/** Normal field binding did not work, try to bind to a field of the delegate receiver. */
 public TypeBinding reportError(BlockScope scope) {
   if (this.binding instanceof ProblemFieldBinding) {
     scope.problemReporter().invalidField(this, (FieldBinding) this.binding);
   } else if (this.binding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding) {
     scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this, (TypeBinding) this.binding);
   } else {
     scope.problemReporter().unresolvableReference(this, this.binding);
   return null;
  public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {
    // field and/or local are done before type lookups
    // the only available value for the restrictiveFlag BEFORE
    // the TC is Flag_Type Flag_LocalField and Flag_TypeLocalField
    this.actualReceiverType = scope.enclosingReceiverType();
    this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
    if ((
        /*this.codegenBinding =*/ this.binding =
                this.tokens, this.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK, this, true /*resolve*/))
        .isValidBinding()) {
      switch (this.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) {
        case Binding.VARIABLE: // ============only variable===========
        case Binding.TYPE | Binding.VARIABLE:
          if (this.binding instanceof LocalVariableBinding) {
            this.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; // clear bits
            this.bits |= Binding.LOCAL;
            return this.resolvedType = getOtherFieldBindings(scope);
          if (this.binding instanceof FieldBinding) {
            FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) this.binding;
            MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();
            // check for forward references
            if (this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding == 1
                && methodScope.enclosingSourceType() == fieldBinding.original().declaringClass
                && methodScope.lastVisibleFieldID >= 0
                && fieldBinding.id >= methodScope.lastVisibleFieldID
                && (!fieldBinding.isStatic() || methodScope.isStatic)) {
              scope.problemReporter().forwardReference(this, 0, methodScope.enclosingSourceType());
            this.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; // clear bits
            this.bits |= Binding.FIELD;

            //						// check for deprecated receiver type
            //						// deprecation check for receiver type if not first token
            //						if (indexOfFirstFieldBinding > 1) {
            //							if (isTypeUseDeprecated(this.actualReceiverType, scope))
            //								scope.problemReporter().deprecatedType(this.actualReceiverType, this);
            //						}

            return this.resolvedType = getOtherFieldBindings(scope);
          // thus it was a type
          this.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; // clear bits
          this.bits |= Binding.TYPE;
        case Binding.TYPE: // =============only type ==============
          TypeBinding type = (TypeBinding) this.binding;
          //					if (isTypeUseDeprecated(type, scope))
          //						scope.problemReporter().deprecatedType(type, this);
          return this.resolvedType = type;
    // ========error cases===============
    return this.resolvedType = this.reportError(scope);
 /** Check and/or redirect the field access to the delegate receiver if any */
 public TypeBinding checkFieldAccess(BlockScope scope) {
   FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) this.binding;
   MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();
   // check for forward references
   if (this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding == 1
       && methodScope.enclosingSourceType() == fieldBinding.original().declaringClass
       && methodScope.lastVisibleFieldID >= 0
       && fieldBinding.id >= methodScope.lastVisibleFieldID
       && (!fieldBinding.isStatic() || methodScope.isStatic)) {
     scope.problemReporter().forwardReference(this, 0, methodScope.enclosingSourceType());
   this.bits &= ~ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK; // clear bits
   this.bits |= Binding.FIELD;
   return getOtherFieldBindings(scope);
  public FlowInfo analyseCode(
      BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo, boolean valueRequired) {
    // determine the rank until which we now we do not need any actual value for the field access
    int otherBindingsCount = this.otherBindings == null ? 0 : this.otherBindings.length;

