public static boolean supportsStoredFunctions(String puName) {
   DatabasePlatform platform = getDatabaseSession(puName).getPlatform();
   // PostgreSQL has some level of support for "stored functions", but output parameters do not
   // work as of 8.2.
   // TODO: DB2 should be in this list.
   if (platform.isOracle() || platform.isMySQL()) {
     return true;
   warning("This database does not support stored function creation.");
   return false;
  public static boolean supportsStoredProcedures(String puName) {
    DatabasePlatform platform = getDatabaseSession(puName).getPlatform();
    // PostgreSQL has some level of support for "stored functions", but output parameters do not
    // work as of 8.2.
    // Sybase supports stored procedures, but has issues with output parameters and transaction mode
    // (INOUT and chaining).
    // TODO: DB2 should be in this list.
    if (platform.isOracle() || platform.isMySQL() || platform.isSQLServer()) {
      return true;

    warning("This database does not support stored procedure creation.");
    return false;