Exemplo n.º 1
  * Commit changed of the objects of the class type in the change set. This allows for the order of
  * the classes to be processed optimally.
 protected void commitChangedObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(
     UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet, Class theClass) {
   Map<ObjectChangeSet, ObjectChangeSet> objectChangesList =
   if (objectChangesList != null) { // may be no changes for that class type.		
     ClassDescriptor descriptor = null;
     AbstractSession session = getSession();
     Collection<ObjectChangeSet> changes = objectChangesList.values();
     if (((UnitOfWorkImpl) session).shouldOrderUpdates()) {
       changes = new ArrayList(objectChangesList.values());
       Collections.sort((List) changes);
     for (ObjectChangeSet changeSetToWrite : changes) {
       Object objectToWrite = changeSetToWrite.getUnitOfWorkClone();
       if (descriptor == null) {
         descriptor = session.getDescriptor(objectToWrite);
       if (!isProcessedCommit(objectToWrite)) {
         // Commit and resume on failure can cause a new change set to be in existing, so need to
         // check here.
         WriteObjectQuery commitQuery = null;
         if (changeSetToWrite.isNew()) {
           commitQuery = new InsertObjectQuery();
         } else {
           commitQuery = new UpdateObjectQuery();
         // removed checking session type to set cascade level
         // will always be a unitOfWork so we need to cascade dependent parts
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Commit all of the objects as a single transaction. This should commit the object in the correct
   * order to maintain referential integrity.
  public void commitAllObjectsWithChangeSet(UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet)
      throws RuntimeException, DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
    this.isActive = true;
    try {
      // PERF: if the number of classes in the project is large this loop can be a perf issue.
      // If only one class types changed, then avoid loop.
      if ((uowChangeSet.getObjectChanges().size() + uowChangeSet.getNewObjectChangeSets().size())
          <= 1) {
        Iterator<Class> classes = uowChangeSet.getNewObjectChangeSets().keySet().iterator();
        if (classes.hasNext()) {
          Class theClass = classes.next();
          commitNewObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(uowChangeSet, theClass);
        classes = uowChangeSet.getObjectChanges().keySet().iterator();
        if (classes.hasNext()) {
          Class theClass = classes.next();
          commitChangedObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(uowChangeSet, theClass);
      } else {
        // The commit order is all of the classes ordered by dependencies, this is done for deadlock
        // avoidance.
        List commitOrder = getCommitOrder();
        int size = commitOrder.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
          Class theClass = (Class) commitOrder.get(index);
          commitAllObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(uowChangeSet, theClass);

      if (hasDeferredCalls()) {
        // Perform all batched up calls, done to avoid dependencies.
        for (List<Object[]> calls : this.deferredCalls.values()) {
          for (Object[] argument : calls) {
            ((DatabaseQueryMechanism) argument[1])
                .executeDeferredCall((DatasourceCall) argument[0]);

      if (hasDataModifications()) {
        // Perform all batched up data modifications, done to avoid dependencies.
        for (Map.Entry<DatabaseMapping, List<Object[]>> entry : this.dataModifications.entrySet()) {
          List<Object[]> events = entry.getValue();
          int size = events.size();
          DatabaseMapping mapping = entry.getKey();
          for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            Object[] event = events.get(index);
            mapping.performDataModificationEvent(event, getSession());

      if (hasObjectsToDelete()) {
        // These are orphaned objects, to be deleted from private ownership updates.
        // TODO: These should be added to the unit of work deleted so they are deleted in the
        // correct order.
        List objects = getObjectsToDelete();
        int size = objects.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {

    } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
      throw exception;
    } finally {
      this.isActive = false;