Exemplo n.º 1
  public int getListOffset(RSyntaxTextArea textArea, TabExpander e, float x0, float x) {

    // If the coordinate in question is before this line's start, quit.
    if (x0 >= x) return getOffset();

    float currX = x0; // x-coordinate of current char.
    float nextX = x0; // x-coordinate of next char.
    float stableX = x0; // Cached ending x-coord. of last tab or token.
    TokenImpl token = this;
    int last = getOffset();
    FontMetrics fm = null;

    while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) {

      fm = textArea.getFontMetricsForTokenType(token.getType());
      char[] text = token.text;
      int start = token.textOffset;
      int end = start + token.textCount;

      for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
        currX = nextX;
        if (text[i] == '\t') {
          nextX = e.nextTabStop(nextX, 0);
          stableX = nextX; // Cache ending x-coord. of tab.
          start = i + 1; // Do charsWidth() from next char.
        } else {
          nextX = stableX + fm.charsWidth(text, start, i - start + 1);
        if (x >= currX && x < nextX) {
          if ((x - currX) < (nextX - x)) {
            return last + i - token.textOffset;
          return last + i + 1 - token.textOffset;

      stableX = nextX; // Cache ending x-coordinate of token.
      last += token.textCount;
      token = (TokenImpl) token.getNextToken();

    // If we didn't find anything, return the end position of the text.
    return last;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Modifies the passed-in token list to start at the specified offset. For example, if the token
   * list covered positions 20-60 in the document (inclusive) like so:
   * <pre>
   *   [token1] -> [token2] -> [token3] -> [token4]
   *   20     30   31     40   41     50   51     60
   * </pre>
   * and you used this method to make the token list start at position 44, then the token list would
   * be modified to be the following:
   * <pre>
   *   [part-of-old-token3] -> [token4]
   *   44                 50   51     60
   * </pre>
   * Tokens that come before the specified position are forever lost, and the token containing that
   * position is made to begin at that position if necessary. All token types remain the same as
   * they were originally.
   * <p>This method can be useful if you are only interested in part of a token list (i.e., the line
   * it represents), but you don't want to modify the token list yourself.
   * @param tokenList The list to make start at the specified position. This parameter is modified.
   * @param pos The position at which the new token list is to start. If this position is not in the
   *     passed-in token list, returned token list will either be <code>null</code> or the
   *     unpaintable token(s) at the end of the passed-in token list.
   * @param e How to expand tabs.
   * @param textArea The text area from which the token list came.
   * @param x0 The initial x-pixel position of the old token list.
   * @param tempToken A temporary token to use when creating the token list result. This may be
   *     <code>null</code> but callers can pass in a "buffer" token for performance if desired.
   * @return Information about the "sub" token list. This will be <code>null</code> if <code>pos
   *     </code> was not a valid offset into the token list.
   * @see #getSubTokenList(Token, int, TabExpander, RSyntaxTextArea, float)
  public static TokenSubList getSubTokenList(
      Token tokenList,
      int pos,
      TabExpander e,
      final RSyntaxTextArea textArea,
      float x0,
      TokenImpl tempToken) {

    if (tempToken == null) {
      tempToken = new TokenImpl();
    Token t = tokenList;

    // Loop through the token list until you find the one that contains
    // pos.  Remember the cumulative width of all of these tokens.
    while (t != null && t.isPaintable() && !t.containsPosition(pos)) {
      x0 += t.getWidth(textArea, e, x0);
      t = t.getNextToken();

    // Make the token that contains pos start at pos.
    if (t != null && t.isPaintable()) {

      if (t.getOffset() != pos) {
        // Number of chars between p0 and token start.
        int difference = pos - t.getOffset();
        x0 += t.getWidthUpTo(t.length() - difference + 1, textArea, e, x0);

        return new TokenSubList(tempToken, x0);

      } else { // t.getOffset()==pos
        return new TokenSubList(t, x0);

    // This could be a null token, so we need to just return it.
    return new TokenSubList(tokenList, x0);
    // return null;

Exemplo n.º 3
   * Draws a single view (i.e., a line of text for a wrapped view), wrapping the text onto multiple
   * lines if necessary. Any selected text is rendered with the editor's "selected text" color.
   * @param painter The painter to use to render tokens.
   * @param g The graphics context in which to paint.
   * @param r The rectangle in which to paint.
   * @param view The <code>View</code> to paint.
   * @param fontHeight The height of the font being used.
   * @param y The y-coordinate at which to begin painting.
   * @param selStart The start of the selection.
   * @param selEnd The end of the selection.
  protected void drawViewWithSelection(
      TokenPainter painter,
      Graphics2D g,
      Rectangle r,
      View view,
      int fontHeight,
      int y,
      int selStart,
      int selEnd) {

    float x = r.x;

