);
      FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> ft =
          wfs.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
      int count = 0;
      while (ft.hasNext()) if (ft.next() != null) count++;
      System.out.println("Found " + count + " features");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Read a row and determine if it matches the feature type Three possibilities here: row is null
  * -- hasNext = false, do not try again row matches -- hasNext = true, do not try again row does
  * not match -- hasNext is undefined because we must try again
  * @return Whether we need to read again
 private boolean readNext() throws IOException {
   boolean result = true;
   VPFFile file = (VPFFile) featureType.getFeatureClass().getFileList().get(0);
   hasNext = false;
   SimpleFeature row = null;
   try {
     if (file.hasNext()) {
       row = file.readFeature();
   } catch (IOException exc1) {
     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
   } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc1) {
     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
   if ((row == null)) {
     hasNext = false;
     result = false;
   // Exclude objects with a different FACC Code
   else if (featureType.getFaccCode() != null) {
     try {
       Object temp = null;
       for (int i = 0; temp == null && i < ALLOWED_FCODE_ATTRIBUTES.length; i++) {
         temp = row.getAttribute(ALLOWED_FCODE_ATTRIBUTES[i]);
       String faccCode = temp.toString().trim();
       if (featureType.getFaccCode().equals(faccCode)) {
         retrieveObject(file, row);
         hasNext = true;
         result = false;
     } catch (RuntimeException exc) {
       // Ignore this case because it typically means the f_code is invalid
   return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Get the values from all of the columns based on their presence (or absense) in the rows
   * <p>Potential cases: simple column join column non-matching join null value geometry
   * @param file the file
   * @param row the row
  private void retrieveObject(VPFFile file, SimpleFeature row) throws IOException {
    VPFFile secondFile = null;
    VPFColumn column = null;
    Map rows = generateFileRowMap(file, row);
    List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes = featureType.getFeatureClass().getAttributeDescriptors();
    Object[] values = new Object[featureType.getAttributeCount()];
    Object value = null;
    String featureId = null;
    // Pass 1 - identify the feature identifier
    for (int inx = 0; inx < attributes.size(); inx++) {
      // I am thinking it is probably safer to look this up
      // by column name than by position, but if it breaks,
      // it is easy enough to change
      if (attributes.get(inx).getLocalName().equals("id")) {
        value = row.getAttribute(inx);
        if (value != null) {
          featureId = value.toString();
    try {
      currentFeature = SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(featureType, values, featureId);
    } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc) {
      // This shouldn't happen since everything should be nillable

    // Pass 2 - get the attributes, including the geometry
    for (int inx = 0; inx < attributes.size(); inx++) {
      try {
        if (attributes
            .equals(AnnotationFeatureType.ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) {
          try {
            // TODO: are we sure this is the intended action? Hard-coding an attribute to "nam"?
            currentFeature.setAttribute(inx, "nam");
          } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc) {
        column = (VPFColumn) attributes.get(inx);
        value = null;
        secondFile = getVPFFile(column);
        SimpleFeature tempRow = (SimpleFeature) rows.get(secondFile);
        if (tempRow != null) {
          value = tempRow.getAttribute(column.getName());
          if (column.isAttemptLookup()) {
            try {
              // Attempt to perform a lookup and conversion
              String featureClassName = getVPFFile(column).getFileName();
              String intVdtFileName =
              VPFFile intVdtFile = VPFFileFactory.getInstance().getFile(intVdtFileName);
              Iterator intVdtIter = intVdtFile.readAllRows().iterator();
              while (intVdtIter.hasNext()) {
                SimpleFeature intVdtRow = (SimpleFeature) intVdtIter.next();
                if (intVdtRow.getAttribute("table").toString().trim().equals(featureClassName)
                    && (Short.parseShort(intVdtRow.getAttribute("value").toString())
                            == Short.parseShort(value.toString())
                        && (intVdtRow
                            .equals(column.getName())))) {
                  value = intVdtRow.getAttribute("description").toString().trim();
              // If there is a problem, forget about mapping and continue
            } catch (IOException exc) {
            } catch (RuntimeException exc) {
        try {
          currentFeature.setAttribute(inx, value);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exc) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      } catch (ClassCastException exc2) {
        try {
          // This is the area geometry case
              .createGeometry(featureType, currentFeature);
        } catch (IllegalAttributeException exc) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (SQLException exc) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  public List<FeatureId> addFeatures(FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> collection)
      throws IOException {
    WFSTransactionState ts = null;

    if (trans == Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {
      ts = new WFSTransactionState(ds);
    } else {
      ts = (WFSTransactionState) trans.getState(ds);
    List<FeatureId> r = new LinkedList<FeatureId>();

    SimpleFeatureType schema = getSchema();

    LenientBuilder build = new LenientBuilder(schema);

    boolean isLenient = true;
    if (schema.getUserData().containsKey("lenient")) {
      isLenient = (Boolean) schema.getUserData().get("lenient");

    if (isLenient) {
      build.setFeatureFactory(new LenientFeatureFactory());

    List<AttributeDescriptor> atrs = schema.getAttributeDescriptors();
    FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> iter = collection.features();
    try {
      ReferencedEnvelope bounds = null;

      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        try {
          SimpleFeature newFeature;
          try {
            SimpleFeature f = iter.next();

            String nextFid = ts.nextFid(schema.getTypeName());
            Object[] values = f.getAttributes().toArray();

            newFeature = build.buildFeature(nextFid);

          } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException(e.getLocalizedMessage());

          for (int i = 0; i < atrs.size(); i++) {
            AttributeDescriptor att = atrs.get(i);
            if (att instanceof GeometryDescriptor) {
              Object geom = newFeature.getAttribute(i);
              if (geom instanceof Geometry) {
                Geometry g = (Geometry) geom;
                CoordinateReferenceSystem cs =
                    ((GeometryDescriptor) att).getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
                if (g == null) continue;
                if (cs != null && !cs.getIdentifiers().isEmpty())
                if (bounds == null) {
                  bounds =
                      new ReferencedEnvelope(
                          g.getEnvelopeInternal(), schema.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
                } else {
          ts.addAction(schema.getTypeName(), new InsertAction(newFeature));

        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
          throw new IOException(e.toString());

      // Fire a notification.
      // JE
      if (bounds == null) {
        // if bounds are null then send an envelope to say that features were added but
        // at an unknown location.
        bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope(getSchema().getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
        ((WFS_1_0_0_DataStore) getDataStore())
                schema.getTypeName(), getTransaction(), bounds, false);
      } else {
        ((WFS_1_0_0_DataStore) getDataStore())
                schema.getTypeName(), getTransaction(), bounds, false);

    } finally {
    if (trans == Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {

      String[] fids = ts.getFids(schema.getTypeName());
      int i = 0;
      for (String fid : fids) {
        FeatureId identifier = r.get(i);
        if (identifier instanceof FeatureIdImpl) {
          ((FeatureIdImpl) identifier).setID(fid);
      return r;
    return r;