Exemplo n.º 1
  public Action populateTagAction(
      final TemplateTag tagFound,
      final String tagBody,
      final String insideTagBody,
      final ICompilationUnit compUnit,
      final boolean hasSubAction1,
      final Map<String, Object> placeHolders,
      final Map<String, Object> contextMap,
      final String spacesBeforeCursor,
      final Map<String, String> attributes,
      final StringBuilder existingMembersBuilder,
      final List<Action> actionList)
      throws Exception {
    String memberName = null;
    boolean optional = false;
    final ACTION_TYPE actionType = ACTION_TYPE.Create;
    String typeToCreate = null;
    String delimiter = null;

    if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASS) {
      memberName =
          attributes.containsKey(PLACEHOLDER_NAME) ? attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_NAME) : null;
    } else if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASSES) {
      memberName = attributes.containsKey(NAMES) ? attributes.get(NAMES) : null;
    final String pkg =
            ? attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE)
            : EMPTY_STR;
    final String project =
        attributes.containsKey(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT) ? attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT) : null;
    typeToCreate = attributes.containsKey(TYPE) ? attributes.get(TYPE) : PLACEHOLDER_CLASS;
    optional = attributes.containsKey(OPTIONAL) ? Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get(OPTIONAL)) : false;
    delimiter = attributes.containsKey(DELIMITER) ? attributes.get(DELIMITER) : SPACE;
    final boolean overrideMethods =
            ? Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("override_methods"))
            : false;
     * IJavaProject prj = getJavaProject(project); if (prj == null) {
     * prj = getJavaProject((String)
     * placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)); } if
     * (prj.getProject().isSynchronized(0)) { throw new
     * Exception("Project: " + prj.getProject().getName() +
     * " is not synchronized ,Please refresh and try again."); }

    if (memberName == null || memberName.equals(EMPTY_STR)) {
      if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASS) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Please provide attribute \"name\" for <fc:class> tag in the XML and try again");
      } else if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASSES) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Please provide attribute \"names\" for <fc:classes> tag in the XML and try again");
    /*if (pkg == null) {
    	throw new Exception("Please provide attribute \"package\" for <fc:" + tagFound.toString().toLowerCase()
    			+ "> tag  in the XML and try again");
    if (!isEmpty(insideTagBody)
        && insideTagBody.contains(XML_START + TEMPLATE_TAG_PREFIX + COLON)) {
      throw new Exception(
          "There should not be any other tags inside <fc:"
              + tagFound.toString().toLowerCase()
              + ">,  exiting....");
    IJavaProject javaProject = null;

    if (!isEmpty(project) && project.startsWith(HASH)) {
      final Object projct = placeHolders.get(project.replace(HASH, EMPTY_STR).trim());
      if (projct instanceof FastCodeProject) {
        javaProject = ((FastCodeProject) projct).getJavaProject();
        if (javaProject == null) {
          javaProject = getJavaProject(((FastCodeProject) projct).getProject());
      } else {
        javaProject = getJavaProject((String) projct);
    } else {
      javaProject = getJavaProject(project); // getJavaProject(attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT));
    boolean createProject = false;
    if (javaProject == null) {
      for (final Action action : actionList) {
        if (action.getEntity() == ACTION_ENTITY.Project) {
          if (action.getEntityName().equals(project)) {
            javaProject = null;
            createProject = true;
      if (!createProject) {
        javaProject =
                placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT) instanceof FastCodeProject
                    ? ((FastCodeProject) placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)).getName()
                    : (String) placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT));
    IPackageFragment pkgFrgmt = null;
    if (!createProject) {
      if (javaProject == null) {
        javaProject = getWorkingJavaProjectFromUser(); // did for j2ee base
      final String defaultPath =
              ? getDefaultPathFromProject(javaProject, typeToCreate, EMPTY_STR)
              : getDefaultPathFromProject(javaProject, "source", EMPTY_STR);
      final TemplateTagsProcessor templateTagsProcessor = new TemplateTagsProcessor();
      pkgFrgmt =
              ? ((FastCodePackage) placeHolders.get(pkg.replace(HASH, EMPTY_STR).trim()))
              : templateTagsProcessor.getPackageFragment(
                  typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Test.getValue()) ? typeToCreate : "source");
    String labelMsg = null;
    final String labelMsgPart1 = pkgFrgmt != null ? EMPTY_STR : isEmpty(pkg) ? "default " : "new ";
    boolean isClassExist = false;
    if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASS) {
      if (isJavaReservedWord(memberName) || !isValidVariableName(memberName)) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Attribute \"name\" contains either java reserved word or not valid for class name ,Please provide correct one for <fc:class> tag  in the XML and try again");
      if (!isEmpty(insideTagBody)) {
        final String classNameInsideTagBody =
        if (!memberName.equals(classNameInsideTagBody)) {
          //					System.out.println(classNameInsideTagBody);
          throw new Exception(
              "Attribute \"name\" value "
                  + memberName
                  + " and class name inside <fc:class> tag body "
                  + classNameInsideTagBody
                  + " does not match, Please provide same name in both the places for <fc:class> tag  in the XML and try again");