    LayeredHighlighter h = (LayeredHighlighter) host.getHighlighter();

    RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument();
    Element map = getElement();

    int p0 = view.getStartOffset();
    int lineNumber = map.getElementIndex(p0);
    int p1 = view.getEndOffset(); // - 1;

    setSegment(p0, p1 - 1, document, drawSeg);
    // System.err.println("drawSeg=='" + drawSeg + "' (p0/p1==" + p0 + "/" + p1 + ")");
    int start = p0 - drawSeg.offset;
    Token token = document.getTokenListForLine(lineNumber);

    // If this line is an empty line, then the token list is simply a
    // null token.  In this case, the line highlight will be skipped in
    // the loop below, so unfortunately we must manually do it here.
    if (token != null && token.getType() == Token.NULL) {
      h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, r, host, this);

    // Loop through all tokens in this view and paint them!
    while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) {

      int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, token, x);
      x = r.x;

      h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p, r, host, this);

      while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getEndOffset() - 1 < p) { // <=p) {

        // Selection starts in this token
        if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) {

          if (selStart > token.getOffset()) {
            tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset();
            x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
            tempToken.textCount = token.length();
            // Clone required since token and tempToken must be
            // different tokens for else statement below
            token = new TokenImpl(tempToken);

          int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset());
          if (selCount == token.length()) {
            x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this);
          } else {
            tempToken.textCount = selCount;
            x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
            tempToken.textCount = token.length();
            tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount);
            token = tempToken;
            x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);


        // Selection ends in this token
        else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) {
          tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset();
          x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
          tempToken.textCount = token.length();
          token = tempToken;
          x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        // This token is entirely selected
        else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) {
          x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        // This token is entirely unselected
        else {
          x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        token = token.getNextToken();

      // If there's a token that's going to be split onto the next line
      if (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getOffset() < p) {

        int tokenOffset = token.getOffset();
        Token orig = token;
        token =
            new TokenImpl(
                drawSeg, tokenOffset - start, p - 1 - start, tokenOffset, token.getType());

        // Selection starts in this token
        if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) {

          if (selStart > token.getOffset()) {
            tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset();
            x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
            tempToken.textCount = token.length();
            // Clone required since token and tempToken must be
            // different tokens for else statement below
            token = new TokenImpl(tempToken);

          int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset());
          if (selCount == token.length()) {
            x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this);
          } else {
            tempToken.textCount = selCount;
            x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
            tempToken.textCount = token.length();
            tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount);
            token = tempToken;
            x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);


        // Selection ends in this token
        else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) {
          tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset();
          x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
          tempToken.textCount = token.length();
          token = tempToken;
          x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        // This token is entirely selected
        else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) {
          x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        // This token is entirely unselected
        else {
          x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);

        token = new TokenImpl(orig);
        ((TokenImpl) token).makeStartAt(p);

      p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p;
      y += fontHeight;
    } // End of while (token!=null && token.isPaintable()).

    // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here,
    // but don't because I'm just too lazy.
    if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) {
      g.drawString("\u00B6", x, y - fontHeight);
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Draws a single view (i.e., a line of text for a wrapped view), wrapping the text onto multiple
   * lines if necessary.
   * @param painter The painter to use to render tokens.
   * @param g The graphics context in which to paint.
   * @param r The rectangle in which to paint.
   * @param view The <code>View</code> to paint.
   * @param fontHeight The height of the font being used.
   * @param y The y-coordinate at which to begin painting.
  protected void drawView(
      TokenPainter painter, Graphics2D g, Rectangle r, View view, int fontHeight, int y) {

    float x = r.x;

    LayeredHighlighter h = (LayeredHighlighter) host.getHighlighter();

    RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument();
    Element map = getElement();

    int p0 = view.getStartOffset();
    int lineNumber = map.getElementIndex(p0);
    int p1 = view.getEndOffset(); // - 1;

    setSegment(p0, p1 - 1, document, drawSeg);
    // System.err.println("drawSeg=='" + drawSeg + "' (p0/p1==" + p0 + "/" + p1 + ")");
    int start = p0 - drawSeg.offset;
    Token token = document.getTokenListForLine(lineNumber);

    // If this line is an empty line, then the token list is simply a
    // null token.  In this case, the line highlight will be skipped in
    // the loop below, so unfortunately we must manually do it here.
    if (token != null && token.getType() == Token.NULL) {
      h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, r, host, this);

