private boolean init(IValidationContext helper, IReporter reporter, boolean test) {
   if (!test && disabled) {
     return false;
   if (context == null) {
     synchronized (reporters) {
     String[] uris = helper.getURIs();
     if (uris.length == 0) {
       return false;
     IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
     file = root.getFile(new Path(uris[0]));
     if (!file.isAccessible()) {
       return false;
     context = new EditorValidationContext(file.getProject(), document);
     if (context.getValidators().isEmpty()) {
       return false;
     rootProjects = new HashMap<IValidator, IProject>();
     for (IValidator validator : context.getValidators()) {
       Map<IProject, IValidatingProjectSet> projectTree =
       if (!projectTree.isEmpty()) {
         IProject rootProject = projectTree.keySet().iterator().next();
         rootProjects.put(validator, rootProject);
   return true;
  public void validate(IValidationContext helper, IReporter reporter) throws ValidationException {
    /* Added by BC ---- */
    // if(true) return;
    /* end Added by BC ---- */

    String[] uris = helper.getURIs();
    if (uris.length > 0) {
      IWorkspaceRoot wsRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
      IFile currentFile = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < uris.length && !reporter.isCancelled(); i++) {
        currentFile = wsRoot.getFile(new Path(uris[i]));
        reporter.removeAllMessages(this, currentFile);
        if (currentFile != null && currentFile.exists()) {
          if (shouldValidate(currentFile)) { // && fragmentCheck(currentFile)) {
            int percent = (i * 100) / uris.length + 1;
            IMessage message =
                new LocalizedMessage(
                    IMessage.LOW_SEVERITY, percent + "% " + uris[i]); // $NON-NLS-1$
            reporter.displaySubtask(this, message);
            validateFile(currentFile, reporter);
          if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("validating: [" + uris[i] + "]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    } else {
      // if uris[] length 0 -> validate() gets called for each project
      if (helper instanceof IWorkbenchContext) {
        IProject project = ((IWorkbenchContext) helper).getProject();
        JSFileVisitor visitor = new JSFileVisitor(reporter);
        try {
          // collect all jsp files for the project
          project.accept(visitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
          if (DEBUG) {
        IFile[] files = visitor.getFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length && !reporter.isCancelled(); i++) {
          int percent = (i * 100) / files.length + 1;
          IMessage message =
              new LocalizedMessage(
                  percent + "% " + files[i].getFullPath().toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$
          reporter.displaySubtask(this, message);
          validateFile(files[i], reporter);
          if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("validating: [" + files[i] + "]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Exemplo n.º 3
 private IEditorInput findEditor(IValidationContext helper) {
   String[] delta = helper.getURIs();
   if (delta.length > 0) {
     // get the file, model and document:
     IFile file = getFile(delta[0]);
     if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
       IFileStore fileStore = FileBuffers.getFileStoreAtLocation(new Path(delta[0]));
       return new FileStoreEditorInput(fileStore);
     return new FileEditorInput(file);
   return null;