    boolean needValue = otherBindingsCount == 0 ? valueRequired : !this.otherBindings[0].isStatic();
    boolean complyTo14 =
        currentScope.compilerOptions().complianceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4;
    switch (this.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) {
      case Binding.FIELD: // reading a field
      case Binding.LOCAL: // reading a local variable
        LocalVariableBinding localBinding;
        if (!flowInfo.isDefinitelyAssigned(localBinding = (LocalVariableBinding) this.binding)) {
          if (localBinding.declaringScope instanceof CompilationUnitScope)
            currentScope.problemReporter().uninitializedGlobalVariable(localBinding, this);
          else currentScope.problemReporter().uninitializedLocalVariable(localBinding, this);
        if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) == 0) {
          localBinding.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED;
        } else if (localBinding.useFlag == LocalVariableBinding.UNUSED) {
          localBinding.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.FAKE_USED;
        checkNPE(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo, true);
    if (needValue) {
      manageEnclosingInstanceAccessIfNecessary(currentScope, flowInfo);
      // only for first binding (if value needed only)
    if (this.otherBindings != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < otherBindingsCount; i++) {
        needValue =
            i < otherBindingsCount - 1 ? !this.otherBindings[i + 1].isStatic() : valueRequired;
        if (needValue || complyTo14) {
          TypeBinding lastReceiverType = getGenericCast(i);
          if (lastReceiverType == null) {
            if (i == 0) {
              lastReceiverType = ((VariableBinding) this.binding).type;
            } else {
              lastReceiverType = this.otherBindings[i - 1].type;
    return flowInfo;
 public void manageEnclosingInstanceAccessIfNecessary(BlockScope currentScope, FlowInfo flowInfo) {
   if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) == 0) {
     // If inlinable field, forget the access emulation, the code gen will directly target it
     if (((this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) == 0) || (this.constant != Constant.NotAConstant)) {
     if ((this.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) == Binding.LOCAL) {
       currentScope.emulateOuterAccess((LocalVariableBinding) this.binding);
  /* Inner emulation consists in either recording a dependency
   * link only, or performing one level of propagation.
   * Dependency mechanism is used whenever dealing with source target
   * types, since by the time we reach them, we might not yet know their
   * exact need.
  public void manageEnclosingInstanceAccessIfNecessary(BlockScope currentScope, FlowInfo flowInfo) {
    if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) != 0) return;
    ReferenceBinding allocatedTypeErasure = binding.declaringClass;

    // perform some emulation work in case there is some and we are inside a local type only
    if (allocatedTypeErasure.isNestedType() && currentScope.enclosingSourceType().isLocalType()) {

      if (allocatedTypeErasure.isLocalType()) {
        ((LocalTypeBinding) allocatedTypeErasure).addInnerEmulationDependent(currentScope, false);
        // request cascade of accesses
Exemplo n.º 7
  public void resolve(BlockScope scope) {
    MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();

    if (methodScope == null) {
      /* return statement outside of a method */

    MethodBinding methodBinding = null;
    TypeBinding methodType =
        (methodScope.referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration)
            ? ((methodBinding = ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) methodScope.referenceContext).binding)
                    == null
                ? null
                : methodBinding.returnType)
            : TypeBinding.ANY;
    TypeBinding expressionType;
    if (this.expression == null) {
      if (methodType != null && !methodType.isAnyType())
        scope.problemReporter().shouldReturn(methodType, this);
    this.expression.setExpectedType(methodType); // needed in case of generic method invocation
    if ((expressionType = this.expression.resolveType(scope)) == null) return;
    if (methodType == null) return;

    if (methodType
        != expressionType) // must call before computeConversion() and typeMismatchError()
    scope.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(methodType, expressionType);
    if (this.expression.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(expressionType, methodType)
        || expressionType.isCompatibleWith(methodType)) {

    if (methodBinding != null && !methodBinding.isConstructor())
      scope.problemReporter().typeMismatchError(expressionType, methodType, this.expression);
  public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {
    // Build an array type reference using the current dimensions
    // The parser does not check for the fact that dimension may be null
    // only at the -end- like new int [4][][]. The parser allows new int[][4][]
    // so this must be checked here......(this comes from a reduction to LL1 grammar)

    TypeBinding referenceType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/);

    // will check for null after dimensions are checked
    this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;

    // check the validity of the dimension syntax (and test for all null dimensions)
    int explicitDimIndex = -1;
    for (int i = this.dimensions.length; --i >= 0; ) {
      if (this.dimensions[i] != null) {
        if (explicitDimIndex < 0) explicitDimIndex = i;
      } else if (explicitDimIndex > 0) {
        break loop;

    // dimensions resolution
    for (int i = 0; i <= explicitDimIndex; i++) {
      Expression dimExpression;
      if ((dimExpression = this.dimensions[i]) != null) {
        TypeBinding dimensionType = dimExpression.resolveTypeExpecting(scope, TypeBinding.INT);

    // building the array binding
    if (referenceType != null) {
      this.resolvedType = scope.createArrayType(referenceType, this.dimensions.length);