      // if (pkgFrgmt != null) {
      final String fullClassName =
          pkgFrgmt != null
              ? pkgFrgmt.getElementName() + DOT + memberName.trim()
              : isEmpty(pkg) ? memberName.trim() : pkg + DOT + memberName;

      // if (compUnit != null) {
      if (javaProject != null) {
        final IType type3 = javaProject.findType(fullClassName);
        if (type3 != null && type3.exists()) {
          isClassExist = true;
          /*this.existingMembersBuilder.append("Class with Name:  " + fullClassName);
          this.existingMembersBuilder.append(SPACE + COMMA + SPACE);
          return null;*/
      // }
      // }
      final String pkgNme = pkgFrgmt != null ? pkgFrgmt.getElementName() : pkg;
      final String msg3 = isClassExist ? " (Class already exists.)" : EMPTY_STR;
      final String actionTypeClassLbl = isClassExist ? "Overwrite " : actionType.toString();
      labelMsg =
              ? actionTypeClassLbl
                  + SPACE
                  + typeToCreate
                  + SPACE
                  + "class"
                  + SPACE
                  + memberName
                  + "  in "
                  + labelMsgPart1
                  + "package  "
                  + pkg
                  + msg3
              : actionTypeClassLbl
                  + SPACE
                  + typeToCreate
                  + SPACE
                  + memberName
                  + "  in "
                  + labelMsgPart1
                  + "package  "
                  + pkgNme
                  + msg3; // + msg3;
    } else if (tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASSES) {
      final String[] namesarr = memberName.split(delimiter);
      boolean duplicate = false;
      for (int j = 0; j < namesarr.length; j++) {
        for (int k = j + 1; k < namesarr.length; k++) {
          if (namesarr[k].equals(namesarr[j])) {
            duplicate = true;
          if (duplicate) {
      if (duplicate) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Attribute \"names\" contains duplicate class name,Please provide correct  attribute \"names\"  for <fc:classes> tag in the XML and try again");
      // StringBuilder existingClassName = new StringBuilder();
      final List<String> classNamesList = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (final String className : memberName.split(delimiter)) {
        if (isJavaReservedWord(className) || !isValidVariableName(className)) {
          throw new Exception(
              "Attribute \"names\" contains either java reserved word or not valid for class name ,Please provide correct one  for <fc:classes> tag  in the XML and try again");
        // if (pkgFrgmt != null) {
        final String fullClassName =
            pkgFrgmt != null
                ? pkgFrgmt.getElementName() + DOT + className.trim()
                : isEmpty(pkg) ? className.trim() : pkg + DOT + className.trim();
        // if (compUnit != null) {
        if (javaProject != null) {
          final IType type4 = javaProject.findType(fullClassName);
          if (type4 != null && type4.exists()) {
            existingMembersBuilder.append("Class with Name:  " + fullClassName);
            existingMembersBuilder.append(SPACE + COMMA + SPACE);
        // }
        // }
      String classNames = EMPTY_STR;
      if (!classNamesList.isEmpty()) {
        for (final String className : classNamesList) {
          classNames = classNames + className + delimiter;
      memberName = classNames;

