public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { Sequence querySeq = getArgument(1).eval(contextSequence); if (querySeq.isEmpty()) { return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; } String query = querySeq.itemAt(0).getStringValue(); String[] terms = getSearchTerms(query); NodeSet hits[] = new NodeSet[terms.length]; NodeSet contextSet = contextSequence.toNodeSet(); for (int k = 0; k < terms.length; k++) { hits[k] = context .getBroker() .getTextEngine() .getNodesContaining( context, contextSet.getDocumentSet(), null, NodeSet.DESCENDANT, null, terms[k], DBBroker.MATCH_EXACT); hits[k] = getArgument(0).eval(hits[k]).toNodeSet(); } NodeSet result = hits[0]; for (int k = 1; k < hits.length; k++) { if (hits[k] != null) result = result.deepIntersection(hits[k]); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("FOUND: " + result.getLength()); return result; }
public Sequence evalQuery(NodeSet nodes, List terms) throws XPathException { if (terms == null || terms.size() == 0) return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; // no search terms double threshold = 0.65; if (getArgumentCount() == 3) { Sequence thresOpt = getArgument(2).eval(nodes); // TODO : get rid of getLength() if (!thresOpt.hasOne()) throw new XPathException( getASTNode(), "third argument to " + getName() + "should be a single double value"); threshold = ((DoubleValue) thresOpt.convertTo(Type.DOUBLE)).getDouble(); } NodeSet hits[] = new NodeSet[terms.size()]; String term; TermMatcher matcher; for (int k = 0; k < terms.size(); k++) { term = (String) terms.get(k); if (term.length() == 0) hits[k] = null; else { matcher = new FuzzyMatcher(term, threshold); hits[k] = context .getBroker() .getTextEngine() .getNodes( context, nodes.getDocumentSet(), nodes, NodeSet.ANCESTOR, null, matcher, term.substring(0, 1)); } } return mergeResults(hits); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(org.exist.dom.DocumentSet, org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item) */ public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { logger.error( "Use of deprecated function fn:doctype(). " + "It will be removed soon. Please " + "use util:doctype() instead."); if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); if (contextItem != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence()); } MutableDocumentSet docs = new DefaultDocumentSet(); for (int i = 0; i < getArgumentCount(); i++) { Sequence seq = getArgument(i).eval(contextSequence, contextItem); for (SequenceIterator j = seq.iterate(); j.hasNext(); ) { String next = j.nextItem().getStringValue(); context.getBroker().getXMLResourcesByDoctype(next, docs); } } NodeSet result = new ExtArrayNodeSet(1); for (Iterator i = docs.getDocumentIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { result.add(new NodeProxy((DocumentImpl), NodeId.DOCUMENT_NODE)); } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#toNodeSet() */ public NodeSet toNodeSet() throws XPathException { // for this method to work, all items have to be nodes if (itemType != Type.ANY_TYPE && Type.subTypeOf(itemType, Type.NODE)) { final NodeSet set = new ExtArrayNodeSet(); // We can't make it from an ExtArrayNodeSet (probably because it is sorted ?) // NodeSet set = new ArraySet(100); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { NodeValue v = null; final Entry temp = items[i]; v = (NodeValue) temp.item; if (v.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) { set.add((NodeProxy) v); } else { set.add((NodeProxy) v); } } return set; } else { throw new XPathException( "Type error: the sequence cannot be converted into" + " a node set. Item type is " + Type.getTypeName(itemType)); } }
public NodeProxy match(DocumentImpl doc, NodeId nodeId) { return parents.get(doc, nodeId); }
public ParentSelector(NodeSet contextSet, int contextId) { this.parents = contextSet.getParents(contextId); }