Exemplo n.º 1
 public IType[] getExceptionSpecification() {
   if (isImplicit()) {
     return ClassTypeHelper.getInheritedExceptionSpecification(this, null);
   return super.getExceptionSpecification();
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Attempts to resolve the function using the parameters of a function call.
   * @param args the arguments of a function call
   * @param point the name lookup context
   * @return the resolved or the original evaluation depending on whether function resolution
   *     succeeded or not
  public ICPPEvaluation resolveFunction(ICPPEvaluation[] args, IASTNode point) {
    // Set up the LookupData.
    LookupData data;
    ICPPFunction[] functions = null;
    if (fFunctionSet == null) {
      data = new LookupData(fName, null, point);
    } else {
      functions = fFunctionSet.getBindings();
      data =
          new LookupData(
              functions[0].getNameCharArray(), fFunctionSet.getTemplateArguments(), point);
      data.foundItems = functions;
    data.setFunctionArguments(false, args);
    if (fImpliedObjectType != null) data.setImpliedObjectType(fImpliedObjectType);

    try {
      // Perform ADL if appropriate.
      if (!fQualified
          && fImpliedObjectType == null
          && !data.hasTypeOrMemberFunctionOrVariableResult()) {

        Object[] foundItems = (Object[]) data.foundItems;
        if (foundItems != null && (functions == null || foundItems.length > functions.length)) {
          // ADL found additional functions.
          int start = functions == null ? 0 : functions.length;
          for (int i = start; i < foundItems.length; i++) {
            Object obj = foundItems[i];
            if (obj instanceof ICPPFunction) {
              functions = ArrayUtil.append(ICPPFunction.class, functions, (ICPPFunction) obj);
            } else if (obj instanceof ICPPClassType) {
              functions =
                      ClassTypeHelper.getConstructors((ICPPClassType) obj, point));

          // doKoenigLookup() may introduce duplicates into the result. These must be
          // eliminated to avoid resolveFunction() reporting an ambiguity. (Normally, when
          // lookup() and doKoenigLookup() are called on the same LookupData object, the
          // two functions coordinate using data stored in that object to eliminate
          // duplicates, but in this case lookup() was called before with a different
          // LookupData object and now we are only calling doKoenigLookup()).
          functions = ArrayUtil.removeDuplicates(functions);

      // Perform template instantiation and overload resolution.
      IBinding binding = CPPSemantics.resolveFunction(data, functions, true);
      if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction && !(binding instanceof ICPPUnknownBinding))
        return new EvalBinding(binding, null, getTemplateDefinition());
    } catch (DOMException e) {
    return this;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Returns access level to the members of a class.
   * @param classType A class
   * @param inheritedAccessLevel Access level inherited from derived class. One of: v_public,
   *     v_protected, v_private.
   * @return One of: v_public, v_protected, v_private.
  private int getMemberAccessLevel(ICPPClassType classType, int inheritedAccessLevel) {
    int accessLevel = inheritedAccessLevel;
    for (IBinding contextBinding : context) {
      if (ClassTypeHelper.isFriend(contextBinding, classType)) return v_private;

      if (accessLevel == v_public && contextBinding instanceof ICPPClassType) {
        ICPPClassType contextClass = (ICPPClassType) contextBinding;
        if (isAccessibleBaseClass(classType, contextClass, 0)) accessLevel = v_protected;
    return accessLevel;
Exemplo n.º 4
  public IBinding[] getBindings(ScopeLookupData lookup) {
    try {
      if (lookup.getLookupName() instanceof ICPPASTConversionName) {
        BindingCollector visitor =
            new BindingCollector(
                fBinding.getLinkage(), Keywords.cOPERATOR, CONVERSION_FILTER, true, false, true);
        acceptViaCache(fBinding, visitor, true);
        return visitor.getBindings();

      final char[] nameChars = lookup.getLookupKey();
      if (!lookup.isPrefixLookup()) {
        if (CharArrayUtils.equals(fBinding.getNameCharArray(), nameChars)) {
          if (CPPClassScope.shallReturnConstructors(lookup.getLookupName(), false)) {
            return ClassTypeHelper.getConstructors(fBinding, lookup.getLookupPoint());
          return new IBinding[] {getClassNameBinding()};
        return getBindingsViaCache(
            fBinding, nameChars, IndexFilter.CPP_DECLARED_OR_IMPLICIT_NO_INSTANCE);

      // Prefix lookup.
      BindingCollector visitor =
          new BindingCollector(
      if (ContentAssistMatcherFactory.getInstance().match(nameChars, fBinding.getNameCharArray())) {
        // Add the class itself, constructors will be found during the visit.
        visitor.visit((IPDOMNode) getClassNameBinding());
      acceptViaCache(fBinding, visitor, true);
      return visitor.getBindings();
    } catch (CoreException e) {
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public IField findField(String name) {
   return ClassTypeHelper.findField(this, name);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public IField[] getFields(IASTNode point) {
   return ClassTypeHelper.getFields(this, point);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public ICPPMethod[] getAllDeclaredMethods(IASTNode point) {
   return ClassTypeHelper.getAllDeclaredMethods(this, point);