      if (isEmpty(memberName)) {
        return null;
      labelMsg =
              ? actionType.toString()
                  + SPACE
                  + typeToCreate
                  + SPACE
                  + "classes"
                  + SPACE
                  + classNames.replace(delimiter, COMMA + SPACE)
                  + "  in "
                  + labelMsgPart1
                  + " package  "
                  + pkg
              : actionType.toString()
                  + SPACE
                  + "classes"
                  + SPACE
                  + classNames.replace(delimiter, COMMA + SPACE)
                  + "  in "
                  + labelMsgPart1
                  + " package  "
                  + pkg;

    final Action actionClass =
        new Action.Builder()
            .withEntity(tagFound == TemplateTag.CLASS ? ACTION_ENTITY.Class : ACTION_ENTITY.Classes)
            .withPackge(pkgFrgmt == null ? pkg : pkgFrgmt)
            .withProject(createProject ? project : javaProject)
            .withSource(isEmpty(insideTagBody) ? insideTagBody : insideTagBody.trim())

    return actionClass;
    // break;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * @param insideTagBody
   * @param tagBody
   * @param templateTag
   * @param contextMap
   * @param placeHolders
   * @param spacesBeforeCursor
   * @param overrideMethods
   * @param exist
   * @param overWrite
   * @param type
   * @throws JavaModelException
   * @throws Exception
  public void createClassFromTag(
      final String className,
      final Object packge,
      final Object project,
      String insideTagBody,
      final Map<String, Object> contextMap,
      final Map<String, Object> placeHolders,
      final ICompilationUnit compUnit,
      final String typeToCreate,
      final String spacesBeforeCursor,
      boolean overrideMethods,
      final boolean exist,
      final boolean overWrite)
      throws JavaModelException, Exception {
    final VersionControlPreferences versionControlPreferences =
    if (typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Innerclass.getValue())) {
      final File newFileObj = new File(compUnit.getResource().getLocationURI().toString());
      /*final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance();
      checkinCache.getFilesToCheckIn().add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED, newFileObj.getAbsolutePath()));*/

      try {
        // addOrUpdateFileStatusInCache(newFileObj);
        final IType innerClassType = SourceUtil.createInnerClass(insideTagBody, compUnit);
        /*final boolean prjShared = !isEmpty(compUnit.getResource().getProject().getPersistentProperties());
        final boolean prjConfigured = !isEmpty(isPrjConfigured(compUnit.getResource().getProject().getName()));*/
        if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) {
          if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(newFileObj, compUnit.getResource().getProject())) {
            final IFile file = (IFile) innerClassType.getResource(); // .getLocationURI());
            List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType =
                ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED))
            if (chngsForType == null) {
              chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>();
              final List<Object> innerClassList = new ArrayList<Object>();
              innerClassList.add(new FastCodeType(innerClassType));
              chngsForType.add(new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES, innerClassList));
            } else {
              boolean isNew = true;
              Object fastCodeFieldList = null;
              for (final FastCodeEntityHolder fcEntityHolder : chngsForType) {
                if (fcEntityHolder.getEntityName().equals(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES)) {
                  fastCodeFieldList = fcEntityHolder.getFastCodeEntity();
                  isNew = false;

              if (isNew) {
                fastCodeFieldList = new ArrayList<Object>();
                ((List<Object>) fastCodeFieldList).add(innerClassType);
                    new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES, fastCodeFieldList));
              } else {
                ((List<Object>) fastCodeFieldList).add(innerClassType);

              /*Object innerClassList = chngsForType.get("innerClasses");
              if (innerClassList == null) {
              	innerClassList = new ArrayList<Object>();
              ((List<Object>) innerClassList).add(new FastCodeType(innerClassType));
              chngsForType.put("innerClasses", innerClassList);*/
            ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED))
                .put(file, chngsForType);
      } catch (final FastCodeRepositoryException ex) {
      compUnit.commitWorkingCopy(false, null);

    final IJavaProject prj =
        project instanceof String ? getJavaProject((String) project) : (IJavaProject) project;
    /*IJavaProject prj = getJavaProject(project);// getJavaProject(attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT));
    if (prj == null) {
    	prj = getJavaProject(placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT) instanceof FastCodeProject ? ((FastCodeProject) placeHolders
    			.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)).getName() : (String) placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT));

