Exemplo n.º 1
   * Wraps lines at and below the caret that exceed the number of characters per line.
   * <p>Lines are wrapped at spaces between words when possible. Lines that don't exceed the number
   * of characters per line are not changed.
   * <p>Currently this cannot be undone.
  public void rewrapFromCaret() {
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(charsPerLine * 3);

    for (int i = content.getLineAtOffset(currentText.getCaretOffset());
        i < content.getLineCount();
        i++) {
      String line = content.getLine(i);
      if (line.length() == 0) continue;

      //   line too long
      if (line.length() > charsPerLine) {
        int wordWrap, wordEnd;

        //   find beginning of word being wrapped
        if (line.charAt(charsPerLine) != ' ') {
          for (wordWrap = charsPerLine; wordWrap > charsPerLine / 2; wordWrap--)
            if (line.charAt(wordWrap) == ' ') break;
          if (wordWrap == charsPerLine / 2) continue;
        } else {
          for (wordWrap = charsPerLine; wordWrap < line.length(); wordWrap++)
            if (line.charAt(wordWrap) != ' ') break;
          if (wordWrap == line.length()) continue;

        //   find end of word before word being wrapped
        for (wordEnd = wordWrap - 1; wordEnd > charsPerLine / 4; wordEnd--)
          if (line.charAt(wordEnd) != ' ') break;
        if (wordEnd == charsPerLine / 4) continue;

        //   build replacement text
        int length = line.length();
            .append(line.substring(0, wordEnd))
            .append(line.substring(wordWrap, length));
        if (length > 0 && line.charAt(length - 1) != PARAGRAPH_END)
          if (i < content.getLineCount() - 1) {
            String next = content.getLine(i + 1);
            stringBuilder.append(' ').append(next);
            length += eol.length() + next.length();

        content.replaceTextRange(content.getOffsetAtLine(i), length, stringBuilder.toString());
      } else if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == PARAGRAPH_END) break;

Exemplo n.º 2
  * Convert mouse screen coordinates to a <code>StyledText</code> offset.
  * @param x screen X-coordinate
  * @param y screen Y-coordinate
  * @param absolute if <code>true</code>, coordinates are expected to be absolute screen
  *     coordinates
  * @return text offset
  * @see StyledText#getOffsetAtLocation()
 private int getOffsetAtLocation(int x, int y, boolean absolute) {
   StyledText textWidget = fViewer.getTextWidget();
   StyledTextContent content = textWidget.getContent();
   Point location;
   if (absolute) {
     location = textWidget.toControl(x, y);
   } else {
     location = new Point(x, y);
   int line = (textWidget.getTopPixel() + location.y) / textWidget.getLineHeight();
   if (line >= content.getLineCount()) {
     return content.getCharCount();
   int lineOffset = content.getOffsetAtLine(line);
   String lineText = content.getLine(line);
   Point endOfLine = textWidget.getLocationAtOffset(lineOffset + lineText.length());
   if (location.x >= endOfLine.x) {
     return lineOffset + lineText.length();
   try {
     return textWidget.getOffsetAtLocation(location);
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
     // we are expecting this
     return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Writes data in BRF format to <code>Writer</code>.
   * @param writer the writer stream to write the data.
   * @exception IOException
   * @see #readBRF(Reader)
  public void writeBRF(Writer writer) throws IOException {
    //   write first line
    String line = content.getLine(0);
    if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == PARAGRAPH_END)
      writer.write(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1));
    else writer.write(line);

    //   write remaining lines
    for (int i = 1; i < content.getLineCount(); i++) {
      if (isFirstLineOnPage(i)) writer.write(0xc);
      line = content.getLine(i);
      if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == PARAGRAPH_END)
        writer.write(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1));
      else writer.write(line);

Exemplo n.º 4
   * Writes data in BrailleZephyr file format to <code>Writer</code>.
   * @param writer the writer stream to write the data.
   * @exception IOException
   * @see #readBZY(Reader)
  public void writeBZY(Writer writer) throws IOException {
    //   write configuration lines
    writer.write("Version " + versionMajor + ' ' + versionMinor + ' ' + versionPatch + eol);

    writer.write("CharsPerLine " + charsPerLine + eol);
    writer.write("LinesPerPage " + linesPerPage + eol);

    writer.write("CaretOffset " + currentText.getCaretOffset() + eol);
    writer.write("ViewFocus ");
    if (currentText == brailleText) writer.write("braille" + eol);
    else writer.write("ascii" + eol);

    if (content.getCharCount() > 0)
          "ReturnAtEnd " + (content.getLine(content.getLineCount() - 1).length() == 0) + eol);
    else writer.write("ReturnAtEnd false" + eol);

    writer.write("HeaderEnd" + eol);

    //   write first line
    String line = content.getLine(0);
    if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == PARAGRAPH_END)
      writer.write(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1) + (char) 0xb6);
    else writer.write(line);

    //   write text
    for (int i = 1; i < content.getLineCount(); i++) {
      line = content.getLine(i);
      if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == PARAGRAPH_END)
        writer.write(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1) + (char) 0xb6);
      else writer.write(line);

Exemplo n.º 5
     * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter.IDrawingStrategy#draw(org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC, org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText, int, int, org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color)
    public void draw(
        Annotation annotation, GC gc, StyledText textWidget, int offset, int length, Color color) {
      if (annotation instanceof ProjectionAnnotation) {
        ProjectionAnnotation projectionAnnotation = (ProjectionAnnotation) annotation;
        if (projectionAnnotation.isCollapsed()) {

          if (gc != null) {

            StyledTextContent content = textWidget.getContent();
            int line = content.getLineAtOffset(offset);
            int lineStart = content.getOffsetAtLine(line);
            String text = content.getLine(line);
            int lineLength = text == null ? 0 : text.length();
            int lineEnd = lineStart + lineLength;
            Point p = textWidget.getLocationAtOffset(lineEnd);

            Color c = gc.getForeground();

            FontMetrics metrics = gc.getFontMetrics();

            // baseline: where the dots are drawn
            int baseline = textWidget.getBaseline(offset);
            // descent: number of pixels that the box extends over baseline
            int descent = Math.min(2, textWidget.getLineHeight(offset) - baseline);
            // ascent: so much does the box stand up from baseline
            int ascent = metrics.getAscent();
            // leading: free space from line top to box upper line
            int leading = baseline - ascent;
            // height: height of the box
            int height = ascent + descent;

            int width = metrics.getAverageCharWidth();
            gc.drawRectangle(p.x, p.y + leading, width, height);
            int third = width / 3;
            int dotsVertical = p.y + baseline - 1;
            gc.drawPoint(p.x + third, dotsVertical);
            gc.drawPoint(p.x + width - third, dotsVertical);


          } else {
            textWidget.redrawRange(offset, length, true);