private Network createNetwork(Element element) { Network network = IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createNetwork(); String id = element.getAttribute("id"); network.setId(id); doAnnotations(network, element); addIrObject(id, network); network.setType((TypeActor) createType(getChild(element, "Type"))); List<Element> declarations = getChildren(element, "Decl"); for (Element e : declarations) { Declaration decl = (Declaration) createDeclaration(e); network.getDeclarations().add(decl); if (decl instanceof Variable && ((Variable) decl).isParameter()) { network.getParameters().add((Variable) decl); } } List<Element> ports = getChildren(element, "Port"); for (Element e : ports) { Port port = createPort(e); if (e.getAttribute("direction").equals("in")) { network.getInputPorts().add(port); } else { network.getOutputPorts().add(port); } } List<Element> instances = getChildren(element, "Instance"); for (Element e : instances) { ActorInstance instance = createActorInstance(e); network.getActors().add(instance); } List<Element> connections = getChildren(element, "Connection"); for (Element e : connections) { Connection connection = createConnection(e, network); network.getConnections().add(connection); } return network; }
@Override public Stream caseNetwork(Network network) { s = new Stream( folder + File.separator + UtilIR.namespace2Path(network.getType().getNamespace()) + File.separator + network.getType().getName() + ".dot"); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); s.println(); s.println("/* --- CAL Dotty Printer " + new Timestamp(date.getTime()) + " --- */"); s.println("digraph " + network.getType().getName() + "{");; s.println("node [shape=none];"); s.println("rankdir=LR;"); for (ActorInstance instance : network.getActors()) { caseActorInstance(instance); } for (Connection c : network.getConnections()) { doSwitch(c); } /* Network input ports */ List<Port> inputPorts = network.getInputPorts(); if (inputPorts.size() > 0) { s.println("__INs" + " [label=<"); s.println("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); s.println("<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\">INs</TD></TR>");; for (int i = 0; i < inputPorts.size(); i++) { String in = inputPorts.get(i).getName(); s.println("<TR><TD></TD><TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\" PORT=\"" + in + "\">" + in + "</TD></TR>"); } s.printlnDec("</TABLE>>];"); } /* Network output ports */ List<Port> outputPorts = network.getOutputPorts(); if (outputPorts.size() > 0) { s.println("__OUTs" + " [label=<"); s.println("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); s.printlnInc("<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\">OUTs</TD></TR>"); for (int i = 0; i < outputPorts.size(); i++) { String out = outputPorts.get(i).getName(); s.println("<TR><TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" PORT=\"" + out + "\">" + out + "</TD><TD></TD></TR>"); } s.printlnDec("</TABLE>>];"); } s.println(); s.println(); s.println("}"); return s; }
public static void addAndResolveDeclarations(Network network, Set<Namespace> namespaces) { Set<IrDeclVertex> added = new HashSet<IrDeclVertex>(); final Map<Declaration, Declaration> imported = new HashMap<Declaration, Declaration>(); for (Declaration decl : network.getDeclarations()) { try { if (decl instanceof TypeDeclarationImport) { Declaration newDecl = ActorDirectory.findTypeDeclaration((TypeDeclarationImport) decl); imported.put(decl, newDecl); decl = newDecl; } else if (decl instanceof VariableImport) { Declaration newDecl = ActorDirectory.findVariable((VariableImport) decl); imported.put(decl, newDecl); decl = newDecl; } added.add(new IrDeclVertex(decl)); } catch (DirectoryException x) { System.err.println("[ExpandIrSymbols] Internal error #1"); return; } } for (Namespace ns : namespaces) { for (Declaration decl : ns.getDeclarations()) { try { if (decl instanceof TypeDeclarationImport) { Declaration newDecl = ActorDirectory.findTypeDeclaration((TypeDeclarationImport) decl); imported.put(decl, newDecl); decl = newDecl; } else if (decl instanceof VariableImport) { Declaration newDecl = ActorDirectory.findVariable((VariableImport) decl); imported.put(decl, newDecl); decl = newDecl; } if (!added.contains(decl)) { network.getDeclarations().add(decl); added.add(new IrDeclVertex(decl)); } } catch (DirectoryException x) { System.err.println("[ExpandIrSymbols] Internal error #2"); return; } } } // Redirect all declarations that reference to TypedefImport/VariableImport // to point at the real thing. for (VertexData data : added) { new IrReplaceSwitch() { @Override public Expression caseVariableExpression(VariableExpression e) { if (imported.containsKey(e.getVariable())) { e.setVariable(imported.get(e.getVariable())); } return e; } @Override public TypeUser caseTypeUser(TypeUser t) { if (imported.containsKey(t.getDeclaration())) { t.setDeclaration(imported.get(t.getDeclaration())); } return t; } @Override public Expression caseTypeConstructorCall(TypeConstructorCall expr) { if (imported.containsKey(expr.getTypedef())) { expr.setTypedef(imported.get(expr.getTypedef())); } return expr; } }.doSwitch((EObject) data.getData()); } // Do all the definitions, sort first List<VertexData> graphData = new ArrayList<VertexData>(added); graphData = new Graph(graphData).sortByDependency(); List<Declaration> sortedDeclarations = new ArrayList<Declaration>(); for (VertexData data : graphData) { sortedDeclarations.add((Declaration) data.getData()); } int nrOfDeclarations = network.getDeclarations().size(); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfDeclarations; i++) { network.getDeclarations().remove(0); } for (Declaration decl : sortedDeclarations) { network.getDeclarations().add(decl); } // Finally, redirect all expressions that references TypedefImport/VariableImport // to point at the real thing. new IrReplaceSwitch() { @Override public Expression caseVariableExpression(VariableExpression e) { if (imported.containsKey(e.getVariable())) { e.setVariable(imported.get(e.getVariable())); } return e; } }.doSwitch(network); }