  public void startElement(Properties ctx, Element element) throws SAXException {
    String elementValue = element.getElementValue();
    int AD_Backup_ID = -1;
    String Object_Status = null;

    Attributes atts = element.attributes;
    String DBType = atts.getValue("DBType");
    String sql = atts.getValue("statement").trim();
    if (sql.endsWith(";")) sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1);
    PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, getTrxName(ctx));
    try {
      if (DBType.equals("ALL")) {
        int n = pstmt.executeUpdate();
        log.info("Executed SQL Statement: " + atts.getValue("statement"));
      } else if (DB.isOracle() == true && DBType.equals("Oracle")) {
        log.info("Executed SQL Statement for Oracle: " + atts.getValue("statement"));
      } else if (DB.isPostgreSQL()
          && (DBType.equals("Postgres")
              || DBType.equals(
                  "PostgreSQL") // backward compatibility with old packages developed by hand
          )) {
        // Avoid convert layer - command specific for postgresql
        // pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
        // pstmt.executeUpdate();
        Connection m_con = DB.getConnectionRW();
        try {
          Statement stmt = m_con.createStatement();
          int n = stmt.executeUpdate(atts.getValue("statement"));
          log.info("Executed SQL Statement for PostgreSQL: " + atts.getValue("statement"));
          // Postgres needs to commit DDL statements
          if (m_con != null && !m_con.getAutoCommit()) m_con.commit();
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "SQLSatement", e);