      // check the initializer
      if (this.initializer != null) {
        if ((this.initializer.resolveTypeExpecting(scope, this.resolvedType)) != null)
          this.initializer.binding = (ArrayBinding) this.resolvedType;
    return this.resolvedType;
  public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {
    // Propagate the type checking to the arguments, and check if the constructor is defined.
    constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
    if (this.member != null) {
      this.resolvedType = this.member.resolveForAllocation(scope, this);
      if (this.resolvedType != null && !this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) {
        scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this, this.resolvedType);
    } else if (this.type == null) {
      // initialization of an enum constant
      this.resolvedType = scope.enclosingReceiverType();
    } else {
      this.resolvedType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/);
    // will check for null after args are resolved
    // buffering the arguments' types
    boolean argsContainCast = false;
    TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS;
    if (arguments != null) {
      boolean argHasError = false;
      int length = arguments.length;
      argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length];
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Expression argument = this.arguments[i];
        if ((argumentTypes[i] = argument.resolveType(scope)) == null) {
          argHasError = true;
          argumentTypes[i] = TypeBinding.UNKNOWN;
      if (argHasError) {
        //			if (this.resolvedType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
        //				// record a best guess, for clients who need hint about possible contructor match
        //				TypeBinding[] pseudoArgs = new TypeBinding[length];
        //				for (int i = length; --i >= 0;)
        //					pseudoArgs[i] = argumentTypes[i] == null ? this.resolvedType : argumentTypes[i]; //
        // replace args with errors with receiver
        //				this.binding = scope.findMethod((ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType,
        // TypeConstants.INIT, pseudoArgs, this);
        //			}
        //			return this.resolvedType;
    if (this.resolvedType == null
        || this.resolvedType.isAnyType()
        || this.resolvedType instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding) {
      this.binding =
          new ProblemMethodBinding(
              TypeConstants.INIT, Binding.NO_PARAMETERS, ProblemReasons.NotFound);
      this.resolvedType = TypeBinding.UNKNOWN;
      return this.resolvedType;

    if (!this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) return null;
    if (this.resolvedType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
      ReferenceBinding allocationType = (ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType;
      if (!(binding = scope.getConstructor(allocationType, argumentTypes, this)).isValidBinding()) {
        if (binding.declaringClass == null) binding.declaringClass = allocationType;
        scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, binding);
        return this.resolvedType;
      if (argumentTypes.length != binding.parameters.length)
        scope.problemReporter().wrongNumberOfArguments(this, binding);
      if (isMethodUseDeprecated(binding, scope, true))
        scope.problemReporter().deprecatedMethod(binding, this);

    return this.resolvedType;
  public FlowInfo analyseAssignment(
      BlockScope currentScope,
      FlowContext flowContext,
      FlowInfo flowInfo,
      Assignment assignment,
      boolean isCompound) {
    // determine the rank until which we now we do not need any actual value for the field access
    int otherBindingsCount = this.otherBindings == null ? 0 : this.otherBindings.length;
    boolean needValue = otherBindingsCount == 0 || !this.otherBindings[0].isStatic();
    boolean complyTo14 =
        currentScope.compilerOptions().complianceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4;
    FieldBinding lastFieldBinding = null;
    switch (this.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) {
      case Binding.FIELD: // reading a field
        lastFieldBinding = (FieldBinding) this.binding;
      case Binding.LOCAL:
        // first binding is a local variable
        LocalVariableBinding localBinding;
        if (!flowInfo.isDefinitelyAssigned(localBinding = (LocalVariableBinding) this.binding)) {
          currentScope.problemReporter().uninitializedLocalVariable(localBinding, this);
        if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) == 0) {
          localBinding.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED;
        } else if (localBinding.useFlag == LocalVariableBinding.UNUSED) {
          localBinding.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.FAKE_USED;
        checkNPE(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo, true);

    if (needValue) {
      manageEnclosingInstanceAccessIfNecessary(currentScope, flowInfo);
      // only for first binding
    // all intermediate field accesses are read accesses
    if (this.otherBindings != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < otherBindingsCount - 1; i++) {
        lastFieldBinding = this.otherBindings[i];
        needValue = !this.otherBindings[i + 1].isStatic();
      lastFieldBinding = this.otherBindings[otherBindingsCount - 1];

    if (isCompound) {
      TypeBinding lastReceiverType;
      switch (otherBindingsCount) {
        case 0:
          lastReceiverType = this.actualReceiverType;
        case 1:
          lastReceiverType = ((VariableBinding) this.binding).type;
          lastReceiverType = this.otherBindings[otherBindingsCount - 2].type;

    if (assignment.expression != null) {
      flowInfo =
              .analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo)