    if (prj == null) {
    	prj = this.javaProject = this.javaProject == null ? getWorkingJavaProjectFromUser() : this.javaProject;//did for j2ee base
    if (prj == null) {
      throw new Exception("Can not continue without java  project.");
    final String srcPath =
            ? getDefaultPathFromProject(prj, typeToCreate, EMPTY_STR)
            : getDefaultPathFromProject(prj, "source", EMPTY_STR);
    IPackageFragment pkgFrgmt = null;
    final TemplateTagsProcessor templateTagsProcessor = new TemplateTagsProcessor();
    if (packge instanceof String && !isEmpty((String) packge)
        || packge instanceof IPackageFragment) {
      pkgFrgmt =
          packge instanceof String
              ? templateTagsProcessor.getPackageFragment(
                  (String) packge,
                  typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Test.getValue()) ? typeToCreate : "source")
              : (IPackageFragment) packge;
    if (pkgFrgmt == null) {
      /*final boolean prjShared = !isEmpty(prj.getProject().getPersistentProperties());
      final boolean prjConfigured = !isEmpty(isPrjConfigured(prj.getProject().getName()));*/
      File file = null;
      if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) {
        if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(file, prj.getProject())) {
          final String prjURI = prj.getResource().getLocationURI().toString();
          final String path = prjURI.substring(prjURI.indexOf(COLON) + 1);
          final String newPackURL =
              path + srcPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + ((String) packge).replace(DOT, FILE_SEPARATOR);
          file = new File(newPackURL);
          // final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance();
          // checkinCache.getFilesToCheckIn().add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED,
          // file.getAbsolutePath()));
      pkgFrgmt =
              prj, (String) packge, typeToCreate, contextMap); // createPackage(prj,
      // attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE));
      if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) {
        if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(null, prj.getProject())) {
          final IFile ifile = getIFileFromFile(file);
          List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType =
              ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)).get(ifile);
          if (chngsForType == null) {
            chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>();
                new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE, new FastCodePackage(pkgFrgmt)));
          ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED))
              .put(ifile, chngsForType);

    boolean createFileAlone = true;
    if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) {
      String path;
      try {
        final boolean prjShared =
        final boolean prjConfigured =
        createFileAlone = !(versionControlPreferences.isEnable() && prjShared && prjConfigured);

        final String prjURI = pkgFrgmt.getResource().getLocationURI().toString();
        path = prjURI.substring(prjURI.indexOf(COLON) + 1);
        final File newFileObj = new File(path + FORWARD_SLASH + className + DOT + JAVA_EXTENSION);
        if (versionControlPreferences.isEnable() && prjShared && prjConfigured) {
          final RepositoryService repositoryService = getRepositoryServiceClass();
          try {
            if (repositoryService.isFileInRepository(
                newFileObj)) { // && !MessageDialog.openQuestion(new Shell(), "File present in
                               // repository", "File already present in repository. Click yes to
                               // overwrite")) {
              /*MessageDialog.openWarning(new Shell(), "File present in repository", className + " is already present in repository. Please synchronise and try again.");
              createFileAlone =
                      new Shell(),
                      "File present in repository",
                      "File "
                          + newFileObj.getName()
                          + " already present in repository. Click yes to just create the file, No to return without any action.");
              if (!createFileAlone) {
          } catch (final Throwable th) {
            createFileAlone = true;
        final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance();
            .add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED, newFileObj.getAbsolutePath()));

      } catch (final FastCodeRepositoryException ex) {

    /*if (parseClassName(insideTagBody) == null) {
    	insideTagBody = MODIFIER_PUBLIC + SPACE + typeToCreate + SPACE + className + SPACE + LEFT_CURL + NEWLINE + insideTagBody

    final Object codeFormatter = createCodeFormatter(prj.getProject());
    if (!isEmpty(insideTagBody)) {
      insideTagBody = formatCode(insideTagBody.trim(), codeFormatter);
    ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = null;
    if (exist) {
      if (overWrite) {
        final IType type = prj.findType(pkgFrgmt.getElementName() + DOT + className.trim());
        if (type.getCompilationUnit().hasUnsavedChanges()) {
          type.getCompilationUnit().save(new NullProgressMonitor(), true);
        // type.getCompilationUnit().delete(true, new NullProgressMonitor());
        insideTagBody = buildClass(insideTagBody, pkgFrgmt, prj, className);

