Exemplo n.º 1
  private Ref readRef(String name, RefList<Ref> packed) throws IOException {
    final RefList<LooseRef> curList = looseRefs.get();
    final int idx = curList.find(name);
    if (0 <= idx) {
      final LooseRef o = curList.get(idx);
      final LooseRef n = scanRef(o, name);
      if (n == null) {
        if (looseRefs.compareAndSet(curList, curList.remove(idx))) modCnt.incrementAndGet();
        return packed.get(name);

      if (o == n) return n;
      if (looseRefs.compareAndSet(curList, curList.set(idx, n))) modCnt.incrementAndGet();
      return n;

    final LooseRef n = scanRef(null, name);
    if (n == null) return packed.get(name);

    // check whether the found new ref is the an additional ref. These refs
    // should not go into looseRefs
    for (int i = 0; i < additionalRefsNames.length; i++)
      if (name.equals(additionalRefsNames[i])) return n;

    if (looseRefs.compareAndSet(curList, curList.add(idx, n))) modCnt.incrementAndGet();
    return n;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Adds a set of refs to the set of packed-refs. Only non-symbolic refs are added. If a ref with
   * the given name already existed in packed-refs it is updated with the new value. Each loose ref
   * which was added to the packed-ref file is deleted. If a given ref can't be locked it will not
   * be added to the pack file.
   * @param refs the refs to be added. Must be fully qualified.
   * @throws IOException
  public void pack(List<String> refs) throws IOException {
    if (refs.size() == 0) return;
    FS fs = parent.getFS();

    // Lock the packed refs file and read the content
    LockFile lck = new LockFile(packedRefsFile);
    if (!lck.lock())
      throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().cannotLock, packedRefsFile));

    try {
      final PackedRefList packed = getPackedRefs();
      RefList<Ref> cur = readPackedRefs();

      // Iterate over all refs to be packed
      for (String refName : refs) {
        Ref ref = readRef(refName, cur);
        if (ref.isSymbolic()) continue; // can't pack symbolic refs
        // Add/Update it to packed-refs
        int idx = cur.find(refName);
        if (idx >= 0) cur = cur.set(idx, peeledPackedRef(ref));
        else cur = cur.add(idx, peeledPackedRef(ref));

      // The new content for packed-refs is collected. Persist it.
      commitPackedRefs(lck, cur, packed);

      // Now delete the loose refs which are now packed
      for (String refName : refs) {
        // Lock the loose ref
        File refFile = fileFor(refName);
        if (!fs.exists(refFile)) continue;
        LockFile rLck = new LockFile(refFile);
        if (!rLck.lock()) continue;
        try {
          LooseRef currentLooseRef = scanRef(null, refName);
          if (currentLooseRef == null || currentLooseRef.isSymbolic()) continue;
          Ref packedRef = cur.get(refName);
          ObjectId clr_oid = currentLooseRef.getObjectId();
          if (clr_oid != null && clr_oid.equals(packedRef.getObjectId())) {
            RefList<LooseRef> curLoose, newLoose;
            do {
              curLoose = looseRefs.get();
              int idx = curLoose.find(refName);
              if (idx < 0) break;
              newLoose = curLoose.remove(idx);
            } while (!looseRefs.compareAndSet(curLoose, newLoose));
            int levels = levelsIn(refName) - 2;
            delete(refFile, levels, rLck);
        } finally {
      // Don't fire refsChanged. The refs have not change, only their
      // storage.
    } finally {