    // equivalent to valuesRequired[maxOtherBindings]
    TypeBinding lastReceiverType;
    switch (otherBindingsCount) {
      case 0:
        lastReceiverType = this.actualReceiverType;
      case 1:
        lastReceiverType = ((VariableBinding) this.binding).type;
        lastReceiverType = this.otherBindings[otherBindingsCount - 2].type;

    return flowInfo;
  public TypeBinding getOtherFieldBindings(BlockScope scope) {
    // At this point restrictiveFlag may ONLY have two potential value : FIELD LOCAL (i.e cast
    // <<(VariableBinding) binding>> is valid)
    int length = this.tokens.length;
    FieldBinding field;
    if ((this.bits & Binding.FIELD) != 0) {
      field = (FieldBinding) this.binding;
      if (!field.isStatic()) {
        // must check for the static status....
        if (this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding
                > 1 // accessing to a field using a type as "receiver" is allowed only with static
                    // field
            || scope.methodScope()
                .isStatic) { // the field is the first token of the qualified reference....
          scope.problemReporter().staticFieldAccessToNonStaticVariable(this, field);
          return null;
      } else {
        // indirect static reference ?
        if (this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding > 1
            && field.declaringClass != this.actualReceiverType
            && field.declaringClass.canBeSeenBy(scope)) {
          scope.problemReporter().indirectAccessToStaticField(this, field);
      // only last field is actually a write access if any
      if (isFieldUseDeprecated(
          (this.bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssigned) != 0 && this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding == length))
        scope.problemReporter().deprecatedField(field, this);
    } else {
      field = null;
    TypeBinding type = ((VariableBinding) this.binding).type;
    int index = this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding;
    if (index == length) { // 	restrictiveFlag == FIELD
      // perform capture conversion if read access
      return type;
    // allocation of the fieldBindings array	and its respective constants
    int otherBindingsLength = length - index;
    this.otherCodegenBindings = this.otherBindings = new FieldBinding[otherBindingsLength];
    this.otherDepths = new int[otherBindingsLength];

    // save first depth, since will be updated by visibility checks of other bindings
    int firstDepth = (this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) >> ASTNode.DepthSHIFT;
    // iteration on each field
    while (index < length) {
      char[] token = this.tokens[index];
      if (type == null) return null; // could not resolve type prior to this point

      this.bits &= ~ASTNode.DepthMASK; // flush previous depth if any
      FieldBinding previousField = field;
      field = scope.getField(type, token, this);
      int place = index - this.indexOfFirstFieldBinding;
      this.otherBindings[place] = field;
      this.otherDepths[place] = (this.bits & ASTNode.DepthMASK) >> ASTNode.DepthSHIFT;
      if (field.isValidBinding()) {
        // set generic cast of for previous field (if any)
        if (previousField != null) {
          TypeBinding fieldReceiverType = type;
          TypeBinding receiverErasure = type;
          if (receiverErasure instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
            if (receiverErasure.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(field.declaringClass) == null) {
              fieldReceiverType =
                  field.declaringClass; // handle indirect inheritance thru variable secondary bound
          FieldBinding originalBinding = previousField.original();
        // only last field is actually a write access if any
        if (isFieldUseDeprecated(
            field, scope, (this.bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssigned) != 0 && index + 1 == length)) {
          scope.problemReporter().deprecatedField(field, this);

        if (field.isStatic()) {
          // static field accessed through receiver? legal but unoptimal (optional warning)
          scope.problemReporter().nonStaticAccessToStaticField(this, field);
          // indirect static reference ?
          if (field.declaringClass != type) {
            scope.problemReporter().indirectAccessToStaticField(this, field);
        type = field.type;
      } else {
        this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; // don't fill other constants slots...
        scope.problemReporter().invalidField(this, field, index, type);
        return null;
    type = (this.otherBindings[otherBindingsLength - 1]).type;
    // perform capture conversion if read access
    return type;
  public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) {

    // process the element variable and collection
    this.collection.checkNPE(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo);
    flowInfo = this.iterationVariable.analyseCode(scope, flowContext, flowInfo);
    FlowInfo condInfo = this.collection.analyseCode(scope, flowContext, flowInfo.copy());

    LocalVariableBinding iterationVariableBinding = null;
    if (this.iterationVariable instanceof LocalDeclaration)
      iterationVariableBinding = ((LocalDeclaration) this.iterationVariable).binding;
    else if (this.iterationVariable instanceof SingleNameReference) {
      SingleNameReference singleNameReference = (SingleNameReference) this.iterationVariable;
      if (singleNameReference.binding instanceof LocalVariableBinding)
        iterationVariableBinding = (LocalVariableBinding) singleNameReference.binding;