        // type.getCompilationUnit().getBuffer().setContents(insideTagBody);
        final ReplaceEdit replaceEdit =
            new ReplaceEdit(0, type.getCompilationUnit().getSource().length(), insideTagBody);
        type.getCompilationUnit().applyTextEdit(replaceEdit, new NullProgressMonitor());
        compilationUnit = type.getCompilationUnit();
        compilationUnit.commitWorkingCopy(false, null);

        // refreshProject(prj.getElementName());
      } else {
    } else {
      compilationUnit = SourceUtil.createClass(insideTagBody, pkgFrgmt, prj, className);

    if (compilationUnit == null) {
    if (!typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Interface.getValue())) {
      if (compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperclassName() != null) {
        final IType superClassType =
                    compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperclassName(), compilationUnit));
        if (superClassType != null && superClassType.exists()) {
          if (Flags.isAbstract(
                  .getFlags()) /*Modifier.isAbstract(Class.forName(superClassType.getFullyQualifiedName()).getModifiers())*/) {
            overrideMethods = true;
      if (overrideMethods) {
        final String superInterfaces[] = compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperInterfaceNames();
        if (superInterfaces != null) {
          for (final String superInertafce : superInterfaces) {
            final IType superIntType =
                prj.findType(getFQNameFromFieldTypeName(superInertafce, compilationUnit));
            final FastCodeContext fastCodeContext = new FastCodeContext(superIntType);
            final CreateSimilarDescriptorClass createSimilarDescriptorClass =
                new CreateSimilarDescriptorClass.Builder().withClassType(CLASS_TYPE.CLASS).build();
            final IType[] superInterfaceType = getSuperInterfacesType(superIntType);
            if (superInterfaceType != null) {
              for (final IType type : superInterfaceType) {
                if (type == null || !type.exists()) {
                final FastCodeContext context = new FastCodeContext(type);
     * final IType newType = compilationUnit.findPrimaryType(); String
     * superClassName = newType.getSuperclassName(); if
     * (!isEmpty(superClassName)) { final IType superClassType =
     * prj.findType(getFQNameFromFieldTypeName(newType.getSuperclassName(),
     * newType.getCompilationUnit())); final FastCodeContext fastCodeContext
     * = new FastCodeContext(superClassType); final
     * CreateSimilarDescriptorClass createSimilarDescriptorClass = new
     * CreateSimilarDescriptorClass.Builder().withClassType(
     * CLASS_TYPE.CLASS).build(); for (final IMethod method :
     * superClassType.getMethods()) { if (method.isConstructor()) {
     * overrideConstructor(method, newType); final MethodBuilder
     * methodBuilder = new SimilarMethodBuilder(fastCodeContext);
     * methodBuilder.buildMethod(method, newType, null,
     * createSimilarDescriptorClass); } } }
        "Class_" + compilationUnit.getElementName(),
        new FastCodeObject(compilationUnit, ACTION_ENTITY.Class.getValue()));

    if (!createFileAlone) {
      final IFile fileObj =
          (IFile) compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getResource(); // .getLocationURI());
      List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType =
          ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)).get(fileObj);
      if (chngsForType == null) {
        chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>();
            new FastCodeEntityHolder(
                PLACEHOLDER_CLASS, new FastCodeType(compilationUnit.findPrimaryType())));
      ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED))
          .put(fileObj, chngsForType);
    /*final Map<String, Object> listofChange = ((Map<Object, Map<String, Object>>) contextMap.get("changes_for_File")).get(file);
    if (chngsForType == null) {
    	chngsForType = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    	chngsForType.put("class", CREATE_CLASS); //fastCodeCache.getCommentKey().get(fastCodeCache.getCommentKey().indexOf("create.class.field"))
    ((Map<Object, Map<String, Object>>) contextMap.get("changes_for_File")).put(file, listofChange);*/