Exemplo n.º 1
  * Model Change of a monitored Table. Called after PO.beforeSave/PO.beforeDelete when you called
  * addModelChange for the table
  * @param po persistent object
  * @param type TYPE_
  * @return error message or null
  * @exception Exception if the recipient wishes the change to be not accept.
 public String modelChange(PO po, int type) throws Exception {
   if (po.get_TableName().equals("C_Order") && type == TYPE_CHANGE) {
     MOrder order = (MOrder) po;
     if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.info(po.toString());
   return null;
 } //	modelChange
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Validate Document. Called as first step of DocAction.prepareIt when you called addDocValidate
   * for the table. Note that totals, etc. may not be correct.
   * @param po persistent object
   * @param timing see TIMING_ constants
   * @return error message or null
  public String docValidate(PO po, int timing) {
    if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.info(po.get_TableName() + " Timing: " + timing);

    //	Ignore all after Complete events
    if (timing == TIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE) return null;

    if (timing == TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE) {
      if (po.get_TableName().equals(MOrder.Table_Name)) {
         * Order Discount Example * MOrder order = (MOrder)po; String error = orderDiscount(order);
         * if (error != null) return error; /** Order Discount Example
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.info(po.toString());

    return null;
  } //	docValidate