   * Gets a list of all the bundles that can be added as implicit dependencies
   * @return list of possible dependencies
  protected BundleInfo[] getValidBundles() throws CoreException {
    NameVersionDescriptor[] current = getTargetDefinition().getImplicitDependencies();
    Set<String> currentBundles = new HashSet<String>();
    if (current != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < current.length; i++) {
        if (!currentBundles.contains(current[i].getId())) {

    List<BundleInfo> targetBundles = new ArrayList<BundleInfo>();
    TargetBundle[] allTargetBundles = getTargetDefinition().getAllBundles();
    if (allTargetBundles == null || allTargetBundles.length == 0) {
      throw new CoreException(
          new Status(
    for (int i = 0; i < allTargetBundles.length; i++) {
      BundleInfo bundleInfo = allTargetBundles[i].getBundleInfo();
      if (!currentBundles.contains(bundleInfo.getSymbolicName())) {
        currentBundles.add(bundleInfo.getSymbolicName()); // to avoid duplicate entries

    return targetBundles.toArray(new BundleInfo[targetBundles.size()]);
  protected void fillIdMapsTable() {
    // fill user idmaps from plugin.xml

    // fill user idmaps from Preference Store

    // add user idmaps that have ordered entries but no id mappings
    // they do not appear in the preference store with name IDMAP_PREFERENCE_NAME
    Set OrderedKeys = fOrderedElements.keySet();
    Set IdMapKeys = fIdMaps.keySet();
    for (Iterator iter_orderedElements = OrderedKeys.iterator(); iter_orderedElements.hasNext(); ) {
      String IdMapName = (String) iter_orderedElements.next();
      if (!IdMapKeys.contains(IdMapName)) {
        IdMap idmap = new IdMap(IdMapName, false);
        ArrayList idmapOrdered = (ArrayList) fOrderedElements.get(IdMapName);
        setOrdered(idmap, idmapOrdered);
        newIdMapsTableItem(idmap, false);