    // element variable will be assigned when iterating
    if (iterationVariableBinding != null)

    //		this.postCollectionInitStateIndex =
    // currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(condInfo);

    // process the action
    LoopingFlowContext loopingContext = new LoopingFlowContext(flowContext, flowInfo, this, scope);
    UnconditionalFlowInfo actionInfo = condInfo.nullInfoLessUnconditionalCopy();
    if (iterationVariableBinding != null)
    FlowInfo exitBranch;
    if (!(action == null
        || (action.isEmptyBlock()
            && currentScope.compilerOptions().complianceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3))) {

      if (!this.action.complainIfUnreachable(actionInfo, scope, false)) {
        actionInfo = action.analyseCode(scope, loopingContext, actionInfo).unconditionalCopy();

      // code generation can be optimized when no need to continue in the loop
      exitBranch = flowInfo.unconditionalCopy().addInitializationsFrom(condInfo.initsWhenFalse());
      // TODO (maxime) no need to test when false: can optimize (same for action being unreachable
      // above)
      if ((actionInfo.tagBits & loopingContext.initsOnContinue.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE)
          != 0) {
      } else {
        actionInfo = actionInfo.mergedWith(loopingContext.initsOnContinue);
        loopingContext.complainOnDeferredFinalChecks(scope, actionInfo);
    } else {
      exitBranch = condInfo.initsWhenFalse();

    // we need the variable to iterate the collection even if the
    // element variable is not used
    //		final boolean hasEmptyAction = this.action == null
    //				|| this.action.isEmptyBlock()
    //				|| ((this.action.bits & IsUsefulEmptyStatement) != 0);

    // end of loop
    loopingContext.complainOnDeferredNullChecks(currentScope, actionInfo);

    FlowInfo mergedInfo =
            (loopingContext.initsOnBreak.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) != 0
                ? loopingContext.initsOnBreak
                : flowInfo.addInitializationsFrom(
                    loopingContext.initsOnBreak), // recover upstream null info
            true /*for(;;){}while(true); unreachable(); */);
    //		mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(mergedInfo);
    return mergedInfo;
Exemplo n.º 13
  public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) {
    if (this.expression != null) {
      flowInfo = this.expression.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo);

    // compute the return sequence (running the finally blocks)
    FlowContext traversedContext = flowContext;
    int subCount = 0;
    boolean saveValueNeeded = false;
    boolean hasValueToSave =
        this.expression != null
            && this.expression.constant == Constant.NotAConstant
            && !(this.expression instanceof NullLiteral);
    do {
      SubRoutineStatement sub;
      if ((sub = traversedContext.subroutine()) != null) {
        if (this.subroutines == null) {
          this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[5];
        if (subCount == this.subroutines.length) {
              (this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[subCount * 2]),
              subCount); // grow
        this.subroutines[subCount++] = sub;
        if (sub.isSubRoutineEscaping()) {
          saveValueNeeded = false;
          this.bits |= ASTNode.IsAnySubRoutineEscaping;

      if (traversedContext instanceof InsideSubRoutineFlowContext) {
        ASTNode node = traversedContext.associatedNode;
        if (node instanceof TryStatement) {
          TryStatement tryStatement = (TryStatement) node;
          flowInfo.addInitializationsFrom(tryStatement.subRoutineInits); // collect inits
          if (hasValueToSave) {
            if (this.saveValueVariable == null) { // closest subroutine secret variable is used
            saveValueNeeded = true;
      } else if (traversedContext instanceof InitializationFlowContext) {
        return FlowInfo.DEAD_END;
    } while ((traversedContext = traversedContext.parent) != null);

    // resize subroutines
    if ((this.subroutines != null) && (subCount != this.subroutines.length)) {
          this.subroutines, 0, (this.subroutines = new SubRoutineStatement[subCount]), 0, subCount);

    // secret local variable for return value (note that this can only occur in a real method)
    if (saveValueNeeded) {
      if (this.saveValueVariable != null) {
        this.saveValueVariable.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED;
    } else {
      this.saveValueVariable = null;
      if (this.expression != null && this.expression.resolvedType == TypeBinding.BOOLEAN) {
        this.expression.bits |= ASTNode.IsReturnedValue;
    return FlowInfo.DEAD_END;