    // Loop through all tokens in this view and paint them!
    while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) {

      int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, token, x);
      x = r.x;

      h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p, r, host, this);

      while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getEndOffset() - 1 < p) { // <=p) {
        x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this);
        token = token.getNextToken();

      if (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getOffset() < p) {
        int tokenOffset = token.getOffset();
            drawSeg.array, tokenOffset - start, p - 1 - start, tokenOffset, token.getType());
        painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this);
        token = new TokenImpl(tempToken);

      p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p;
      y += fontHeight;
    } // End of while (token!=null && token.isPaintable()).

    // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here,
    // but don't because I'm just too lazy.
    if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) {
      g.drawString("\u00B6", x, y - fontHeight);
Exemplo n.º 5
  public Rectangle listOffsetToView(
      RSyntaxTextArea textArea, TabExpander e, int pos, int x0, Rectangle rect) {

    int stableX = x0; // Cached ending x-coord. of last tab or token.
    TokenImpl token = this;
    FontMetrics fm = null;
    Segment s = new Segment();

    while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) {

      fm = textArea.getFontMetricsForTokenType(token.getType());
      if (fm == null) {
        return rect; // Don't return null as things'll error.
      char[] text = token.text;
      int start = token.textOffset;
      int end = start + token.textCount;

      // If this token contains the position for which to get the
      // bounding box...
      if (token.containsPosition(pos)) {

        s.array = token.text;
        s.offset = token.textOffset;
        s.count = pos - token.getOffset();

        // Must use this (actually fm.charWidth()), and not
        // fm.charsWidth() for returned value to match up with where
        // text is actually painted on OS X!
        int w = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(s, fm, stableX, e, token.getOffset());
        rect.x = stableX + w;
        end = token.documentToToken(pos);

        if (text[end] == '\t') {
          rect.width = fm.charWidth(' ');
        } else {
          rect.width = fm.charWidth(text[end]);

        return rect;


      // If this token does not contain the position for which to get
      // the bounding box...
      else {
        s.array = token.text;
        s.offset = token.textOffset;
        s.count = token.textCount;
        stableX += Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(s, fm, stableX, e, token.getOffset());

      token = (TokenImpl) token.getNextToken();

    // If we didn't find anything, we're at the end of the line. Return
    // a width of 1 (so selection highlights don't extend way past line's
    // text). A ConfigurableCaret will know to paint itself with a larger
    // width.
    rect.x = stableX;
    rect.width = 1;
    return rect;
   * Draws the passed-in text using syntax highlighting for the current language. Tokens are checked
   * for being in a selected region, and are rendered appropriately if they are.
   * @param painter The painter to render the tokens.
   * @param token The list of tokens to draw.
   * @param g The graphics context in which to draw.
   * @param x The x-coordinate at which to draw.
   * @param y The y-coordinate at which to draw.
   * @param selStart The start of the selection.
   * @param selEnd The end of the selection.
   * @return The x-coordinate representing the end of the painted text.
  private float drawLineWithSelection(
      TokenPainter painter, Token token, Graphics2D g, float x, float y, int selStart, int selEnd) {

    float nextX = x; // The x-value at the end of our text.
    boolean useSTC = host.getUseSelectedTextColor();

    while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && nextX < clipEnd) {

      // Selection starts in this token
      if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) {

        if (selStart > token.getOffset()) {
          tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset();
          nextX = painter.paint(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart);
          tempToken.textCount = token.length();
          // Clone required since token and tempToken must be
          // different tokens for else statement below
          token = new TokenImpl(tempToken);

        int tokenLen = token.length();
        int selCount = Math.min(tokenLen, selEnd - token.getOffset());
        if (selCount == tokenLen) {
          nextX = painter.paintSelected(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC);
        } else {
          tempToken.textCount = selCount;
          nextX = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC);
          tempToken.textCount = token.length();
          tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount);
          token = tempToken;
          nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart);


      // Selection ends in this token
      else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) {
        tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset();
        nextX = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC);
        tempToken.textCount = token.length();
        token = tempToken;
        nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart);

      // This token is entirely selected
      else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) {
        nextX = painter.paintSelected(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC);

      // This token is entirely unselected
      else {
        nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart);

      token = token.getNextToken();

    // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here,
    // but don't because I'm just too lazy.
    if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) {
      g.drawString("\u00B6", nextX, y);

    // Return the x-coordinate at the end of the painted text.
    return nextX;